Why do College Students hate the tea party?
2011-03-23 10:53:29 UTC
Our local Tea Party met on the Campus of a local Community College. No one on the campus was nice to us. We were told to park our cars in a certain lot, and the leader of the fraternity had all our cars towed. We did not meet any students who were in support of the tea party, and this was in Texas. Even the white students - Texas is majority Hispanic now hated our guts.
26 answers:
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2011-03-23 10:56:03 UTC
It isn't my concern what others think about your ideals. It is my concern about what I think of your ideals. I don't agree with your ideology, and it actually warms my heart to know that there are people that will not be 2 faced and stand up to those they don't agree with.
2011-03-23 11:24:22 UTC
Generally, students don't understand Conservatism. They can't understand how saying, "No!" can be compassionate and wise. Keep in mind Up to this point in their lives, it's been all about them. If their parents said no, then those parents were "mean" and "hated" the kids, sound familiar? These kids were born thinking government is the solution to all problems. That has been their environment. Their parents have been their government and provided for all their needs. When the kids acted out or expressed political opinions, they have been isolated from the results of those actions.

Challenge the kids with questions. How are the Tea Parties racist? What was learned when Clinton reformed welfare? How come people didn't starve in the streets when he did it? How is the government helping job creation when it creates a $40,000 job with $100,000+ of taxpayer money. If the subsidies dry up, what happens to that job? Is being 14 trillion in debt a bad thing? All these kind of questions get the kids to start thinking about political issues instead of just reacting to the superficial, emotional surface of them.

You also have to prepare and be informed. Perhaps you can all do this as a group. Have someone play devil's advocate and see if you have the facts and logic to win the argument. If this results in anger, remember that anger is just a common defense mechanism to not being able to win the debate. The answer to this is often better research to find truth. When you search for truth and not just facts that support what YOU want to believe, the less you will be phased by tough arguments. Don't let yourself be framed by the questions. Think out of the box but don't avoid the questions either. If they are loaded or otherwise non sequitur, explain and provide more accurate answer.
2011-03-23 11:35:44 UTC
The Tea Party aligns itself with and is financially backed by Republicans and those in the Conservative movement.

The Republican/Conservative/Tea Party movement seeks to eliminate all federally guaranteed public loan funding for higher education across the board.

The Republican/Conservative movement tried this during the Bush administration by allowing private banks to provide the funds while only putting up 3 percent of the risk while retaining 100% of the profits. When a student defaulted, the federal government would pay the bank back all but 3 percent of the money they loaned to the student and assume collections themselves.

As a result of this seemingly unlimited flood of money ushered in by the Republican/Conservative "free-market" concepts college tuition rates rose dramatically each year for nearly a decade as they found they could now "charge what the market would bear".

Private banks made profits from the mandatory 6.8 percent interest rates they charged students and insisted that tuition costs continue to rise. Why? Because they could then justify handing out even more money that was secretly backed from loss by the tax payer dollar anyway.

Furthermore, back in 2005 Republican/Conservatives under Bush Jr pushed for the enactment of laws that protect private lenders from any borrowers that have to file bankruptcy for any reason what-so-ever - even though this is money that is NOT backed by tax payer dollars. This is the only type of unsecured private loan that enjoys government protections. Seems its only a "free-market" so long as it benefits the wealthy. They obviously have no problems with the government getting involved legislativily to protect THEIR interests.

The point is that people aren't stupid and now know that Republican/Conservative/Tea Party serves to privatize the corporate profits while socializing all private corporate losses. In other words, when "the rich" make money it is supposed to be their to keep - when "the rich" lose money it is the responsibility of the tax payer to make certain they maintain the same standard of living they're accustomed to.

THAT is why you and your Tea Party ilk aren't welcome on college campuses.
2011-03-23 10:56:08 UTC
College students don't hate the Tea Party. The problem might just be your particular group. I will pray for you.
Philip H
2011-03-23 11:00:46 UTC
Tea Party Patriots select individuals that will represent the Citizen, NOT special interests.

Once the college students Beckum graduates, They want to be the Elites so they sure don't want to be cut out of their opportunity to become Despotic Elitist Tyrants and they don't want an educated electorate recognizing it isn't in their own best interest to allow those Lords to turn them into Serfs.
John S
2011-03-23 10:57:18 UTC
Some of your signs are really racist. Like comparing Obama to a black militant, a Muslim, a Kenyan, Hitler. You people also insult his wife and trash his children--neither of which is even a teenager.

You claim you support the Const., okay, but you ignore 200 years of judicial precedent and want to revert back to the 1780s. Which is just dumb.

