Will republicans spend the next 4 years looking for voter fraud?
2020-11-10 02:00:08 UTC
CNN)Attorney General William Barr reminded federal prosecutors Monday that they should examine allegations of voting irregularities before states move to certify results in the coming weeks. But the nation's top federal law enforcement official didn't provide any indication that the Justice Department has come up with evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim of massive fraud in last week's election.
127 answers:
2020-11-13 21:50:33 UTC
We'd be in good company, then, since that's all you liberal Democrats did since 2016, spending millions to do it. 
2020-11-12 02:21:36 UTC
No, as soon as Trump is forced out of office, they won't have to coddle or fear him anymore.

There was no fraud, Trump lost and his fellow republicans are afraid of him.
Stop This Chaos
2020-11-11 22:17:14 UTC
Just as they wasted millions do ing the same in the past, by supporting Trump ( The  Fool)
2020-11-11 08:14:51 UTC
Its already been found nothing to look for.
2020-11-11 05:46:37 UTC
Sure why not Democrats spent four years brooding over their loss and trying to perform a coup. If they can waste that much time and money why can't Republicans? In fact I think that should be the norm from now on after every election they should spend the next four to eight years complaining and trying to undo it instead of focusing on the needs of the people.
2020-11-10 23:05:43 UTC
Yes they will. As a republican I accepted the Biden win for multiple reasons but I won't get into that on this. Also I should add that the house spent 4 years trying to prove him of Russian collusion and tried to impeach him but it never made a difference just like accusing voter fraud won't make a difference.
2020-11-10 19:44:13 UTC
Denying Americans mail-in balloting IS VOTER SUPPRESSION.

Republicans not only have been caught Gerrymandering but are known for being responsible for voter suppression like closing poll places early and trying to make laws to make voting harder

Lindsey Graham said if he and Mitch McConnel don't do anything about mail-in voting we will never have a Republican President again.

Vox Media says, Trump has no evidence to support WIDE-SPREAD voter fraud. Trump claims are all being thrown out in court. But if he could somehow get a case to bounce from the lower courts to the Supreme court the Supreme court can order the states to re-do their voter laws. The 4 four states in question have republican Govenors and can change their laws so a Democratic President is never voted in a gain. Biden win is a red herring. We can't rest. Mitch and Lindsey are up to something. There is no wide-spread voter fraud, they want to control the ballots of who gets to vote.

The electoral college is a scam. Republicans know they will never win the popular vote. Republican supporters are so brainwashed that the popular vote means nothing to them and the idea of democracy where the majority of the country do not want what they want mean nothing to them. They only want their voices heard.

THE ONLY REASON WHY BUSH AND TRUMP WON WAS BECAUSE OF GERRYMANDERING. Their results speak for themselves why they shouldn't have become the President they left the country in a recession, terrible foreign relationship, in more debt, More federal deficit than they started with and they left the country worse than what they started with.
Penny Lane
2020-11-10 18:19:25 UTC
WOW how hypocritical...  I remember democrats cluttering the house,senate with the bogus russian collusion theory at a high cost to their constituents allowing hatred to come before the help they needed. You I have not like What president trump did But he got a hell of a lot done. Let it play out 
2020-11-10 03:32:32 UTC
It couldn't have happened the way the Democrats and media are portraying the results without fraud.
2020-11-10 02:04:57 UTC
They should spend the next 4 years investigating Joe and his son. Just like the Left did with Russian Collusion.
2020-11-14 00:07:48 UTC
Biden won, but Harris is President.

Socialism rules, right, ******* stupid people.

Ya'll born in 2001 are the Ignorant Generation.

BTW after 9-11.

I generation (close to the "Me Generation")

You have Google and yet you stop searching for answers when the results appease you, ******* stupid.
2020-11-12 20:25:11 UTC
YOU DONT NEED EVIDENCE FOR RECOUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for recounts, you need to have close elections (depending on the state different laws).  trump and biden had very close elections,   if they meet the recount criteria, they can go for it.

and trump doesnt need evidence to sue,   he does need evidence to win the lawsuit though.
2020-11-12 17:49:52 UTC
No, but they will ramp up their voter suppression efforts to outrageous degrees. 
2020-11-12 14:22:13 UTC
They spend four years trying to find evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians over the 2016 election. Even though it was the Democrats who paid for Russian disinformation that they leaked against Trump.

