You can't convince them that God in the past put values and morals in our families and country. They will say...look at the priests and look at the boy scouts etc.....
Well..those instances were far and few compared to now.....There are far more athiests and those that complain about God causing harm to others and committing more crime than anyone that believes in God.
Look at the family structure and the 40 percent illegitimate birth rate and the lack of education and schools that have lost control and can't teach but spend more time babysitting than anything else.
NO ONE can deny....things are much scarier. Back in the 60's we didn't lock our cars or even our houses at night....we could stay out and go for walks at night and not be afraid....we could let our children out to play without being out there with them...and allow them to walk home from school without fear of them being hurt or harrassed by gangs.
Children cannot get their excercise and stay inside playing video games and computer....and can't get outside to climb trees and have fun without mom and dad watching over them every second.
It is sad....
just the other day a woman was beaten to death for two bucks.....
By the is true our prisons are full of those that believe in God. THEY ALL BELIEVE IN GOD in Prison....they get paroled easier if they do!
I have an uncle who is in prison and he suddenly believes in God when all his life he had not. BAD SEED...and it also allows him out of his cell to participate in Christian discussions and gives him more credibility to do other things. I hope he stays in prison for his whole term...and we never see him for the next 25 years!
And DARWIN...God never promised a life of no pain and utopia. He didn't have us...and like a father he lets us make decisions and live by them. He isn't like bozo that censors us and stops us from free will.
Life is life...good and bad...and I have a handicapped son. When and if you ever have will realize the difference between grace and arrogance and you will be more accepting of difference instead of criticizing it.
Children die...I have a granddaughter that died when a TV fell on her head and crushed her skull. Should I blame God for that TV and stop TV's from being sold? Is that God's fault?
MAN and nature create virus's and health is not God.
Get an education and stop being one sided.
God never promised us an easy flight...just a safe trip home!