Which way do you swing? Republican or Democrat?
2006-02-10 09:44:53 UTC
Which way do you swing? Republican or Democrat?
Twenty answers:
2006-02-11 20:27:09 UTC
Republican usually, the Democrats have never in my voting life time had anybody worth voting for in an election. There might be a local democratic candidate from time to time I will vote for if it makes sense. Not all Republicans are good and not all Democrats are bad it just depends on what needs to get done at the local level. Nationally though I seem to like the Republican's agendas better.

Oh and by the way the Democrat is not the working mans politician. They are full of **** to get your votes. Joe Kennedy taught his kids to speak with a Boston accent in order to get the working man's votes. And things like unions actually hurt our economy not help. Once again votes not solutions. Many working class people, especially self-employed, get great tax benefits from Republicans, just not $35/hr.

I guess we could bring back Clinton and have creative accounting, false stock reports, etc... that really worked. What happened right after he left; 9/11, recession, market unstability, high unemployment rate, etc... Who cares though he got to go on Oprah. Awesome.
2006-02-10 09:49:37 UTC
2006-02-10 09:45:32 UTC
2006-02-10 09:48:42 UTC
2006-02-10 09:54:45 UTC
I am registered as a Republican, so that I may vote in primary elections and have a voice there. I vote after weighing the pros and cons of the candidates. I generally consider myself conservative, and vote more Republican on the federal level. I have voted Democrat in many things such as County Commisioner, School Board, and various other things. In the last poll where I voted, I voted for 2 Democrats and 7 Republicans.
2006-02-10 09:55:49 UTC
I think this question is a good indicator at how stale our political system has become.

There are only 2 major parties, because they have the financial backing. America has been browbeaten into thinking that this is the norm.

If we had a political system where coffers stuffed with cash didn't win political battles, we would actually have leadership that was determined by qualifications, rather than leadership determined by big money and their interests.

This 2 party system leads most people to vote for the lesser of two evils, rather than someone they feel strongly for, based upon their values, or what they could actually do to help the middle and lower classes.
2006-02-10 09:46:44 UTC
I swing 3-way with the girlfriend
2006-02-10 10:05:08 UTC
Strong Conservative Republican
2006-02-10 09:46:58 UTC
Democrat - Is for the working man!
2006-02-10 09:45:59 UTC
More so Republican
2006-02-10 09:55:04 UTC
2006-02-10 09:46:29 UTC
2006-02-10 09:47:54 UTC
Republican... Democrats are nothing but cry babies.
2006-02-10 09:46:29 UTC
I personally don't swing either way. I look at a person's qualifications.
2006-02-10 09:46:01 UTC
2006-02-10 09:46:40 UTC
conservative....I vote Republican
2006-02-10 23:37:37 UTC
I'll vote for the best candidate. But, Otherwise, I'm hardcore conservative.
2006-02-10 09:50:54 UTC
Whom will stand up to beauracracy?Al gore was the peoples choice and it did him no GOOD AGAINST THE GOOD OLD BOYS...
2006-02-10 09:46:10 UTC
i'm further left than democrat.
salad dish
2006-02-10 10:56:27 UTC
We need more parties!

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