As a principled conservative what do you do when you lose your job, fall behind on debt, are sick w/no insur?
2009-01-30 08:26:47 UTC
How do those bootstraps work to pick your self up?
37 answers:
2009-01-30 08:47:02 UTC
No doubt the detractors here still have jobs. But maybe not for long if their boss finds out what they're doing on company time.

Funny how the detractors love to judge but don't offer any real solutions. And if they do, they throw in an insult at the end. God must be so proud.

But you go on unemployment (which won't pay your rent/mortgage) get on Cobra (in which the ability to qualify for it coincides with your ability to pay for it).

One person was right on the money when he said to call your creditors and work out a payment plan.

If you are really sick, go to the ER.

Then look for another job. It's very tough when layoffs are happening by the thousands.
The emperor has no clothes
2009-01-30 09:02:08 UTC
Weeellll, let's see. I am a principled conservative and I have lost my job. Several times in fact over the course of my life. The first time was tough. I was young and had little experience in the work place or the 'out of work' place, but fortunately I'd been paying for a few years into the 'unemployment insurance' program and so was provided with something to last me the three or four weeks it took me to find a new job. I remember updating my resume the same day I lost my job. I remember availing myself of all the resources out there, most of them private resources who had a vested interest in helping find a new job.

I found one and did not go into debt. My new job, by the way, offered insurance as a benefit. That was important to me because, as a principled conservative, I wanted to make sure that I was protected from such things and would not be a burden on society.

Then, many years later, Clinton stuck his finger in the tech bubble and millions people lost their jobs. I was one of them. It took me a few days to figure out what I was going to do. After all, I had a wife, a mortgage and two kids to support. So, I took $50 down to the state corporation commission, filed for and started my own IT consulting business. I then availed myself of the MANY resources available and within four weeks had my first contract. And remember, I got that contract at the very depth of Clinton's recession. My company has been growing ever since. In fact, four years ago, during the height of the Bush economic recovery, I started another company which controls over a million dollars in assets and which is also going strong.

During this time we reduced our spending to the essentials. It is amazing how little folks actually need to meet their essential obligations! I bought private medical insurance for myself and my family, which, by the way, was not cheap! And I never went into debt. After all, I'd been putting a little away in savings just in case. I had been 'fiscally responsible'.

Amazing, huh? Lost my job, got a new one. Didn't fall into debt and have always taken responsible actions to plan ahead so that I could support myself and my family under almost any circumstances. What a concept, huh?

Oh, by the way, I also didn't get married or have my wife start popping out kids until I was certain we could afford to support a family. That too, it seems, is a pretty radical concept.

But good question. Hope that helps.
2009-01-30 11:59:56 UTC
I have been out of work, behind the bills and gotten sick at the same time. I went to work at a fast food restaurant. They didn't pay well but did have insurance. Called my creditors and worked out payment plans based on my new much lower salary and went to the doctor and worked out a payment plan with him. Then I worked and kept looking for a better paying job. But guess what because I worked hard that better paying job came from the fast food restaurant. I went into management. I got my bills caught up and vowed to never, ever put myself in that position again. I still work every day, I still have insurance, I have saved enough money to fund not only the next six months but to fund my retirement so I won't have to depend on social security. I have held a job of one kind or another for 50 years. I have never collected unemployment or welfare and all of creditors have gotten every penny I owed them. My house was house I could afford when I bought it and managed to pay the house off in 16 years of 30 year note. My husband and I own two late model cars and they are paid off. We are now taking nice vacations because we save money all year to pay for them. My husband is now retired and in just under 3 years I will join him and we are ready.

Bootstraps are just another name for hard work. Maybe those who go crying to government for everything should try it. Don't tell me there are no jobs. If you are not picky there is always something even if it doesn't pay what you are used to.
2016-04-04 06:26:30 UTC
We'll take my dad for example... he's a die-hard Republican, who thinks all government assistance should be done away with. But, when my parents were pregnant with me, they had to go on Medicaid to pay for the surgery my mother needed (removal of ovarian cysts that would have killed me in-utero, and likely her as well, had she carried to term) and other pregnancy-related government aid. The argument is... "should you have been denied the option to save me and mom, just because you were being given a hand-out to do so?" And he has no answer. Since then, they have improved greatly financially, but it will not negate the fact that at one point, they WERE like many people who truly needed aid from available government programs to deal with a very serious issue. The fact is, sometimes, government assistance is necessary. Most don't want to believe it, because there WILL always be people who "take advantage" of ANY system. But, the simple fact of the matter is, for those who truly need the help, the option still MUST be available.
2009-01-30 09:10:02 UTC
- Get another job or make one.

- Set-up payment plans and deferrals with creditors.

- Go to the doctor.

- When all else fails, get voluntary help.

It is empirically true there are conservatives on welfare. It is also empirically true this is in extremely low proportion to their general population. It is by far a more liberal tendency.

Khan. Use your head. We TiVo Glenn because we're still on our way home from work.

Joshua, it's no secret that your "red states" vs "blue states" comparison is in raw dollars. Blue states are more populous. On a per/capita basis, the money moves in the other direction.

