Why can't Jews accept that Christians are right!?
2007-08-31 06:24:46 UTC
Why can't Jews accept that Christians are right!?
27 answers:
Noah H
2007-08-31 06:53:43 UTC
Good question...the short answer is based on history and culture. Jews existed for at least 3000 years before Jesus, and have existed for two thousand years since. A long established culture doesn't bend for every new idea unless it has some advantage over the old ideas. There's not a lot in the christian faith that's different from the jewish why change? Sure the christians offer more pie in the sky when you die, but to jews being a decent person isn't supposed to earn a reward. Being a decent person IS a reward. Life gives a person an opportunity to do good in the world. If 'God' wants to reward that, that's on His nickle...certainly acceptable, but the reward isn't the point. Who know..maybe the christians are 'right', but that doesn't invalidate other religions, or no religion for that matter. Belief is a good thing, but external behavior is better. Also, since the 1200s 'christians' have made a practice of killing, exiling and making life miserable for jews....who wants to join a club where causing grief where there was no grief is part of the rules? To this day the christians go out of their way to try to convert jews.....sort of like trying to convert an Irishman to a chinaman. Culturally, jews are not easily convinced....if you have two jews you have three opinions. Christians 'believe', jews argue and require proof....then they argue some more. My bet is that at the end of the world there will still be jews and they'll still be good, decent people doing good and decent things...kina ahora!
2007-08-31 06:53:42 UTC
Oh, really. So what evidence do you have that Christians are right, or wrong for that matter? You come across as smug and arrogant. This is just the kind of attitude that turns people off to Christians and Christianity. As a Christian I am sometimes embarrassed by such blatant arrogance on the part of other Christians. Was Jesus arrogant? I doubt it. Try to be less unforgiving. Rembember Jesus was a Jew as were his followers until much later.
2007-08-31 09:42:39 UTC
Why can't you see that Jews think Christians are wrong? This belongs in the Religion section.
la buena bruja
2007-08-31 06:30:13 UTC
Jesus was born, lived, and died as a Jew. What does that tell you???? Trying to force your beliefs down someone else's throat doesn't make you right. It simply makes you annoying. If you believe that God is love, then you shouldn't be so intolerant to Jews, or to any other group who has a different belief. Try following your own religion without hypocrisy before you start criticizing other peoples' beliefs.
2007-08-31 06:34:31 UTC
Jews were here first. Sounds like its the Christians who couldn't accept things.
2007-08-31 09:38:28 UTC
What makes this a "political" question?

Jews cannot accept Jesus as God because the believe that God would become human is the ultimate heresy!

2007-08-31 06:32:06 UTC
If you assume that you are right because you believe in a faith different from another, you are making an assumption on very shaky ground. Feel free to worship as you choose, but don't try and tell others they are wrong in their choice, that is supreme arrogance. BTW, I am a Chistian.
2007-08-31 06:29:55 UTC
I think you should keep your mind open and accepting to all people. Not everyone believes in the same things. There are many different cultures, religions, and races who have different beliefs, customs and traditions. Just remember to be respectful!
2007-08-31 06:41:34 UTC
Ah, I see the teachings of Christ were left out of your religious education. You know that 'eye for an eye' stuff is from the Jewish faith. And Christ lived his life as a Jew. But he taught us to 'love thy neighbor as thyself', 'turn the other cheek' , 'blessed are the meek' and 'judge not lest ye be judged.' Think on these things and get back to me...
2007-08-31 06:47:09 UTC
Why can't you accept that Christians ripped off the parts of the Jewish tradition that suited their purposes. The Jewish people are God's people the bible says. Oh and are you aware of the fact that Jesus is dead? So take another hit of your pipe and think about this for awhile. You worship a dead man heres your reality check for today
2007-08-31 07:12:32 UTC
i think your all wrong GOD does not want any of us to kill each other we`re all his children, you people need to feel your way is right and theirs is wrong, this is not right. do you believe it`s ok for one of your kids to kill another one just to prove he was right? shamefully theirs been more people killed in the name of GOD than all of the world wars put together, and you still don`t get it, i`m a baptized catholic myself but i see to many people just following what someone else says and not reading the bible for themselves, i see nutjobs come into the astrology rooms preaching that astrology is witchcraft if you read in the bible you will see that (GOD gave us the 12 house`s of the nazarath so we may better understand ourselves) these are what we now call the house`s of the zodiac if you read the bible you would know this for yourselves but no you let someone else read the most popular sections of the bible and throw the rest of the book away it also says in the bible (thou shall not judge others unless you want judged yourself). i`d say you were a pretty sorry christian myself. how many people did jesus go and kill? none, even with his example you still can`t grasp what he meant, it`s about accepting others for who they are not saying your wrong, hey your wrong too, only with compassion and treating others equally will we be able to break the chains of prejudice we like to bind ourselves with. GOD`s biggest gift he gave to us is free choice, jesus had jewish followers and none of us is better than the next guy no matter what they believe we`re supposed to be helping each other not picking fights with whos wrong or whos right. think people what would you do to your kids if they were wrong kill them? i should hope not. you have a brain use it, hard as it may seem try putting yourself in GOD`s shoes and think how GOD feels we`re all his children no matter if we want to be or not i hope i made some sense to you and you decide to think about what i said, because i put myself in GODS shoes and thought about how i would feel about my own children if they were asking what you did, peace and blessings
2007-09-02 20:11:22 UTC
Ma'am I think you are being very rude let anyone believe what they want to people

Maybe encourage them to go your way but do not tease them for their beliefs and think that is classless

BTW: I'm Christian too
2007-08-31 06:31:09 UTC
You exhibit the "holier than thou" characteristic that Christians seem to have. It is very annoying given that in thousands of years neither you nor your faith has managed to prove you're right.
Still Beautifully Conservative
2007-08-31 06:28:24 UTC
It seems like you are starting trouble.

And this belongs in the Religion and Spirituality section.
sleepy forrest
2007-08-31 06:33:31 UTC
why can't we all be as narrow minded as you. What a good christian attitude you have. People like you make it hard for true hearts to love all of mankind
2007-08-31 06:32:30 UTC
Over the past several thousand years,there have been many,many GODS worshiped, and to this date,NONE have been proven true, With that said...You believe in your God, The others will believe in their Gods, and the world turns......
2007-08-31 11:21:58 UTC
About what?

There is no point in starting a debate without being specific.
2007-08-31 06:32:29 UTC
That answer would depend on what you think Christians are right about.
Hot Patata
2007-08-31 06:35:59 UTC
You know what I like best about being Jewish? I'm proud to say that we don't proselytize. I don't push my beliefs on anyone, and I don't care what you believe, as long as you treat people well.

Try it sometime.
2007-08-31 06:38:59 UTC
You need to go to the library and read...stop trivilizing people's beliefs.
2007-08-31 06:38:09 UTC
I saw some Muslims behead non-Muslims in the name of Allah.
2007-08-31 06:31:14 UTC
Why don't you fly some airplanes into some buildings to prove you're right?
Mark S, JPAA
2007-08-31 08:20:05 UTC
Why can't you accept that you're an idiot?
2007-08-31 06:30:33 UTC
good morning troll :)
suray f
2007-08-31 06:28:23 UTC
beats me
2007-08-31 06:29:32 UTC
please don't start a fight.i'm a christian and i don't find this very nice
2007-08-31 10:18:23 UTC
A brief history of Christian opinions about Jews based on quotes from important Christian leaders over the centuries.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"


Ignatius Bishop of Antioch (98-117A.D.) – Epistle to the Magnesians

For if we are still practicing Judaism, we admit that we have not received God’s favor…it is wrong to talk about Jesus Christ and live like Jews. For Christianity did not believe in Judaism, but Judaism in Christianity.

"Epistle of Barnabas" Chapter 4vs 6-7 (between 130A.D. and 138 A.D.)

Take heed to yourselves and be not like some piling up you sins and saying that the covenant is theirs as well as ours. It is ours, but they lost it completely just after Moses received it.

Justin Martyr - Dialogue with Trypho (Between 138A.D. and 161 A.D.)

We too, would observe your circumcision of the flesh, your Sabbath days, and in a word, all you festivals, if we were not aware of the reason why they were imposed upon you, namely, because of your sins and the hardness of heart.

The custom of circumcising the flesh, handed down from Abraham, was given to you as a distinguishing mark, to set you off from other nations and from us Christians. The purpose of this was that you and only you might suffer the afflictions that are now justly yours; that only your land be desolated, and you cities ruined by fire, that the fruits of you land be eaten by strangers before your very eyes; that not one of you be permitted to enter your city of Jerusalem. Your circumcision of the flesh is the only mark by which you can certainly be distinguished from other men…as I stated before it was by reason of your sins and the sins of your fathers that, among other precepts, God imposed upon you the observence of the sabbath as a mark.

Origen of Alexandria (185-254 A.D.) – A ecclesiastical writer and teacher who contributed to the early formation of Christian doctrines.

We may thus assert in utter confidence that the Jews will not return to their earlier situation, for they have committed the most abominable of crimes, in forming this conspiracy against the Savior of the human race…hence the city where Jesus suffered was necessarily destroyed, the Jewish nation was driven from its country, and another people was called by God to the blessed election.

John Chrysostom (344-407 A.D.) – One of the "greatest" of church fathers; known as "The Golden Mouthed." A missionary preacher famous for his sermons and addresses.

The synagogue is worse than a brothel…it is the den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beasts…the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults…the refuge of brigands and dabauchees, and the cavern of devils. It is a criminal assembly of Jews…a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ… a house worse than a drinking shop…a den of thieves, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, the refuge of devils, a gulf and a abyss of perdition."…"I would say the same things about their souls… As for me, I hate the synagogue…I hate the Jews for the same reason.

From "The Roots of Christian Anti-Semitism" by Malcolm Hay

St. Augustine (c. 354-430 A.D.), Confessions, 12.14

How hateful to me are the enemies of your Scripture! How I wish that you would slay them (the Jews) with your two-edged sword, so that there should be none to oppose your word! Gladly would I have them die to themselves and live to you!

Peter the Venerable – known as "the meekest of men, a model of Christian charity"

Yes, you Jews. I say, do I address you; you, who till this very day, deny the Son of God. How long, poor wretches, will ye not believe the truth? Truly I doubt whether a Jew can be really human… I lead out from its den a monstrous animal, and show it as a laughing stock in the amphitheater of the world, in the sight of all the people. I bring thee forward, thou Jew, thou brute beast, in the sight of all men.

From "The Roots of Christian Anti-Semitism" by Malcolm Hay

John Calvin

A Response To Questions and Objections of a Certain Jew

Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone.

Excerpt from "Ad Quaelstiones et Objecta Juaei Cuiusdam Responsio," by John Calvin; The Jew in Christian Theology, Gerhard Falk, McFarland and Company, Inc., Jefferson, NC and London, 1931.

Medieval Sourcebook:

Martin Luther (1483-1546):

The Jews and Their Lies, excerpts (1543)


At the beginning of his career it is often said that Luther was apparently sympathetic to Jewish resistance to the Catholic Church. He wrote, early in his career:

The Jews are blood-relations of our Lord; if it were proper to boast of flesh and blood, the Jews belong more to Christ than we. I beg, therefore, my dear Papist, if you become tired of abusing me as a heretic, that you begin to revile me as a Jew.

However, sometime before 1517, in his Letters to Spalatin, we can already see that Luther's hatred of Jews, best seen in tis 1543 letter, was not some affectation of old age, but was present very early on. Luther expected Jews to convert to his purified Christianity. When they did not, he turned violently against them.

It is impossible for modern people to read the horrible passages below and not to think of the burning of synagogues in November 1938 on Krystalnacht. Nor would one wish to excuse Luther for this text.

A number of points must, however, be made. The most important concerns the language used. Luther used violent and vulgar language throughout his career: he was not a man to say "manure" when he meant "****". We do not expect religious figures to use this sort of language in the modern world, but it was not uncommon in the early 16th century. Second, although Luther's comments seem to be proto-Nazi, they are better seen as part of tradition of Medieval Christian anti-semitism. While there is little doubt that Christian anti-Semitism laid the social and cultural basis for modern anti-Semitism, modern anti-Semitism does differ in being based on pseud-scientific notions of race. The Nazis imprisoned and killed Jews who had converted to Christianity: Luther would have welcomed them.

None of this justifies what follows, but it may help to comprehend what is being written here.

The full text of this text is also available


Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies (excerpts

I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God's word is absent he has aneasy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.


He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.


Therefore the blind Jews are truly stupid fools...


Now just behold these miserable, blind, and senseless people.


...their blindness and arrogance are as solid as an iron mountain.


Learn from this, dear Christian, what you are doing if you permit the blind Jews to mislead you. Then the saying will truly apply, "When a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit" [cf. Luke 6:39]. You cannot learn anything from them except how to misunderstand the divine commandments...


Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.


Moreover, they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as arch-thieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security.


However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it. But for us Christians they stand as a terrifying example of God's wrath.


If I had to refute all the other articles of the Jewish faith, I should be obliged to write against them as much and for as long a time as they have used for inventing their lies-- that is, longer than two thousand years.


...Christ and his word can hardly be recognized because of the great vermin of human ordinances. However, let this suffice for the time being on their lies against doctrine or faith.


Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?


Alas, it cannot be anything but the terrible wrath of God which permits anyone to sink into such abysmal, devilish, hellish, insane baseness, envy, and arrogance. If I were to avenge myself on the devil himself I should be unable to wish him such evil and misfortune as God's wrath inflicts on the Jews, compelling them to lie and to blaspheme so monstrously, in violation of their own conscience. Anyway, they have their reward for constantly giving God the lie.


No, one should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants.


...but then eject them forever from this country. For, as we have heard, God's anger with them is so intense that gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them!


Over and above that we let them get rich on our sweat and blood, while we remain poor and they such the marrow from our bones.


I brief, dear princes and lords, those of you who have Jews under your rule-- if my counsel does not please your, find better advice, so that you and we all can be rid of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews, lest we become guilty sharers before God in the lies, blasphemy, the defamation, and the curses which the mad Jews indulge in so freely and wantonly against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, this dear mother, all hristians, all authority, and ourselves. Do not grant them protection, safe-conduct, or communion with us.... .With this faithful counsel and warning I wish to cleanse and exonerate my



Let the government deal with them in this respect, as I have suggested. But whether the government acts or not, let everyone at least be guided by his own conscience and form for himself a definition or image of a Jew.


However, we must avoid confirming them in their wanton lying, slandering, cursing, and defaming. Nor dare we make ourselves partners in their devilish ranting and raving by shielding and protecting them, by giving them food, drink, and shelter, or by other neighborly


Therefore we Christians, in turn, are obliged not to tolerate their wanton and conscious blasphemy.


Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death.


What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews? Since they live among us, we dare not tolerate their conduct, now that we are aware of their lying and reviling and blaspheming. If we do, we become sharers in their lies, cursing and blaspemy. Thus we cannot extinguish the unquenchable fire of divine wrath, of which the prophets speak, nor can we convert the Jews. With prayer and the fear of God we must pratice a sharp mercy to see whether we might save at least a few from the glowing flames. We dare not avenge ourselves. Vengenance a thousand times worse than we could wish them already has them by the throat. I shall give you my sincere advice:

First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians. For whatever we tolerated in the past unknowingly - and I myself was unaware of it - will be pardoned by God. But if we, now that we are informed, were to protect and shield such a house for the Jews, existing right before our very nose, in which they lie about, blaspheme, curse, vilify, and defame Christ and us (as was heard above), it would be the same as if we were doing all this and even worse ourselves, as we very well know.

Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. For they pursue in them the same aims as in their synagogues. Instead they might be lodged under a roof or in a barn, like the gypsies. This will bring home to them that they are not masters in our country, as they boast, but that they are living in exile and in captivity, as they incessantly wail and lament about us before God.

Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them. (remainder omitted)

Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb. For they have justly forfeited the right to such an office by holding the poor Jews captive with the saying of Moses (Deuternomy 17 [:10 ff.]) in which he commands them to obey their teachers on penalty of death, although Moses clearly adds: "what they teach you in accord with the law of the Lord." Thoses villains ignore that. They wantonly employ the poor people's obedience contrary to the law of the Lord and infuse them with this poison, cursing, and blasphemy. In the same way the pope also held us captive with the declaration in Matthew 16 {:18], "You are Peter," etc, inducing us to believe all the lies and deceptions that issued from his devilish mind. He did not teach in accord with the word of God, and therefore he forfeited the righ to teach.

Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like. Let they stay at home. (...remainder omitted).

Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping. The reason for such a measure is that, as said above, they have no other means of earning a livelihood than usury, and by it they have stolen and robbed from us all they possess. Such money should now be used in no other way than the following: Whenever a Jew is sincerely converted, he should be handed one hundred, two hundred, or three hundred florins, as personal circumstances may suggest. With this he could set himself up in some occupation for the support of his poor wife and children, and the maintenance of the old or feeble. For such evil gains are cursed if they are not put to use with God's blessing in a good and worthy cause.

Seventh, I commend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow, as was imposed on the children of Adam (Gen 3[:19]}. For it is not fitting that they should let us accursed Goyim toil in the sweat of our faces while they, the holy people, idle away their time behind the stove, feasting and farting, and on top of all, boasting blasphemously of their lordship over the Christians by means of our sweat. No, one should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants.


But what will happen even if we do burn down the Jews' synagogues and forbid them publicly to praise God, to pray, to teach, to utter God's name? They will still keep doing it in secret. If we know that they are doing this in secret, it is the same as if they were doing it publicly. for our knowledge of their secret doings and our toleration of them implies that they are not secret after all and thus our conscience is encumbered with it before God.


Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is:

First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss in sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire. That would demonstrate to God our serious resolve and be evidence to all the world that it was in ignorance that we tolerated such houses, in which the Jews have reviled God, our dear Creator and Father, and his Son most shamefully up till now but that we have now given them their due reward.


I wish and I ask that our rulers who have Jewish subjects exercise a sharp mercy toward these wretched people, as suggested above, to see whether this might not help (though it is doubtful). They must act like a good physician who, when gangrene has set in, proceeds without mercy to cut, saw, and burn flesh, veins, bone, and marrow. Such a procedure must also be followed in this instance. Burn down their synagogues, forbid all that I enumerated earlier, force them to work, and deal harshly with them, as Moses did in the wilderness, slaying three thousand lest the whole people perish. They surely do not know what they are doing; moreover, as people possessed, they do not wish to know it, hear it, or learn it. There it would be wrong to be merciful and confirm them in their conduct. If this does not help we must drive them out like mad dogs, so that we do not become partakers of their abominable blasphemy and all their other vices and thus merit God's wrath and be damned with them. I have done my duty. Now let everyone see to his. I am exonerated."


My essay, I hope, will furnish a Christian (who in any case has no desire to become a Jew) with enough material not only to defend himself against the blind, venomous Jews, but also to become the foe of the Jews' malice, lying, and cursing, and to understand not only that their belief is false but that they are surely possessed by all devils. May Christ, our dear Lord, convert them mercifully and preserve us steadfastly and immovably in the knowledge of him, which is eternal life.