If your cars were towed it probably means you were illegally parked, which means you also don't respect the laws.
2011-03-23 11:06:23 UTC
Why? Because most professors, who most students blindly follow, are progressives who believe not in America, but in the world. If you do not believe their way. You a joke, racist, intolerant of others. Why do students follow this? Because when you are 18-25 you are dumb. Believe me only a very few of you will feel and think the same way when your 40 as you did when you were 18.
Mr. Handsome
2011-03-23 10:59:18 UTC
They don't. Polls indicate Obama is losing support among the Hispanic community, nice story though
2016-11-14 13:52:13 UTC
the 1st Tea occasion replaced into prepared by potential of Ron Paul in 2007, in the time of the Bush presidency. i might surely choose to correctly known why, in case you disagree with Obama, you're immediately a racist. while a black guy disagreed with Bush, did that recommend they have been racist? Did they hate all white human beings? How approximately in case you disagree with a woman? Is it on account which you're a sexist? What in the event that they're Jewish? Buddhist? i'm no longer a member of the Tea occasion and have definitely no choose to protest. in spite of the undeniable fact that, their discontent with what would be taxation (those that can not arise with the money for healthcare are going to have their coverage paid for by potential of somebody, inspite of each and every thing) etc., is, to them, a element sufficiently vast to peacefully protest. Why human beings choose to disallow a precise it fairly is granted, envisioned, in this usa i'll by no potential comprehend. The tries to debunk their legitimacy by potential of continuously enjoying a race card isn't something greater suitable than a symptom of the greater suitable subject concerns suitable to the liberal approach. purely take a glance by way of this board. utilising the time era "tea ba**er" to describe them as though that by some potential legitimizes the left attitude is obscene. that's a time era often used to describe considered one of those sexual defilement and that i for one am indignant by potential of it. no longer simply by fact i'm a conservative, yet simply by fact i'm a parent. i'm properly responsive to what the time era easily potential, what it initially meant till now the left theory themselves smart by potential of utilising it. additionally, i'm partly black. i do no longer hate Obama, exceptionally no longer simply by fact of his skin colour. I disagree together with his rules, I disagree together with his procedures of working the government and am greater taken aback that in case you disagree with him you're on the instant categorised as a racist or a redneck. i actually theory that enjoying a race card replaced into component to the previous, hoping that folk could be known or criticized on their reward and character. i assume no longer.
2011-03-23 11:00:58 UTC
I have known many Americans who do not like your party. And with good reasons. I think you know them.

Try to be a bit more respectful, less naive and less angry next time. And then you might probably start on more positive footsteps.
2011-03-23 12:08:01 UTC
The colleges and universities are where the left focus on brainwashing the generations.
2011-03-23 10:57:19 UTC
College students are unemployed and never had to do anything in their lives because mommy did it for them. What would they know about anything except beer drinking and drug taking?
Forget War Buy More
2011-03-23 10:55:18 UTC
Community colleges don't normally have social greek chapters.

And parking a car in certain lots is norm at a college. You're a vistor and thus park in the appropriate lot.
2011-03-23 10:55:47 UTC
They found out there would be no kegs. I mean, what kind of party has no beer?

A lousy party, that's what.
2011-03-23 11:04:43 UTC
Because Jon Stewart told them to.
2011-03-23 10:55:59 UTC
Same reason most liberals do; the tea party is conservative.
2011-03-23 10:59:25 UTC
Because college kids tend to have BRAINS.

Also, John S. just owned you.
2011-03-23 10:54:59 UTC
Because they like KEG parties better
2011-03-23 10:56:17 UTC
college students are usually progressive..economically and socially

Tea party people are regressive socially( often racist and bigoted) and economically they support billionaires at the expense of everyone else

so...most people hate the tea party
2011-03-23 10:56:54 UTC
because they mostly have myopic political views and get most of their info from the daily show. they have no idea that they are pawns.
2011-03-23 10:56:41 UTC
They are immature, inexperienced and misled by the left wing professors
2011-03-23 11:00:08 UTC
You do realize "colleges" in America are jewish run liberal indoctrination centers, don't you?
2011-03-23 10:56:13 UTC
college dtudents are taught by liberajs that dodged vietnam and still doread their liberel ideas insterd of teaching what matters
2011-03-23 10:55:37 UTC
The fading generations don`t fool the youth.
2011-03-23 10:55:00 UTC
You are lying. Community colleges do not have fraternities
2011-03-23 10:54:58 UTC
Maybe because you guys are a pathetic joke.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.