Millions of Americans died under Obama’s mishandling of H1N1, while very few people died from Coronavirus. So why is Trump being attacked?
The Rightwing Conservative
2020-04-11 16:10:52 UTC
Millions of Americans died under Obama’s mishandling of H1N1, while very few people died from Coronavirus. So why is Trump being attacked?
207 answers:
2020-04-15 15:43:39 UTC
• please HEAR WHAT BARACK OBAMA SAID in 2014 about pandemics

• please READ WHAT TRUMP DID in 2018

President Donald Trump’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic didn’t begin with the administration’s inability to send out the millions of test kits and the protective medical gear for health care workers that experts say are needed to tackle the crisis. It didn’t start with Trump’s bungled messaging downplaying the crisis even as it’s worsened, nor with his mid-March insistence that social distancing measures could be lifted by Easter (he later backpedaled).

It began in April 2018 — more than a year and a half before the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19, sickened enough people in China that authorities realized they were dealing with a new disease.

>>>> The Trump administration, with John Bolton newly at the helm of the White House National Security Council, began DISMANTLING the team in charge of pandemic response, firing its leadership and disbanding the team in spring 2018. <<<<


The cuts, coupled with the administration’s repeated calls to cut the budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies, made it clear that the Trump administration wasn’t prioritizing the federal government’s ability to respond to disease outbreaks.

That lack of attention to preparedness, experts say, helps explain why the Trump administration has consistently botched its response to the coronavirus pandemic.
2020-04-13 22:58:41 UTC
define few? lmaooo y'all just be saying anything on here
2020-04-13 22:35:44 UTC
The pandemic isn't over yet, so your question is absurd, and I believe about 13,000 died of H1N1, but don't remember for sure.
2020-04-13 04:16:21 UTC
The Obama administration started to address H1N1 just as the disease emerged in April 2009. A public health emergency was declared on April 26, 2009, when there were about 20 confirmed cases in the United States. The Obama administration renewed this declaration twice in the ensuing months before declaring a national emergency in October 2009. 
2020-04-12 16:55:21 UTC
You know how libs are. He could cure cancer and they'd whine that oncologists have to find a new speciality.
Christin K
2020-04-12 16:46:18 UTC
"MILLIONS?"  Bullcrap! Only 12K Americans died. There weren't even "millions" WORLDWIDE--only a little over HALF A MILLION on the entire planet!  You should get your facts straight, pal. First cases were reported in the US in April, 2009 and it was largely FINISHED by mid-July. It was OVER in November. 

And just HOW was Obama responsible for this? NO funding was cut to either the CDC or WHO. In fact, within a year, they had developed a vaccine for it. 

Either you're believing some really stupid reports from people who have NO IDEA what they're talking about, or you're just trying to be stupid on purpose. 
2020-04-12 11:58:30 UTC
That is a lie.  
2020-04-12 01:15:15 UTC
Lies & misinformation spread by Trumpsters contribute to the counter-attacks.  Defending the indefensible doesn't help either..Sometimes Trump is unfairly attacked or misrepresented by the media.. But your statement is an outright lie..So you & Mr. Trump end up in the same boat & that is sort of unfair & counter-productive for Mr. Trump .
2020-04-12 00:43:54 UTC
God sends things for balance
2020-04-11 16:18:54 UTC
Careful. there are enough idiots here who are confused by multi-digit  numbers here who  might think you are actually serious. 

Covid-19 is peaking in many places in the US right now and has killed more people than the entire 2009 H1N1 run.  That is with the counter measures we currently have that were not in place for H1N1.  There are fools, idiots, and brainwashed out there claiming Covid-19 isn't so bad.
2020-04-15 14:55:24 UTC
because the media get paid to do that
2020-04-15 10:26:10 UTC
Not only that Millions of Americans lost thier jobs and trillions of dollars and thousands lost thier life with Obamacare, Obama and Pelosi Hate America they have one thing in mind POWER, The recent show of Obama supporting Joe Biden is that a show, we the people see through that
2020-04-15 10:18:08 UTC
According to the CDC:

Between 8,330 and 17,160 people died  from H1N1.

 In a normal flu season, the CDC estimates that 36,000 Americans die of flu.

As of 16:00 14th April:

Total cases: 579,005

Total deaths: 22,252
2020-04-14 21:40:53 UTC
The fools are being lied to and asked to hurt president Trump, they are afraid he is going to send a couple dozens of the lying bastards to prison for the crimes they already committed. I could name about 12 aholes that ought to be in prison now.
2020-04-14 20:23:41 UTC
The difference is that some wonder if this is the end of the world and people are more dramatic about what's happening.
2020-04-14 17:48:07 UTC
"Millions" of Americans did not die from H1N1.  The death toll from Covid-19 has already surpassed the one year death toll from H1N1 and it's only been three months.  There are probably far more deaths than we know about because only people who were tested can be counted, and there aren't nearly enough tests for the number of people who are sick.  Obama handled the pandemic far more effectively, with quick action.
2020-04-14 17:40:04 UTC
Seasonal Flu

Global cases annually: 1 Billion

Global deaths annually: between 291,000 to 646,000

Corona Virus

Global cases to date: Over 127,000 cases

Global deaths to date: Over 4,700

(Article was written 3/12)
M Johnson
2020-04-14 06:08:40 UTC
Trump is being attacked...