From Luther's Works, Volume 47: The Christian in Society IV, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971). pp 268-293

Jerry Falwell and Modern Anti Semitism:

WILLIAMSBURG, Va., Jan. 15 The Rev. Jerry Falwell said the Antichrist is probably alive today and is a male Jew, and that the second coming of Christ probably will be within 10 years. Falwell later said his comments were not anti-Semitic.

IN A SPEECH Thursday about the concern people have over the new millennium, Falwell told about 1,500 people at a conference on evangelism at Kingsport, Tenn., that the Antichrist is male and is a Jew.

"Who will the antichrist be? I don't know. Nobody else knows," said Falwell, whose Sunday morning services at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg are carried by television stations nationwide.

"Is he alive and here today? Probably. Because when he appears during the Tribulation period he will be a full-grown counterfeit of Christ. Of course he'll be Jewish. Of course he'll pretend to be Christ. And if in fact the Lord is coming soon, and he'll be an adult at the presentation of himself, he must be alive somewhere today."

According to the Bible, the Antichrist will spread universal evil before the end of the world but will be finally conquered at the second coming of Christ.

Falwell, the chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg and founder of the now-defunct Moral Majority, said Friday in Williamsburg that he did not intend for his statement to be anti-Jewish. He said he meant only that the Antichrist must be Jewish because Jesus Christ was a Jew.

"If he's going to be the counterfeit of Christ, he has to be Jewish," Falwell said. "The only thing we know is he must be male and Jewish."

Rabbi James Rudin, the director of inter-religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee in New York, said the comment surprised him because he knows Falwell is a strong supporter of Israel and is not anti-Jewish.

"This is part of what I call millennial madness," Rudin said. "To single out any one man and particularly to identify him as Jewish plays into some latent and historical anti-Semitism from the past."

Billy Graham and the Nixon Tapes

Rev. Billy Graham openly voiced a belief that Jews control the American media, calling it a "stranglehold" during a 1972 conversation with President Richard Nixon, according to a tape of the Oval Office meeting released Thursday by the National Archives.

"This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declared as he agreed with a stream of bigoted Nixon comments about Jews and their perceived influence in American life.

< "You believe that?" Nixon says after the "stranglehold" comment.

"Yes, sir," Graham says.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

"No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Graham replies.

Later, Graham mentions that he has friends in the media who are Jewish, saying they "swarm around me and are friendly to me." But, he confides to Nixon, "They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

The newly released tapes cover the first six months of 1972, with the Vietnam War and the upcoming presidential campaign the backdrops for many conversations. The tapes touch subjects as varied as using a nuclear bomb on North Vietnam--a notion quickly derided by adviser Henry Kissinger--and settling a West Coast dock strike.

They also include all of the famous "smoking gun" conversation about the Watergate break-in, known for its damaging disclosures about a cover-up and its 181/2-minute gap.

The Nixon-Graham remarks came during a 90-minute session after a prayer breakfast the men attended on Feb. 1, 1972.

Scholars surprised

"I find this rather stunning," said William Martin, a professor of religion and sociology at Rice University in Houston and author of "A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story."

"This is out of character with anything else I have heard Billy Graham say or be quoted as saying. It is disappointing," Martin said.

"What Graham said that day is inexcusable. Did it ever occur to him that he should have countered the president?" said Martin Marty, a religious historian at the University of Chicago who noted the distinction some conservative evangelicals and Pentecostals have made between supporting Israel but not American Jews.

"One really did not associate him with this," said Michael Kotzin, a vice president at the Jewish United Fund in Chicago. "Rather than try to direct Nixon in a different direction, he reinforces him and eggs him on when it came to these stereotypes, and that's troubling."

Graham, 83, is not in good health and indicated, through spokesman Larry Ross, that he could not respond because he did not recall the conversation.

Thursday's release of 426 hours brings to about 2,600, out of a total of 3,700, the hours of recordings either publicly disclosed or returned to the Nixon family because they were deemed strictly personal. Many recordings, including the Graham tape, are edited to exclude content believed to disclose national security information, constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy or reveal trade secrets, among other matters.

Previous tapes have underscored the complexity of Nixon, including his insecurity and occasional nastiness. Apologists tend to cite his fits of bigotry as ancillary to his policy achievements, with the Nixon estate claiming that his harshness was often a display of faux machismo in the presence of H.R. Haldeman or his other top aide, John Erlichman.

While other prominent figures, such as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then a Nixon aide, can also be heard on tapes during mean-spirited discourses by Nixon, many assumed a more passive role. Graham is unusual for being a distinguished outsider actively taking part.

Longtime friendship

Graham and Nixon had become close friends during the Eisenhower administration, when Nixon was vice president. The friendship remained strong until Nixon was brought down by the Watergate scandal and resigned the presidency in August 1974.

Haldeman's diaries noted the conversation. He wrote that there was discussion "of the terrible problem arising from the total Jewish domination of the media, and agreement that this was something that would have to be dealt with."

He continues, "Graham has the strong feeling that the Bible says there are satanic Jews and there's where our problem arises." No such comments about the Bible are found on the tape released Thursday but, because it contains several long deletions, it's believed such remarks were excised.

The lengthy chat opens with Graham praising Nixon's prayer breakfast remarks. "There were a lot of people in tears when you finished this morning and it's very moving. That's the best I've heard you at one of those breakfast things."

After offering Nixon tips on preparing himself for big speeches, as well as strategy for his re-election campaign, Graham notes that he has been invited to lunch with editors of Time magazine. "I was quite amazed since this is the first time I've heard from Time since ;Time founder Henry Luce died."

"You meet with all their editors, you better take your Jewish beanie," Haldeman says.

Graham laughs. "Is that right? I don't know any of them now."

Hollywood and the media

Nixon then broaches a subject about which "we can't talk about it publicly," namely Jewish influence in Hollywood and the media. He cites Paul Keyes, a political conservative who is executive producer of the NBC hit, "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In," as telling him that "11 of the 12 writers are Jewish."

"That right?" says Graham, prompting Nixon to claim that Life magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and others, are "totally dominated by the Jews." He calls network TV anchors Howard K. Smith, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite "front men who may not be of that persuasion," but that their writers are "95 percent Jewish."

Nixon demurs that this does not mean "that all the Jews are bad" but that most are left-wing radicals who want "peace at any price except where support for Israel is concerned. The best Jews are actually the Israeli Jews."

"That's right," agrees Graham, who later concurs with a Nixon assertion that a "powerful bloc" of Jews confronts Nixon in the media. "And they're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff," Graham adds.

Nixon contends that "every Democratic candidate will owe his election to Jewish people," but he won't.

Haldeman turns the subject to the White House press corps and the Gridiron Club, a bastion of the media establishment, both of which they say were mostly WASP once, but no more.

"It was the Merriman Smiths, the Dick Wilsons, the ; Kilpatricks, all that kind of people. But you look at what covers the president today and it's really kind of scary," Haldeman says. Haldeman and Nixon cite by name reporters from the Los Angeles Times (David Kraslow), New York Times (Max Frankel), Washington Post (Stanley Karnow) and NBC (Herb Kaplow) but stumble on CBS.

"From CBS, Rather, Dan Rather, is Rather?" says Haldeman. A deletion then follows with the next voice heard being that of Graham, who alludes to A.M. Rosenthal, managing editor of The New York Times.

"But I have to lean a little bit, you know. I go and see friend of Mr. Rosenthal at The New York Times, and people of that sort. And all, I don't mean all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me. Because they know I am friendly to Israel and so forth. They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

Nixon says, "You must not let them know."

The conversation turns to religious magazines, postal rates and Nixon's uncharitable thoughts on certain Cabinet members. Graham then leaves and, a few minutes later, Nixon tells Haldeman, "You know it was good we got this point about the Jews across."

"It's a shocking point," says Haldeman, a frequent cheerleader during Nixon's diatribes.

"Well," says Nixon, "it's also, the Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards."<

2 posted on 03/01/2002 10:11:42 AM PST by Bommer

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To: Newz Beagle

Well the media is CRAPOLA...... and liberal and hates America.... so what's new?

3 posted on 03/01/2002 10:14:08 AM PST by KQQL

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To: Newz Beagle

From the Chicago Tribune

Nixon, Graham anti-Semitism on tape

President, pastor recorded views in 1972 meeting

By James Warren

Tribune staff reporter

March 1, 2002

Rev. Billy Graham openly voiced a belief that Jews control the American media, calling it a "stranglehold" during a 1972 conversation with President Richard Nixon, according to a tape of the Oval Office meeting released Thursday by the National Archives.

"This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain," the nation's best-known preacher declared as he agreed with a stream of bigoted Nixon comments about Jews and their perceived influence in American life.

"You believe that?" Nixon says after the "stranglehold" comment.

"Yes, sir," Graham says.

"Oh, boy," replies Nixon. "So do I. I can't ever say that but I believe it."

"No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something," Graham replies.

Later, Graham mentions that he has friends in the media who are Jewish, saying they "swarm around me and are friendly to me." But, he confides to Nixon, "They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

The newly released tapes cover the first six months of 1972, with the Vietnam War and the upcoming presidential campaign the backdrops for many conversations. The tapes touch subjects as varied as using a nuclear bomb on North Vietnam--a notion quickly derided by adviser Henry Kissinger--and settling a West Coast dock strike.

They also include all of the famous "smoking gun" conversation about the Watergate break-in, known for its damaging disclosures about a cover-up and its 181/2-minute gap.

The Nixon-Graham remarks came during a 90-minute session after a prayer breakfast the men attended on Feb. 1, 1972.

Scholars surprised

"I find this rather stunning," said William Martin, a professor of religion and sociology at Rice University in Houston and author of "A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story."

"This is out of character with anything else I have heard Billy Graham say or be quoted as saying. It is disappointing," Martin said.

"What Graham said that day is inexcusable. Did it ever occur to him that he should have countered the president?" said Martin Marty, a religious historian at the University of Chicago who noted the distinction some conservative evangelicals and Pentecostals have made between supporting Israel but not American Jews.

"One really did not associate him with this," said Michael Kotzin, a vice president at the Jewish United Fund in Chicago. "Rather than try to direct Nixon in a different direction, he reinforces him and eggs him on when it came to these stereotypes, and that's troubling."

Graham, 83, is not in good health and indicated, through spokesman Larry Ross, that he could not respond because he did not recall the conversation.

Thursday's release of 426 hours brings to about 2,600, out of a total of 3,700, the hours of recordings either publicly disclosed or returned to the Nixon family because they were deemed strictly personal. Many recordings, including the Graham tape, are edited to exclude content believed to disclose national security information, constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy or reveal trade secrets, among other matters.

Previous tapes have underscored the complexity of Nixon, including his insecurity and occasional nastiness. Apologists tend to cite his fits of bigotry as ancillary to his policy achievements, with the Nixon estate claiming that his harshness was often a display of faux machismo in the presence of H.R. Haldeman or his other top aide, John Erlichman.

While other prominent figures, such as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then a Nixon aide, can also be heard on tapes during mean-spirited discourses by Nixon, many assumed a more passive role. Graham is unusual for being a distinguished outsider actively taking part.

Longtime friendship

Graham and Nixon had become close friends during the Eisenhower administration, when Nixon was vice president. The friendship remained strong until Nixon was brought down by the Watergate scandal and resigned the presidency in August 1974.

Haldeman's diaries noted the conversation. He wrote that there was discussion "of the terrible problem arising from the total Jewish domination of the media, and agreement that this was something that would have to be dealt with."

He continues, "Graham has the strong feeling that the Bible says there are satanic Jews and there's where our problem arises." No such comments about the Bible are found on the tape released Thursday but, because it contains several long deletions, it's believed such remarks were excised.

The lengthy chat opens with Graham praising Nixon's prayer breakfast remarks. "There were a lot of people in tears when you finished this morning and it's very moving. That's the best I've heard you at one of those breakfast things."

After offering Nixon tips on preparing himself for big speeches, as well as strategy for his re-election campaign, Graham notes that he has been invited to lunch with editors of Time magazine. "I was quite amazed since this is the first time I've heard from Time since [Time founder] Henry Luce died."

"You meet with all their editors, you better take your Jewish beanie," Haldeman says.

Graham laughs. "Is that right? I don't know any of them now."

Hollywood and the media

Nixon then broaches a subject about which "we can't talk about it publicly," namely Jewish influence in Hollywood and the media. He cites Paul Keyes, a political conservative who is executive producer of the NBC hit, "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In," as telling him that "11 of the 12 writers are Jewish."

"That right?" says Graham, prompting Nixon to claim that Life magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and others, are "totally dominated by the Jews." He calls network TV anchors Howard K. Smith, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite "front men who may not be of that persuasion," but that their writers are "95 percent Jewish."

Nixon demurs that this does not mean "that all the Jews are bad" but that most are left-wing radicals who want "peace at any price except where support for Israel is concerned. The best Jews are actually the Israeli Jews."

"That's right," agrees Graham, who later concurs with a Nixon assertion that a "powerful bloc" of Jews confronts Nixon in the media. "And they're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff," Graham adds.

Nixon contends that "every Democratic candidate will owe his election to Jewish people," but he won't.

Haldeman turns the subject to the White House press corps and the Gridiron Club, a bastion of the media establishment, both of which they say were mostly WASP once, but no more.

"It was the Merriman Smiths, the Dick Wilsons, the [James] Kilpatricks, all that kind of people. But you look at what covers the president today and it's really kind of scary," Haldeman says. Haldeman and Nixon cite by name reporters from the Los Angeles Times (David Kraslow), New York Times (Max Frankel), Washington Post (Stanley Karnow) and NBC (Herb Kaplow) but stumble on CBS.

"From CBS, Rather, Dan Rather, is Rather?" says Haldeman. A deletion then follows with the next voice heard being that of Graham, who alludes to A.M. Rosenthal, managing editor of The New York Times.

"But I have to lean a little bit, you know. I go and see friend of Mr. Rosenthal at The New York Times, and people of that sort. And all, I don't mean all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me. Because they know I am friendly to Israel and so forth. They don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country."

Nixon says, "You must not let them know."

The conversation turns to religious magazines, postal rates and Nixon's uncharitable thoughts on certain Cabinet members. Graham then leaves and, a few minutes later, Nixon tells Haldeman, "You know it was good we got this point about the Jews across."

"It's a shocking point," says Haldeman, a frequent cheerleader during Nixon's diatribes.

"Well," says Nixon, "it's also, the Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards."

Copyright © 2002, Chicago Tribune





Written By S.R. Shearer



At first glance, it would seem that Hitler's Holocaust is a nightmare that could never be repeated. The Gotterdammerung in which Hitler's Valhalla went up in flames in a Wagnerian Twilight of the Gods should have consumed this horrible disease. But like a nightmare which won't go away, like a cancer which goes into remission - feigning a cure - only to reappear again in some other part of the body and in a more virulent form, the very myth (i.e., the "Illuminist Plot" or the "Jewish / Bolshevist World-Conspiracy") which produced Hitler's Holocaust is surfacing once again - this time without ever directly mentioning the Jews (although Jewish figures like Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb, Rothschild, Hess, etc. continue to play the most prominent roles in the myth - subtly continuing to implicate the Jews, without ever really saying so).

Today, when most Christians think of the "Illuminist Plot" they link it to material which seems to swirl around the John Birch Society; more specifically, they connect it to a book the Society published in 1972 called None Dare Call It Treason by John Stormer. Using a watered-down version of the Illuminist Myth, Stormer's book identified the Rockefeller family, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission as pro-communist and as part of a massive intrigue designed to subvert Western Civilization and Christianity from within. The significance of Stormer's book lay in the fact that it presented a "secularized" and somewhat "sanitized" version of the Illuminist Plot which could be accepted more readily by people who were not pre-disposed to accept as reality an intrigue which reached back into the shadowy obscurity of the Dark Ages and encompassed Freemasonry, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, the Hospitalers, etc., and one which was so openly anti-Semitic and could so easily be linked to the insanity of Hitler and Nazi Germany - thus gaining for the myth a greater acceptability than it could otherwise command, especially in "moderate" circles. Nonetheless, Stormer's sanitized conspiracy contained all the elements dear to the heart of those who heretofore had subscribed to the Illuminist Plot: belief in a world-wide conspiracy (the "Communist Conspiracy") which aimed at the destruction of Western Civilization (particularly the United States), Christianity, and the "free enterprise system" (i.e., capitalism). But the fact remained that Stormer's thesis was really nothing more than a "cleaned-up" version of the older myth. Indeed, the ability of this myth to cloak itself in "acceptable garb" is mind-boggling; at one moment and in one set of circumstances it's the Jewish-Bolshevist Conspiracy; in another, it's the Illuminist Plot; then it's the Communist Conspiracy; and now that communism is gone, it's the Secular-Humanist Conspiracy - but in the end, it's all the same. It's like watching three or four old grade B "cowboy" or "detective" films in a row. By the time one sees the fourth movie, one has a sneaking suspicion he's seen it all before - the plot's the same, the villains are the same, the heros are the same - the only things that have been changed are the names.

The influence of Stormer's book on today's Secular and Religious Right is difficult to underestimate: it has become their Weltanschuung, the very basis of their "world-view" - and it has become so largely because of the efforts of the John Birch Society (JBS). Take, for instance, one example: the effort by the JBS to "take over" (or at least strongly influence) the "world-view" of the CNP [i.e., the Council on National Policy - the main coordinating agency today between the Religious Right on the one hand, and the Economic and Political Right, on the other]. Investigative reporter, Russ Bellant writes, "The Birch influence on the political goals of the CNP is significant. The JBS was with the CNP from the beginning. Nelson Bunker Hunt, a prime mover in CNP's founding, was on the Birch Society's national council. By 1984, John Birch Society Chairman A. Clifford Barker and Executive Council Member William Cies were CNP members. Other JBS leaders also joined the Council. Five board members of Western Goals, essentially a JBS intelligence-gathering operation ... joined the CNP as well."[1] All these people subscribed in one way or another to the conspiracy theories promulgated in Stormer's book - and impressed this thinking on other members of the CNP. The fact is, it's probably not too much to say that these links (i.e., the links between the CNP and the JBS) contributed mightily not only to a resurgence of conspiracism (i.e., the Illuminist Myth) in the New Right, but of the John Birch Society as well - so much so that author Alan Crawford has written, "The Birchers seem to have wormed their way back in along the frontier of the New Right. The New Right leaders seem to welcome them (and the Weltanschuung which undergirds them)." [ 2] Unfortunately, once people "buy into" Stormer's thesis, it is but a short step from Stormer's (and the John Birch Society's) sanitized None Dare Call it Treason to the "real McCoy"(i.e., the Jewish World Conspiracy) - and growing numbers of Christians, especially those who have accepted a "Dominionist Mind-Set" are taking that step.

