Well, we are all guessing about what will/would happen. My concern is about kawasaki disease that has shown up in children with Covid 19. Kawasaki disease is an inflammation of the blood vessels. One factor that is linked with it (known since the 1970's) is hyperimmunization. So what happens if you are immunized multiple times with a virus that already is linked with kasasaki?
2020-07-26 13:58:56 UTC
I love how many questions there are about what someone else said without knowledge or forethought that anyone said anything. Thank Bill Gates.
2020-07-25 16:25:22 UTC
Bill gates is a rich guy, not a government official. Also, my daughters school is opening 5 days a week with social distancing and masks.
2020-07-25 14:21:47 UTC
Pandemics seem to be part of the human history, my view on this is, opportunist seek situations like this to capitalize on their market positions, whether it be in manufacturing or pharmaceuticals or Government policies, Viruses need host to keep spreading, so unfortunately, Bill may be right about school, I worry about the vaccination solution because if we learned anything about Big Pharma, its always about the money, Not taking a vaccination could be the difference on your civil liberties.
2020-07-25 06:05:14 UTC
Bill Gates is an optimist. That the Powers that Be would be cautious enough not to kill an entire generation of school children by waiting until Autumn of 2021 first of all, and second of all by thinking that it will take multiple doses of the vaccine. Trump just paid 2 billion for 100 million doses of the vaccine, which is spending about 20 Dollars on each of you. It's just the first viable vaccine they've managed to throw together under enormous pressure so the likelihood is that it shall require multiple vaccines, not merely multiple doses of this first one. This was the fastest they could go with a very demanding Trump who is used to being able to buy anything he thinks of. He could not believe it took them this long, and bought it the moment they would even call it a vaccine. There shall probably be fine-tuning. The cruel irony should parents have to bury their children because of the twisted logic that pupils could not afford to have missed school. Rather cram than survive. The world over entire semesters have been missed already in order that students in other nations could be bombed by their dictators and genocided like by Assad and now, most righteous of nations, suffering a plague. Called it. The irony of President Theodore Roosevelt packing troops into troop ships like cans of sardines during the Spanish Influenza in 1918. Killed 'em but won points with the diplomatic corps. "No choice" is oft the rant of politicians who sacrifice you. You elect common people to play "King" for 4 years and you get the King fantasy of a different adolescent intellect every 4 years facing real-life problems instead of a King bred and trained to the role and with a long-term consistent conservative policy . . . hey, like in a monarchy. Trump has finally completed the learning curve just in time for the worst crisis of his Administration and he's buying 100 million crates off the assembly line the second it's finished, and people are thinking about switching horses in midstream.
2020-07-25 02:44:24 UTC
another expert. lol
K S Lall
2020-07-24 16:23:27 UTC
What exactly is your question?
2020-07-24 06:52:16 UTC
I'm sure that's so but can you please not use the Daily Mail as a source?
2020-07-24 00:20:58 UTC
I don't disagree with the idea necessarily as that would be the safe route... but I don't think the government will make that happen.
They can't even stop crowded concerts or block parties - isolated events though they may be - from happening here and/or there.
2020-07-23 19:09:51 UTC
That would be the worst idea ever.
2020-07-26 15:01:20 UTC
Bill Gates is retired. Nobody cares what he says.
2020-07-26 07:10:16 UTC
Well I’m an optimist. I think school might start in January.
By then we will accept we must ear a face mask when’re close to someone or indoors. Of course dine in restraints, movie theaters, concerts, and all public gatherings will be a thing of the past as will be weddings, funerals, birthdays.
We will not be able to reopen without testing and vaccinating at least vulnerable people, health care workers, and the contacts of those testing positive.
Captain Tomak
2020-07-25 22:48:06 UTC
I have home schooled my kids for years.
Resist any and all vaccines.
2020-07-25 19:37:06 UTC
The chance of kids dying is extremely small. The average age of those who die due to the bat virus is about 81. We need to protect the old and have life go on for other people. School is important.
Mr. Wizard
2020-07-25 18:13:22 UTC
Bill Gates' wheel-house is computer programming technology, aka Microsoft, who has since the early 80's, cocooned himself in a"bubble"; he's lost touch with reality decades ago.
Gates is literally salivating at selling TRILLION$ of video-conferencing software to schools, vocational/technical schools and colleges nation AND world-wide; he's just a carny attention grabber, seeking to make a corporate buck off the COVID-19 hysteria "pandemic"
Bill Gates is clearly NO futurist who carries a quite finite unrealistic view of America; I don't have any interest in what he says.