Yes, as long as there is a political advantage to investigation something they will do it.  Both sides do.
The Raging Platypus
2020-11-12 13:27:47 UTC
Why would that be wrong.  Even if Biden wins but fraud is later discovered and proven, should it just be ignored?
2020-11-12 10:24:27 UTC
Barr and Mitch both need to be fired
2020-11-12 04:58:57 UTC
Yes, just like the morons that tried to impeach Trump for 4 years.
2020-11-12 04:47:34 UTC
Of course there is zero usual! Overcome by compulsion Biden is voted in by his fans! But did they forget about having to rely on executive orders?

People who voted for pro Biden were not told about the elections for the Senate and the house?

Biden campaign cost $1.51 billion versus $1.57 billion for the Trump campaign!

Had Biden not won the presidency it would have been the death knell of the democratic party! As without a win, the progressives would have quit, and set up a new party!

Without the progressives the democratic party can't win, as it learnt a bitter lesson in 2016, when the lesser of two evils argument failed to galvanize a vote for H Clinton.

Miraculously Biden wins, yet the same voters fail to note election for the senate? The house?

Democrats failed to win the Senate! For re-election democrats had twice the number of senators than the Republicans. 

Plus the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives. 

Not to mention the Democrats did not flip a single Republican state legislature.
2020-11-11 22:40:51 UTC
Why not,, dems looked 4 years trying to impeach Trump, what goes around comes around
2020-11-11 15:43:41 UTC
Today is a day of remembrance. LEST WE FORGET.

to Does man and women that has given so much they give their life so we can have a free country. so we can sleep at night a peaceful sleep knowing that this man/women are taking care of us this America of ours.

there is only one Coward that it was to selfish to arrogant and to full of him self.

he that called our VETERANS OUR TROOPS. SUCKERS.





2020-11-11 11:20:25 UTC
The Rethugs are delusional. Elections cannot be stolen or hacked. Biden won fair and square. Voter fraud/interference is a right-wing myth. 
Green Puffin
2020-11-11 11:18:41 UTC
Yes and beyond, there is much suspicion on voter fraud, within the US.  Both sides suspects both sides of cheating.
2020-11-10 20:18:31 UTC
The only fraud the authorities found was Trump telling his  voters to vote twice.  this is a fair election, isn't it funny the allegations are only for those states where Biden is leading in or has already won.  such hypocrites, Trump always cheats, so he can't understand how anyone can win without cheating.  So so sad.
2020-11-10 12:59:32 UTC
That’s because they don’t have any evidence. Trump and his cronies are using “they say”, “I hear that”, “everyone is talking about” (you know: Trump’s OPINION) as evidence enough to start investigating. 

Let them recount until they are blue in the face, as long as his counters are CLOSELY WATCHED. I wouldn’t put it past Trump’s people to “accidentally lose” a few Biden ballets here and there if they have access to the actual ballets. Trump has blatantly proven that he is willing to cheat and steal the election any way he can. Integrity and honor are not the kinds of ideals a ruthless businessman ever learns. 

Meanwhile, GSA Administrator Murphy, a Trump appointee lackey, is interfering and stalling the transition process. The General Services Administration, a governmental non-partisan department, which  facilitates the transition of power between current and future administrations, is being weaponized by Murphy in support of Trump. 
2020-11-10 08:15:16 UTC
why not , the democrats spent 4 years trying to get rid of trump , one good turn deserves another ..
The First Dragon
2020-11-10 04:46:03 UTC
Probably not - it would not serve them.  The reason they are looking for vote fraud is that there are a lot of indications of it.  Despite what CNN says. [Remember, CNN admitted in 2003 that they had covered up Saddam Hussein's atrocities between 1990 and the UN invasion in 2003, in exchange for having an office in Baghdad.  That's how much they care about integrity.]  

Do you really imagine that the huge changes in the voting process this year could happen without problems arising?  

