We knew she was a liar from the first day we knew of her.
She was questioned about a nefarious client of hers, who she represented as a lawyer with the Rose law firm. She claimed she had no recollection. After examining billing records, we found that she was billing him for ONE AND A HALF YEARS.
That was just the beginning. Then there was her relationship with Vince Foster -- and his subsequen suicide -- and the Whitewater scandal
Then there were her lies about not knowing about all of Bill's affairs while the rest of country knew about them.
Then there was her role in travelgate
How about filegate.
Here is a compilation of 22 of her best known misdeeds.
Read the details above, below is the list.
1. Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2. Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
3. Looting our White House
4. Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
5. Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6. Vince Foster’s 1993 death
7. Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8. Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
9. Travelgate: Always room for friends
10. Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
11. ‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
12. Hillary's 'missing' law firm billing records
13. Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions
14. Hillary's cash cows and 9,987 percent profit
15. Clinton body count: 'You find dead people'
16. Hillary's radical pal, Saul Alinsky
17. Hillary laughs about defending child rapist
18. Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising
19. Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming
20. Benghazi: 4 American lives lost
21. Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison
22. Watergate: Fired for being a 'liar'