It is incredible how this myth - the "Illuminist Plot" - can allure people, captivating and seducing new generations with an extraordinary magnetism. Its power rests not on any plea to the intellect, but rather on superstition and raw emotion. Nonetheless, men as diverse and as prominent as businessmen Henry Ford of Ford Motor Co., Alfred P. Sloan, Chairman of the Board at General Motors, Irenee DuPont of DuPont Chemicals; British statesman Winston Churchill; and religious leaders like Arno Gaebelein, R.A. Torrey, James Gray, Pope Pius XI, Pope Pius XII and Father Coughlin have - at one time or another - accepted the myth's authenticity. Even the Times of London, as well as prominent newspapers in the United States and elsewhere, printed articles in the 1920s lending credence to the myth; and all this despite the fact that the Illuminati Myth has been proven over and over again to be nothing more than a fabrication based on lies and forgeries.* Indeed, it's because the structure of this myth rests on such a bizarre foundation, that its hold on the "popular" imagination seems to defy all logic - ultimately forcing even the most secular of people to throw up their hands and admit to its "Satanic" origin. There is really no other explanation of how, after the French Revolution, this myth developed out of a traditional medieval demonology; how it inspired a whole series of blatant forgeries culminating in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; how it was used to justify the massacre of Jews by "White (Czarist) Armies" during the Russian Revolution; how it then took possession of Hitler's mind and became the ideology of a genocide greater in scope and intensity than anything else ever before witnessed by man - and finally, how - despite everything - it is once again surfacing in this country as an explanation for the supposed power and influence of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Christians had better be careful; for in getting mixed up in all this what they might in reality be doing is getting involved in the very nightmare they believe they are fighting against. In the end, they may find that what they've been doing is madly participating in the construction of the very system of things the Bible indicates will someday turn on them and destroy them. (Revelation 11:7) Now that would be a twist worth noting! - wouldn't it? (Matthew 24:24)

Bellant, The Coors Connection, pg. 45-46; see also Harry Hunt, Texas Rich (New York: Norton, 1981), pg. 369; CNP Board of Governors Meeting, Dallas, Texas, August 17-18; CNP Executive Committee Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, May 12, 1989.

Alan Crawford, Thunder on the Right (New York: Pantheon, 1980), pg. 96.

* See Endnote.

[The material presented here predates by more than a year the material which appeared on Robertson in the New York Times (Michael Lind, spring/summer, 1995); indeed Religion in Politics had been circulating in the spring of 1994 a 24 page manuscript addressed to the Jewish community in New York which was very similar to the one finally published by the Times. It had been circulated not so much for general publication, but as a warning to these groups about what was happening in conservative Christian political circles. Sadly, Lind is a secularist and is obviously not that familiar with the "ground" over which he has been treading; as a result, he has not been able to respond adequately to the attacks on his article by either the secular right or the religious right. The article which follows is a far more in-depth treatment of the subject than Lind was able to give, and reaches conclusions which would escape a secularist like Lind.]

Dangerous Illusions:

"The Illuminati Myth, Anti-Semitism,

Pat Robertson & Christian Dominionism"

"Those who crusade, not for God in themselves, but against the devil in others, never succeed in making the world better, but leave it either as it was, or sometimes even perceptibly worse ... By thinking primarily of evil we tend, however excellent our intentions, to create occasions for evil to manifest itself (in us)."

-- Huxley



A Recurring Theme in the Folklore of the Western World


The fear of a hidden conspiracy directed against Western Civilization, Christianity, and the "American free enterprise system" is a recurring theme which runs through and permeates the entire Right-Wing matrix. Its being peddled by leaders in the New Right to Americans desperate for an easily understood reason as to why their European, Christian-based culture has seemingly been stripped from them by "secular humanists" and replaced by what is perceived to be an "amoral" multiculturalism with which few of them can easily relate. It's most extreme expression has taken the form of the Illuminati Myth; its most moderate version is the "Secular-Humanist Conspiracy." The first version names the Jews and the Freemasons as the principle villains; the second names the liberal establishment. In both instances, Communism and Socialism are the tools through which the hidden cabal (i.e., the Jews and the Freemasons in the one instance, the secular-humanists in the other) hopes to achieve its goal of world domination. In reality, the second version is nothing more than a sanitized and less offensive version of the first - one which has been "cleaned up" to suit the sensibilities of moderate conservatives.

Mythologies like the Illuminati Myth and the Secular-Humanist Conspiracy are more easily described than defined; they can be said to occupy a border area somewhere between religion and history on the one hand, and folklore on the other. They are popular explanations of conundrums and enigmas (often of a semi-historic nature) which cannot be easily subjected to objective inquiry using Scripture or verifiable events as the standard against which the inquiry can be made and ultimately judged.

Nonetheless, it should not be assumed that adherence to these mythologies is merely the province of the uneducated; such is the pull and magnetism of many of these myths that a great number of them have continued to survive and even flourish among the educated and in the elite business establishment - though often there is a recognition that they are probably unjustified, coupled with a slight sense of unease and even shame in holding them. [Hence, the effort to sanitize the Illuminati Myth by removing the offensive references to Jews and Freemasons and substituting liberalism as the main target.]

And it is precisely this unease and shame that many people have who adhere to these myths which makes it so immensely difficult to judge how widespread they are in the popular imagination and to what extent they are "determinators" of political and/or religious activity. When asked by "outsiders," many will deny that they subscribe to these myths; yet the very activity that they carry on publicly belies their real feelings. And when alone and/or in the presence of "insiders," their true thoughts emerge, and references to "secular-humanism" are quickly dropped in favor of the old bugaboos - the real villains, the "Jews" and the "Freemasons!"


In the spring of 1983, just a few short months before his death in July of that year, Professor John Saloma sat down at his desk to put into writing concerns which had been gnawing at him for several years; specifically, the spread of these myths into the American middle class using the strands of a new political web which was being spun (often unwittingly) by American conservatives. He noted with evident concern,

"Conservatives ... (are) building institutions (today) that (appear to) incorporate an (alarming) ... long-term strategic dimension into American politics ... (and which are contributing immeasurably to the spread of right-wing mythologies) ... "

Saloma elaborated,

"Political conservatives have quietly built a vast coalition of think tanks, political action groups, religious broadcasters, corporate political organizations, senators and representatives, Republican Party officials, and other groups with budgets totaling hundreds of millions of dollars annually ...

Saloma continued,

"I tried to communicate my concern (as to the growing power and influence of this right-wing mythology) to friends and associates, but few accepted ... what I had to say (or saw the danger of what I was trying to describe) ..." [1]

Saloma was desperate to warn others - especially those who were unwittingly being drawn into what he saw as a dangerous "labyrinth" - one in which people could easily get lost if they weren't very careful. It wasn't so much the social goals of the "new conservatism" which so alarmed him, as it was the mythology being employed by them to attain those goals, and the construction of an alliance system which linked radical right-wing groups, many with fascist and Nazi ties, with otherwise well meaning moderates and conservatives. Finally, just months before he died, he interested Hamilton Fish III and Henry Steele Commager, one of America's greatest living historians; the result was the publication of a manuscript he had been working on, Ominous Politics, the New Conservative Labyrinth. None of these men - Saloma, Fish or Commager - were raging left-wing ideologues (Saloma was in fact a Republican party activist). They were scholars with impeccable academic credentials - moderates who otherwise were predisposed to dismiss "alarmists" with a flick of their hands. Nonetheless, all of these men had become concerned by the development of a right-wing web in this country - one with surprisingly strong fascist or Nazi connections - and one into which millions of Middle Americans were being increasingly drawn.

And just how far this process had extended was made plain during the confirmation hearings of Warren Richardson as President Reagan's nominee for Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services in the first Reagan Administration. Richardson withdrew from consideration when it was revealed that he had been general counsel of the far right Liberty Lobby from 1969 to 1973. Liberty Lobby's head, Willis Carto, turned out to be an avowed admirer of Adolf Hitler. Though Richardson's withdrawal from consideration calmed many, the question remained: how had someone connected to an avowed admirer of Adolf Hitler risen so high in conservative Republican circles - high enough to be considered for such an office? And, as if to confirm the fact that Richardson's case was not an aberration, Frank J. Fahrenkopf's relations with the far-right surfaced shortly thereafter; Fahrenkopf, who was Chairman of the Republican National Committee, was a strong adherent to a belief in conspiracism - specifically to the Illuminati Myth. [2]


Saloma described the "Conservative Labyrinth" as a series of differing organizations all linked to one another in intricate keiretsu-like relationships. He wrote,

"The conservative think tanks, which emphasize research and publication that is essentially 'above politics', form a clearly identifiable group of organizations (in the right-wing labyrinth) ... They're funded in large part by conservative foundations ...

"Another important group of organizations is specifically devoted to political action and electoral politics. Since 1974, its core has been a cluster of New Right organizations, financed largely by direct mail ... "Perhaps even more important and less visible is the substantial investment of corporate America since the mid-1970s in political action committees, grass-roots political organization, and teaching about free enterprise, often in cooperation with the conservative think tanks and political action committees ...

"The major institutions of national politics, Congress and the political parties, are also foci for conservative influence. Individuals like Senator Jesse Helms have used their offices to build unprecedented extra-congressional organizations. Conservatives seem to move in and out of the Republican Party, using their positions in party organizations to strengthen this movement.

"Completing this picture of the conservative labyrinth are several more specialized groups. Conservative Democrats have been courted by the Right and recruited into bipartisan organizations in support of its domestic and foreign policies. The rise of the Libertarian Party complements the growth of the network."[3 ]


As Saloma steeped himself in his examination, he noted in his journal of that spring (1983),

"(conservative) groups closer to the center (like the Conservative Caucus are now) ... work(ing) (closely) with groups on the far right ..."[4] (groups like the John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby, an anti-Zionist organization) and that these ties were becoming "important in the Religious Right."[5 6 ]

Today, more than ten years later - the web of Nazi sympathizers and collaborationists which has come to interlace the conservative movement [specifically, groups like the Republican Heritage Groups Council, the John Birch Society, the Liberty Lobby, the World Anti-Communist League (WACL {i.e., the Moonies}), the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), etc.] is astounding. Furthermore, the manner in which names appear, disappear, and reappear again in this web is mind-boggling. This is a phenomenon which Saloma also noted with alarm. He wrote,

"(I) ... quickly (began to) recognize ... that the same names appear(ed) again and again, reflecting ... (the innumerable) ties among these organizations (and individuals)."[7]

It is out of this web of relationships that the Illuminati Myth has surfaced, regaining a foothold in the American psyche that most observers had thought impossible.




Take one example out of many, Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum. Schlafly and the Eagle Forum had first come to Saloma's attention during the Goldwater campaign of 1964 where her tract, A Choice, Not an Echo, became the movement's Bible. Saloma noted that -

"The New Right-Birch connections ... (were) ... (particularly) visible in the Schlafly organization."[8]

Frank Mintz, author of The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture, writes,

"The John Birch Society in the early 1960s aspired to the leadership of a radical right that strongly defended national sovereignty and opposed American membership in international organizations such as the United Nations. Closely related to this nationalist stance was a conspiratorial interpretation of U.S. history that made the Council on Foreign Relations (and the Trilateral Commission - editor) an ally of the Communist conspiracy."[9 ]

This interpretation has, at one time or another, named Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower, Secretary of State Dene Acheson, the United States Army and the State Department as co-conspirators in the Communist effort to subvert the United States.[10 ]

Schlafly's links with the John Birch Society also brought her into contact with the Liberty Lobby; while these links may not be official ones, or even ones which were sought out, they are nonetheless very real. And the reason is simple - many of the same people who belong to the Birch Society also maintain strong ties with the Lobby. The membership between the two organizations overlap. Mintz calls it an "overlap in ideology and clientele." [11]

Russ Bellant, a well-known investigative reporter whose articles have appeared frequently in the New York Times, the National Catholic Reporter, etc., and whose work Allan A. Ryan, the former Director of the Office of Special Investigations for the U.S. Department of Justice calls very dependable, writes that the "... Lobby voices racist and anti-Semitic beliefs in addition to 'conspiracism'." Mintz explains:

"Structurally, the Lobby is a most unusual umbrella organization catering to constituencies spanning the fringes of Neo-Nazism to the John Birch Society and the radical right. It is not truly paramilitary, in the manner of the Ku Klux Klan and (the) Nazis, but is more accurately an intermediary between racist paramilitary factions (i.e., the "Citizen Militias") and the recent right."[12]

The Liberty Lobby bloomed in 1961 as a political lobby offering testimony before congressional committees. The Lobby's founder and moving force - though cloaking himself with the title of "Treasurer" - is Willis Carto, born July 19, 1926 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He served as a director of the far-right "Congress of Freedom;" Carto also served briefly as an early organizer for the John Birch Society.

Willis Carto is a virulent hate-monger and conspiracist who also helped launch the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). The IHR, which is located in Costa Mesa, California, denies the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews and other targeted groups ever took place; it is known to have sponsored conferences where notorious anti-Semitic and racists were the featured speakers.

Carto's Liberty Lobby maintains offices just a few blocks from the Capitol in Washington D.C. where it produces its weekly magazine, the Spotlight, a newspaper which celebrates neo-Nazis, skinheads, the Waffen SS, armed anti-Semites, and other anti-democratic forces.

Carto's links to Nazi sympathizers and collaborationists is inextricably bound up with Francis Parker Yockey. Yockey was an unabashed admirer of Adolf Hitler. In 1948, just three years after the end of the Second World War, Yockey published a ponderous 600 page book, Imperium, which was a rephrasing of Nazi dogma and which warned of a dire threat to Western Civilization by the Jews. In 1949, Yockey also wrote the "Proclamation of London" which openly called for the re-establishment of Nazism and the expulsion of the Jews from Europe. Despite his open record as a Nazi sympathizer, Yockey easily slipped in and out of the United States with little difficulty - revealing the official U.S. government ban on the entry of ex-Nazis and avowed Nazi sympathizers into the United States for what it really was - a sieve easily navigated.

In 1960 Yockey was arrested in San Francisco on fraud charges. He committed suicide in jail a few days later. Since then, Carto has sought to keep the Yockey flame alive. In 1963, Carto's Noontide Press published Yockey's Imperium with a dedication to Adolf Hitler. Carto also made the "Proclamation of London" available through his distribution network which included Noontide Press, American Mercury, the Spotlight, and Washington Observer Newsletter. Under oath during proceedings connected with a Liberty Lobby lawsuit in the late 1970s, Carto stated that he was an unabashed follower of Yockey and ipso facto a Nazi sympathizer.

Sadly, the thought that people today can get mixed up in organizations like Schlafly's Eagle Forum without, at the same time, establishing relationships (even if only unwittingly) with such people is simple-minded. This, of course, is not necessarily to say that many of the goals of the Eagle Forum are not commendable, or that Schlafly as a person or that the Eagle Forum as an institution endorse organizations like the Liberty Lobby, the John Birch Society or people like Francis Parker Yockey and Willis Carto. It's simply to say that people who join the Eagle Forum had better prepare themselves to run into such people - people who will mumble on endlessly about "conspiracies," the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminism, etc. - and that eventually, they will be affected by them. Historian Richard Hofstadter, in his 1967 work, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, has characterized the psychological make-up of these people as one which is distinguished by a conspiracy-oriented mindset involving fantasies of communist domination reaching from the local school board and PTA chapter to the corridors of power on Capital Hill and in the White House.


Moreover, what Mintz discovered in the "overlap of ideologies and clientele" between the Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society is - as Saloma described earlier - also true of all the other organizations of the "Secular Right" - the same names appear again and again from group to group and organization to organization; the "overlap in ideology and clientele" is stunning. It's like some huge yet intricate net of organizational and personal relationships in which the same names appear in one group, disappear, and reappear again in another; sometimes they appear simultaneously in several different groups; sometimes one name will appear in a position of power and influence in one gathering, and merely as a "foot soldier" in another; then just as suddenly the positions will reverse. It's like looking at smoke rising from a fire on a hot, windless day and trying to make sense of its direction and predict the patterns which will emerge.

Members of the right had it right during the McCarthy era, the protestations of leftists notwithstanding, when they used to describe those who associated themselves - sometimes wittingly, sometimes unwittingly - with Communists as "fellow travelers" - people who traveled in the same circles as Communists and Communist sympathizers. Their contention was a simple one - association, more often than most people care to admit, implies endorsement, or at the very least, passive acceptance. But if it was true for the Left then, it is also true for the Right now. Conservative Christians must begin to realize that for them to associate with institutions and personalities who have been tainted with the stain of fascism and Nazism is wrong, and something which must be avoided at all costs.



In response to their increasing links with moderate conservatives, far right activists have labored mightily to change their image and "gain public respectability." The effort has proceeded along two avenues; first, the far right has mounted an effort to surround itself with legitimate public figures, while at the same time hiding its unseemly past; and second, the far right has embarked on a calculated process of "desensitizing" the public to its radical agenda. Saloma reports that -

"the most dramatic example of this effort ... is the case of the American Security Council (ASC)."[13]

The person most responsible for establishing the ASC was General Robert Wood, then Chairman of Sears Roebuck (See vol. 1, no. 2, "Big Business and the Religious Right)"). William Regnery, an incorporator and early leader of the America First Committee, helped Wood found the ASC. The ASC ostensibly focuses on foreign policy, military, and intelligence issues. There is, however, much more to the ASC than what first meets the eye. Russ Bellant calls the ASC "the clearinghouse" for foreign policy matters dear to the heart of right-wing ideologues. Bellant goes on to say,

"In spite of the veneer of respectability its board members' credentials might provide in some circles, the ASC ... serves as a connecting point between Nazi collaborationists and fascists on the one hand, and ... (establishment) policy makers on the other."[14]

And just how reliable are Bellant's findings? Again, Allan Ryan, the former Director of the Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Department of Justice - the official U.S. government agency charged with tracking down ex-Nazis in the country - calls Bellant's work here, "well-documented and reliable." [15]

The key outreach arm of the ASC is the Coalition for Peace Through Strength. Composed of 171 organizations that are supposed to form a grassroots lobby for ASC political priorities, the Coalition is where many of the ASC extremists ties are established. The Republican Heritage Groups Council, an official organ of the Republican Party, and some of its component elements, such as Florian Galdau's[16] infamous, anti-Semitic Romanian-American Republican Clubs, are members of the Coalition. These ties to the authoritarian, collaborationist, and fascist Right are consistent with the history of the ASC.[17 ]

Bellant writes,

"The ASC began in Chicago in 1955, staffed primarily by former FBI agents. In its first year it was called the Mid-American Research Library. The organization's initial function was to compile files on suspected Communists who might apply for jobs in the private sector. Sponsoring corporations included such well-known firms as Sears Roebuck and Company, Motorola Incorporated, Marshall Field and Company, etc. At its peak, the council served more than 1,500 firms as the private equivalent of the FBI or Senate Internal Security Committee, with 6 million personnel file cards and a specialized subversive activities (defined as anti-business, pro-union activity) library. Files and documents were collected from the House Committee on Un-American Activities and several private file collections. Corporations joined to take advantage of what former FBI agent William Turner described in Power on the Right as"a dossier system modeled after the FBI's which was intended to weed out employees and prospective employees deemed disloyal to the free enterprise system (i.e., union activists)."[18]

In 1966, the Chicago library was closed and the American Security Council moved the collection to the Blue Ridge foothills in Virginia. President John Fisher, who came to the organization from Sears in 1956, announced that the council was shifting its focus to international security and nuclear strategy. [Fisher is another figure in the right-wing labyrinth; his involvement spans more than two decades.] The files - which continue to exist today - have been described by some observers as "America's largest private file system on the political beliefs of individuals anywhere in the world."