If the integrity of the voting process is NOT credibly investigated, half the country will be convinced there was fraud, no matter who is inaugurated in January.  
2020-11-10 04:31:56 UTC
Democrats have spent the last 4 years looking for collusion with Russia. Don't pretend your side is better.
oil field trash
2020-11-10 03:29:49 UTC
You are confusing the Republicans with Trump. Trump is looking for any way to stay president. The republicans know he has lost and are now looking at Georgia to try to keep power in the Senate as a way to stop the ultra left wingers in Congress having their agenda enacted, 
I'm That Mexican
2020-11-10 02:04:10 UTC
I spoke with my Financial Advisor today (Single Mother I might add). And she told me to move my investments overseas. Hahahahaha. ..... What does that tell ya about the next 4 years?
2020-11-10 02:02:16 UTC
sour grapes from sore losers.
2020-11-20 14:45:18 UTC
No. There isn't. Until the next term for presidential election the right president is chosen. 
John Langdon
2020-11-13 14:26:15 UTC
Since the mediacrats spent 4 years looking for Russian collusion and other made up stories, the rule is yes, they will be exploring whatever they want to hurt biden.
2020-11-13 08:29:29 UTC
Barr is a stooge. A sock puppet. A comical marionette. Embarrassing. He's supposed to be running the Justice Department, not the Brown-Nose Department. 
2020-11-13 07:34:47 UTC
They will continue to whine and look for stupid things that will cost tax payers money.  Most of republicans today are just trying to hold onto their jobs because they are afraid of Donald "Mental Health Problems" Trump.  To back an idiot is saying a lot about the people who back Trump.
Trust Gab OAN Newsmax
2020-11-12 21:31:38 UTC
Watch Newsmax for a while then CNN for a while. Compare. Two different realities. Who is lying? Cross reference. Use Gab instead of FB or Twitter. Use duckduckgo instead of google. Check out the Epoch Times or Tim Pool. Do your homework.   That’s the only way to tell. 
2020-11-12 18:39:56 UTC
Like Hillary and the liberals who said they had more votes unaware of the American voter voting system.
2020-11-12 11:42:07 UTC
Yep traitors who should be shot 
2020-11-12 09:47:48 UTC
Trust me, when this is all over and Trump is in the Oval Office, the words "Dominion," "Hammer," and "Scorecard" will all be household words.

The Hammer is a surveillance program invented by the NSA.  It has the ability to crack/hack into any computerized device.  This is why it's called the Hammer.  Scorecard is an add-on app to Hammer that is used to change votes in real time.  How it works is that voting machines dump their data into a server located at the place where votes are being counted.  The Hammer hacks into that machine and waits for it to transmit voting totals.  This data is sent in the form of data packets which is then grabbed by Scorecard and the votes are changed to favor one candidate or the other.  This is done in milliseconds so no one notices any delay.  The amount of change is predetermined. The packet is then reinserted into the internet where it goes on to its initial intended destination which is in Washington D.C.

The Hammer and Scorecard were used in the 2012 election to give Obama the win, and it was also used in 2016.  According to Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney and former NSA Kirk Wiebe, someone or some group intervened and stopped the program from giving the election to Hillery Clinton.

I encourage you to do research on these two patriots.

Dominion is the name of the software used in voting machines.  It's partly owned by Richard C. Blum who's the husband of Diane Finestein.  Nancy Pelosi is heavily invested in the company as is the Clintons.  All of this is public information and easily confirmed if you just take the time.  The software has a known "feature" that can automatically switch votes to favor a particular candidate.  Apparently this "feature" is disabled by default but can easily be turned on.
2020-11-12 09:21:02 UTC
Its already been found and submitted, Pedo Joe is going down and to prison for fraud. Trump will never leave office. 

Trumps fraud? Russian interference never EVER has any evidence
2020-11-12 09:10:26 UTC
Supreme court would not entertain baseless claims of fraud. There is more than just several cases of fraud from this election. Leftist media is lying to the masses. I have seen many evidence on footage myself, they have a ton of evidence and federal arrests have already been made, also PA has already been pulled from Biden. He no longer has 270. 
2020-11-12 07:36:20 UTC
They’ll spend the rest of their lives looking for it but they’ll never find it
2020-11-12 01:55:51 UTC
Of course, besides complaining about Democrats, what else do they have to do?
2020-11-11 14:51:50 UTC
Throw the bums out! 

Did you see DiNiro speak out? Too bad he's too old to throw his hat in the ring!
River Euphrates
2020-11-11 13:00:30 UTC
Most already acknowledge it's not systemic (if it exists at all).

They are just playing along with Trump's little fantasy so they don't anger his supporters - who they desperately need.

So far, Trump's 'lawsuits' are 0 for 10 (with even conservative judges slapping them down).
2020-11-11 12:19:54 UTC
Likely they will as the republicans especially the ones of such that support Trump like Trump himself are a bunch of whiny babies that throw temper tantrums and threaten this & that when they don’t get their way.

Also likely when Trump is finally out of the White House then Biden will likely spend his first of many days in there undoing the chaos Trump has set into place.

For instance defunding the WHO which most non stupid people know was a bad idea especially during a pandemic.  

Although this is just one thing.