It's also no secret that "shooting sprees" are strongly correlated to the portion of liberals in a given area.

Of course we've heard of the "I hate liberals shooter." It's hard to miss since it's the only known case of an allegedly conservative mass-shooter.

So, according to Les the majority of people on welfare are committing fraud since they're also hard at work. Busy-work the State MAKES you do doesn't really count since it is NOT due to your own choice nor industriousness. There are countless reasons for someone to be poor, and exactly ONE reason for remaining so. By the way, Les, No Conservative favors GIVING money to companies. "Corporate welfare" is a term Democrats invented. It means not taking ALL of your money if you form a company. A principled conservative promotes ideas proven to move people OUT of poverty. Liberals HATE that - a lot.
2009-01-30 08:53:46 UTC
[[[ I understand that you don't realize what you are doing by asking this question sarcastically, but you are simply equating what is right, and how people should live, with conservatism.]]]

Most true conservatives, not those who claim to be one during elections and vote for compassionate conservatism, don't usually get loaded down with debt. The IOU credit based system is not a conservative ideal, a gold, products and services system is, so for instance, when my "conservative" father did access this credit system and bought his house, he made sure it was at a "fixed interest rate" and payed a little more every month, and when he got another loan, he always made sure he had savings in case the interest rates went up. I know, how annoying right?

When a true conservative, or as you say, a "principled conservative" loses their job, they simply go and get another one.

When a "principled conservative" gets sick, they most likely would have insurance.
2009-01-30 08:54:11 UTC
I did lose my job once, was out of work for a year and had about $70 / week to live in. Ramen noodles was what I ate, I could not afford anything else. I should have gotten welfare, but I was stubborn. I stuck to my convictions, worked hard to find a job, found one and turned myself around.

Bootstraps worked really well, but I would not wish upon anyone what I went through.
2009-01-30 08:48:16 UTC
I have been with a job and a home and food. I always have at least one car that is completely paid for and I try to have enough saved up to last six months. But in the last case of unemployment as a skilled IT worker I ended up digging ditches to survive and I got a second very low paying job working for Dillard's. The rest of my time was spent looking for work. I ate little, slept in my car and work my rear off until I could come back to the top.
2009-01-30 08:48:38 UTC
Loss of Job= Look for another job.

Fall behind on debt= suck it up, keep trying to pay it off. Know that Im not the only one with debt problems-

Sick w/o insurance= Get a job with insurance in the first place.

btw- welfare was created as a last resort for the hard working people out there in case of emergencies. A temporary backdrop, not a permenant solution. I totally understand when people become sick and are unable to continue working. they are fully in their rights to use it, they have been paying for it every paycheck. . .

Its the people who have never worked a day in their lives and sit at home collecting pain killers and welfare checks, just expecting it to be there day after day.
Killer Queen
2009-01-30 08:41:42 UTC
I've been there. I used the vast amount of financial aid (grants, stipends, scholarships, student loans) to go back to school. I worked two jobs and paid off my debt. I sacrificed and saved my money. I didn't own a TV for 3 years. I drove a 10 year old car. When I had enough, I started my own business. I worked night and day to get that business running. Then I started another. And another. Hard work and determination. That's how I did it.

Oh and just so you know. I have multiple sclerosis.
kevin s
2009-01-30 08:44:57 UTC
As a principaled conservative I have moved ahead very slowly but am now ahead very well and I did it by pretty much staying out of debt in the first place.

My company is laying off people left and right. Anybody should have seen this coming with the wreckless way people, companies and the government were borrowing money.

Now we are in a mess. some of us are braced for it.

Up till now real conservatives lives might have seemed dull normal but I see this way of thinking coming back into the main stream finaly.
2009-01-30 09:02:40 UTC
My boot straps have always served me well. I am not rich but I get by and I am happy and content with what I have. I do not want a handout and I do not want to take what someone else has worked for and earned for themselves. If I don't have enough I will figure out a way to get what I want on my own, legally and by myself. Self Sufficiency is a very great feeling.
2009-01-30 08:46:30 UTC
That's when you are fully within your rights to file for the assistance that your tax dollars have paid for, because as a "Principled Conservative" these measures are only a temporary fix and not a way of life.

I speak for myself, but I am not against people seeking and receiving aid when circumstances call for it.
2009-01-30 08:52:23 UTC
Principled Conservatives wouldn't have debt to begin with. You can always find work. Spend some of your savings (pricipled conservative would have such a thing) on your health, and rebuild as quickly as possible. It's not hard to figure out. The biggest difference would be that they got off their azzes and did everything they could.

Not afraid of hard labor, and having money saved ahead of time.
Galaxie Girl
2009-01-30 08:42:52 UTC
You take whatever work you can get. Even if that means cleaning toilets or gutting fish. There is always work to be found, it just depends on what kind of work you're willing to do.

If you fall behind on debt or get sick w/o insurance, then debt piles up. It happens. But the great thing about this country is that times will get better, and you will be able to pay it off.
2009-01-30 08:59:42 UTC
Get unemployment for a very limited time, and get a new job.