It is here, in the dim corridors and dusty catalogues of the old Mid-American Research Library, that we first come in contact with one of the most remarkable and enduring realities of the Right-Wing: the original (primordial) mythology which undergirded and motivated it: the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion! The entire ASC dossier system had been arranged around - and based upon - an original collection of one million names first compiled by a most extraordinary and unusual man named Harry Jung. Jung was the founder (1927) of the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation (AVIF), an anti-union spy operation.[19] Jung's research was motivated largely by a search for what he saw as a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world, beginning first with Russia and ending with the United States.[20] Communism was merely a tool of the Jews' effort in this regard. With the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, Jung became the first major distributor in the United States of the anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.


Jung had first come in contact with the Protocols through acquaintances he had made in the East European communities of the Mid-West. Fascinated by what he heard, he had White Russian émigrés translate the Protocols from the Russian language to English.

Convinced that he had stumbled upon a giant conspiracy which aimed at the destruction of Christianity and the "American free enterprise system," he devoted the rest of his life to an effort to save America from the same fate which had befallen Russia.

Jung's attention soon focused on the nation's emerging trade union movement as the conduit through which the conspiracy was entering the country. And the ties of many of the labor union leaders of that era to the Soviet Union only served to confirm his belief.

The files, then, which Jung passed on to the ASC in 1951 contained much more than just the names of individuals; woven into the entire dossier system was Jung's demented paranoia and his anti-Semitic mindset. The files were used by Wood and the ASC in Chicago to aid McCarthyite demagogues of that era in their battle against the so-called "world-wide communist conspiracy"[21] - and one should not assume that with the passage of time the pull of this mindset has diminished to any great degree. We have already discussed its links to the Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society, (both members of the Secular Right), but it also continues to permeate the mythology of conservative Christians and the Religious Right as well.





The conspiratorial mythology of the Religious Right parallels the conspiratorial mythology of the Secular Right; the two are inextricably intertwined - and so much so that it would not be an exaggeration to say that the one is the mirror image of the other, differing sides of the same coin. On the secular side it stimulates businessmen and anti-labor groups by portraying communism and labor unions as tools of Illuminism and it excites national and patriotic groups against the "one-worldism" (universalism) of Illuminism; and on the religious side it galvanizes Christians into action because it paints Illuminism as a dire threat to Christianity. But in the end, the two sides are feeding at the same trough - making the one (i.e., the Religious Right) the indespensible ally of the other (i.e., the Secular Right).

Pat Robertson, the man most responsible for urging Christians to enter the political process to "take the nation back for Christ and the church," proves the point by writing:

"It is clear to me, beyond any shadow of doubt, that ... there has been a continuity of policy and leadership in the United States that operates the same regardless of which nominee of the major political parties gains access to the White House ..."[1] Robertson sees this "continuity of purpose"[2] as "... a single thread (which) runs from the White House to the State Department to the Council on Foreign Relations to the Trilateral Commission ..."

Jung couldn't have said it better. Neither could members of the JBS. Robertson, like his secular counterparts, believes that - using this country as a springboard - the secular humanists aim at creating a - "... world government, a world police force, world courts, world banking and currency, and a world elite in charge of it all." [3] He further maintains that elements within the "movement" are also aiming at "... a complete redistribution of wealth, the ... elimination of Christianity ... (and) the deaths of two or three billion people in the Third World by the end of the decade."[4]

He continues,

"What is not easy to explain is why the concept of a new world order, taking as it does so many overtones from secret societies and the occult, could have been handed down and then carried forward in a purely natural progression for such an extended period of time.

"Wealth does not explain it, for the people behind the concept have gained wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. Political power does not explain it, for all these players have reached the very pinnacles of power. Monopolistic capitalism does not explain it, because although one man or group of men, may be seized with megalomania, the heirs and successors to the business soon forget the dreams of empire held by their ancestors and predecessors in order to enjoy the possessions at hand ... No, there has to be something more. There has to be some other power at work which has succeeded in molding and shaping United States public policy toward one clear goal - world government - from generation to successive generation ... It is my firm belief that the events of public policy are not the accidents and coincidences we are generally led to believe. They are planed. Further, I do not believe that normal men and women, if left to themselves, would spend a lifetime to form the world into a unified whole in order to control it after it had been so unified. No, impulses of that sort do not spring from the human heart, or for that matter from God's heart. They spring, instead, from the depth of something that is evil, neither well intentioned nor benevolent."[ 5]

Jung would have been estatic.



And what specifically is the origin of this plan? Like Jung, Robertson traces the scheme back to Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati. Jung's thoughts parallel Robertson's here. Robertson writes,

"On May 1, 1776 ... a Bavarian professor named Adam Weishaupt launched a small secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt's aims were to establish a new world order based on the overthrow of civil governments, the church, and private property and the elevation to world leadership of a group of hand-picked 'adepts' or 'illumined' ones.

"Weishaupt chose as his vehicle for infiltration and takeover the established Continental Order of Freemasons, of which Frederick the Great of Prussia had become sovereign grand commander and the wealthy Philippe of France, Duc d'Orleans, (who) had been elevated to grand master of the Grand Orient, as his lieutenant. In 1782 Weishaupt succeeded at the international convention of Freemasons held in Wilhelmsbad, Germany with his planned infiltration of the Continental Masonic Order and the creation of what he termed 'Illuminated Freemasonry'.

"His conspiracy was sufficiently successful from that point on to use French Freemasonry as a vehicle for placing members of the French Illuminati into key governmental positions. Once installed, these members set about to undermine the Bourbon dynasty of France and to prepare the way for the French Revolution. [6] It is believed that several of the key leaders of the French Revolution were members of the Illuminati.

"The slaughter that followed was not merely an assault on the king and the aristocracy - what was called the ancien regime - it was an assault against everyone, even the leaders of the Reign of Terror that followed on the heels of the revolution. The satanic carnage that the Illuminati brought to France was the clear predecessor of the bloodbaths and successive party purges visited on the Soviet Union by the communists under both Lenin and Stalin."

This is, of course, exactly what Jung had postulated. Robertson continues,

"When the French Revolution had run its course, more than a million Frenchmen were dead; the government, commerce, and agriculture were destroyed; the currency was debased; and the savings of the people were worthless. France was ready for dictatorship, not by the Illuminati, but by Napoleon. Thus ended the first modern new world order ..."[7 ]



Robertson then - in an astonishing display of "conspiracy-theory acumen" - weaves the French Revolution to the Communist Revolution using the thread of Illuminism; he writes:

"Although Illuminism had been banned in Germany and was discredited in France, it surfaced again in the 1800s through secret revolutionary societies holding to the basic tenets of Illuminism. Operating in France and Germany, these societies commissioned the writing of a militant (new) manifesto.

"In the preface to the 1872 German edition of the Communist Manifesto, the authors said. 'The Communist League (formerly called the 'League of Just Men' - comment by Robertson) ... which could only be a secret one ... commissioned the undersigned (Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels), at the Congress in London in November 1847, to draw up for publication a detailed theoretical and practical program of the party. Such was the origin of the following Manifesto, the manuscript of which traveled to London to be printed a few weeks before the February revolution' ... So wrote Marx and Engels themselves!"

Robertson continues,

"In 1885, Cardinal Henry Manning* wrote that (in reality) the Communist International was not (really) the work of Karl Marx but that of secret political societies, which from 1789 to this day have been perfecting their formation, and ... have drawn closer together in mutual alliance and cooperation. In 1848 they were sufficiently powerful to threaten almost every capital in Europe by a simultaneous rising'.

"The precise connecting link between the German Illuminati and the beginning of world communism was furnished by a German radical named Moses Hess. According to Eugene H. Methvin, in his book, Rise of Radicalism: The Social Psychology of Messianic Extremism, 'In October of 1842 Frederick Engels stopped in Cologne and spent an afternoon with Moses Hess, then 30, who was known as the 'communist rabbi' for his missionary zeal in proselytizing for French utopian ideas. Hess later wrote a friend, 'Engels, an embryonic revolutionary, parted from me the most enthusiastic communist'. Engels himself credited his conversion to Dr. Hess, and a year later expressly declared that the latter was 'the first to make communism plausible to me and my circle'. He goes on to say, 'Marx and Engels planned to publish a German edition of Buonarroti's Conspiration pour l'egalite (Conspiracy for Equality), translated by Moses Hess ... Marx's extensive collection of books on the French Revolution contained a copy of Buonarroti's Conspiration'."[8]

Robertson goes on,

"The Illuminist streams clearly flowed in Marxist communism ... The atheism, destruction of property, hatred of civil government, ruthless reign of terror, lies and deception, and gross mismanagement of resources of world communism are all mirror images of the French Revolution. Communism draws its spiritual soul from the same impulses that were present in 1789.[ 9]



Having linked the Illuminati with both the French and Russian Revolutions, Robertson then commences to link the United States with the "Grand Illuminist Conspiracy;" he writes,

"What the average man and woman find so difficult to understand, however, is how a Wall Street banker such as Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb and Company could personally transport $20 million of gold to help salvage the near-bankrupt, fledgling communist government of the new Soviet Union - or how a man like Lord Milner of the British Roundtable could provide funds in 1917 to get them started again - or how the United States industrialists and bankers could repeatedly assist them in receiving massive private and governmental aid over the decades to follow."[ 10]

According to Robertson, the answer is as follows:

"... the centers of European finance (i.e., the Illuminati - editor) could not rest until they had brought the powerhouse of the New World (i.e., America - editor) into their orbit. In 1902, Paul Warburg, an associate of the Rothschilds and an expert on European central banking, came to this country as a partner in the powerful Kuhn, Loeb and Company. He married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, one of the founders of the firm. The head of Kuhn, Loeb was Jacob Schiff, whose gift of $20 million in gold to the struggling Russian communists in 1917 no doubt saved their revolution.

"Warburg was to become the catalyst, when joined with the Rockefeller and Morgan banking interests, to bring about the creation of a central bank for the United States. Here is how it happened. In 1907, the Morgan interests were believed to have provoked a national money panic to such a degree that Congress established in 1908 a National Monetary Authority under Senator Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island (whose daughter married John D. Rockefeller II, and one of whose sons was named Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller). Aldrich was considered a close ally of the Rockefeller interests.[11]

"From all indications, the National Monetary Commission wasted two fruitless years, including some aimless travel in Europe. On November 22, 1910, another group was formed, consisting of Senator Nelson Aldrich; A. Platt Andrews, assistant secretary of the treasury; Frank Vanderlip, president of the Rockefeller National City Bank of New York; Henry P. Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the Morgan-dominated First National Bank of New York; Benjamin Strong, another Morgan lieutenant; and Paul Warburg. The group left secretly by rail from Hoboken, New Jersey, and traveled anonymously to a private hunting lodge on Jekyll Island, Georgia.

"The meeting was so secret that none referred to the other by his last name. In 1935 Frank Vanderlip wrote in the Saturday Evening Post, 'There was an occasion near the close of 1910, when I was secretive, indeed as furtive as any conspirator ... since it would have been fatal to Senator Aldrich's plan to have it known that he was calling on anybody from Wall Street to help him in preparing his bill ... I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System'.

"At Jekyll Island, the true craftsman for the Federal Reserve was Warburg. The plan was simple. The new central bank could not be called a central bank because America did not want one, so it had to be given a deceptive name. Ostensibly, the bank was to be controlled by Congress, but a majority of its members were to be selected by the private banks that would own its stock.

"To keep the public from thinking that the Federal Reserve would be controlled from New York, there was a system of twelve regional banks. Given the enormous concentration of money and credit in New York, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York controlled the system, making the regional concept initially nothing but a ruse.

"The board and chairman were to be selected by the president, but in the words of Colonel Edward House, the board would serve such a term as to 'put them out of the power of the president'. The power over the creation of money was to be taken from the people and placed in the hands of private bankers who could expand or contract credit as they felt best suited their needs." Robertson concludes, "On December 21, 1913, American finance was captured by European finance (read, the Illuminati - editor) and their powerful American allies in the Money Trust [12] (i.e., the Schiffs, the Warburgs, the Kuhns, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, etc.[13] )."

From this date forward, according to Robertson, America has essentially been controlled by the "Illuminati."

Four years later, in 1917, according to Robertson, the Illuminati captured the Soviet Union, and since that time this sinister cabal has essentially played the one power off against the other with the aim of draining the strength out of both (i.e., the United States and Russia) by exhausting them in a hopelessly expensive arms race, and finally - when both nations lie prostrate - stepping in over their beaten bodies to assume power over the world. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the plan is already far advanced. Only the United States - now impossibly mired in debt and teetering on the verge of financial ruin - stands in the way; and only resurgent Christian political power can keep the U.S., the earth's last great hope, from collapse - or so Robertson believes. Robertson writes,

"Satan knows that a world government must soon be prepared for the man whom he is preparing to receive his particular empowerment and authority. Such a world government can come together only after the Christian United States is out of the way. After all, the rest of the world can federate any time it wants to, but a vital, economically strong, Christian United States would have at its disposal the spiritual and material force to prohibit a worldwide satanic dictator from winning his battle. With America still free and at large, Satan's schemes will at best be only partially successful. From these shores could come the television, radio, and printed matter to counter an otherwise all-out world news blackout. An independent America could point out Satan's lies. If America is free, people everywhere can hope for freedom. And if America goes down, all hope is lost to the rest of the world."[14]



The agenda that Robertson proposes to keep this from happening is simple: Christians must take America back from the secular humanists of the New-World Order. Robertson writes,

"The Christian Coalition is launching an effort ... to become acquainted with registered voters in every precinct. This is slow hard work. But it will build a significant database to use to communicate with those people who are registered voters. When they are mobilized ... elected officials listen ... We must rebuild the foundation of a free, sovereign America from the grassroots, precinct by precinct, city by city, state by state ... This decade will decide the outcome. Events are moving swiftly, but there is still time. My goal is to see a pro-freedom (read, pro-Christian - editor) majority in the United States Senate ... and a reversal of leadership in the House of Representatives by 1996 ... Since in most congressional or senatorial elections a 5 percent swing in the vote means victory or defeat, the power of the concept of a free, sovereign (read, Christian - editor) America is so strong that, if properly presented, it can sweep the one-worlders (read, the secular humanists) out of contention in the public policy arena in a short time.

"No group controlled by a narrow spectrum of internationalist money interests (read, the Illuminati - editor), however enlightened they may be, should be allowed to control in perpetuity the foreign policy, the treasury policy, and the defense policy of a great free nation."[15]

This, then - in a nutshell - is the thinking of Robertson - in his own words; and not only Robertson, but countless others in conservative Christian circles.



To be sure, the effort by Robertson and others like him to separate the Jews out from direct attachment with the Illuminati Myth (at least as a community) seems at first - and in a perverse sort of way - commendable. The effort appears to be aimed at inoculating himself from the horrible side effects of the Illuminati Myth. It is doubtful, however, that the effort will, over the long run, succeed. The Jews are just too integral a part of the myth!

From its inception in the late 1700s until it finally burst forth upon the world in 1905, the Illuminati Myth has been inextricably bound up with the Jewish community. The main players in the myth have all been Jews. Robertson's Juden-frei (Jewish free) rendition of the Illuminati Myth can - at best - only eliminate mention of the Jewish community as a "corporate" player; it does not - indeed, it cannot - separate out the Jews as individual players. Moses Hess, the Rothschilds, the Schiffs, the Loebs, the Kuhns, etc. all continue to play the most prominent roles in Robertson's version.

For example, Robertson writes about the Rothschilds,

"That same year, 1782, the headquarters of Illuminated Freemasonry moved to Frankfurt, a center controlled by the Rothschild family. It is reported that in Frankfurt, Jews for the first time were admitted to the order of Freemasons. If indeed members of the Rothschild family or their close associates were polluted by the occultism of Weishaupt's Illuminated Freemasonry, we may have discovered the link between the occult and the world of high finance (i.e., the Jews!).[16 ]

Robertson continues,

"Remember, the Rothschilds financed Cecil Rhodes in Africa; Lord Rothschild was a member of the inner circle of Rhodes's English Roundtable; and Paul Warburg, architect of the Federal Reserve System, was a Rothschild agent. New money (presumably, Rothschild's - editor) suddenly poured into the Frankfurt lodge, and from there a well-funded plan for world revolution was carried forth. During a Masonic congress in 1786, the deaths of both Louis XVI of France and Gustavus III of Sweden were decreed."

Robertson sums up by implying that the connection between the world-conspiracy and the Rothschild family is the "Missing Link." [17 ] The missing link for what? - clearly, the Jews and the world-conspiracy of Illuminism!

In one short paragraph, Robertson - by inference - has linked the most powerful and well-known Jewish family of that era to the planned assassinations of two monarchs, the conquest of Africa, control of the English aristocracy (through the "Roundtable"), the French Revolution, the revolutions of 1848 and finally to the creation of the United States Federal Reserve System. One is left breathless!

It is but a short and logical jump from there (given what Robertson has presented and within the confines of the system he has created) to conclude that if the most powerful Jewish family in the world was linked to all this, then surely the Jews - as a community - must also have been involved. Robertson makes these kinds of linkages between the "world conspiracy" and the Jews throughout the book. And his occasional "warm words" for the Jews as a people do little to alleviate the consequences of his implied linkages.



One is left spinning. First the Jews are out of Robertson's lurid tale; then they are in; then out again - back and forth he goes, commending the Jews on one hand, condemning them on the other.

For example, on page seventy-four of The New World Order, Robertson calls the Jews "God's chosen people." Then Robertson turns to a well-known and even infamous anti-Semite, Nesta Webster, to substantiate parts of his thesis: Robertson writes on page seventy-one of The New World Order,

"British author Nesta Webster researched and wrote extensively on subversive movements. She described a group in Switzerland claiming direct descent from the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt. She says, 'The same secret ring of Illuminati is believed to have been intimately connected with the organization of the Bolshevist revolution ... None of the leading Bolsheviks are said to have been members of the innermost circle, which is understood to consist of men belonging to the highest intellectual and financial classes, whose names remain absolutely unknown. Outside this absolutely secret ring there existed, however, a semi-secret circle of high initiates of subversive societies drawn from all over the world and belonging to various nationalities'[18] ."

The approving use here and elsewhere by Robertson of Webster's material is alarming. Why? - because she openly claims that - at its core - Illuminism is a Jewish conspiracy.

There can be no question about it. Webster - like Barruel - believes that the innermost circle of the Illuminati is made up exclusively of Jews. How is it possible for Robertson, on the one hand, to claim that the Jews are "God's chosen people," and on the other to agree - even if only by implication - that they constitute the Illuminati's innermost circle?