2020-07-25 17:08:46 UTC
This could go on longer. I am not normally against vaccines, but I noticed too much of it is wrapped up in the banks and your policies from Westerville, OH in Columbus, OH, Mr. Gates. Why do people need a more submissive RNA for the vaccine, but you are literally using DNA crisper on people, and there is no need to have time bookmark dots ( as seen in the movies "Back to the Future" and "Time Line". ) on people's hand and foreheads, and there is no reason to single out christians, jews, and israelites, and mixed raced families whether they know it or not, or royals or historical bloodlines as genie pigs for their experiments or simply those whom are hated? I see your policies, not all of them, but many of them that you and Mr. Zuckerberg have used against the 90's boy bands, my extended family and I as misognistic, uniformed, and self serving towards your own goals, dreams, and self - fulfillment wishes.
Raymond L.
2020-07-25 01:40:46 UTC
Completly uneccesary.
NOT ONE person under the age of 18 has died from this in the WHOLE states of California and Oregon.
2020-07-25 00:30:23 UTC
Bill Gates is not qualified to speak of such things. He can guess, but he does not know with his level of education. Unless, of course, I am mistaken and he is a scientist.
2020-07-25 00:30:12 UTC
Of course multiple doses will be necessary.
Dr Gates is set to make $200 billion from vaccines and single doses will not be enough.
Have you noticed how increasing numbers of unelected people are starting to control our lives? First the house arrest and the lockdowns. Then the masks and now the vaccines.
They don't like voter ID but implanted chips to confirm vaccinations will be OK. You will need that before you can travel anywhere.
The coin shortage is the prelude to using a chip for all financial transactions - and I do mean ALL: tips, pocket money, charity contributions etc. They will log everything and prohibit transactions they do not approve of. In fact, if they consider you a bad person they may not let you buy anything - or travel anywhere. Complete control.
2020-07-25 00:20:27 UTC
Bill Gates is awesome. I hope he makes a lot of money on his vaccines
2020-07-24 19:20:25 UTC
I don't expect to see a return to the way it was before the virus until a vaccine and even then, some things will probably never be the same. We also need a balls on way to treat the virus so catching it is consistently no more severe than the common cold or at least not considered life threatening. As it relates to school closings, that should be relative to whether or not the virus is considered contained in that zone. And even then, precautions should be included. It's complicated. Also, there are still unknown factors like, a child's ability to spread the virus. No one should be assuming to know the unknown. There is more to be discovered.
2020-07-24 18:31:40 UTC
1984. that potion "vaccination" is a mind control drug.
considering, gates might be red chinese.
if there are specifically nubile seventeen years on this list, ye all have my royal permission to capture bill gates and sweat him to no end, whether he likes it or not, to see if hes red china....
its all for the greater good of this sea to shining sea country.
trumpty rumpty will happliy pay for all!
2020-07-24 18:08:08 UTC
quite likely. President Trump as well as the Republican run states are doing (or NOT doing) an absurd job of combating covid. If they can't find the political will to stop it, there is no choice but to wait for a vaccine. The economy will shut down. I'm not getting Trump's virus. Anybody I know with any money to spend, and any common sense isnt' either.
2020-07-24 15:26:57 UTC
Since when does he know anything about a virus
2020-07-24 03:05:40 UTC
Bill gates can say whatevers he wants lol. Hes not in charge so it wont happen.
Now if a governor or Trump himself says it, now you should care.
Remember Bill Gates holds zero government power.
2020-07-24 00:35:49 UTC
That is not a question good sir
2020-07-24 00:27:25 UTC
Bill Gates is NOT a doctor.
2020-07-23 21:06:54 UTC
Without having a vaccine made then it would be a bad idea to open up schools. I am not sure if it's a good idea, for schools to open up, and allow students to go anymore even if a vaccine is made.
People can certainly try it out, and see what happens, but NOT before a vaccine is made.
2020-07-23 18:14:03 UTC
Pretty sure microchip implantation will become critical at some point before the kids are allowed back at school , right ?
2020-07-23 18:10:54 UTC
So if a vaccine doesn’t work or is never found, should schools stay closed forever?
2020-07-27 03:36:32 UTC
What does Bill Gates know about it?
2020-07-27 01:50:40 UTC
Yes, thats actually the fact. We might have to get shot every season. Like the flu shots.
2020-07-26 03:44:08 UTC
I really detest bill gates tbh. All he cares about is money and being rich.
2020-07-26 02:38:56 UTC
LOL geeze you are so gullible
2020-07-25 10:45:42 UTC
1) The Daily Mail is garbage
2) The article doesn't say what you said it says
3) Bill Gates is no more an expert on viruses than any retard on here
4) The quotes attributed to Gates are all provably wrong
5) School not opening in the next 14 months is wrong. Tell me I was wrong in 14 months.
