2009-11-06 06:46:25 UTC
Overall, he has been slowly declining in Popularity and is losing support on his policies and proposals at this time. He has three more years in Office to continue to direct America, and might prove to be a terrible President or an excellent Preisdent but so far he is on hes way to be no better than GWB.
So far he has....
-Created a larger deficit and debt then all previous Presidents combined
-Refused to have open meetings that were promised during his campaign regarding heath care.
-Failed to yet close Gitmo as promised.
-Increased unemployment to 40 year highs.Reached 10.2 today.
-Created Internet monitoring group to monitor sites such as this for "enemies" (Shades of Nixon!)
-He sent addition troups to Afganistan in March
-Created massive bailouts for millionaires and large corporations at the cost of the working class
-Increased debt of each American to new highs
-Pushed the Fairness Doctrine to limit free speech