Robertson clearly knows what the writings of Webster are all about, yet he continues to cite her work over and over again to substantiate his own conspiracy fantasies. One is left to wonder that perhaps - just perhaps - Robertson's failure to mention the Jews in The New World Order has more to do with "politics" than with his real feelings regarding the matter.

Of course, no such "inner circle" - Jewish or otherwise - has ever been discovered. When asked for proof of its existence, Robertson writes on page seventy-two of the New World Order,

"Authors who expose subversive organizations are usually ridiculed because, when asked for proof of the identity of participants in secret societies, they have to answer, 'That is impossible, since the names are secret' ...

Robertson continues,

"But, invariably, there is a tiny secret core ring, a larger slightly less secret middle ring, then a much broader and more public group."[ 19]

With such casual deftness, Robertson relieves himself of the necessity of proof. God help the person who is ever hauled before a court over which he presides!




In interviews Robertson gave after it became public knowledge what New World Order was all about, Robertson claimed that he had not really written the book, but that a "ghost writer" had been responsible, particularly insofar as the use of Nesta Webster's material was concerned. But such a claim is farcical. To believe that a man as intelligent and as fastidious as Robertson is - and one who is so vain as to continuously make use of the "first person" throughout the book - would have permitted it (a best-seller in evangelical circles) to be published naming him as the author without being cognizant of its contents is nonsensical. Possibly Robertson's most loyal supporters could "buy off" on such a story, but certainly no one else! His belief in the Illuminist Conspiracy permeates all his writings, not just the New World Order - and no one who is as familiar with Illuminism as Robertson is, is not aware of who Nesta Webster is (was) or what her writings are all about. A man who can apparently lie as easily as Robertson can should be watched very closely - and people who would so blindly follow such a person deserve the fate that will most assuredly befall them someday.

Many Christians, of course, will find it difficult to come to any meaningful understanding of a man - Robertson - who can, on the one hand, have a black co-host for his flagship TV program, the "700 Club," and who also is an enthusiastic supporter of the nation of Israel, while on the other hand he embraces the anti-Semitic concepts inherent in the "Illuminist Myth" and maintains a close relationship with a man - Tom Ellis - who is (or has been) a director for the Pioneer Fund (an organization dedicated to proving the genetic superiority of the white race over and against blacks, Latinos and other minorities). How does one balance a Tom Ellis against a Ben Kinchlow? How is it possible for one to believe in the Illuminist Conspiracy while at the same time being an enthusiastic supporter of Israel? The inconsistency here is mind-boggling and appears to resemble the kind of inconsistency one would find in a naive buffoon. But Robertson is not naive, and neither is he a buffoon! - and people are making a great mistake in believing otherwise. It's more likely that he is trying to hide his real feelings - but which ones? That's the question! - and this kind of duplicity and obfuscation is apparent everywhere in certain elements of the Secular and Religious Right! "Rank-in-File" evangelicals should ask their leaders what they're trying to hide - which of their agendas are real, and which are "window dressing?" For example, which is real? - Kinchlow or Ellis? and which is "window dressing?" What really reflects Robertson's state of mind? - his support for Israel or his embrace of the Illuminist Myth?


Which is real? Which isn't? It can't be both! Belief in the Illuminist Myth and love for the Jewish people are - by any rationale measure - mutually exclusive. Still, there's no getting around it - most of those who are involved with Robertson, while holding to an "Illuminist mindset," nonetheless strongly deny that there is anything anti-Semitic in what they are teaching; that they love the Jews and that they are deeply involved in Christian activism aimed at sustaining the beleaguered Jewish community, both in Israel and throughout the world.

But there's a catch! - to a large extent, that aid is ultimately aimed at (and predicated on) "CONVERSION" - and it's precisely here that the conundrum which revolves around Robertson and his "New Charismatic" allies begins to dissolve: the "New Charismatics" teach not only that the church must unite and subdue the earth before the Lord can return (please see box, previous page: "Dominionism"), but also that the Jews and Israel MUST be "saved" BEFORE He comes again - an event which can occur only after the Jews have been converted through the "preaching of the Gospel,"not the single event mentioned in Zechariah as premillennialists have previously maintained - a view of things which pictures the Jews recognizing Christ as their Messiah not before His return, but only when He finally appears in the clouds at His return. (Zech. 12:10 - 13:1)

Reuven Doron, a "Messianic" Jew, explains:

"The very nation (Israel) that once gave birth (to the church) now is in need to be birthed by another (so that Israel - acting together in consort with the church - can usher in the Return of Christ). Who will provide it? (i.e., Israel's rebirth) ... This premise of spiritual revival still hinges upon the rising and completion of the ministry of the prophetic "Son of Man" company ( i.e., the "New Breed," "Joel's Army," etc.) who is to prophecy the life-giving Word of God. Today the Lord is calling forth a Son of Man Company (i.e., the "New Breed") to corporately prophecy and speak to Israel's lifeless, hopeless white bones until the vision is completed ... the church is birthing Israel."[20 ]

Expanding on what Doron has said, Rick Joyner continues,

"The Jews have historically represented the greatest test for the gospel ... In a sense, Jews are the 'acid test' of our message. Until the church comes to the spiritual stature where she provokes the Jew to jealousy, we have not yet attained to what we have been called. The Jews were 'hardened' to make them the hardest to reach. In this way, they have become the barometer of humanity, reflecting the overall condition of the state of man. When the gospel is preached that grafts the 'natural branches' back into the tree, the church and Israel will then be able to reach the whole world. This is why Paul said that the gospel should be preached 'to the Jew first'. This was not just out of favoritism, but because the Jew represents the greatest challenge of the gospel, and one which we must have ... Even so, our relationship to the Jews is not meant to be a stumbling block, but a stepping stone ... The final joining together of both 'into one new man' ... resulting in the healing of all spiritual and cultural wounds. When the church and Israel have been grafted together ... the time of the restoration of all things may (i.e., will be permitted) begin ..."[21]

The implications which flow out of this kind of thinking for "unconverted" Jews are obvious and very menacing - and they go a long way in explaining how it's possible for the "New Charismatics" and those of their ilk to love and hate the Jews at the same time: Jews that convert they love; Jews that don't, they hate - these are the liberals, the secular-humanists - those that populate the boardrooms of Hollywood and Wall Street and who are responsible for pushing the anti-Christian agendas of the ACLU and the ADL, people to whom Robertson and his followers would have very little difficulty in consigning the appellation of "VILLAIN."

Indeed, the implications here for the Jewish community (especially the unconverted and liberal Jewish community) are so plain that Jewel van der Merwe writes in alarm and some astonishment at the naivetéof the Messianic Community (the converted Jewish community) in embracing this theology (which many of them have done) and not recognizing its implicit danger for their unconverted brethren:

"If history is anything to go by, it would be fair to say that should Israel (and Jews in general) fail to fulfill the ('New Charismatics') ... prophetic view of (things) ... (they) will again be blamed and accused of continued stubbornness and indifference. Again ... (they) become the 'scape-goat' for reckless and irresponsible theological views."[22]

Van der Merwe continues,

"It's ... hard to understand how ... Messianic Jews are being deceived by this teaching today."[23]

Indeed, Messianics who embrace this kind of thinking may someday find themselves forced to put guns to the heads of their Jewish brothers and sisters - and to a large extent, it may be pride which is propelling some Messianics in this direction - that is, of becoming the anti-Semitic toadies of the New Charismatics, and of being willing to pull the trigger of the gun aimed at their unconverted brethren. And the reason behind the pride? - the growing belief in some Messianic circles that they - not necessarily the present, physical Israel currently ensconced in the Middle East - are in fact the "real Israel of God;" that they, together with the church - maybe even more than the church - are the ones chosen to preach the "End Times Gospel," thereby ushering in the new era and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The irony in all this is enough to satisfy even the most twisted humor of the anti-Semites - indeed, it's enough to make Himmler role over in his grave with laughter! - Jews killing other Jews, all in the name of Christ.

And one shouldn't make the mistake that such a thing is as far-fetched as it might now seem - after all, many of the people the Messianic Jews are getting themselves mixed up with hold to an unshakable belief in a system of thought which directly or indirectly holds the Jews - at least unconverted Jews - responsible for the "Secular-Humanist Conspiracy" - and the last time such people came to power, they ended up trying to stomp out the "conspiracy" by exterminating the whole Jewish race. This is what Hitler and the Nazis were all about!


Fascists pretending to be Christians! - all this, of course, will come as a complete shock to most believers, especially to those who have been taught that Hitler had repudiated Christianity and was in fact a "New Age" theosophist; undoubtedly such people would be surprised to learn that Hitler actually conceived of himself NOT as a "New Ager," but as a "Christian Savior" commissioned by God to rescue mankind from the scourge of Illuminism.

But this is very much the case! - and it's very self-serving for Christians to think otherwise. For example, Hitler wrote,


Of course, there is a great difference in what Hitler thought of himself as opposed to what he actually was: Hitler was no real Christian (though he clearly thought of himself as one), and what he was actually doing was the devil's work - unless, that is, one is prepared to say that the Death Camps (i.e., Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz, Dacau, etc.) were the creation of God. Nonetheless, it's a matter of pure fact that countless numbers of German Christians took Hitler at his word when he claimed to be "doing the Lord's work."

Christians in this country need to ask themselves if they're not blindly taking the word of their leaders in the same way - and not only their leaders in the Secular Right, but their leaders in the Religious Right as well. This is especially true of the "dominionists" (see box, page 13); it's precisely this kind of thinking - the kind which undergirds the dominionist mindset - which led Hitler and all of Germany down a path of infamy so terrible and vile that not even eternity will be able to erase their crimes. [Both the Lutherans and the Catholics of Germany were POST-MILLENNIAL in their eschatology, and therefore pre-disposed to accept the rather bizarre, Wagnerian post-millennial eschatology of Hitler's "Reich (National) Church" - we are presently in the process of translating portions of this eschatology from German to English; readers will be amazed at the similarities between the "dominionism" (so to speak) of the old Reich Church with the dominionism of today's New Charismatics. Perhaps the better word is "shocked!"]

Moreover, it's not just Religion in Politics which has noticed Robertson's dominionist mindset. Many others have noticed it too. Clearly, Harvey Cox of Harvard University thinks Robertson is a dominionist. Moreover, according to Cox, it's not just Robertson, but almost everyone that is now associated with Robertson at CBN and Regent University. Given Robertson's charismatic mindset, Cox has little doubt as to Robertson's underlying dominionism - and it's not only Cox, but "outsiders" like Jeremy Rifkin who recognize Robertson's transition.

Finally, Robertson's writings (i.e., the Secret Kingdom, the New World Order, etc.) clearly reflect Robertson's dominionist mindset - and one cannot help but be impressed at the harshness of his dominionism. For example, what's one to think when Robertson speaks of the necessity of imposing by force the will of the "Christian majority" when Christians eventually take over the world? -

"... there must be a police force ... capable of bringing sure and swift punishment upon those who rebel against society" (Secret Kingdom)

- and when others of his ilk say that

"... there's going to be a CLEANSING ... there's going to be a PURGING ... coming forth ... and everyone that's living under the immorality cover ... will be brought down. And God's NEW BREED will come forth ..." (Bob Jones, Kansas City Prophets, Vineyard International)?

Pretty heavy stuff. It would have done Ernst Roehm and Heinrich Himmler proud!




Sadly, it's too often characteristic of those who do battle for Christ - especially in the field of politics - that they are prone to see demons; in the pursuit of "Christian Justice," the godly frequently have a greater interest in the devil than they do in the Deity, as the bloody history of the Inquisition clearly attests.

In the pursuit of the "Just Cause," the virtuous often seem not merely to be tantalized by evil, but are actually in very great need of its presence. When there is no venal force afoot, it is difficult to galvanize people - particularly Christians - into political action, especially when that action is as fraught with discomfort and peril as "taking the nation back for Christ." This is no mere "spiritual exercise" in which one can participate at home in the comfort of a "prayer closet." This involves street demonstrations, strikes, passing out leaflets, possibly even jail - all very unpleasant and painful activities.

One does not enter into such activity lightly. There has to be a compelling reason - and that reason must be PERSONIFIED! It's not good enough to be simply against an idea, a system of thinking. How does one visualize an idea? How do you stick a knife into a thought? Secular humanism, what's that?

Ah, but the Illuminati, that's a horse of a different color! - that's something a person can sink his teeth into. Even if no one has ever seen the Illuminati, they're still people; we can deal with people. We only need to catch them. We can imprison them. If necessary, we can even kill them.

The "virtuous" need the demonic - and they need it to be personified - because their role identity cannot find meaning except in association with a complementary and opposing role. For this reason the magistrate in Jean Genet's The Balcony begs the criminal not to mend his ways so that he himself may continue to exist as a magistrate; [1] so the physician needs the sick, the policeman needs the robber, the teacher needs the student, the cowboys need the Indians, etc. The seemingly antithetical are often symbiotic. And in this sense, unfortunately - and to a greater extent than most Christians care to admit - Christians are intrigued by and vicariously addicted to evil, to the devil. Knowing who the devil is, they nonetheless find him stimulating and extremely titillating.

In the name of vigilance, sin - especially sin in others - all too often becomes a Christian's preoccupation. His own relationship with God takes a back seat to his obsession with the devil in others. And it's no accident that those who make the most vehement claim to the virtues of "traditional Americanism" - for example, the American Coalition for Traditional Values (ACTV), the Christian Coalition, etc. - are exactly those who dwell most obsessively on the sins of "secular humanism" - even to the extent of appropriating to themselves what are taken to be "New Age" methodologies in order to carry on the struggle (incessant networking, pyramiding, secrecy, infiltration, the formation of front organizations, the formation of political action committees, etc.).

If the impetus of one's life feeds on a phobia, then the phobia, instead of being easily discarded, will be maintained at all costs. This is why Robertson, even in the face of all evidence to the contrary and having, according to his own admission, never been able to offer proof of so much as one person's membership in the cabal, continues to believe in its existence.

Arguments and evidence which demonstrate the groundlessness or exaggerated quality of such fears are not welcomed as sources of relief, but are resented as denials of one's own deep psychological outlets - intrusions which, if taken seriously, would demand a drastic reorientation of one's life-work. It is in this way that - all too often - our fears and hatreds become precious things, and rather than seeking liberation from them, we often hold blindly to them, even in the face of persuasive arguments to the contrary. [2]

Robertson and men like him need the existence of the Illuminati. How else can they mount their crusade to take America back "for Christ and the church." Secular humanism cannot possibly serve as a viable target. Ah, but the Illuminati, they can!

Professor Richard Hofstadter sums it up: he writes, "... Populist thinking shows an unusually strong tendency to account for relatively impersonal events in highly personal terms. An overwhelming sense of grievance does not find satisfactory expression in impersonal explanations ... Populist thought often carries one into a world in which ... simple virtues and unmitigated villainies ... (are) projected on a national and even international scale ... A villain is needed, marked with the unmistakable stigmata of the villains of melodrama, and the more remote he ... (is) from the familiar scene, the more plausible his villainies ... (can) be exaggerated. It ... (is) not enough to (simply) say that a conspiracy ... (is) going on (without establishing who the villain is)."[3] And, moreover, this is why even the "Illuminati" will not long suffice as an adequate target. Who the heck are they anyway? The target will have to be narrowed more than that!


This is the reason the Jews will eventually resurface as the main villains. This is why soon, very soon - especially as economic conditions worsen for every-day working Americans, as multiculturalism, "affirmative action," militant feminism, etc. are forced upon middle-class, majority whites "at the point of a gun" (the government's gun) - people will stop talking about the "Secular-Humanist Conspiracy" and begin talking about the "Illuminist Plot," and finally the "Jewish / Masonic Conspiracy." Secularists would say it's impossible. Christians will insist that their love for the Jews this time is real, and that they will never again allow such thinking to reappear in their community; but - in the end - all this won't matter. The people need a villain - especially people who claim they "are fighting for God." And what better villain is there than the Jews? - ESPECIALLY LIBERAL JEWS! As hatred for the Jews increases, Christians - especially evangelicals - will try to differentiate between liberal / secular Jews, and conservative ones. But in the end, it won't matter much, especially as the alliance between the Secular Right and the Christian Right tightens and takes hold. The Secular Right makes no such distinctions!


And what a case they have! - after all, isn't Hollywood - "out from where all the filth of the world flows" - controlled by the Jews? Certainly Nixon thought so. Isn't the ACLU - the organization most responsible for stripping the nation's public institutions of their Christian foundation - "a Jewish creation?" Aren't they the ones who "control Wall Street?" - Ford certainly thought so. After all, who exactly are Ivan Boesky and Michael Millikan, if not Jews? - and isn't Wall Street primarily responsible for shipping all our jobs overseas to Third World sweat shops. This is to say nothing about how "the Jews financed the Civil Rights Movement," (and in the process forced upon majority whites all the attendant evils which followed in the wake of integration (i.e., forced busing, white flight, etc.); provided the legal rationale for "affirmative action;" and were (are) the driving force behind multiculturalism - or so most evangelicals and blue collar Catholics think, at least behind closed doors and in the privacy of their own living rooms.

Yes, the Jews will resurface again as the villains as sure as the sun rises in the east. It may not be next month, or next year, or the year following, but in the end it will happen. The people need a villain - especially when they are under financial and cultural stress - against which their rage can be directed, and the Jews - ESPECIALLY LIBERAL JEWS - seem ready made for the part. No, they're not there yet; but soon, very soon, they may very will be. It's just a matter of time. And once again, the Secular-Humanist Conspiracy (aka, the Illuminati Plot. aka the Jewish / Masonic Conspiracy) will play (is playing) a pivotal role in all this. And what about Premillennialism - the bulwark of yesterday's Christianity against the scourge of anti-Semitism? IT'S DEAD! Political Christianity has killed it off. Premillennialism simply can't exist as a viable way of thinking in a political context. Postmillennialism and dominionism are moving in to fill the vacuum - and wherever these two are found, there - lurking in the background - will be found the Illuminist Myth.


But what Christians do when they "buy into" such thinking - even the "sanitized" thinking which postulates only "secular-humanists" as the villain - is to ignore the plain teaching of the Scriptures. The Bible says that the evil which exists in the world today does not emanate from some peculiar, hidden cabal of Satanic schemers - as the Illuminist Myth so clearly postulates - but that it is resident in us! - in ALL of us! The Bible says,

"From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your (own) lusts that war in your (own) members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war ... Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your (own) lusts." (James 4:1-3)

And again,

"...from out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, blasphemy, pride, foolishness ... these evil things come from within ..."

And again,

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23)

Pogo summed it all up when he said,

"We has met the enemy, and they is us!"**

When we ignore the plain teaching of the Scriptures with regard to this matter, when we blame the sin that infects the world on others or on some peculiar group rather than on ourselves, then - whether we realize it or not - we are helping to lay the foundation upon which the Illuminist Myth can be constructed - and in doing so, we may be helping to fabricate the gallows from which we too may someday hang.*** This is exactly what German Christians did when they "bought into" the Illuminist Myth sixty years ago - and this is what we are doing today when we "buy into" this kind of thinking.