There was that thing Trump did when he was first in office that had something to do with stopping trading from other countries.

Although that could help us in someway it likely hurts our relations with said other countries.

I can’t go in much longer on this as I gotta post something and I have to go to stinkin work later but in conclusion I will say that Trump should have never been elected president in the first place.
2020-11-10 06:07:01 UTC
They are all just talking out their ***, it means nothing, there's a new sheriff in town lol.
2020-11-10 05:22:34 UTC
Well, call in the lapdog. You knew it would happen. A cheap attempt to hold up the official tally in hopes of moving the whole election to the Supreme Court. Evidence? We don’t need no stinkin’ Evidence! Trump’s personal Attorney General on the job! I guess integrity is no longer a quality republicans cherish. Try to steal an election and claim it was stolen from you.

Gee, will Trumps hand picked high court “justices” partake in this the greatest sham so Donald J. Trump can finish off the anchoring principle of our democracy.? He already destroyed our faith in a free press, our intelligence community, our justice department, our post office and now our election process. He delivered Syria to Putin why not the total  destruction of American democracy? 

I see Mr. billionaire wants money donated to help with legal fees with fine print informing his adoring fans that half the money will go to the Trumps election fund debt. The art of the deal becomes the art of the fleecing of America. If you can’t win by the rules, break the rules! Truly amazing . . .
2020-11-10 03:27:36 UTC
Even if there is no evidence found, that will be the exact amount of evidence they impeached Trump for.
2020-11-10 03:25:16 UTC
Yes just like the democrats spent the last four years trying to get Trump out of office instead of actually doing anything productive.
2020-11-10 02:32:31 UTC
8 and yes.      
2020-11-14 00:57:21 UTC
yes they will and it will be to ensure that the system only works for them and not the democrats . They missed too many key points this time round that is what trump cannot understand . He thought the system was republican fool proof
2020-11-12 20:50:18 UTC
2020-11-12 19:32:53 UTC
For the legitimate cases of voter fraud, they should, like dead people voting. They should also fight tooth and nail against the policy of unsolicited mail voting, where ballots are automatically pushed out to all voters, based on (usually flawed) voter rolls. This is what drives much of the dead voters.  
2020-11-12 11:53:34 UTC
Not necessary to look.  The perps are blatant and stupid.
2020-11-11 22:31:59 UTC
Are you saying that only Democrats are allowed to complain for 4 years? 
Weasel McWeasel
2020-11-11 18:58:41 UTC
They will spend the next 4 years inventing voter fraud stories. 

watch for Rush Limbaugh to announce new "found"   ballots,  daily. 
2020-11-11 16:31:27 UTC
Whatever your politics, I think it’s long overdue to do a deep dive and make sure our voting system is as secure as it can be. That we’re using the most effective tools. That we have a world class way of guaranteeing each vote is cast legally and counted accurately.

That each individual voter can say they know, beyond any doubt, their vote counted.These results don’t matter as much as everyone having the confidence that the USA does elections better than anyone else.
Andrew Smith
2020-11-11 11:17:40 UTC
Three weeks before the election Trump told republicans to cheat.  Vote twice.  To undermine the validity of the election.  No matter what the democrats did Trump KNOWS that he was behind voter fraud.  Yet even with that he STILL couldn't win unless he discredits the election.
2020-11-11 09:34:58 UTC
No. That's extremely doubtful. The Republicans have a Right to challenge the election. Let's find out, 'K? Yahoo News has said, several times, that it will take months to count & re-count the ballots. Let's trust the process. It's not January the 20th yet.
2020-11-11 06:23:52 UTC
They're  more likely to become fluent in Russian.
2020-11-11 05:37:48 UTC
Of course they will spend the next 4 years looking for fraud. It'll be their version of what the Democrats spent the last 4 years doing with the Russia investigation.

As for the gerrymandering mentioned earlier, the 10 most gerrymandered states are North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Utah, Texas, Arkansas, and Ohio.
2020-11-11 01:52:00 UTC
Against the advice of many in my party. We have been investigating Bill and Hillary for almost 30 years. So adding voter fraud to that waste of time is no surprise. 30 years and not one actionable piece of evidence. Yet Trump gets investigated for a year and people are going to prison. Who is the real piece of garbage? Trump is destroying the Republican Party.
2020-11-11 01:27:26 UTC
I'm still waiting for the big red button to be pushed like the libs promised us it would be.
2020-11-10 18:57:23 UTC
I am always curious about what it is that Trump did.  People like Penny Lane seem to be always saying how much Trump did but at the same time never post, other than previously debunked lists, information on the things he did during his Presidency.  Then they continually bring up the Russia investigation which, despite their claims, was not really about Trump but more about members of his administration and campaign committee.  They then conveniently forget the numerous guilty pleas and verdicts that resulted from the investigation.  They also conveniently forget that Trump attempted a total of 10 times to obstruct justice during the investigation, not the actions of an innocent man.  As for his impeachment, the fats in that case were clear so again there was nothing illegal about it although the voting certainly in the Senate was partisan and not based on actual evidence.

