Once again Short-Sighted vision looks at an EFFECT and not the Cause.
You say the Cause is that we can't Compete with China....it's not.
The Cause is a Misguided Ideal that a person with NO skill, no training, that sits on a production line and pushes a button every time Part B passes by Part A DESERVES, and is Entitled to $40/hour, with $20,000 worth of Benefits a year.
It's that sort of Artificial Pressure on our workforce that has CAUSED the Cost of Producing even the Simplest of Products beyond the Affordability of even the People that produce them.
You can't have it both ways....we can't have Exorbitant Wages for simple function-jobs AND have cheap goods.
It's simple.
And Solyndra and the OTHER 15 FAILED Companies that were touted by Mr. Obama had nothing to do with the Chinese....they were pay offs for campaign contributions and support for his election...here's the cash, get it and get out.
There are 3 Different Solar Panel Companies in the USA that are making a Fortune...and not a Single one of the 3 took a PENNY of Stimulus...
How can you say that it is Impossible to Succeed without Government Subsidies, when the 15 that GOT Subsidies Failed an the 3 that DID NOT get them are Successful
It's all Politics...people want the World to emulate their IDEALS, rather than forming Ideals that fit the World.
Thanks for asking, and anyone that Supports the Immoral, Illegal, Corrupt practices by our Government and the Stimulus Recipients (oh, Goldman Sachs received more in Stimulus Money than any other single ENTITY, and they gave more to the Obama 2008 Campaign that to any other candidate if you wonder why the received so much) those are the Un-American folks. NOT the 3 companies that are Making Panels AND a profit and creating jobs and helping our environment.