Drilling - Is anyone else just plain tired of the Democrats talking points?
2008-06-27 06:30:33 UTC
Every single democrat who is interviewed regarding drilling spouts the exact same talking points. They all mention existing leases, and say we can't "drill our way out of this problem".

Its not like we're converting trillions of dollars worth of existing vehicles and engines that run on oil over to something else anytime soon. Even if the things they say are true in principle, why are they so against drilling? Are they stupid, or just pathologically opposed to anything that Republicans are for?
27 answers:
Rob M
2008-06-27 08:53:21 UTC
The answers here show how brainwashed and gullible people are. They don't understand anything about these "leases", yet they blindly repeat what they hear on television. Can they also say "Polly want a cracker?"
pastor of muppets
2008-06-27 07:26:49 UTC
Consider this:

30 years ago, we had a gas crisis. we haven't done anything since then to move away from oil. Sure, we can start drilling for oil offshore, but it IS just a temporary solution. Talking point or not, it is the truth. Eventually, we have to move away from using so much oil.

So, let's start drilling now, but I think there should also be legislation passed investing in alternative fuel sources and requiring a higher minimum fuel economy standard for all automobiles sold in the US.

Also, if China wasn't drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba (with the potential of getting oil that lies off of our coast), I don't think we'd be pressing the off-shore drilling issue so hard.

Finally, don't forget that it was President Bush (41) that placed the restrictions on off-shore drilling.
2008-06-27 06:43:21 UTC
I think you need to eductate yourself just a bit more on all this 'drilling' talk......

While it may be true that many of the Dems are speaking the same talking points, it is also true that even if the Dems were to suddenly allow all the drilling around every corner of our shores, it would do nothing for several years.....

What would be the point of it all then? Wouldn't it make more sense for us to start finding new forms of energy, instead of allowing the oil companies to keep ravaging our coasts (when accidents happen and then they fight it so that they are not held responsible!).

That they keep all their ungodly profits while spilled oil is left to be picked up by the very citizens that did not want them there in the first place, because if they don't, who would? The oil companies? Not with their corporate interests on the line!

Perhaps the Dems are right, perhaps we as a society would be better served to find cleaner alternatives (keep these new jobs in America!) of fuel and energy and stop being pawns to Middle Eastern dictators and Western Corporations?
2008-06-27 06:47:21 UTC
I don't like all the plans (lets take the caps off the existing wells first and deal with the leases already in place that have not been exploited)

Nevertheless, here is an idea who's time has come.


I believe the oil companies need to be nationalized and the profits go back to the people in the form of lower taxes.Same with our communications systems.

Where I live in China as a transplanted American, both are nationalized and a gallon of gas costs about a buck less, and my cell phone bill is obscenely little. About $15 a month and I use it extensively.

Plus, I pay zero sales tax, and tax on a home is very small to non existent, plus I have no income tax, despite that I make considerably more then the average person.

There is a lot of revenue to be made off of both which gives the people more disposable income. A win for the government, a win for the people, a win for our economy. It will just pizzzz off the fat cats, one that some love to support, yet they don't give a rats behind about their supporters.

We often hear that the oil companies have a vested interest to give alternative energy only lip service. What better way to take care of that problem then put energy in the hands of the people. We need a Manhatten type of program to help eliminate our dependance on foreign oil while putting on the fast track alternative energy sources. The oil companies will fight both till all we will have left is a drop in the bucket of what we really need, all while we, the tax payer, continues to give them welfare bucks.

What I fail to understand, people will fight tooth and nail to support the oil companies while continuing to pay high energy prices (at a profit that lines the pocket of the fat cat, who doesn't give one hoot about them.) and pay high taxes to boot. Kind of like, shooting themselves in the head just to prove they can. Makes no sense whatsoever.

I'm a capitalist, but when it comes to this, I must put my foot down and say, enough is enough.

Case in point, in Venezuela, who has nationalized oil, they pay 13 cents a gallon.

Think about it.


Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


551 - 479 BC




2008-06-27 06:45:01 UTC
No, the point need to be made over and over again until the extreme right, long oil industry boot-licks, stop braying about drilling.

Drilling represents errors of omission and commission.

By thinking drilling will solve a problem we omit taking steps that will actually help. The answer, articulated by Dems and some Repubs, is CONSERVATION and ALTERNATIVE SOURCES.

By drilling we commit several errors. First, if we drill today we will not get our first drop of gasoline to the pumps for 7-10 years. Also, the likelihood is that we will find heavy sour crude, not the light sweet crude we would like. The Gulf has several tankers filled with heavy sour that no one will buy - actually a glut of the stuff.