The facts are that Barr is attempting to interfere in the election process on behalf of Trump, the same way he tried to interfere in court cases against Trump previously that had nothing to do with the actions Trump took as President.  It is funny that Republican Trump supporters are so much against social programs that help others yet are the first to demand that the country pay for Trump's legal bills when the case relates to actions he took as a private citizen and that they also feel that the consumers should subsidize the ultra rich, all things Trump supports.

To date the only verified claim made was that the observers in one area were too far away to see the ballots and this applied to members of all parties.  In that case the judge ruled that they had to move them closer to the counting to observe.  There was also a case where, apparently, a Republican observer attempted to physically interfere with the votes, something not allowed.  The only verifiable issues appear to be ones identified during the counting and removed which only goes to prove that the system is working.
W.T. Door
2020-11-10 16:05:25 UTC
Please don't feed the troll.                 
2020-11-10 13:31:31 UTC
What they need to do is focus on 2024 and making sure mail-in voting and early voting are reverted back to what they were prior to 2020 and finding a way to not run a candidate named Trump.  Without it made easy in the 'home of the brave', without mail-in voting, I think this election is a different story and without Donald Trump in 2024 I like the Republicans chances of regaining the White House significantly more than I did in 2020.   
2020-11-10 04:44:14 UTC
They can do that however the constitution does not allow them to go that long.  Final results is Nov 12 as it always has been since the Pony Express.  Like when the Constitution was written.   Alaska is only 56% counted and many other states have not finished their counting yet...of the advanced, and absentee and mail in ballots as this is the highest voter participation since Obama.  I believe 2016 had 56% voter participation and you were using computers at that time so there was no paper trail to check.

. This time there is a paper trail so there is many ballots to look over(and there is no way the GOP will find 5 million illegal ballots cast. Maybe a few hundred....which is a clerical error.
2020-11-10 04:00:02 UTC
I'm sure that some persistent Trumpsters will continue to look for fake ways to sabotage Biden.  However, he might win over others, in time.  

If any of them should challenge you with Trump's lies about Democrat voter fraud, show them this article that debunks what they've been told.

"President Trump's false claims of vote fraud: a chronology"
2020-11-10 03:13:04 UTC
Yep. And probably throw a temper tantrum until they get their way. What a bunch of brats 
2020-11-10 03:04:13 UTC
Trump cronie Bill Barr should find nearly zero evidence and get pulled from his job in January.
Aussie Battler
2020-11-13 01:22:16 UTC
Yes , this battle might be lost but the war continues.
2020-11-13 01:07:52 UTC
Probably not, just like the Dems won’t look for the truth about Beau Biden and the Chinese and Russians. 
2020-11-12 23:56:45 UTC
It's what the Democrats did after losing in 2016.

As well as toddler tantrums ...
2020-11-12 15:17:06 UTC
I have a one-word response to this question...Benghazi
Erica R
2020-11-12 14:31:14 UTC
So far the only instances of fraud have come from Republicans.
2020-11-12 13:44:37 UTC
No.  Once Trump leaves, whether he concedes or not, the Republicans will move on. They have better things to do.  Right now, they are just giving Trump some cover for his humiliation, giving him time to accept the inevitable, and trying to hang on to his base, especially in Georgia.

By the way, Senator Lankford (R) of Oklahoma, who is quite conservative, said this morning that he sees nothing wrong with Biden's receiving briefings and so forth as presidents-elect normally do, and that if this doesn't start happening by Friday, he intends to do something about it.
2020-11-11 20:40:51 UTC
Only Trump and his Yes Men.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-11-11 17:06:31 UTC
You mean the way the Democrats spent 3 years looking for "collusion?"
2020-11-11 15:06:43 UTC
They will be obstructionists and try to slow down the economic recovery and they hope to recapture the House and White House by doing that. 
2020-11-11 09:24:34 UTC
Why Not! Your side spent FOUR Years looking for Russian Collusion and found nothing. Problem with Voter Fraud, is that if ONE Vote has been found to be illegal, then more Votes will be investigated. Now do you understand.
2020-11-11 04:42:22 UTC
I hope they do as a comeback for Trumps so called "russia ties" when infact he was the only president that made the russians pizz themselves!!
2020-11-11 04:02:13 UTC
Voter fraud is a given in this will be, and has already been found.  
2020-11-11 02:25:31 UTC
Why wouldn't you and why aren't the Democrats also looking? Is it because they are the ones doing the voter fraud?
2020-11-10 23:58:10 UTC
I hope so; let the squirrels chase their own tails.

