Has President Bush committed impeachable offenses (crimes) while in office?
2007-03-08 09:29:22 UTC
Below are ten good reasons to impeach our incompetent president. In addition to these reasons, he is conspiring with big multinational corporations to create a North American union with Mexico and Canada, which would eliminate the borders between the US and these two countries. The creation of this union would be the end of the US as a sovereign nation. Also, Bush ordered the malicious prosecution of Border Patrol agents Ramos and Campion on the orders of Presidente Fox of Mexico!
I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:

1.Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.
Eighteen answers:
Ted S
2007-03-08 09:45:26 UTC
I agree, impeach the FCUKER!!! He signed in the North American Union under secrecy. Only a few Canadian medias got to get coverage, but it's the real thing. First off is the Trans Texas Corridor. Then all interstates will be tolled in order to pay for the massive 10 lane superhighway that connects Mexico to the US to Canada. The war in Iraq is the one thing keeping American eyes away from what's actually going on.

He led us into a false-flag war. There's no reason why we are there. You think there are WMD's and terrorists. Remember anyone now that opposes what GWB thinks is a terrorist. Al-Qaeda has nothing to do with Iraq, Hussein and Bin Laden are bitter enemies, there were no WMD's. So now it's all about oil and control. So that makes you wonder, who's profiting? The answer is the oil companies and the military industrial complex. Trillions of $$$ in oil, and Billions in weaponry. These are the facts, people need to wake up before we start another false-flag war against Iran.
2007-03-08 18:29:18 UTC
Apparently not!

With his popularity in the dumpster and a Democratically controlled House of Representatives, had he, the Articles of Impeachment would seem a "no brainer".

If it is such an obvious "fact" among people of good will, then why aren't the Dem's taking any action?

But thanks for sharing!
Kevin A
2007-03-08 17:34:56 UTC
Nope, even your own democrats have been looking for 6 years now and you still haven't found any crimes but that's the on going trait of the democratic party. Keep trying until there's no other choice just like Gore did after he lost the election. How many times did he have the recounts done?
2007-03-08 17:35:57 UTC
Bush has not committed any crimes while in office.

As for conspiring with Mexico and Canada it is NAFTA that was created by Daddy bush and Clinton to create free trade with our immediate neighbors to the north and south.

I am also sorry to inform you that we were backed by the UN to remove Sadam.

Stop drinking Kool Aid.
2007-03-08 17:42:20 UTC
no no no no no no no no no no...and here is another big NO for any time else you want to post a question about something you read on the Internet...good cut and paste though...try reading a High School Civics book and then come back and ask your question...or are you not in High School yet?
Mr. Info
2007-03-08 18:01:59 UTC
1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause.


First of all, the UN does not like America. They sanctioned the US when there was EVIDENCE of WMDs against Saddam.

Second ofall, there was and still is a cause. For there to be such a dishonost statement on the Democrat's website is appauling.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.


Firstly, "Thousands" is an incorrect number. Try hundreds, if that.

Secondly, they are captives in a time of war and DO NOT BELONG TO ANY COUNTRIES'S MILITARY. They are not Iraqi soldiers we have locked up. They are rogue soldiers from terrorist cells, so the law agreements of Iraq do not apply to them.

3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.


There is nowhere in the constitution that says if you are detained, you must be charged. "Due Process" is mearly a matter of subjective opinion.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.


This one cracked me up a bit.

A.) "Targeting". They never said for what. I suppose they mean to capture and question based on evidence they're helping Al Queda, in which case no general group is targets, just those who have evidence against them.

B.) What in the blue hell does this have to do with the Geneva Convention?

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.


This is probably the best case Dems have against the President, but it's simply not going to work.

a.) During a time of war, the President is granted the ability to go outside the law in the name of protecting his citezens.

b.) The government/President do not aimlessly 'wiretap' random Americans. If you have no connections to Al Queda and have made no phone calls to suspected Al Queda members, you do not need to worry.