Too many abuse the system...there should be stricter enforcement when tax payers money is being used on people.
Kit Fang
2009-01-30 08:45:10 UTC
Get another job - any job. Call the bank and explain to them and work out a new repayment deal. Even with no insurance you can still get treatment.

But to be honest you would be an idiot to not have an insurance fund in the first place.
Man yahoo is biased
2009-01-30 08:42:20 UTC
A principled conservative plans for Job Loss, doesn't carry debt and always has enough money for insurance.

If you find yourself in one of those three situations it just proves your a DEMOCRAT!!!
Wished I could.
2009-01-30 08:43:33 UTC
I find another job. There is ALWAYs something out there. It might be Walmart, It might be McDonalds. But there are some jobs.

It's not permanent, but it is a job. Then I work to get back up and go again.

I have worked for almost the past 30 years. I have had several jobs. I have never drawn one cent in unemployment or any gov. assistance. Actually because I have worked, i don't qualify for it.
2009-01-30 09:02:21 UTC
I've always wondered about that, conservatives seem to have Superman theory that they won't/can't be affected, because...well, no logical reason, except they think they are Superman.

I feel sorry for them, no one gets through life alone on top for ever.

And by the time it happens to them they fall really hard, and have no resources to help them out.

They are the ones who eat their guns, jump from windows and shoot their families, they are desperate people when they find out they are just as human and life tossed as the people they have despised for all those years.
2009-01-30 08:41:14 UTC
you call on the gov social programs, take advantage of them, find a job and get back to work. you do not make a career of living off the gov. somewhat simple but the end game is to get a job, quickly.
2009-01-30 08:46:03 UTC
Nice Question,

I think that most conservatives are brainwashed into thinking that "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" is the answer to all problems.

They do not realize that people who work hard and life decent lives may actually need welfare. They do not realize that the majority of people on welfare work, just as hard as they do.

I despise the idea that conservatives believe that poor people are lazy. There are countless reasons for someone to be poor, and many of them do not involve bad decisions or lack of education.

What I despise even more is that those same conservatives that bash the poor are all for giving corporate welfare to multi-millionaires as an excuse to promote capitalism. Why give help and tax breaks to corporations, they hand out billions in bonuses alone, why give them tax breaks? But if you are a principled conservative, then the poor is your enemy.
Islam Delenda Est
2009-01-30 08:47:53 UTC
I'm being downsized today as a matter of fact. I brought my resume up to date and will be looking diligently as of Monday.

What did you think we would do? Cry and pout?
Scott H
2009-01-30 08:41:04 UTC
I find another job, call my creditors and work out a payment plan so they know I have every intention of paying them back, and I make an appointment and go to my family doctor; I've had the same doctor for so long they allow me to make payments monthly instead of all at once.

Why is this so hard to understand?
Angie G
2009-01-30 17:33:26 UTC
pray to God for an answer he will give you an answer to this
2009-01-30 08:42:36 UTC
Well as a last resort you become a blood sucking Democrat who only comes out at night.
Roger M
2009-01-30 08:40:35 UTC
you keep on keeping on

Being prepared means you have savings and you have insurance

I would NEVER be without health insurance.

I have developed income streams that are not dependant on me always working.

Now, stop complaining and find a solution. Don't ask me to pay your way
2009-01-30 08:40:33 UTC
We pay into the unemployment insurance fund just like you do. Only we actually go out and look for a new job, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves and begging the government for help.

Conservatives believe in the natural generosity and inherent goodness of people. You do not need to force it, there are charitable organizations which people gladly give to. When my parents were homeless and my mother was sick, the Catholic Church helped them out and gave them a place to stay until they got back on their feet. I was in basic training at the time. Does that answer your question, bagel?
2009-01-30 08:48:04 UTC
a republican lives forever poor, no matter how much money they have, the pretend love on the stage of take
Joshua H
2009-01-30 08:40:35 UTC
It's no secret that the conservative red states live off Federal government welfare and are heavily subsidized by the blue states TO THE TUNE OF $2000 PER PERSON.
2009-01-30 08:41:09 UTC
They get on welfare, get their unemployment benifits, but keep on bashing the poor and jobless as lazy like always.

Have you heard of the I hate liberals shooter? Poor smuck was unemployed and blamed liberals for it. He went on to a liberal Unitarian church and tried to massacre the whole church. He killed 2 or 3 people and injured several.
2009-01-30 08:41:03 UTC
Principled conservatism is really just Mathusianism.

They just go on shooting sprees and take their own lives at the end.
Burnt Bagel
2009-01-30 08:39:40 UTC
the only honorable thing to do is commit suicide. I was just to told conservatives are all for personal responsibility, that's the only reasonable choice..

Hey Justin H , it's also sick with no insurance.
2009-01-30 08:39:01 UTC
Annie, grab yer gun, we's a-goin' bank robbin'
Boss H
2009-01-30 08:44:24 UTC
"principled conservative "?!


What is that, some kind of snack food or something??!?!!!

2009-01-30 08:40:24 UTC
You start blaming the immigrants for taking your job. Then you Tivo all the Glenn Beck episodes, so you can watch them while you are at home on unemployment.
2009-01-30 08:39:15 UTC
"principled conservative"

those hypocrites go on welfare

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