The lengths of their ridiculousness has become unfathomable; there's an iceberg dead ahead somewhere.
2020-11-10 23:32:21 UTC
Yes and they WILL find it, after they make them up themselves.
2020-11-10 22:21:03 UTC
Why look for something thats already there. 77000 ballots ring a bell genius?
2020-11-10 16:05:28 UTC
well already found some, at least 180 affidavits and 2500 cases, also the illegality of counting ballots that did not come in by 8 pm on November 3rd is quite clear the legislature controls that not the courts. witnesses ARE proof enough. the fact that PA was illegally backdating votes and kicking out challengers of ONE side which was illegal to do, same with detroit and also counting any votes without challengers there at 4 in the morning is complete fraud as is retransposing votes 
Robin W
2020-11-10 15:19:24 UTC
Trump claimed voter fraud last time, since he did not want to believe that Hillary got 3 million more votes than he did.  He set up a commission to investigate, and they quietly disbanded because they never found more a few cases.
2020-11-10 14:47:58 UTC
Probably looking for a decent presidential candidate, which will be hard cause they sold their soul to the devil.
2020-11-10 04:52:10 UTC
Yup, username checks out
Cuomo Focked Up NY
2020-11-14 10:27:56 UTC
Look at this moron who puts these questions here and then cites CNN, that says it all doesn’t it? Everybody should know this place is highly censored monitored and manipulated don’t get news from here and don’t get advice from here. Newsmax is a free app that has been downloaded 2 million times this month from Americans looking for a place to get the real news. Fox News turned communist. All of the networks lie to your face don’t listen to any of them they are all paid off. Ditch your Facebook and Twitter account and come on over to Gab where you can speak freely and explore amazing uncensored content. You don’t need an account to come over and check out the awesome news tab and everything that everyone is talking about!
2020-11-12 22:10:59 UTC
I don't know why not. They spent the last four years trying to "lock her up".
2020-11-12 15:39:56 UTC
Funny how you weren't irritated by a four year long witch hunt on Trump that didn't produce a single bit of evidence linking him to any real crime isn't it?
Libs lack common sense
2020-11-12 15:16:42 UTC
Why not you libs spent last 4 years looking for a link of Russia to Trump and found NOTHING where as we have already found MUCH irregularities in the democrats cheating ways
The Football God
2020-11-12 08:18:46 UTC
Nah, they saw how useless the Democrats looking for Russian collusion was to the US was. How'd that work out? Biden extorted a high paying job for his incompetent son in return for political favors. Trump asks the Russians to prove this happened AND it's Trump that colluded.

Wait! It did work. American idiots elected Biden
Judy and Charlie
2020-11-12 03:13:46 UTC
Why should we let him?

I believe he is guilty of sedition by this continued claim of voter fraud with no proof.
2020-11-11 21:31:00 UTC
What I find odd is that you aren’t allowed to ask questions regarding voter fraud. 

Any attempt to say otherwise has been completely shutdown by the media. 

The media did this the other day with Trump’s speech and his press secretary. 

Completely stopped the coverage after they questioned results. 

Why aren’t you allowed to question anything? 

I feel like Biden did win, but something seems fishy. 
2020-11-11 19:43:55 UTC
You mean the 1.1 million dead people who voted, some 130 years old? Or what about the 4000 Trump votes that went to Biden in Michigan due to a "glitch" in the voting machine... Sorry "glitches", because every other state that used that same counting machine had the same alleged glitch, but the recount hadn't been finished. How about the double votes, unlicensed votes, and late votes, that were processed a day later and stamped with the previous date.

Will Trump win after the recount is done?... Who knows. It will probably still be tight if he does. 

Is it election fraud, or just a series of mistakes coincidentally Biden's favour? 

Won't know that until the investigation is over, and the court judgment made. 