Again, you protest; you say it could never happen. Oh, really? - a quick examination of the "New Breed" and "Joel's Army" teaching of the Vineyards and similar groups should swiftly dispel such "optimism:" the fact of the matter is, the "New Breed" and "Joel's Army" teachings of these groups parallels rather closely the kind of thinking which seized the imagination of our German counterparts sixty years ago - a kind of thinking which speaks of seizing control of the earth and then "cleansing" and "purging" it "Death Squad" style:****

"As we say the day approaching, there's going to be a CLEANSING ... there's going to be a PURGING ... coming forth ... and everyone that's living under the immorality cover ... will be brought down ... And God's NEW BREED will come forth."[4] *****

This is EXACTLY the kind of "artful" phrasing that was used in Hitler's Germany against the Reich's enemies!

Jewel van der Merwe, an outspoken critic of this type of thinking describes the magnatism of this kind of eschatology on a people desperate for a way to reclaim America for "Christ and the church:" van der Merwe writes,

"Blow the trumpet! Hear the noise of the chariots! The chariots are leaping across the mountains! The army of the Lord is approaching! 'The earth will quake before them; the heavens shall tremble ... a great people and a strange: there hath not been ever the like'. Utterly awesome! This army is mentioned in Joel.

"This is the army that (certain) teachers and prophets are declaring that God is raising up in these days. The end-time army.

"Do you want to be a part of it? Just think, you will be able to climb the wall like men of war. Even when you fall on the sword you will not be wounded. Crowds clap and cheer as they visualize the wondrous feats they will be able to perform in the Name of the Lord! No one wants to miss God and not be a part of what He is doing! It all has such a 'spiritual' ring. The tears well in the eyes of hungry seekers as they wait for a new experience. Perhaps, even tonight the heavens will open and that 'anointing' will be poured out. There is always that expectancy that perhaps this is the time 'it' will happen ... The 'prophetic' message is that God is raising an army in these last days to execute judgment and dominion throughout the earth ... They (i.e., the prophets and teachers) declare that the time is at hand for God to pour out His Spirit (the Latter Rain) on an unprecedented scale on the Church in fulfillment of Joel 2:28, marking the beginning of the great 'new thing' God is doing on the earth."[5 ]

John Wimber, head of Vineyard International, explains,

"With the judgment of all mankind will come this incredible 'incarnational enduement' of God's Spirit and we will see the Elijahs ... This end time army will be made of the Elijahs of the Lord God ... There will be a filling of the Temple. That is why we are prophesying and saying to you that it is coming soon ... These things ... will come. Suddenly, immediately, right-away a change - in a moment - without notice ..."[6]

Jack Deere continues - ******

"... this army is totally unique. This army, there's never been one like it and there never will be one like it in ages to come ... It's so mighty that there's never been anything like it before ... This is the ultimate in Apostolic government."[7]

Bob Jones, another "seer," says,

"They (Joel's Army) will move into things of the supernatural that no one has ever moved in before. Every miracle, sign and wonder that has ever been in the Bible - they'll move in it constantly ... so that the glorious church might be revealed in the last days ..."[8]

This is Hitlerism, plain and simple - a CHARISMATIZED form of it, no doubt, but Hitlerism, nonetheless.


And "old-line" evangelicals can't be let off the hook either; they too will also bear a great deal of responsibility if a new Holocaust breaks out in the service of this perverted theology! Why? - because in their over-arching concern to "take the country back for Christ and the church" they have allowed themselves to be blinded to the true message of the Lord Jesus Christ and have become the "bedfellows" with people who hold views inimical to sound Christian doctrine. This is precisely what JOE ALDRICH of Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon is doing when he unites himself with "Latter Rain" teachers like Dick Iverson.

On That Day - when it finally comes, and it will - we'll see who was right: those who stood against the "Political Christianity" which is being pushed today throughout the country and who were not afraid to name names in speaking out against it, or those who today refuse to speak out against what is happening in the name of "Christian Unity."


No doubt, many Christians will be tempted to believe that we are merely being alarmist here when we talk about all this. But the fact of the matter is, the extent to which this kind of thinking has been "mainstreamed" into the evangelical church can be measured by the enormous success of an incredible phenomenon which has appeared recently - a phenomenon which would have been unthinkable not too many years ago: the Promise Keepers phenomenon.

Why? - BECAUSE THE PROMISE KEEPERS ARE BASICALLY THE CREATION OF THE VINEYARD FELLOWSHIPS - the main purveyors of the "New Breed" and "Joel's Army" teachings touched on above. No matter how one cuts it, the fact is, the Promise Keepers have emerged largely out of the bizarre eschatological mileu that surrounds the Vineyards (Latter Rain, the Kansas City Prophets, Paul Cain, etc.).[9]

Promise Keepers is a men's movement (a white male affair) that has been sweeping the country. It started in 1991 with 4,200 men at the Coors' Event Center in Boulder Colorado. This year, nearly a million men will attend Promise Keepers conventions across the country. Ostensibly, Promise Keepers is a call for men to keep their promises to God, their families and their communities. It calls for integrity in every area of life and for the reinstatement of traditional Christian-based values into American culture - a process which, they believe, must begin with men re-establishing themselves as the head of their families, their churches and their local communities.

So widespread and popular has this movement become, that it has been prominently featured in the mainline press and on the major news networks as a "comer" - a movement with powerful political ramifications and one which, as a result, deserves to be closely watched by the national media. Thousands and thousands of pastors and churches have been (or are in the process of being) networked into the movement, and there is no indication that its rate of growth is slackening or abating - and it's precisely the kind of people who have been attending Promise Keepers conventions which make up the core element of today's Religious Right.


And to what extent is Promise Keepers a creation of the Vineyards? Well, for one thing, ALL of its leaders are (and have been) members of the Vineyard Churches (despite the rather vacuous and somewhat superficial presence of many well-known Christian leaders throughout the country on its Board of Advisors). Randy Phillips, Promise Keepers first president, is pastor of the Boulder Vineyard. Bill McCartney and Randy Phillips were the founders of Promise Keepers; McCartney too is a member of the Vineyards.[10]

Promise Keepers current president is James Ryle. Ryle also is a Vineyard pastor and - together with Paul Cain [the same Paul Cain who gained fame (infamy) several years ago as one of the bizarre and wacky "Kansas City Prophets")] - is a prominent speaker at Vineyard conferences.[11] Ryle is presently a member of the Board of Directors of Promise Keepers.[12] All these men (Phillips, Ryle, Wimber, Cain, etc,) concur in the belief that Promise Keepers is the fulfillment of a vision by various members of the Kansas City Prophets (Paul Cain, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones, Mike Bickle, etc.) in the mid-1980s which spoke of stadiums being filled with men whom God was preparing as His "New Breed" to "take the nation (and eventually the world) back for Christ and the church."[13] And one doesn't have to look too hard for the connection here.

For example, Jewel van der Merwe's newsletter, Discernment, reports on an interview that Ryle recently gave on this matter. Van der Merwe reports,

"In a recent interview in response to a question as to whether the Promise Keepers could be fulfilling the prophecy in Joel of raising an army, James Ryle answered, 'Yes ... 300,000 men have come together so far this year under Promise Keepers ... Never in history have 300,000 men come together except to go to war. These men are gathered for war."[14]

Wimber, Cain, Bickle, Joyner, Phillips, etc. have all made similar statements.

Wes Campbell, another Vineyard pastor and an ardent supporter of Promise Keepers says he too had a vision (1984) which he now believes concerns the Promise Keepers - this time as "Joel's Army." He claims that what he saw relates to the condition of things which will surround the rise of this great force (i.e., "Joel's Army," aka the "New Breed," aka, "the Promise Keepers") in the "Latter Days." He says,

"And the church was gathered in a large civil war-type big stately mansion, a big ballroom, and they were dancing. And they were dressed in colorful clothes and happy, and they were moving and they were laughing and they were dancing and they were just having the wonderful party of their life ... And he looked at that and Bob (apparently Bob Jones) began to laugh and he said 'Look at them dance, look at them have fun'. And an angel came and said 'Wait. Not yet'. And then what happened is that strangely in the ballroom, the crowd began to change, and they began to take sides, and they began to have blue coats and gray coats, and in a moment civil war broke out."

Ryle has had a similar vision. Essentially, it's a follow-up on Campbell's vision. He says

"And they went into a terrible fight, and it was father against son, brother against brother, and a man's enemies were in his own house. And the angel said this: 'There won't be a house that escapes weeping'. We do not know how long this time of visitation will continue in this capacity. But when the time is up you run with all your might, because as this begins to be known throughout the entire Christian community of the world, there will come a polarization. There always has come a polarization ... And there eventually will become wars. There will be wars in your household. Your own family may not understand what's going on."[15]

Paul Cain, one of today's principle teachers of such doctrine, claims the angel of the Lord told him about all this when he was nineteen.

And who exactly is the enemy here? - those who are under the "immorality cover" (i.e., the liberals) and Christians opposed to the rule of the "New Breed!"

This is Illuminism! - an extreme form of it, no doubt, but Illuminism nonetheless. This is exactly what Hitler was preaching!! And if these people (i.e., those who buy into these myths) form the core constituency of the Religious Right - then God help us all! - because the Religious Right is now the core constituency of the GOP.


And that's not just what we at Religion in Politics think, that's what mainstream conservative columnists like Robert Novak think. Novak writes,

"The religious right, led by Robertson's Christian Coalition, is (now) the most dynamic growth element in the Grand Old Party ..."[16]

- and Novak recommends that those in the GOP learn to live with that fact because anything less for Republican candidates and office holders is "suicidal."[17]

Novak says,

"Trying to keep the conservative newcomers (i.e., the Religious Right) out of the party is an exercise in futility ..."[18]

And people make a big mistake in believing that Robertson's thinking differs that much from Wimber's, Joyner's, Cain's, Bickle's, Phillip's, Ryles', etc. After all, what should one think when Robertson says,

"Now what do you do? What do I do? What do all of us do? We get ready to take dominion! It's all going to be ours - I'm talking about all of it. Everything that you would say is a good part of the secular. Every means of communication, the news, the television, the radio, the cinema, the arts, the government, the finance - it's gong to be ours! God's going to give it to His people. We should prepare to reign and rule ..."[19]


God help us all if American Christians repeat the same mistake Christians in Germany made when they allowed themselves to be attached to Nazism in the 1930s - thinking that Hitler's radicalism and conspiracy fantasies would fade after he gained power. In doing so, they thought they were fighting atheistic communism (just as Christians today think they are fighting against "Secular-Humanism"); but in the end they endorsed a "solution" to communism which was far worse than the "problem" they had originally set out to expunge. It was a mistake they all lived to regret - but a mistake they were unable to rectify after the fact. A very wise friend of ours once told us, Satan first creates a problem, then offers the solution - and it's the solution (in this case, taking back America for "Christ and the Church") which ultimately is the trap, not the original problem. The problem was merely the bait. Dear God - open the eyes of your people!!

*It's interesting to note in this connection the close links Catholics have historically had with the Illuminist Myth. From it's beginning with the Abbe Baurrel through E.E. Eckert, des Mousseaux, Cardinal Manning, etc. the main instigators have all been Catholics. While the Orthodox Russians no doubt helped spread the myth, those who "wrote" it were clearly all Catholic. Perhaps one should ask himself what it is about Catholicism which could create an atmosphere condusive to the genesis of such ideas? - and more, what was it about Catholicism which allowed itself to be so easily used in the 1920s, '30s, and'40s by the fascists (the Concordat, the Ustashi, etc.) and which after the war allowed itself to be used as a "ratline" for O.D.E.S.S.A. and similar organizations?

**Indeed, if the Bible targets any group, it's the self-righteous - those who point to the sin in others as the source of their problems rather than to the sin that is within them; and here, it leaves little to the imagination with regard to its contempt towards those who fail to see that they too are sinners, just like everyone else: "For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. (Matt 23:4) "Woe unto you ... (you self-righteous) hypocrites, for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. (Matt. 23:14) Woe unto you, ... (you self-righteous hypocrites) for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Matt. 23:15)

***Why? - because these things have a way of boomeranging, a way of coming back on those who originate them.

****For example, take a bulletin advertising two "New Charismatic" conferences in which various "prophets" were scheduled to appear in the fall of 1984; the first conference was entitled "Mobilization: To put into action or use. To organize people and resources to bring into readiness for immediate active service. To become organized and ready for war;" the second was entitled "Strategy: The planning and directing of large-scale military operations. Maneuvering forces into the most advantageous position prior to actual engagements with the enemy." The site of both conferences was the Grand Assembly Hall at the New Heritage USA in Fort Mill, South Carolina, Jim Bakker's old headquarters which had been cleaned up and taken over by several new evangelical organizations.

*****The links between the Illuminist Myth and the eschatology of "Latter Rain" (out from which many of the concepts which undergird the bizarre teachings of the "New Breed" and "Joel's Army" emanate) reach back to the turn of the century and involve most of the early "Latter Rain" teachers - more about this in upcoming issues. Suffice it to be said for now that the term "New Breed" was not chosen by accident.

******Deere is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary; Deere has openly broken with many of the teachings of Dallas - and jokes about it; as a result, there has been a tendency among many pre-millennialists to dismiss Deere's "New Breed" teachings (see "John Wimber, Bob Jones and the Vineyard Christian Fellowships" in Religion in Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1). Nonetheless, it appears that Deere's teachings are beginning to have an influence in more conservative evangelical circles, leading many "old-line" evangelicals to give Deere's concepts a more serious hearing; this tendency is all the more important in light of the movement of "old-line" evangelicals and charismatics towards one another in the new cultural war to "take America back for Christ and the church." More about this in upcoming issues.



[What follows pertains largely to the forgery known to the world as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; but the same pattern of fabrication found here is repeated in all the other so-called "documentation" bearing on the Illuminati Myth. Much of this information comes from Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide.]


Illuminati enthusiasts and devotees like to paint the myth as extending back into the misty past, but that simply is not the case. The Illuminati Myth did not exist as literature prior to the French Revolution - and even then only as disjointed pieces, not as a consistent whole. Not until 1905 did the myth explode on the world as a coherent body of literature. What anti-Semitic writings that did exist prior to 1797 had nothing to do with the Jews as participants in a revolutionary world-conspiracy aimed at the destruction of Christianity; it was largely confined to religious themes with only the most indirect political overtones. Clearly, the anti-Semitic literature which existed prior to 1797 tied the Jews to the death of Christ, and on that basis they were persecuted; it also pictured them as "money-lenders," and occasionally it linked them to the practice of witchcraft; but it never portrayed them as revolutionaries bent on the conquest of the world. On the contrary, Jews were painted as weaklings and cowards; a people hardly worth even the most indirect kind of political attention - and for that reason, most European armies excluded Jews from military service well into the nineteenth century.

The first disjointed pieces of the Illuminati Myth can be traced back to the French Revolution, specifically to the French cleric, the Abbe Barruel. [Please see Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide (New York: Harper and Row)] .As early as 1797, nine years after the revolution, Barruel, in his five-volume Memoire pour servir a l'histoire du Jacobinisme, argued that the French Revolution represented the culmination of an age-old conspiracy of the most secret of secret societies. Down through the centuries this secret society had purportedly poisoned a number of monarchs; and in the eighteenth century it had captured the Order of Freemasons [here, Robertson's Juden-frei rendition parallels the original unswervingly (please see pgs. 67-68 of Robertson's New World Order)]. In 1763, the conspiracy supposedly created a secret literary academy consisting of Voltaire, Turgot, Condorcet, Diderot, d'Alembert and other luminaries of the "French Enlightenment." This group of men ostensibly met regularly in the house of Baron d'Holbach and through its publications had undermined all morality and true religion in France [parallels pg. 67, Robertson's New World Order]. From 1776 onward, Barruel maintained, Condorcet and the Abbe Sieyes had built up a vast revolutionary organization of half a million Frenchmen who were the "Jacobins" of the French Revolution. But the heart of the conspiracy - the real leadership of the revolution - was supposed to rest in a Bavarian group known as the Illuminati under the headship of a certain Adam Weishaupt [parallels pg. 67, Robertson's New World Order]. To this handful of Germans, all the Freemasons and Jacobins of France owed blind allegiance - or so Barruel thought.


In 1806, Barruel produced a document in support of his slanderous charges against the Jews - the Simonini Letter. Like almost everything else connected with the myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy, the letter was a forgery - a fabrication produced by the French Political Police under Fouche. Its objective was to influence Napoleon against the Jews. The letter was ostensibly written by an army officer, J.B. Simonini. After having congratulated Barruel on "unmasking" the Jacobins, which Simonini claimed were preparing the way for Antichrist, the letter went on to describe the so-called Jewish role in the entire "Jacobin Plot."

At the time of his death in 1820, Barruel had elaborated the beginnings of the modern myth of the Judeo / Masonic Conspiracy. He had written a vast manuscript to show how a revolutionary conspiracy had existed down through the ages, from Mani to the medieval Knights Templar, and thence to the Freemasons. The whole organization was supposedly controlled by a Supreme Council. The Council was veiled in impenetrable secrecy and had no fixed residence, but wherever the statesmen of the Great Powers gathered, there they could be found as an "unseen and controlling presence" lurking in the background [parallels pg. 71, Robertson's New World Order]. The Council, which - according to Barruel - was made up entirely of Jews, elected a Grand Master and around the figure of the Grand Master, Barruel wove a truly lurid tale of intrigue, terror, despotism, sorcery and witchcraft. [Please see Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide (New York: Harper and Row). The tale was so fanciful, and so much the product of his own fevered imagination, that a few weeks before his death, Barruel - in a fit of conscience - sought to destroy all his existing manuscripts. He failed.


Barruel's fantasies and the Simonini fabrication by Fouche found little acceptance in the first half of the nineteenth century. But around 1850, the myth reappeared - this time in Germany as a weapon of the extreme right in its struggle against the growing forces of liberty and democracy.

Writing after the great democratic uprisings of 1848 had swept through Europe, rocking the monarchies of the "Old World" to their very foundations, E.E. Eckert began to expand on Barruel's themes of half a century earlier. The Catholic magazine, Historische-Politische Blatter picked up Eckert's writings and helped spread them throughout southern Germany. [And these are precisely the writings that Hitler "ran into" in Vienna and Munich in his yourth.]*

A few years later, Herman Goedsche, writing for Neue Pruessiche Zeitung, authored a book which was to become the basis of one of the most famous anti-Semitic fabrications of all times - "The Rabbi's Speech." How a relatively obscure and openly fictitious novel by Goedsche was transformed into the twisted and demonic "Rabbi's Speech" is itself a case study in the pathological mental processes at work in those who give credence to the Illuminati Myth.Herman Goedsche had at one time been a minor official in the Prussian postal service. He had been dismissed, however, after having participated in a plot designed to incriminate the democratic leader, Benedec Waldeck. The plot had involved the use of forged letters.