2020-07-25 10:29:59 UTC
Bill Gates can and will go to hell.
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-07-25 06:03:04 UTC
Yes he does. Thank you for asking, I guess.
2020-07-25 06:02:28 UTC
Who said, Bill Gates!. Is he no more interested in Microsoft?
2020-07-24 21:27:28 UTC
That may well be possible as the parents can't go back to work yet. So, what do the people do in the meantime for an income so they can eat. Kidlin on a stick are somewhat FATTY.
A vaccine will happen when it happens. Right now all we can do is wear a mask, social distance, and wash our hands more often. Most activities can still go on so long as you are not in the restaurant and bar business. Hookers are going to have to go through a dry spell.
2020-07-24 19:42:38 UTC
I don’t think so.
2020-07-24 17:18:03 UTC
Population control vaccines.
2020-07-24 16:06:25 UTC
Schools can stay closed until 2023 far as I am concerned. Online works just fine. They can come out with vaccine today or tomorrow I would not be taking it immediately.
2020-07-24 15:32:13 UTC
The daily mail is probably not the most reliable of sources however the idea of opening schools, especially in some regions, is not the result of the best and brightest which is probably why Trump and DeVos are promoting it, they simply do not care about the children of the average citizen. It is "funny" that while they are threatening schools with funding cuts if they do not re-open Trump is more than willing to allow the school his son attends to remain closed without penalty.
As for a statement by Bill Gates, if that is correct, he, like anyone else, is entitled to his opinion. I read someone mention Sweden, the irony of their comment is probably lost on them as the policy pursued by Sweden, herd immunity, ended with the same or higher economic cost to the country as shutting down and it led it's region both in number of cases and number of deaths. The end result of this was no or minimal herd immunity as it has been found that the antibodies for Covid 19 are short lived when compared to other strains. This also is the reason that multiple doses of vaccine may be required if they cannot find a way to extend the lifespan of the antibodies created.
2020-07-24 01:29:37 UTC
He probably started this whole made up virus business don't wear masks they want to take your liberty away
2020-07-24 01:11:22 UTC
Okay, and?
2020-07-24 00:38:11 UTC
Bill Gates doesn't get to determine when schools close.
2020-07-23 22:29:51 UTC
I wonder how much of Pfizer Bill gates owns? Oh, it’s supposed to be an answer? Maybe that is the answer.
2020-07-23 20:54:23 UTC
Bill Gates is an American and not a scientist. Many countries are working on a vaccine and could have one long before the USA.
2020-07-23 20:51:03 UTC
Seems like a smart idea
Jeff D
2020-07-23 18:19:53 UTC
Yeah, because when it comes to medical pandemic advice there's no one we'd trust more than retired computer billionaires. Amirite?
Brent P
2020-07-27 01:27:28 UTC
Adding a question mark to a statement does not turn it into a question.
2020-07-26 13:37:27 UTC
Reading some of Bill Gates' quotes were rather telling:
"'Sadly the suburban and private schools are doing a lot better at putting learning online.
'It's the inner cities that don't have the resources.'"
Why is it "sad" that some schools are "doing a lot better at putting learning online"? Why not just say: "the suburban and private schools have done a good job at putting learning online...we have to find a way to transfer that success to the inner cities as well" or some variant of that?
As for requiring multiple doses of a vaccine to be effective, I suppose it makes sense as coronaviruses mutate quickly, and what works today against "covid19" may not work in a few months.
We should be supplementing our immune systems with effective treatments to prevent the worst outcomes of covid19, and quarantining the sick and vulnerable.
2020-07-26 02:28:45 UTC
Who is bill gates he is a list soul with money problems he is a nobody don’t listen to the man
2020-07-25 19:56:42 UTC
Bill Gates is the man.
2020-07-25 15:44:10 UTC
Despite Bill Gates enormous opinion of himself, he is neither a medical specialist nor an epidemiologist. So, be careful of attaching too much significance to what he says.
2020-07-25 15:39:21 UTC
did anyone tell him it's not a computer virus ?
Laddie Gah Gah
2020-07-25 14:32:02 UTC
And who ELECTED Gates to be national health minister?..Who authorized such an evil man to make such decisions??..Who? - WHO did, that`s who.
a sane person in an insane world
2020-07-25 14:24:59 UTC
This from the man who abused his position in technology and forced a flawed operating system into corporate America with the phrase 'Windows is not done until Lotus will not run'. What moron thinks Gates got wealthy honestly? Oh, the Liberal Socialist Democrats.