Drilling is just another form of welfare for the rich. Do you think Chaney has anything to do with this policy?
2008-06-27 06:43:40 UTC
Maybe you're tired of the talking points because they ring a bit to true. We can't drill our way out of our need for foreign oil. Even if we drilled everywhere the oil companies wanted it would not produce enough to change that. So you want to drill just for the sake of drilling? I think it's time we put American money and ingenuity to work. I think it's time we put the effort into alternative energy sources like we did when we took a barely viable space program to the moon in less than a decade. We have the talent in this country, we have the money, we just need the incentive and the guts to tell the oil lobbyist to f - off. We're drilling for oil all over the US in record setting rates. Just not in ANWR
2008-06-27 06:45:39 UTC
None of the Democrats energy ideas produce a single KW of energy, create jobs in the immediate future, or provide anything realistic for the working man, though there are plenty of "research grants" for the intellgentsia.

They want to blame oil company profits when the reality is their profits are rising because there sales are rising.

They want to blame speculators for inflating the price of oil, but have no answer when confronted with the fact that part of the speculators strategy includes the USA NOT drilling for its own resources. If you start drilling, speculators now have a changed ball game.

They think high oil and gas prices are good, which if conservation is your only goal, they are, but my goal is also to stop putting money into the coffers of foreign governments that mean to do us harm (I would still buy oil from friendly nations, like Canada, Mexico, and Brazil, but they alone can not meet our demand).

Just because I support drilling does NOT mean I want to ignore greener technology, but as they are not yet a viable alternative, we need to keep our economy going in the meantime

At least Senator McCain has acknowledged that the game has changed.
2008-06-27 06:35:45 UTC
The problem is the oil companies own thousands of acres already that they refuse to drill on. This drilling idea helps the oil companies and the oil companies only. They will get a nice fat contract to go along with their billions they already make. And the American people will go probably years without seeing an improvement in gas prices
2016-10-13 06:09:50 UTC
Um. they're a relatives it is interior the familiar public eye and that they might desire to appreciate that. A candidate's relatives, while one in all them is working for a place this intense up, is often interior the familiar public eye. Even familiar Joes won't have the capacity to help from evaluating her daughter to Jamie Lynn Spears. besides, why is each and every person denied the staggering to unfastened speech now? you recognize, after all forms of crap approximately Obama grew to become into noted that wasn't even genuine. additionally, the reason i believe this subject is a one in all those vast deal is because of the fact it is going against Palin's very own values. It might desire to be stressful for her to appreciate that her 17 year previous is pregnant and as a mom and a guy or woman i believe undesirable for her. As a politician, i do no longer. even however those each and every person is human beings, they might desire to no longer be predicted to be seen that way via the entire u . s . a .. I additionally wanna factor some thing out. you're saying you're sick of people asserting "how can she administration a rustic while she would have the capacity to't even administration her very own daughter." human beings gave Britney Spears' mom various **** while Jamie Lynn grew to become into pregnant, calling her a damaging mom and he or she have been given a measly e book deal cancelled because of the fact of it. while a diverse mom, who has different issues interior the Democrats eyes as quickly as she grew to become into nominated, is positioned into the comparable place, why might desire to she get one in all those diverse intestine reaction? .
kenny J
2008-06-27 06:55:33 UTC
There exists over 60 million acres for drilling in leases to the oil companies..

There exists an oil spill on average one ever 4.5 days.

To hell with the oil companies and the largest profits in history, the tune of $10 billion a quarter.

I won't thank them or any lying republican.

Wake up you are being duped.
hazard to your heath
2008-06-27 06:45:37 UTC
Yes we need to explore and drill. To Jimbo the leases that you are talking about are in very difficult areas to drill. Not cost productive to take the risk because even if the have good geological info there is no guarantee they will find sufficient oil. On the other hand the areas that they intend on drilling is less difficult. Thus less expensive to get. Making it profitable to all that would be involved. Just think of all the jobs that would be created if we started exploring and drilling.
2008-06-27 07:08:02 UTC
The Exxon - Valdez ruling yesterday says it all...

Bush has put the oil companies in charge of our country. They already have a monopoly and a free hand to do what they want with two branches of our government. The legislature is the last hold-out.

Look at their profits compared to the rest of the stock market.

Nothing will change as long as a handful of companies control our economy.

The only way to reduce energy costs is to cut Big Oil out of the picture.