Technically Biden hadn't won until he is in. Election fraud has been investigated with other presidents also. 
2020-11-11 15:24:22 UTC
Why not? Democrats spent 3 years looking for Russian Collusion using evidence they themselves were proven to have paid for LOL. So they bought fabricated evidence and then proceeded to use it to initiate a very expensive wild goose chase as their "insurance policy". Then proceeded to waste precious preparation time we needed to defend ourselves from the coronavirus on a sham, one sided impeachment. Democrats cared so little about American lives as they called the virus a "desperate distraction by Trump to shift focus off of his impeachment" which never happened because their impeachment charges were laughed right out of the Senate. 4 years of voter fraud investigations sounds like a fair and reasonable response :)
2020-11-11 15:17:05 UTC
If it is true, for example, that signatures on many mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were not checked, then more power to the Republicans for calling for an investigation.  And even after investigating, we may never really know for sure whether there was voter fraud.  Allowing a massive amount of mail-in ballots was an error as it opened the door for questioning the legitimacy of the results.
2020-11-11 15:08:26 UTC
It will be presented pretty quickly, as it exists.  I want to see some criminal prosecutions! 

Democrats spent 4 years trying to discredit Trump.  I saw a video of Hillary Clinton telling people to do everything possible to make problems for Trump.  I can't recall her exact words, but I remember it from approximately November 2016. 

All this needs to be straightened out.  People in the large city I was born in are telling of backdating ballots and changing ballots. 

This corruption is too widespread and too deep.  The government is filled with plenty of unAmerican workers.
2020-11-11 10:07:49 UTC
It seems the Rep. are making a witch hunt.  How nice to know that in just 70 more days, Bozo Barr & the Orange Fraud will be in the trash bin.  
2020-11-11 04:32:54 UTC
They will try to keep the m.a.g.a.tts fully charged until the Jan 5 election to decide who controls the Senate.  Then they will just go back to running interference for anything progressive like they did during the Obama administration.
2020-11-11 03:37:45 UTC
Wow, the lefttards are abundant here. You think they'd be glued to mainstream media receiving further indoctrination. Voter fraud was proven on election night the counts STOPPED in battleground states where Trump had massive leads at the time. They had to calculate how many ballots they needed from his Dead Voter base to catch up. He was up by 700k in PA at the time. 138 counties had more registered voters than their adult populations. Oh, and one the vote drops had 138k ballots and whaddya know, ALL were for Biden, and no down voting meaning they didn't vote on any Senate, Congress or local races. That's another obvious tell. Numbers don't add up in lot of other areas that analysts track, all impossibilities in elections. Trending on Google for week leading up to elections were "election fraud jail and election fraud punishment". All those arrested so far are probably gonna roll over and we'll see more widespread report. 100's of sworn affidavits already too
2020-11-10 21:26:52 UTC
Yes, and they will have exactly as much luck with that as OJ had in finding the "real killer."
2020-11-10 15:49:51 UTC
No. That isn't what is going on here.
2020-11-10 13:03:24 UTC
No.  But Al Gore held up the 2000 election for 34 days doing the same thing and we didn't hear the Democrats pissing and moaning about the delay, so STFU.  If there was nothing wrong with the elections, then you should welcome proof of that instead of fighting it.  (Unless you were cheating and know you'll be caught.)

@ Aspen:  It is the right of every administration to verify the veracity of the elections and nothing can happen until the winning candidate wins beyond shadow of a doubt.  It's not about being held back from transition, it's about the law.   If you guys are on the up and up, what was the idea of barring opposing observers from doing their job?  What are you afraid of?  What are you hiding?
2020-11-10 04:19:21 UTC
Probably. Congress has been completely worthless for more than a decade. Might as well keep going. 
2020-11-10 02:50:35 UTC
GIVE IT UP. There isn't any given evidence of voter fraud in this Presidential election. WE had the highest voter turnout in our history so yes it took longer to count all the given votes, The simple FACT remains that CHUMP and PENCE got FIRED and BIDEN AND HARRIS got HIRED by the vast majority of VOTERS in our COUNTRY. PERIOD. There isn't any deep state plot nor cleaver twist. Just the simple fact that the vast majority of decent people don't feel obligated to this fake reality tv show drama queen gossip girl CLOWN LOSER/CHUMP. And perhaps for the first time in years; people in our country are saying "NO" to Trump and telling him and reminding HIM that WE are a Democracy. And that HE doesn't own our COUNTRY and that HE can't buy our country with his DADDY'S MONEY. PERIOD. The answer is simple folks. TRUMP THE CHUMP and PENCE have been FIRED by the voters in our country. And BIDEN AND HARRIS have indeed been hired and ELECTED as our next President and Vice President of our COUNTRY. And repeating the same fake FOX FAKE NEWS claims will never ever make them true nor correct.

