uh, no
i can't believe some of these answers, are u guys insane or just mentally handicapped?
do u ever watch news (other than american channels)??
i have to agree at one time the world needed the "great us of a", BUT no more than we needed Australia, France or Canada and so on and so on,.
now i beg of you (for your own good) take a giant step back and take a good hard look where your country is and where it is going. it is now the us that is in the news drumming up support for the war in other countries around the world. it was the rest of the world that came running to your aid after 911 (even Venezuela) no questions asked, it was the rest of the world that helped raise money and supplies after the gulf storm.
what have u done lately for the rest of the world? besides trying to impose your will on every tom dick and Harry?
yes we know u have a right to be scared out of your wits, but calm down for a minute and listen to reason, stop trying to be the big kid on the block. if your county keeps going this route u soon will the new third world. yes it could really happen.
why did i get a thumbs down?