What most partisans fail to acknowledge, is what Bush did was brilliant. He finally got the inspectors in unimpeeded by massing our troops on the border to put to rest, once and for all, the WMD's issue.
Blix and co were not finding a damned thing on the ground despite us giving him our intelligence and were begging for more time.
Bush then said, they just got to have them and said we are going to invade anyway, even though Saddam and Iraq posed no threat, had no delivery system to make that threat and no WMD's were to be found.
Then Bush went monumentally stupid and the rest is history.
What confuses me to no end, is so many people ignore the obvious and pick on the most flimsy of excuses for the invasion, reasons that paint us as lacking any amount of common sense, or compassion except when it is our political leaders best interests.
That is why we have lost the lions share of respect in the world. And why I think world leaders are laughing behind Bush's back, and why Bush can't get much of anything done in the world. They only give him lip service, because, after all, we have the biggest military machine on the planet, and we are still #1 economically.
Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated
551 - 479 BC