That is going to require either regulation to break up their stranglehold on well-to-pump control or to find and finance alternatives to re-institute competition.

What ever happened to the REPUBLICAN "talking point"...that capitalism is the superior economic theory because it promotes COMPETITION to keep prices in check?

A handful of golf-buddies whose companies are pulling down tens of billions in profits do not exactly have a huge incentive to "correct the market".
Richard is a Proud Republican
2008-06-27 06:43:05 UTC
Liberals major money comes form radical enviromentalist groups so they are more than willing to let the american people suffer to keep that money flowing into their pokets. We have such vast deposits of oil right here at home yet instead of lifting the ban on drilling and say it wonnt help they want to sue OPEC to produce more!!!!! Ummmm wake up we can drill more right here!!!! if you lift the ban! and if it is not going to help then why is OPEC Drilling more Going to help? Because it will keep us dependent on forigen oil and they can keep the enviromentalists happy. Well they watch the American people suffer because if it. There is morality for you line your pokets at everyone else's cost!!

There are no Alternative that wil lower the price anytime soon ethier. And For everyone blaming this on Speckulators well then it would help they would see a larger suplly in the coming soon.
2008-06-27 06:40:47 UTC
Because with high prices at the pumps and everyone whining about prices that other countries have been dealing for years they can shove their alternate sources down the pubic throats. They've been attempting to do so for decades but with gas being cheap the general public ignored them. The only way to get the average citizen to care is to hit them in the pocket book so now they are drooling over the chance of making money off alternate power sources and forcing their ways upon the public.
2008-06-27 06:37:08 UTC
Democrat talking points?

I can't look at the Politics section on Y!A without seeing a question on offshore drilling (aka Republican talking points).

Update: "Isn't it funny how ever people answering here are repeating the talking points? Use your brains people."

Says the GOP talking point speaker.
2008-06-27 06:34:52 UTC
about as opposed as the Republicans are to anything that comes out of a Democrat....

You seem to be seeing the light of the problem........good for are one step closer to not being a Lemming.... just went back onto the Lemming list.....You need to be educated, not everyone else. Oil Prices are high because the dollar is low and commodity speculators and investors are piling TONS of money into commodities.

Supply levels are high and demand is decreasing each week. Syria wants to reduce it's prduction because there is so much oil on the market right now. If we are in such a supply crunch, why haven't I had any trouble getting gas? Why haven't there been outages??

Do YOUR homework then come back....
2008-06-27 06:54:21 UTC
Yeah. WE'RE stupid. There are acres and acres and acres of land under lease by the oil companies which aren't yet being touched, and Republicans want to lease them even MORE land - PROTECTED land... but WE are the stupid ones.
2008-06-27 06:37:41 UTC
There are parts of our coastline that have been destroyed forever due to oil spills. Centuries old fishing cities and families are ruined.

Time to switch the consumer over to using less fuel and alternative fuel to save the oil for less changeable industries.

Not stupid - long range planning.
Due Christmas Day; Baby#2
2008-06-27 06:37:38 UTC
They are just opposed to anything Republicans are for! Its crazy. They want to B*tch and complain about how high the oil prices are now, but they don't want to drill. Blows me away!! I don't understand. Shut up and do something about it.
2008-06-27 06:37:33 UTC
I agree that we will need something other than oil in the future but as of now we don't have that "Something" so let's drill the oil we have until then.
2008-06-27 06:34:58 UTC
Why dont you ask the Big Oil company's why they dont use their Massive profits to build the rigs to drill before you rip people for not allowing it
2008-06-27 06:37:19 UTC
It's obvious by your question and the vapidity of the cons' response that the magnitude of this problem is far greater than the tiny little conservative brain can fathom.

Source: Petroleum Engineer

Cons HATE reality.
2008-06-27 06:53:57 UTC
I sure am. Those enviro-marxists are driving us to the poor house!
2008-06-27 06:35:22 UTC
I agree and I am sick of their whining! Let's get off shore drilling started in this country now and get 'off the pot'.
2008-06-27 06:36:04 UTC
I am so tired of the Democratic zombie replies I am fleeing from them after 36 years of being a God! I can't take them anymore!
2008-06-27 06:35:27 UTC
No Drilling.

No Nuke Plants

No Blood for Oil

All slogans of a party that has NO SOLUTION to our energy issues. All they have are mindless slogans that their stupid college student supporters and other communities chant.
2008-06-27 06:34:51 UTC
The dem's environmental restrictions keeps other energy sources from being used


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.