2010-01-08 21:10:14 UTC
The Mainstream press:
SAWYER: "The buck stops here." It's an echo of another young president at another time.
STEPHANOPOULOS: ...John F. Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. The president took responsibility.
GERGEN: ...take personal responsibility for this just as John F. Kennedy did after the Bay of Pigs.
BUCHANAN: Remember Jack Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs...
Or is RUSH right in saying:
RUSH: A couple more things here on this brave speech yesterday by the president. The media is twisting and turning, doing exactly as I predicted: Blaming everything here on Bush, systems that Bush and Cheney put into place. "It can't be our new young president. He's only been there ten months!" Remember, though, Bush had been there ten months and they tried to blame him for 9/11. At any rate, there's a story here at Politico.com from yesterday: "White House Security Report was Further Redacted Before Release." Yeah, it was. "He [an administration official] said it was further redacted over concerns that any information divulged not reveal sources and methods. 'One has to be extremely careful what is made public. It can provide knowledge to your enemies.'" Now, I don't think they care about that. You know why? There's a very simple reason why they don't care about that.