Should Hugo Chavez be assasinated?
American Vengeance
2006-09-22 08:39:58 UTC
for calling George Bush "the devil"? How dare he insult us, and insult George Bush.
34 answers:
2006-09-22 08:43:31 UTC
Why shouldn't he, everyone insults everyone in the world?

He doesn't want to be our ally, his whole schtick was to get the rest of the world to like him. IF you watched the UN meeting you would have noticed that all his comments got applause and laughs, not boos.

Sorry, but the entire world is not Muslim (and they weren't even a big minority there). All of the world leaders were laughing at Bush's expense and they were all showing that they somewhat agree with Chavez.

THAT IS WHAT YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT, not what insults some random political is chucking at us.
Asia Wharf
2006-09-22 09:08:29 UTC
Many people in the world (including within US) agree with much of what Chavez said. Chavez is a caricature in many ways, and the lack of subtlety in his message was consistent with that. And Chavez is not in a strong position when it comes to lecturing others - but he is a tinpot leader of a small country.

The fact he can say this openly about the one who should be leading the world, and be seriously listened to by so many world leaders, suggests that the the problem is with Bush not with Chavez. The majority of serious journals inside and outside of US are saying some of the same things.

Forget Chavez - Bush and his administration are the ones that are insulting you, your country , your culture and by doing so gradually destroying the respect that others once had for you.

Your ridiculous question simply reinforces that Bush is winning in dumbing down a once thoughtful nation into only understanding black and white responses.
2006-09-22 08:47:29 UTC
Why because the man voiced his opinion, and we have a president who doesn't have the moral fortitude to answer back!

First time ever has an American President been insulted. Nikita Krueschev had some nasty words...but never insults! Tells me and millions of others that Bush is leading America down a one-way street!
2006-09-22 09:03:12 UTC
uh, no

i can't believe some of these answers, are u guys insane or just mentally handicapped?

do u ever watch news (other than american channels)??

i have to agree at one time the world needed the "great us of a", BUT no more than we needed Australia, France or Canada and so on and so on,.

now i beg of you (for your own good) take a giant step back and take a good hard look where your country is and where it is going. it is now the us that is in the news drumming up support for the war in other countries around the world. it was the rest of the world that came running to your aid after 911 (even Venezuela) no questions asked, it was the rest of the world that helped raise money and supplies after the gulf storm.

what have u done lately for the rest of the world? besides trying to impose your will on every tom dick and Harry?

yes we know u have a right to be scared out of your wits, but calm down for a minute and listen to reason, stop trying to be the big kid on the block. if your county keeps going this route u soon will the new third world. yes it could really happen.

why did i get a thumbs down?
2006-09-22 09:01:33 UTC
Chavez's days are comming to an end, even though it may not be quick enough for U.S. When his oil rigs, pump stations and oil exploration equippment begin to rust and fail, and Russia or Iran or Cuba are unable to send spare parts. Or when his military cronnies (now political appointee's) start having second thoughts and the population starts to wonder what happen to all the $$$, he will eventually have to step down or go down.

The type of social and economic scenario he is creating will not succedd. He will eventually insult most of Venezuala's neighbors, the population will start getting hungry and sooner or later, possibly a farmer with a machete will say what the hell!

Shoud he be assasinated? Yep! Will he? Dunno! Will he be around long? No, "The Devil You Say"
2006-09-22 09:08:39 UTC
I don't feel offended by what Chavez said because I know it wasn't aimed at me. As for Bush, as an American, I find his presidency to be offensive. Why then should I care if some blowhard from South America calls him names?
2006-09-22 08:46:19 UTC
I wouldn't worry about it. If you think we're insulted, you should see the Devil; he's furious. Before we go murdering world leaders for speaking ill of W, we should probably assasinate the 60% of Americans who also disapprove.
2006-09-22 08:42:42 UTC
Oh man, an insult alright!