6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.


This is one is practically coming out of somebodies ***. It's such a generic statement. If they're not going to go into detail, it's clear they themselves do not believe it'd hold up.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.


Another dishonost thing. I'm truly shocked this is on, because it's simply propaganda. No evidence against it.

It'd be like me saying Clinton should have been impeached for killing a man, then supplying no evidence of this event.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.


A.) Bush and Cheney did not dismiss any names of CIA operatives. People around them supposedly did.

B.) This is another example of how they refuse to supply you with information on what they are talking about. It's such a generic and quite frankly, absurd assesment.

C.) The President has every right in the world to declassify documents. If he does, IT'S NOT A LEAK. It's only a leak if somebody who has no right to declassify them does it (like say, the NY Times).

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President.


Uh, this is normal in a time of war. To not give him ultimate authority AS PRESIDENT no less, it'd simply put our troops in even more harm.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.


This one made me laugh the loudest.

A.) Global Warming is not a confirmed fact. Do I believe it? Yes. However, you can not get impeached because you do not believe in it. This President has actually done more against Global Warming than Clinton did (with Gore as Vice Pres no less!).

B.) Nobody was telling our governmetn 9/11 was going to happen. We were threatened that we were going to be attacked, just like we're threatened every other day for the past 60 years. It'd be like telling you to bet on horse, but not telling you which one, what track it's at, who it's jockey is, or when the race is taking place.

C.) Katrina was a disaster on EVERYBODY's watch, not just Bushs. Bush actually told the governer to evacuate, but that wasn't taken seriously until after the storm. The mayor of New Orleans sat in a hotel room for 3 days during the storm, then had the gull to blame it on other governmental officials. The citezens refused to leave when they were told to. This sadly led to the deaths of many more. Am I saying Bush wasn't to blame? Not at all, but it wasn't all his fault, and certainly was not an impeachable action.


If you want to claim that Bush is a horrible President, fine. Do that. That's your opinion. But to suggest he can be impeached is wrong.
2007-03-08 17:40:05 UTC
impeachable offenses...technically no. You have to know the offenses that congress deems impeachable first!!

Just because you believe something to be illegal doesn't make it so.
2007-03-08 17:38:25 UTC
No. The U.N. has no jurisdiction over anything in this country. The U.N. wouldn't exist if it wasn't for America. They certainly wouldn't have any teeth. Congress wasn't duped. Our soldiers serve wherever we ask them do. They are volunteers.
2007-03-08 17:34:40 UTC
Earth to Earthman.

Where is the evidence. Accusations no matter how vocal do not make it the truth without verifiable evidence.

PS. Your opinion is not evidence.
Real Estate Para Legal
2007-03-08 17:36:07 UTC
PLEASE.....these are IMAGINARY dreams of the libs...He has committed NO crime....Even your Hero Pelosi said ...NO impeachment...Get a Life
Michael K
2007-03-08 17:34:13 UTC
The answer is a resounding YES! He has done so many illegal things, it is unbelievable. But for some reason, you will still have people who defend him on here no matter what. Usually it is the extremely ignorant that have no idea what he has done, or it is those who support him because they get something out of his tax breaks or military contracts.

Either way, Bush should be impeached but it is highly doubtful he will since we are in the middle of a senseless war right now.
2007-03-08 17:35:06 UTC
Heres 10 nos for you.
2007-03-08 17:38:59 UTC
Simply stated....Yes most definitely he has.
2007-03-08 17:35:21 UTC

The democrats voted for war also.
2007-03-08 18:29:52 UTC
In a word, no.
The Man from Nowhere
2007-03-08 17:36:14 UTC
No he hasn't. Except maybe the border thing...
2007-03-08 17:32:53 UTC
No and No and so on. No crime committed - No impeachment. You wasted energy typing this dribble.
2007-03-08 17:49:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.