In 1868, Goedsche produced a sensational novel under the pseudonym of "Sir John Retcliffe." The novel was entitled Biarritz. It contained a chapter called, "In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague." The novel itself was straight fiction and Goedsche never claimed that it was anything else but that. The chapter in question described a secret, nocturnal meeting which was supposed to have taken place in the Jewish Cemetery in the city of Prague during the Feast of Tabernacles. [It's interesting to note in this connection that there are some in "Latter Rain" who have taken note of all this and who have described these "goings-on" as a kind of "Black Mass" - a satanic precusor or spiritual counterfit to the "real thing" which "Latter Rain" devotees expect to occur in the "Latter Days" just prior to the Return of Christ.]

At eleven o'clock, the gates of the cemetery creak softly and the rustling of velvety coats is heard. A vague, white figure passes like a shadow through the cemetery until it reaches a certain tombstone; here it kneels down, touches the tombstone three times with its forehead and whispers a prayer. Another figure approaches; it is that of an old man, bent and limping. It coughs and sighs as it moves. The figure takes its place next to its predecessor and it too kneels down and whispers a prayer. A third figure appears, and then a fourth and so on until thirteen figures have finally appeared, each one having repeated the aforementioned procedure.

When the thirteenth and final figure has at last taken its place, a clock strikes midnight. From out of the grave there comes a sharp, metallic sound. Suddenly, a blue flame appears and lights up the thirteen figures. A hollow voice says, "I greet you heads of the Twelve Tribes of Israel." And the figures dutifully reply, "We greet you, Son of the Accursed" - which is to say, "Antichrist."

The assembled figures are meant to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The additional figure represents the "unfortunates of the exile" - the Diaspora.


The relevant volume of Biarritz was published in 1868. But this was only the beginning of the story - for soon this frankly fictional episode began its demented transformation. It was the Russian anti-Semites who first thought of treating the story as an authentic record. In 1872, the chapter, "In the Jewish Cemetery of Prague," appeared by itself in St. Petersberg, then the capital of Czarist Russia, as a pamphlet. In 1876, a similar pamphlet appeared in Moscow with the title, "In the Jewish Cemetery in Czech Prague - the Jews, Sovereigns of the World." In 1880, a second edition of the Moscow pamphlet appeared in both Odessa and Prague. In 1886, it appeared in La Contemporain for July of that year. In all these versions, the chapter from Biarritz. was presented no longer as fiction, but as fact - "The Rabbi's Speech."

The authenticity of the speech was vouched for by an English diplomat - one "Sir John Readclif." To complete the irony and twisted turns of this story, when Francois Bournand printed the "Rabbi's Speech" in La Contemporain, he prefaced it with a startling revelation: "We find the program of Jewry, the real program of the Jews, expressed by ... the Chief Rabbi, John Readclif ... It is a speech made in the 1880s."

Like a boomerang, the whole thing had come back on the unsuspecting Goedsche (Retcliffe).

Later editions of the "Speech" pictured Goedsche (AKA, Retcliffe, Retclif, Readclif, etc.) not as the Chief Rabbi, but as a hero. For instance, in 1933, the "Speech" surfaced in Sweden and was prefaced by a melancholy statement "Sir John Readclif paid with his life for exposing the great Jewish conspiracy. It was a sad ending for a man ... who had been an English diplomat and historian."

Unbelievable? It would seem so! - but such are the "facts" that Illuminati enthusiasts marshal in defense of their system of conspiracy theories. And make no mistake about it, this is the stuff from which the entire myth of the Illuminati Conspiracy has been built.

Within a year of the publication of Goedsche's fantasy, there appeared in France a book which was to become the "Bible" of the modern Illuminati Myth: La Juif, le judaisme et la judaisation des peuples chretiens by Gougenot des Mousseaux. Mousseaux had become convinced that the world was falling into the grip of a mysterious body of Satan worshippers whom he called "Kabbalistic Jews."


In reality, the Kabbalah is nothing more than a body of Jewish mystical and theosophical doctrine dating in the main from the late medieval ages. It has been fully expounded in such works as the Zohar. While there can be no doubt that the Kabbalah falls outside the mainstream of Western (and Jewish) religious thinking, there is nothing secret about it.

Des Mousseaux, however, imagined the Kabbalah as something quite different: a secret demonic religion, a systematic cult of evil, established by the devil at the beginning of the world. According to des Mousseaux, the first practitioners of this cult were the sons of Cain, who after the flood were succeeded by the sons of Ham - these were the Chaldeans. In due time, they passed their secret on to the Jews who in turn controlled the Gnostics, the Manichees, and the Moslem sect of the Assassins. They at last transmitted their diabolical lore to the Templars who handed it to the Freemasons. But at all times the Jews, as the "representatives on earth of the spirit of darkness," had supplied the Grand Masters.

According to des Mousseaux, the cult centered on the worship of Satan or Lucifer; the chief symbols of the cult were the serpent and the phallus.** The rituals included exotic orgies of the wildest kind. But this was not all: by murdering Christian children, the Jews - who in reality were supposed to be witches - acquired demonic power. All this was supposed to be a part of the Kabbalah. Of course, it never was! Never! - except in the imaginations and innumerable forgeries produced by devotees of the Illuminati Myth.

Finally, in the last chapter of his book, des Mousseaux pictured Antichrist as a Jewish king whom all nations would accept as their savior. As he neared the 500th page of his manuscript, the author began to ratchet his frenzy up into monumental heights: the Jews will raise up a man with a genius for political imposture, a sinister bewitcher around whom fanatical multitudes will cluster. The Jews will hail this man as the Messiah, but he will be more than that. After destroying the authority of Christianity, he will unite mankind in one great universal brotherhood and bestow on it a superabundance of material goods. For these great services, the Gentile nations will accept him, exalt him, and worship him as a god - but in reality, for all his apparent benevolence, he will be Satan's instrument for the perdition of mankind. [Gougenot des Mousseaux, Le Juif, le judaisme it la judaisation des peuples chretiens, Paris, 1869, pgs. 485-498.] What des Mousseaux had done was to bring together all the heretofore disjointed pieces of the Illuminist Myth and weave them together as a coherent whole. All that was needed now was for someone to tie it all to a specific and contemporary event. The man that did this was Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky.


In the late nineteenth century, Russia was a hotbed of religious (as opposed to political) anti-Semitism. Russia was the last true autocracy or absolute monarchy in Europe. It was also the country with the largest Jewish population in the world - some five million, or about a third of all Jews everywhere. They were confined by decree to the "Pale of Settlement" - a group of provinces extending from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south - an area which embraces much of what is today modern Poland and the Ukraine - all of which was then part of the Russian Empire. They were subjected to severe economic, residential, and educational restrictions. Throughout the nineteenth century, they were persecuted by the peasantry and were on the whole miserably poor.

The nineteenth century was also a time when the Russian Autocracy was beginning to encounter active political opposition, notably from clandestine terrorist groups. The authorities were determined at all costs to mask the fact that the main opposition to the regime was Russian in origin and that there were actually real Russians - and educated ones at that - who so hated the Autocracy that they were prepared to assassinate its representatives. Slowly at first - and quite haphazardly - they accordingly began to pretend that all opposition to the regime, and particularly all terrorism, was the work of a "Jewish conspiracy." The appearance of Biarritz in St. Petersberg in 1872, in Moscow in 1876, and in Odessa in 1880 was connected to this pretense. Still, there existed as yet no overall theme to the tales which surfaced, and there appeared to be no coordinated effort behind it all.


After the shocking assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881, the Okhrana (i.e., the secret police) was founded by imperial decree for the "protection of public security and order." Previously, the chief organ of the Secret Police had been the "Third Section" of the Imperial Chancellery, which was founded after the Decembrist Revolt of 1825. The Okhrana had branches in all the principal towns in Russia, as well as a foreign service centered in Paris. The foreign service of the Okhrana was headed up by Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky. A Russian compatriot described him as "... slightly too ingratiating in his manners and his suave way of speaking ... which made one think of a great cat carefully concealing his claws."

As chief of the foreign branch of the Okhrana, Rachkovsky organized over a period of some nineteen years (1884-1903) a network of agencies in France, Switzerland, London, and Berlin. As a result, he was easily able to keep a close check on the activities of various exiled Russian revolutionaries and terrorists. During this entire period, Rachkovsky resided in Paris and made it his headquarters.

Rachkovsky was a born intriguer who delighted in forging documents. One of his favorite methods of sewing discord in the ranks of the opposition was to forge a letter or pamphlet in which a supposed revolutionary attacked the revolution. In 1887 there appeared in the French press a letter by a certain "P. Ivanov" who claimed - quite falsely - that the majority of the terrorists were Jews. In 1890 there appeared another pamphlet accusing the revolutionaries who had taken refuge in London of being British spies. In 1892 a letter appeared over the famous name of Plekhanov, accusing the leadership of Narodnaya Volya of having published the "confessions" of Plekhanov. A few weeks later came another letter in which Plekhanov in turn was attacked by other supposed revolutionaries. In reality, all these documents were forged by one man - Rachkovsky! Rachkovsky's life was filled with such intrigues.


Between 1894 and 1899, France was rocked by the arrest and imprisonment of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jew who had been falsely accused of selling French military secrets to the Germans. During this same period, Russia was moving inexorably in the direction of revolution. It was during this period that Rachkovsky hit upon a plan to take des Mousseaux's anti-Semitic material, weave it into an obscure play entitled Dialogue by Maurice Joly, and create thereby the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - and by doing so to lay the blame for all the unrest in Russia on the Jews. The French military authorities had been doing just that insofar as the Dreyfus affair was concerned, and by 1895 it looked as if they had been successful in transferring the blame for France's sorrowful military condition from themselves to Dreyfus and the Jews. Rachkovsky reasoned that if it had worked so well for the French, why then not for the Russians? And this is precisely what Rachkovsky was attempting to do in forging the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Rachkovsky entrusted the finished forgery to Yulina Glinka, his agent in Switzerland, who then transferred them to Rachkovsky's old friend, Sergey Nilus at the great Orthodox monastery of Optina Pustyn. Nilus, a Russian wholly dedicated to Orthodoxy and the concept of a "Holy Russia," was the perfect picture of the classic Russian - a huge man with a long, flowing gray beard and deep blue eyes. He had a veiled and somewhat troubled look. He wore boots and a simple peasant's shirt with a belt which had a prayer embroidered on it. In character he was capricious, unruly, and despotic. He fancied himself a mystic and a heaven sent defender of "Holy Russia." He repudiated modern civilization and saw it as a conspiracy of the powers of darkness. He became a systematic anti-rationalist. Nilus was enthralled and totally taken in by the ruse. Rachkovsky had reasoned that if anyone could be taken in by the intrigue and find a way of publishing the Protocols, Nilus would be the man. Rachkovsky had not reasoned in vain.

Nilus soon arranged to have the book passed by the Moscow Censorship Committee on September 28, 1905 and it appeared in print a short time later attached to a commentary by Nilus called The Root of Our Troubles - meaning, of course, the Illuminati, i.e., the Jews. Nilus's star quickly rose at the Imperial Court as a result, and the Metropolitan (Archbishop) of Moscow ordered a sermon quoting Nilus's version of the Protocols to be read in all 368 churches of Moscow. This was duly done on October 16, 1905 and the sermon was promptly reprinted throughout all of Russia.

From 1905 onward, anti-Semitism took a decidedly different turn; no longer was it confined to religious circles; it had clearly burst those old bounds and had begun to flow in new and much more dangerous channels - so much so that agents of the government began to find it convenient to invent Jewish names for all the Autocracy's opponents. From any kind of a factual standpoint, this was nonsense; to be sure, Jews were involved in the revolutionary movements of the time, but they played no greater role than many other minorities who were likewise persecuted by the hated Autocracy.

The Protocols were republished in 1911 and 1912; but it was not until 1917 (at the time of the Revolution) that they really took off under a new title: He is Near, at the Door ... Here Comes Antichrist. *


The 1917 version was distributed as a pocket-sized pamphlet to the soldiers of the "White Armies" during the Revolution; most, therefore, came to believe that the Revolution had been the product of a Jewish conspiracy; and that Lenin, Trotsky, and the Red Army were nothing more than puppets in this vast plot, an intrigue which was - like the French Revolution before it - ultimately under the control of the "Illuminati."

After the defeat of the "Whites," thousands of them fled as expatriates to Western Europe, carrying with them their pocket-sized Protocols - and it was this rendition of the Protocols - with the imprimatur of the Czarist government - which found itself into the pages of the Times of London and other newspapers and magazines in the West; and more, it was this version which Russian émigrés carried with them to America after the final collapse of their forces in the Crimean Peninsula in 1922. To these émigrés, the war in Russia had been a contest which had pitted CHRISTIAN Russia"" against the power of satanic Illuminism, and it was this mindset, along with their pocket-sized copies of the Protocols, which they brought to this country, spreading the Illuminati Myth wherever they went and to whomever they met. And it is precisely this myth which Pat Robertson and others are using today as a means to galvanize Christians into political action aimed at taking back the country for "Christ and the church."

What is it about American Christians which makes them think that they can play with such fire and not get burned? Over twenty million people - from the White Terror which so gripped Europe after the First World War to the ovens of Auschwitz during the Second World War - have perished directly as a result of this myth.

Christians are being hustled, and its not "Minnesota Fats" who's doing the hustling, but experts at the game of politics who would sell their own mothers if it could achieve their goal of worldly political power. Thinking we are wise, we have become fools and are playing with the same fire which consumed Savanarola, Zwingle, Calvin, Cromwell and countless others. Christians think to use the political process for their own ends, but in the final analysis it may be the political process which will use them for its ends.

As we have already indicated, the Illuminist Myth is inextricably bound up with the Protocols. Indeed, when the myth first surfaced in 1905 it surfaced as part-and-parcel of the Protocols. The Protocols, however, are such a transparent forgery that one may wonder why it is even necessary to prove the point. The fact remains, however, that in the years immediately following the Russian Revolution and the First World War, when the Protocols were emerging from obscurity and becoming a world-famous document, multitudes of people who were by no means insane took them, at least initially, very seriously; after all, the government of one of the greatest nations in the world - Imperial Russia - had attested in unequivocal terms to their authenticity. Indeed, the Times of London editorialized, "What are these Protocols" Are they authentic? If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans and gloated over their exposition? ... Have we by straining every fiber of our national body escaped a Pax Germanica only to fall into a Pax Judaica?"

But shortly thereafter, the myth began to unravel. On August 18, 1921, the Times of London, which had done so much to spread the myth, took the lead in unraveling it by devoting a resounding editorial admitting its error. The Times had just published in its issues of August 16, 17, and 18 a lengthy dispatch from its correspondent in Constantinople, Philip Graves, which revealed the fact that the Protocols were nothing more than a clumsy forgery copied from a play directed against Napoleon III and dated 1865. The title of the obscure play was Dialogue aux Enfers entre Montesquieu et Machiavel.


Some Christians, no doubt, will have a difficult time believing that their leaders could have "hooked into" such a deadly mythology - that certainly the story which Robertson has described in the pages of The New World Order is different from what Hitler used to bewitch the German people. The sad answer is, it's not! And it's not just that there exists a good deal of evidence which suggests the parallel nature of the two mythologies (minus, no doubt the naked references to the Jews and the overt racism which characterized fascism) but the fact is, it's relatively easy to prove the the relationship between the two (i.e., Robertson's version and Hitler's version) by tracing the trail of the original mythology from Russia - where it first surfaced as a full-blown story - to Germany and ultimately to the United States. Once here, it is not particularly difficult to follow its path up through the years straight to Pat Robertson and others in the Christian Right today.


And there can be little doubt as to the specific origin and nature of the myth Robertson and others are peddling. Professor Donald S. Strong of the University of Texas writes, "... it is important to note here that the ideology spread by ... (enthusiasts of the Illuminati Myth) in the United States is the same as that which accompanied certain political developments in Russia before World War I, in Poland and Hungary shortly after that war, and more recently in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy." [Donald Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1941), pg. 1.]

Strong continues - taking the reader back to Europe just after the First World War, he describes the spread of the myth into Hungary in 1919; he writes, "The appearance of this ideology (i.e., the Illuminati Myth) in post-war Hungary is of interest because, before World War I, anti-Semitism was almost unknown there ... It was during the crushing of the short lived ... (Communist) regime (in Budapest) that the anti-revolutionary, anti-Semitic ideology made its appearance. Here, as in post-war Russia, the ideology was not used as a means of elite defense; instead an old elite, temporarily dislodged, employed it as a means of discrediting the new revolutionary (i.e., Communist) elite and justifying its own return to power. Thus, in the name of this anti-revolutionary, anti-Semitic ideology, the White Terror was directed not only against the Bolsheviks in general and the few Jewish Bolsheviks, but against all the half million Jews in Hungary. The speedy association of Jews and Bolsheviks in the ideology came about partly from the spread of the ideology from the White Russians and partly from the fact that Bela Kun and several other leaders of the revolution actually were Jews."[33 ][Donald Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1941), pg. 6.]

From Hungary, the myth then spread into Germany. Like Russia, there was a history of anti-Semitism in the Reich; but like Russia again, the anti-Semitism which had manifested itself prior to the First World War was more religious than it was political. Moreover, the anti-Semitism which had taken hold in Germany prior to the war had existed principally only in the lower classes. The middle and upper classes were relatively free of the scourge. Indeed, Bismarck, an aristocrat, had been responsible for launching a campaign in the latter part of the nineteenth century which had aimed at the full integration of the Jewish community into all aspects of German life. There was, of course, some resistance: in 1871 Professor August Rohling, a theologian, produced Der Talmudjude which represented Judaism as a devilish doctrine; in 1878, Adolf Stocker, the court preacher, founded the anti-Semitic Christian Social Labor Party; and finally - in connection with the Kulturkamp' - the Catholic Church initiated a crusade which aimed at blaming the Jews for its troubles with Bismarck. But all in all, the population embraced Jewish assimilation as a measure whose time had come - modernity seemed to demand it.

Nonetheless, despite this history of toleration, Germany - like Russia, Poland and Hungary before it - succumbed quickly to the allure of the Illuminati Myth and the political anti-Semitism which the myth inevitably unleashed; and in this respect, the German experience differed from the others only insofar as the "Communist Revolution" never really took hold in Germany. While the Spartacists - a radical group of German Socialists under Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxumburg - threatened the government in Berlin for three months in the winter of 1918-1919, and Socialists seized power in Munich for a brief period, they were all quickly swept away. Unlike Poland, Hungary and Russia, no real military threat ever materialized in Germany. The catalyst in Germany was profound economic distress. Strong writes, "The more menacing the ... (economic situation) became, the stronger the Nazis grew, ever professing to be defenders of the existing social order against revolutionary chaos."[34 ]

As the Illuminati Myth took hold in Germany, the middle and upper classes found reason to allow themselves to be pulled into the whirlpool. Strong writes, "(National Socialism) ... rallies its followers in the name of the national symbol against an alleged menace of revolution. (As a result), the middle classes ... were drawn heavily to the Nazis. As the Nazis gained strength ... they (also) drew members ... from the upper classes ..." [Donald Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1941), pg. 9.] And what is interesting here is that these classes were precisely those which heretofore had not participated in the old forms of religious anti-Semitism. [And this is a lesson that evangelicals, in particular, would do well to take note of; for while their own brand of eschatology (doctrine of "end times") mitigates against their participation in any form of religious anti-Semitism, it may not serve them well as protection from the seductiveness of political anti-Semitism and the allure of the Illuminati Myth. As the experience of the German middle and upper classes with political anti-Semitism demonstrates, the Illuminati Myth has a way of attracting people which heretofore have never been involved in anti-Semitism.]