2020-07-25 13:56:16 UTC
That all depends upon the governor. Arizona schools will be open. Idaho schools will be closed.
2020-07-25 13:37:08 UTC
bill gates would say that, probably knee deep invested with the manufacturer.
Londo Mol
2020-07-25 11:14:26 UTC
Bill Gates is talking rubbish again.
2020-07-25 04:35:54 UTC
NOT A QUESTION. Yahoo violation duly reported.
2020-07-25 00:52:19 UTC
Bill Gates is a TOOL. He did ONE THING and that ONE THING...which could have been COMPLETELY AVOIDED...made him wealthy. We don't need to listen to this jerk.
2020-07-24 18:41:06 UTC
Given that our chances of having a vaccine ready by next fall are only so-so, AND that antibodies to this virus seem to fade quickly, he may well be correct.
The Oxford vaccine seems to produce a double effect, antibodies and T-cells, so if the antibodies fade quickly, the T-cells may remain effective, but it's not certain yet if that's so.
2020-07-24 09:46:33 UTC
Hi Jann...I'm just popping off here , couldn't resist kinda thing...
But as for listening to Bill Gates about the Covid virus...
I'm still waiting for him to fix his Windows viruses first :-)
2020-07-23 23:34:09 UTC
There is no vaccine and he does not rule any Country
2020-07-23 23:26:39 UTC
Might as well just leave them closed permanently. Brats don`t learn anything , and they are just used for daycare so the "parents" can work and get away from their rotten crotchfruit. They can`t stand their own kids when they have to be cooped up with them all day. LOLOL
2020-07-23 22:55:38 UTC
Bill gates is wrong. Many schools will reopen prior to fall 2021. Many will reopen next month.
2020-07-23 22:33:23 UTC
Bill Gates may be rich and smart but that doesn't make him a scientist nor 99% of the people who have few choices to deal with this virus. Rich people can afford to sit on their *** all day and throw out ideas of how to fix this but poor people, even most working class people cannot stay home until 2021 and wait for things to blow over. Even the 3 months have destroyed many lives. We must help the greater good, the vast majority will not die if they catch the virus. Death is just a part of life and people need to understand that this virus was gonna do it's thang no matter who was the president. Trump 2020. Pence 2024, 2028, Trump 2032, 2036, until eternity
2020-07-23 18:09:56 UTC
Bill Gates is very smart and good at what he does. But he is not a medical scientist. The vaccines haven't been made available yet, and no one knows if multiple doses will be needed. No one knows what's going to happen with COVID. An actual scientist has said that we could lower the risk to almost nothing if everyone would wear a mask. More places are passing mask ordinances, so we'll have to wait and see that that does the rate of new transmissions.
2020-07-27 17:03:04 UTC
Since he travels the world as a philanthropist he probably has a better understanding on a global level . But yes that does seem realistic unfortunately.
2020-07-26 10:06:18 UTC
Bill Gates isn't in charge of schools or healthcare last time I checked. He's rich, but not part of the Gov.
2020-07-25 16:47:50 UTC
yes. Bill's mercury-laded vaccines should be mandatory for all children who attend government schools
Judy and Charlie
2020-07-25 03:49:06 UTC
He is probably right.
2020-07-25 02:52:14 UTC
Bill Gates is an atheist like Fauci and Communist China. Joe Biden is their useful idiot.
TRUMP 2020
2020-07-24 23:47:48 UTC
Only doctors know about the doses of the vaccine. Schools likely will be closed though until at least spring of 2021 if not fall. We have a betting pool at work as to when schools were open and I picked spring and that’ll go year-round next year the snow summer break aside from maybe a few weeks off.
This pandemic will change the way we live even long after it’s over. For example kids will have online learning lessons on snow days now instead of just having the day off to go play in the snow. Absolutely no good will come from the pandemic. Summer vacation will likely be shortened to one month from now on. After next years year round school educators will like it and say let’s just give kids only August off from now on.
No snow days, no summer vacation, we can thank coronavirus for that.
So Bill Gates is partially right about schools but only a doctor knows on the vaccine part. Stay safe
2020-07-24 21:13:20 UTC
The DOD awarded rfid chip manufacturer APIJECT a contract to make the syringes.
Keep trusting the gubment, idiotcrats.
Godless Gazoo
2020-07-24 19:38:21 UTC
His vaccines are taking two, Pfizer's aren't.
He's about four months behind them too.
2020-07-24 16:08:50 UTC
Gates has to be relevant, but has minimal power because he is essentially retired. He can't repeat what has already been said, so he has to throw out a new angle to fulfill his image of the super brainy secrete problem solver. So he finds a lesser piece of data, uses it and hopes it proves true. If not, he said "may be".