Because WE are a Democracy. Not a fake reality tv drama queen gossip girl SHOW.
2020-11-10 02:02:51 UTC
They have over 70 signed statements from whistleblowers, and are gathering more evidence as we speak.
2020-11-13 08:21:15 UTC
Same amount of time at least as the demussiareanese would take.
Why R U So Stupid??
2020-11-13 07:46:49 UTC
The answer, of course, depends on where you get your news. Always has. Watch CNN for an hour, then watch Newsmax for an hour. Its called cross reference. You will see who is lying. Communism controls all the mainstream. Americans turn to Gab, OAN and Newsmax for uncensored information. Get off Google, use Duckduckgo so you get ALL the results, not just the one Google wants you to see. No one and I mean NO ONE else in mainstream can be trusted.
2020-11-12 15:46:59 UTC
2020-11-12 13:36:18 UTC
it's karma. Same when Dems start to impeach Trump beginning day 1 of his term...
2020-11-12 09:28:57 UTC
They will if their cult leader commands them to. Repudlickans have no individual thoughts of their own at this point, they simply do what the Coppertone Con Man tells them to do even if its against their own best interests. Rumpers truly believe that...."George Soros flies around in an invisible jet (piloted by a cyborg Hillary) so he can implant 5G receivers in people from a mind control cannon that was built by Bill Gates in his quest to build a zombie army to invade the secret Tesla base on Jupiter"  

The severity of infantile, paranoid fantasy that Trump followers adhere to is downright scary and dangerous. Electro Shock Therapy cant help them, they are lost.
2020-11-12 05:28:43 UTC
Worked for democrats pushing the Russia nonsense for 3.8 years.
Ozzie Klunk
2020-11-12 02:03:24 UTC
They will and the public will pay for it.  Republicans spent $30 million supposedly investigating Hillary Clinton for crimes when what they were really doing was using taxpayer money to spread disinformation about her.  
tony b
2020-11-11 21:43:52 UTC
they won't find something that doesn't exist the bs trump has done on the other hand
Jack M.
2020-11-11 19:15:25 UTC
When several tens of thousands of votes, or thousands of Military votes,  are counted and not a single one of them was a vote for a candidate of one party in any race, I think it would be reasonable to ask if there is a fish market in the vicinity. 
2020-11-11 15:51:37 UTC
Probably, and they'll find nothing. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will be running the federal government.
Longtime Hubby
2020-11-11 14:55:19 UTC
Time better spent looking for a moral compass.
2020-11-11 14:44:31 UTC
libs can never win honestly.
2020-11-11 14:09:33 UTC
No! That wont happen, my guess is the next 8 years
2020-11-10 22:46:20 UTC
They will probably spend the next four years bitching and being racist bigots lmao
2020-11-10 20:48:17 UTC
The only fraud in 2020 election has been the doctored videos Trump supporters have made.

There is/was much more evidence of Russian collusion in 2016 than there is of fraud in 2020
2020-11-10 03:05:09 UTC
The Democrats spent 4 years looking for Russian collusion in the 2016 election. So why not?

As for no "massive fraud", you are playing with words.  With a simple casual glance on YouTube, I've counted at least 6 news videos on voter fraud.

I love it when the Democrats and Republicans butt heads, leaving the rest of us to get on with our lives.
2020-11-10 02:41:56 UTC
Waste of time but more power to them. I don't think Biden has anything to worry about. So long as it's not overly disruptive, I doubt Republicans will get much pushback from Democrats because there obviously was no fraud. Trump is just a sore loser. Also, I don't think most Republicans believe there was voter fraud. They just don't want their constituents, most of whom support Trump, to hate them for not sticking up for Trump. 

Look, literally every word that has come out of Trump's mouth since he took office (and long before) has been a self-serving lie. How stupid do you have to be to continue taking him at his word without any evidence? How strong is your wishful thinking? Trump didn't just lose. He lost by what will likely be 74 electoral votes. Nearly 5 million more Americans voted for Biden than Trump, and counting. Not everything is a conspiracy. Most American voters are tired of a president who is unwilling to take responsibility for anything and who has always put his personal interests ahead of the country's. Why is that so hard for you people to understand? 

It's not honorable, smart, or tough to just deny every negative outcome occurred. That's sheer cowardice and extreme rich-guy pretentiousness. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.