The Tea Party aligns itself with and is financially backed by Republicans and those in the Conservative movement.
The Republican/Conservative/Tea Party movement seeks to eliminate all federally guaranteed public loan funding for higher education across the board.
The Republican/Conservative movement tried this during the Bush administration by allowing private banks to provide the funds while only putting up 3 percent of the risk while retaining 100% of the profits. When a student defaulted, the federal government would pay the bank back all but 3 percent of the money they loaned to the student and assume collections themselves.
As a result of this seemingly unlimited flood of money ushered in by the Republican/Conservative "free-market" concepts college tuition rates rose dramatically each year for nearly a decade as they found they could now "charge what the market would bear".
Private banks made profits from the mandatory 6.8 percent interest rates they charged students and insisted that tuition costs continue to rise. Why? Because they could then justify handing out even more money that was secretly backed from loss by the tax payer dollar anyway.
Furthermore, back in 2005 Republican/Conservatives under Bush Jr pushed for the enactment of laws that protect private lenders from any borrowers that have to file bankruptcy for any reason what-so-ever - even though this is money that is NOT backed by tax payer dollars. This is the only type of unsecured private loan that enjoys government protections. Seems its only a "free-market" so long as it benefits the wealthy. They obviously have no problems with the government getting involved legislativily to protect THEIR interests.
The point is that people aren't stupid and now know that Republican/Conservative/Tea Party serves to privatize the corporate profits while socializing all private corporate losses. In other words, when "the rich" make money it is supposed to be their to keep - when "the rich" lose money it is the responsibility of the tax payer to make certain they maintain the same standard of living they're accustomed to.
THAT is why you and your Tea Party ilk aren't welcome on college campuses.