How dare he insult the devil by naming George Bush!!!!!
2006-09-22 08:55:44 UTC
Why am i not suprised at your attitude? As usual the Americans can not use their brains but brawn to supress their critics. Fact remains that "the George Bush mentality" is the tipical American mentality. We view him as an imbecile and an idiot. I applaud Chavez for speaking his mind and agree with his sentiments.
2006-09-22 08:44:09 UTC
Come assassinate me. I think Bush is the devil. How dare I have a different view.
2006-09-22 08:47:40 UTC
No, hell you would have to assassinate half the Dems in Congress for saying the same thing. George Bush can take it.
2006-09-22 08:58:03 UTC
you don't get it do you? chavez never said a bad world about america, his words were aimed at brush. the world understands what happened to this country more than you do. the presidency was stolen, a coup d' etat, the constitution was violated. the greatest nation in the world brought to it's knees by fascist plot.

check out your rating.

2006-09-22 08:46:53 UTC
The "land of the free", remember?

Chavez has a right to his opinion, and you'd be surprised how many agree.

Typical of you to suggest that death be a suitable punishment for his views... right in line with the war-mongering views of your esteemed leader.
2006-09-22 08:45:09 UTC
He should not be assassinated but he should be marginalized. Like one of the answerers here said, just stop buying Citgo gas and watch ho fast he comes back to lick the devil's boots.
2006-09-22 08:44:38 UTC
So your telling me you're in the same ballpark with Pat Robertson? That's nuts.

Your questions sound like your a paid operative for the RNC.
2006-09-22 08:42:01 UTC
That's crazy.

Hugo Chavez is just repeating what a lot of the world is already saying. He's just a loud mouth that wants to get noticed.

I have no personal issues with him. He likes Americans, just not Bush.
one glove
2006-09-22 08:45:20 UTC
why do you wish death on someone you don't know and never will know? What has he done to deserve death? call bush names? thats retarded. People in our own country call bush names all the time so do you want them to die? hatemonger.
profile image
2006-09-22 08:50:14 UTC
Assasinated for saying something?

Oh my.
2006-09-22 08:52:22 UTC

I think the people of Venezuela need to suffer under his regime (he WILL become presidente-for-life) for decades to come, so they finally might have some sense beaten into their heads about electing marxist thugs.

I firmly believe people should suffer the consequences of their foolishness.
2006-09-22 08:43:53 UTC
Comparing that idiot to the devil is an insult to me!!!!!

Thumbs down!
Jean R
2006-09-22 08:52:25 UTC
No. Pesonally we should stay away from Citgo. I would mind a coup, though. Let his people get rid of him.
2006-09-22 08:49:07 UTC
Since 85% of his country lives in poverty, it would be great if one of his own, whacked him. They should get him when he's passed out drunk somewhere.

Though many Americans work for Citgo, I think for the greater good for our country, we should "BOYCOTT CITGO".
ŚţΰāŔţ ● Ŧ
2006-09-22 08:45:07 UTC
No, but stop all U.S. support and embargo Venezuela imports.

Chavez is a frickin' idiot.
2006-09-22 08:47:49 UTC
WELL AMERICAN VENGEANCE,"AXIS OF EVIL"have you heard that before?don't have a cow baby go take a swim
2006-09-22 08:43:48 UTC
Here we go.. typical NEOCON mentality, if you don't agree with me I will bomb your country to the stone age.

Now, I wonder whose mode of operation that is.
2006-09-22 08:41:59 UTC
No, but stop buying Citgo gas and cut all aid to his country,
2006-09-22 08:51:14 UTC
that is the wrong question... shame on you

the question should be

What should we use? 30-06? 7.62? 5.56? .50?

MOAB? JDAM? Daisy Cutter?
2006-09-22 08:42:01 UTC
Chavez is a clown. She should be ridiculed and dismissed as a crackpot.
2006-09-22 08:44:45 UTC
Of course not.I say we all move to Venazeula where we have no freedoms.I love that man. Liberals in COMMIE country, what a dream! :-) Me and my man are on our way, are you with us?
2006-09-22 08:43:21 UTC
Yep, wouldn't bother me if the scumbag "caught a bullet"
2006-09-22 08:43:34 UTC
the best way to kill him is to kill his bank account!! in order to do this we MUST NOT buy Citgo gas when we fill up, and make sure what you buy is made IN THE USA!!!, and vacation HERE!!!!
2006-09-22 09:08:00 UTC
no, what did he ever do wrong
2006-09-22 08:44:00 UTC
no he's nuts but he's his countries problem not ours.
2006-09-22 08:43:11 UTC
for that? no. who cares?

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