Strong then describes the appearance of the Illuminist myth in the United States. He writes,

"Anti-Semitism in its political form (i.e., the Illuminati Myth) first appeared in the United States at the end of the (First) World War ..."

"As a part of the post-war (i.e., World War I) 'Red Scare' large quantities of anti-Semitic literature entered into circulation. This literature indicated the first effort in the United States to identify a revolutionary ideology with the Jews (in the United States)." [Donald Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1941), pg. 15.] Strong then traced the trail of this ideology - which ran like some well worn trail from its initial appearance in America during the Red Scare thourgh Ford and the America First movement of the 1930s to the war. From the war, the trail continued on through the McCarthy era and the John Birch Society to today. [We covered a portion of the post World War II segment of this trail in Section I.]

To get a more precise idea of those people who were drawn to the Illuminist Myth - and the reasons why - Strong undertook a study of more than 121 organizations which were involved in one way or another with the Illuminist Myth during the years 1933-1940. He wrote, "To understand precisely how and why ... the (Illuminist Myth) has circulated in America since 1933, it is necessary to examine the character of the proponent organizations. What are the personality types, occupations, and affiliations of the leaders? What is the class status, religion, and geography ... of the membership? How are funds raised? What sort of propaganda is used and through what channels? To what extent do the groups cooperate? What objectives have they in common? These are the key questions to be answered." [Donald Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1941), pg. 15.] Strong chose 9 groups out of the 121 as representative; he then proceeded to subject these groups to a minute examination. He found that they could be grouped broadly into three different categories: (1) Christian (the National Union for Social Justice, the American Christian Defenders, and the Defenders of the Christian Faith); (2) anti-labor and business (the Industrial Defense Association, the Edmondson Economic Service, the American Vigilant Intelligence Service, and James True Associates); and (3) political and patriotic (The Paul Reveres and the Order of '76).

And it's precisely here that Strong began to discover the real reason behind the "staying power" of the Illuminist Myth: it was the glue which was holding together a rather polyglot alliance of otherwise unrelated cultural, economic and political groups which was standing in the way of socialist forces which threatened their undoing. The myth (whether expressed as the "Illuminist Plot," the "Communist Conspiracy," and/or "Secular-Humanism") gave the alliance the raison d'etre necessary to hold it together. It provided an enemy against which they could rally their forces and make "common cause." Without it, the alliance would fall apart. The myth stimulated (1) businessmen and anti-labor groups because it portrayed communism and their hated advesaries, the labor unions, as tools of Illuminism; (2) it galvanized Christians in as much as it painted a dire threat against Christianity; and finally (3) it excited national and patriotic groups as a response to the "one-worldism" of Illuminism. Thus, it was in the interest of all three communities (Big Business (and anti-labor groups), Christian politicos, and the various nationalist and patriotic groups (i.e., the John Birch Society, the American Security Council, etc.) to fan the flames of Illuminism, and - if only unwittingly and unintentionally - the underlying anti-Semitism that went along with it. Thus, it is a pure fact that one cannot involve himself in this alliance without someday involving himself in anti-Semitism!- and this is as true for Christians as it is for Big Business, and nationalist and patriotic groups. Thus, the re-emergence of the Illuminist Myth in Christian circles today should be of great concern for all right-thinking evangelicals!


Maurice Joly, the author, had conceived the idea of the play during a time when it was forbidden to criticize the despotic regime of Napoleon III. In order to avoid press censorship, Joly had developed the idea of writing an imagined dialogue between the great champion of the French Enlightenment, Montesquieu, and the infamous Italian cynic, Machivelli. Montesquieu was to present the case for democracy, liberalism, and reform. Machivelli would defend the position of cynical despotism and Napoleon III. In this way, he thought that he could criticize the Emperor. But the play, which was published in Brussels, was confiscated in Paris. Joly was arrested by the agents of Napoleon III and his writings were suppressed. In despair, Joly committed suicide in 1879.

But Joly's play was indeed an admirable work - incisive, ruthless, and logically and beautifully constructed. The debate is opened by Montesquieu who argues that in the present age, the enlightenment ideas of liberalism had made despotism, which Montesquieu argued had always been immoral, impractical as well. But Machivelli replies with such eloquence and at such length that he dominates the rest of the play. Machivelli argues that the great mass of people are simply incapable of governing themselves; normally, they are inert and only too happy to be ruled by a strong man. Machivelli maintains that the concepts of politics have never had anything to do with morality and insofar as practicality is concerned, the inventions of the modern world were better suited to the imposition of despotism than democracy. Moreover, the people in actuality desired despotism. The forces that might oppose the despot's rule could be dealt with easily enough: the press could be censored and political opponents could be watched by the police. So long as the despot dazzled the people with his prestige, he could be sure of their support. Such is the book that inspired the forger of the Protocols. He plagiarized it shamelessly. In all, about one-half of the entire text of the Protocols is clearly based on passages from Joly. In nine of the chapters, the borrowings amount to more than half of the text; in some they amount to three-quarters; in one (Protocol VII) they amount to the entire text. Moreover, with less than a dozen exceptions, the order of the borrowed passages remains the same as it was in Joly's play, as though the forger had worked through the Dialogue mechanically, page by page, copying straight into the Protocols as he proceeded. Even the arrangement in the chapters is much the same - the twenty-four chapters of the Protocols corresponding roughly to the twenty-five chapters of the Dialogue. Only towards the end, where the prophecy of the anti-Christian "Messianic Age" of Antichrist appears, does the forger allow himself any real independence of thought. [Please see Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide (New York: Harper and Row)] for a lengthy comparison between the Protocols and the Dialogue.]


The fabricator of the of the Protocols was Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky, who was the head of the Foreign Service Branch of the Okhrana headquarted in Paris. The Okhrana had been founded by imperial decree for the "protection of public security and order" after the Decembrist Revolution of 1825. Previously, the chief organ of the Secret Police had been the "Third Section" of the Imperial Chancellery, which was founded after the Decembrist Revolt. As chief of the foreign branch of the Okhrana, Rachkovsky organized over a period of some nineteen years (1884-1903) a network of agencies in France, Switzerland, London, and Berlin. As a result, he was easily able to keep a close check on the activities of various exiled Russian revolutionaries and terrorists. During this entire period, Rachkovsky resided in Paris and made it his headquarters. Rachkovsky was a born intriguer who delighted in forging documents.


In 1902, Rachkovsky became involved in a court intrigue in St. Petersberg which also involved the future editor of the Protocols - Sergey Alexandrovich Nilus. The intrigue was directed against a Frenchman called Phillippi who, like Rasputin after him, had established himself at the Russian Imperial Court as a "faith-healer;" he had become the idol and spiritual guide for the Czar and Czarina. Rachkovsky and Nilus both took part in the intrigue against Phillippi, and on the same side. Phillippi was cherished, flattered, and almost worshipped by the Imperial family, but he also had powerful enemies - the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna. To break Phillippi, they had turned to Rachkovsky. Thanks to the relations which he had so carefully cultivated with the French police, Rachkovsky was able to develop an incriminating file on Phillippi.

The intrigue against Phillippi involved Nilus as the central player. Nilus, who had lost his entire fortune while living in France as a young man in riotous living, had returned to Russia and had adopted the life of a perpetual pilgrim, wandering from monastery to monastery. Around 1900 he wrote a book which described how he had been converted from atheistic intellectualism to a fervent believer in Orthodoxy; he had become a mystic. The book came to the attention of the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna. Nilus was accordingly summoned to St. Petersberg at the end of 1901 and the court clique surrounding Rachkovsky and Feodorovna hit upon the following plan: Nilus was to be formally ordained as an Orthodox priest and then married to one of the Czarina's ladies-in-waiting, Yelena Alexandrovna Ozerova. A concerted effort was then to be made to impose Nilus on the Czar and Czarina as their confessor; if it had succeeded, Phillippi would have been removed.

It was an ingenious plan, but Phillippi's supporters were able to counter it. They drew attention to Nilus's immoral past - Nilus had been (and still was) a notorious womanizer; as a result, Nilus fell into disgrace and was forced to leave the court. Nilus, who was then aged forty-seven, made his way to the great monastery of Optina Pustyn. There he and his dependents - which included his usual retinue of women of which his new bride was now a part - found permanent lodging in four rooms of a large villa located on the grounds of the famous monastery. The rest of the villa was employed as a home for cripples, idiots, and the mentally ill who lived there in the hope of a miraculous cure.


Between 1894 and 1899, France was rocked by the arrest and imprisonment of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jew who had been falsely accused of selling French military secrets to the Germans. During this same period, Russia was moving inexorably in the direction of revolution. It was during this period that Rachkovsky hit upon the plan of transforming Joly's play into the Protocols and by doing so to lay the blame for all the unrest in Russia on the Jews.


Rachkovsky entrusted the finished forgery to Yulina Glinka who then transferred them to Rachkovsky's old friend, Sergey Nilus at Optina Pustyn. Nilus was enthralled and totally taken in by the ruse. Rachkovsky had reasoned that if anyone could be taken in by the intrigue and find a way of publishing the Protocols, Nilus would be the man. Rachkovsky had not reasoned in vain.

Alexander du Chayla, a Frenchman who visited Nilus at Optina Pustyn during this time, has left an account of how truly fooled Nilus was by Rachkovsky's forgery. Du Chayla writes:

"Nilus took (the Protocols) from the shelf and began to (read) ... the most remarkable passages of the text and of his own commentaries. At the same time he watched the expression on my face, for he assumed that I would be dumbfounded by the revelation. He was rather upset when I told him that this was nothing new to me ...

"Nilus was shaken and disappointed by this. He retorted that I took this view because my knowledge ... (of these things) was superficial and fragmentary. It was absolutely necessary that I should feel the full impact. And it would be easy for me to get to know the Protocols because the original was in French.

"Nilus did not keep the (actual) manuscript of the Protocols in his house for fear lest it be stolen by the Jews. I recall how amused I was by his perturbation when a Jewish chemist of Kozelsk, taking a walk with a friend in the monastery forest and trying to find the quickest route to the ferry, happened to stray into Nilus's garden. Poor Nilus! He was convinced for a long time afterwards that the chemist had come to carry out a reconnaissance.

"Some time after our first conversation about the Protocols, one afternoon about four o'clock, one of the patients from Nilus's home ... brought me a letter: Nilus was asking me to come and see him on an urgent matter. (He was at last prepared to show me the actual manuscript - the original - of the Protocols).

"I found Sergey in his study. He was alone ... Dusk was falling, but it was still light for the earth was covered with snow. I noticed on his writing-table something like a rather large envelope, made of black material and decorated with a big triple cross with the inscription: 'In this sign you shall conquer'. A little picture of St. Michael, in paper, was also stuck in the envelope. Quite clearly all this was intended as an exorcism.

"Sergey crossed himself three times before the great icon of the Mother of God ... and opened the envelope, from which he took a leather-bound note-book ...

"'Here it is', said Nilus, 'the charter of the Kingdom of Antichrist'.

"He opened the note-book ... The text was written in French by various hands and, it seemed to me, with different inks.

"'You see', said Nilus, 'during the sessions of the secret Jewish government, at different times, various people filled the office of secretary, hence the different handwritings'.

"After showing me the manuscript, Sergey placed it on the table ... and said: 'Well, now read!'... While reading the manuscript, I was struck by certain peculiarities in the text. There were some spelling mistakes and above all, some expressions which were not French [Du Chayla was a native Frenchman, while the forger, Rachkovsky, was Russian and spoke French only as a second language - editor.] Clearly the manuscript was written by a foreigner ... It took me two and a half hours to read the document ... (Finally) Sergey wanted to know what impression my reading had produced on me. I told him straight out that I (still) stood by my previous judgment. I didn't really believe in the 'Elders of Zion'.

"Nilus's face clouded. 'You really are under the influence of the Devil', he said. 'Satan's greatest ruse is to make people deny (these things) ... What will you say now if I show you how what is said in the Protocols is being fulfilled, how the mysterious sign of the coming of Antichrist appears on all sides, how the imminent advent of his kingdom can be felt everywhere'?" Then he proceeded to the 'exhibits in the case'. He opened the chest. Inside there were, in an indescribable state of disorder, detachable collars, India rubbers, household utensils, insignia of various technical colleges, even the cipher of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the Cross of the Legions d'honheur. On all these objects Nilus detected, in his hallucination, the seal of Antichrist, in the form of a triangle or of two superimposed triangles ... If an object bore a trade-mark even vaguely suggesting a triangle, that was enough to secure it entry to his museum ...

"With increasing excitement and anxiety, in the grip of a sort of mysterious terror, Nilus explained to me that the sign of 'the Son of Perdition' is now contaminating all things, that it shines even from the scrolls of the great icon behind the altar in the Church of the Hermitage ... I felt a sort of fear. It was now past midnight. The gaze, the voice, the reflex-like gestures - everything about Nilus - gave me the feeling that he was walking on the edge of a (mental) abyss and that at any moment his reason might disintegrate into madness." [A. du Chayla in La Tribune Juive, pgs 3-4.]

Clearly, then, Nilus really believed in the Protocols and in the myth of the "Jewish-World Conspiracy." Rachkovsky had done his work well in choosing as his agent the mentally deranged Sergey Nilus.



Section I

John S. Saloma, Ominous Politics, The New Conservative Labyrinth (New York: Hill and Wang, 1984) pg. xx.

Please see Endnote.

Op. Cit., Saloma, pgs. 4-6.

OP. Cit., Saloma , pg. 44-45.

Please see Endnote.

Op. cit., Saloma, pg. 44.

Ibid., pgs. xvii-xxi

Ibid., Saloma, pg. 43.

Frank P. Mintz,

The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985) pp. 4-5.; Right, Sept. 1960, p. 5.

Please see Endnote.

Op. Cit., Mintz, pg. 5; please also see Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party (Boston: South End Press, 1991), pg. 38.

Ibid., pg. 5; please also see Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party (Boston: South End Press, 1991) pg. 38.

Op. Cit, Saloma, pg. 44.

Op. Cit., Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party, pg. 30.

Ibid., back cover.

Please see Endnote #1.

Op. Cit., Bellant, pg. 30.

William Turner, Power on the Right (Berkeley, California: Ramparts Press, 1971), p. 199. Also New York Times, July 10, 1958, p. 56.

Given the virulent anti-Semitism which so clearly swirled around the AVIF, one would think that most business corporations would have avoided linking their names to it; but this was not the case at all. Such well known mid-western corporations as the A.B. Dick Corp., Sears and Roebuck, International Harvester, Bendix Corp., Edison General Electric, Stewart Warner, the First National Bank (Joliet), the American National Bank, the Central Trust, the Northern Trust, Florsheim Shoes, etc. all contributed money to the AVIF. [Donald S. Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940), pp. 97-98.]

In so far as those corporations which contributed to the Mid American Research Library, one confidential source has said that almost every major U.S. corporation contributed to the organization and used its material at one time or another.

Donald S. Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940), pp. 83-108.

Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party, p. 32.


Section II

Pat Robertson, The New World Order (Dallas: Word Publishing, 1991), pg. 8.

Ibid, pg. 6.

Ibid, pg. 6.

Ibid, pg. 6.

Ibid, pgs. 8-9.

Contrary to what Robertson writes, the Freemasons were the sworn enemies of the Enlightenment and were originally Catholic and monarchists who fought against the Revolution. King Louis XVI and his brothers were all Freemasons. Rather than profiting from the Revolution, the Freemasons suffered greatly from its excesses under the Terror which the Revolution unleashed. Indeed, the Freemasons were hunted down mercilessly and guillotined by the Jacobins.

Ibid, pg. 68.

Ibid, pgs. 68-69.

Ibid, pg. 70.

Ibid, pg. 73.

The linkage here that Robertson is attempting to make between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers is critical in the modern day version of the Illuminati Myth; the conjunction is necessary in order to tie the Old World to the New World in the grand scheme of things - and how better to do it than by uniting what most people consider to be the wealthiest family of the Old World to the richest family in the New. All variations of the myth make this linkage; some versions even attempt to paint the Rockefellers as Jews - they were in fact Baptists. The fall back position apparently has been to tie the Rockefellers to Jacob Schiff (a Jew), and then join the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds using Schiff as the linkage - which is precisely what Robertson does here - using Warburg and the Aldrichs as additional ties. All this is straight out of the "Jewish-World Conspiracy."

Ibid, pg. 127.

Ibid, pg. 126.

Ibid, pg. 256.

Ibid, pg. 261.

In "conspiracy theory parlance," the term "high finance" is nothing but a codeword for the Jews; Hitler, Himmler, Eckert, Rhoem, Goring, etc. all used it.

Ibid, pg. 181.

Ibid, pgs. 71-72.

Ibid, pg. 72.

"The Mystery of Israel and the Church" in The One New Man by Reuven Doron.

Op. Cit Joyner, pgs. 6-7.

Ibid., pg. 37.

Ibid., pg. 39.

Section III

Jean Genet, The Balcony (New York: Grove Press, 1960).

This incisive analysis was taken from Michael Parenti, The Anti-Communist Impulse (New York: Random House, 1969), pgs. 30-32.

Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reformation, pgs. 73-81; taken from Leonard Dinnerstein, Antisemitism in the United States (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961), pg. 58-56.

Tape made by Bob Jones in Kansas City, n.d.

Jewel van der Merwe, Joel's Army, (Holly, Michigan: Discernment Newsletter Publications, 1991), pg. 1.

John Wimber, Docklands [England], October, 1990.

Joel's Army, Vineyard Ministries International, 1990.

Visions & Revelations, Fall, 1989.

O Timothy Newsletter, "Charismatic-led Promise Keepers promotes radical ecumenicism," vol. 12, Issue 1, 1994, pg. 22.

O Timothy, Vol. 12, Issue 1, 1994, pg. 22.

Discernment, October / December, 1994, pg. 7.

Promise Keepers: Ecumenical "Macho-Men" For Christ, Discernment, 1994.

Ed Tarkowski, Laughing Phenomena: Its History and Possible Effects on the Church, June, 1995.

Jewel van der Merwe, "Latter Rain and the Rise of Joel's Army," Discernment, October / December, 1994, p. 5 citing "End-Time Handmaidens," Inc., Angel Letter #2, September / October, 1994.

John Arnott, Pastors' Meeting, Airport Vineyard, Toronto, Ontario, Wednesday, October 19, 1994.

"For God, Country and the GOP" by Robert D. Novak in the San Francisco Chronicle, June 16, 1994, pg. A-25.

Ibid., pg. A-25.

Ibid., pg. A-25.

Al Dager, Vengence Is Ours, 1990, pg. 93-94 citing Pat Robertson,

Answers, pgs. 145-146.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.