2020-07-24 12:53:44 UTC
Bill Gates is a college drop-out who was living in his parent's garage when he managed to invent something the entire world ended up needing, thereby making him seem like less of a D & D playing dork. I am not really sure why we give a crap what he thinks about anything.
2020-07-24 11:53:39 UTC
That's funny, I didn't know that Bill gates was a doctor and in charge of public school policy. Next time also try to actually ask a question.
2020-07-24 08:25:55 UTC
I couldn't care less what Bill Gates thinks about anything. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" (Psalm 9:17, KJV). Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!
2020-07-24 06:43:31 UTC
You talking about bill gates the science guy? Or maybe the vaccine specialist...or maybe somebody that has about as much a clue on this subject as the dumbasses on this site... hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahaahahaahahahaahah.. STUPID
2020-07-23 22:48:57 UTC
I have no sympathy for adults. however the kids are not pawn or Lab Rats and should not. have to worry about their safety because of powers over their head
2020-07-23 21:41:07 UTC
If that's the case then we are using the wrong strategy. We would be better off re-opening the economy now and treat this virus like we treat the flu... unless Bill Gates would let all the homeless live in his mansions at his expense... the country cannot afford this. The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.
Follow Sweden's model
2020-07-23 21:33:40 UTC
nd allow students to go anymore even if a vaccine is made.
People can certainly try it out, a
2020-07-23 20:34:13 UTC
Not where I live. Kids can go back to school this fall according to my governor.
2020-07-23 20:32:41 UTC
I have no idea if Bill Gates said that and an article from the UK would not confirm it for me. But, if he did, he may be correct. He could also be incorrect. Someone who is not a doctor or scientist or in the medical field( just isn’t one to get my news and information from, regarding this virus.
Katy M
2020-07-23 18:12:53 UTC
What's your question? Some schools are going to open, find out it was a whopping mistake and close again. Some schools in rural areas will probably be just fine. And, of course, for a disease where the antibodies disappear after a couple of months, multiple doses of the vaccine will be necessary. Especially since so many in this country will refuse even one dose.
Red Fox
2020-07-23 18:09:01 UTC
1. More scare tactics.
2. That's where the BIG MONEY is. 💰💰💰
2020-07-26 04:46:10 UTC
He is incorrect
2020-07-25 17:47:54 UTC
I’ll bet somebody could sell you the Brookline bridge and you go to San Francisco to look for it.
2020-07-25 11:26:03 UTC
We hear a lot of such news, we can call it speculation, it is too early to say
2020-07-25 03:19:03 UTC
omg i love bill gates !
2020-07-25 00:30:42 UTC
Not for sure where Bill Gates gets his expertise in these matters but he is more trusted than anyone in the Trump administration
2020-07-24 23:36:38 UTC
When did Bill Gates become an M.d. specializing in immunology? Get real!
Jimmy C
2020-07-24 16:15:10 UTC
The article says schools COULD be closed until then. And yes, multiple doses might be necessary in order to boost levels of antibodies. Gates knows more about this than anybody.
2020-07-24 00:30:14 UTC
I don't doubt it. It's a possibility for sure. Think about it; schools have 400+ students, maybe a little less. Someone, or multiple people are bound to get the coronavirus whilst in school. Another thing about it is that people can also be asymptomatic, so they wouldn't even know they had coronavirus but meanwhile, that person who's asymptomatic would be infecting several others, and by the time the school finds out, at least four or five others have it, even with the masks, because you'd take your masks off during lunch, and the closer you are to someome, the more likely it is to be transmitted to another person or other people.
2020-07-23 23:43:42 UTC
I find it hard to believe that a genuine vaccine is possible, no one in the world has yet isolated covid and the so called test doesn't specifically test for covid but instead tests for a by product of infection and can have multiple causes for a positive such as a past case of regular flu. So I don't see how you could make a vaccine. It all sounds very iffy to me and I won't be going within a mile of this shot and I suggest that you don't either.
2020-07-23 21:51:42 UTC
That Bill Gates is a trip, ain't he? First, he torments the heck out of us with buggy software, now he's putting his 2 zillion cents worth in on this vaccine/schools issue. Where's that microchip he's been promising to implant us all with anyway? (I hope it teaches me how to dance!)
2020-07-23 18:44:49 UTC
With his incredible medical degrees I'm sure he is absolutely correct. Yet I can't understand how he would not consider the impact of not opening schools. The economy and getting back to work essential for most people who don't have his wealth. I mean what are they going to do? Stay home all day and use the computer and Microsoft products all day? Oh...wait....
2020-07-23 18:18:14 UTC
Talking out of his azz again.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.