1. Because he can't tell the truth.

2. Because he's about as Christian as a rattlesnake

3. Because he fires anybody smart enough to disagree with him.

4. Because his children and their spouses were not elected

5. Because he can't complete a sentence without repeating himself or using hyperbole.

6. Because he paints himself orange. What rational person does that?
2020-04-14 05:47:52 UTC
The real question here is why didn't we get the lock down and online class privilege when that happened???
2020-04-14 02:26:29 UTC
From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

SO, If you see we are talking of a pandemic that persisted for over a year but it killed 9171 persons less than COVID has killed since January (we are talking that until April 10, 23640 americans have died of coronavirus, according to the WHO)

You can check the data concerning H1N1 here:
Daniel F
2020-04-13 17:38:28 UTC
Millions? What is your source of information,  "News of the world"?
2020-04-13 14:42:24 UTC
Here is proof that Hillary is responsible for Covid19
2020-04-13 02:23:31 UTC
Because President Trump is a Republican and the Democrats hate him.
2020-04-13 02:08:30 UTC
Your number is way off moron! It wasn't even close to being millions! 2,000 Americans died of H1N1 (swine flu) in the United States in 2009, and 275,000 Americans were hospitalized! So where do you get millions?
2020-04-12 22:43:45 UTC
"why is Trump being attacked?" he's been being attacked since he started his campaign. There is no rationalizing it.
2020-04-12 19:22:28 UTC
Leftist are idiots.  Nuff said.
2020-04-12 15:13:28 UTC
Wake up.  There is a media bias against Trump.  I don't even watch the news anyone.  And there was a media bias towards Obama, in fact, it's called Obama worship.  And Obama worshipped himself.  There is a study done where they counted how many times the President was referred to as Trump vs. President Trump and Obama vs. President Obama.  As you can imagine, the majority of the time Trump was referred to without the title President in the media.  And Obama was always referred to as President Obama.  
2020-04-12 13:27:42 UTC
Significantly less people died under Obama with H1N1. Trump did everything possible to exasperate the coronavirus
2020-04-12 03:40:18 UTC
“Millions of Americans died under Obama’s mishandling of H1N1” 

H1N1 confirmed deaths: 12,469 deaths from 2009-2010. Only 12,000+ deaths in one year in the US

Meanwhile Trump’s mishandling of Covid 19 has resulted to: 20,597 deaths of Americans as of now, April 11, 2019. 


In just 2-3 months since the covid 19 outbreak, 20,000+ people have died from the virus under Trump while 12,000+ people died from H1N1 under Obama in one year.

Please get your facts straight! 
2020-04-11 16:28:20 UTC
Satire account!  Good one!
2020-04-15 18:52:54 UTC

republicans are fools
Captain Tomak
2020-04-15 12:23:49 UTC
Cause they want to unseat Mr Trump even though the US Economy was the best ever with the best job market since 1970 prior to this Soros' plandemic.

Trump 2020!
2020-04-15 11:38:52 UTC
The estimated H1N1 deaths in 2010 according to the CDC was 575400 (+-). so far  for COVID 19, 614451 since January when first reports were in
2020-04-15 10:38:43 UTC
Millions of Americans did not die from H1N1. In fact, globally, millions did not die.  The time you waste posting inaccurate statements here could be better spent clicking on the CDC's website, and getting the stats for that virus, and the Coronavirus--seriously, what do you consider "very few" people? 
2020-04-15 05:52:34 UTC
welcome back col fakkenderneocon

geronimo's around somewhere,,aka lando, you boys are as fake as cnNbCbs

where;s the wehrmacht emblem?
2020-04-14 16:16:49 UTC
Trump shut off the Democrat drugs from across the border with the wall and they want him gone.To bad for Democrats.
2020-04-14 13:07:56 UTC
Are you just that stupid or have you just been living under a rock for the past four months? 

I get the feeling that if Trump told you that the Coronavirus came from aliens from Mars you would start preaching it to your Facebook account.

It’s fine to be a Republican, but don’t be an idiot. Just cause Trumps lost his damn mind doesn’t mean other republicans in the country has too.
2020-04-14 00:59:15 UTC
MILLIONS of Americans died?  I am pretty sure that would still be talked about.  You seem to like to inflate numbers 100 times or so.
2020-04-13 15:04:09 UTC
Because people function more on emotion than ration or common sense these days...and they feed off of their emotions so they can't really help themselves. They MUST hate Trump. It's their identity.
2020-04-13 03:14:49 UTC
12,469 Americans died of H1N1, NOT "millions". COVID-19 has already surpassed that by about 10,000 and there will be more to come. 
2020-04-13 03:12:27 UTC
Cause liberals are stoooooooooooooooooooooppppid.
2020-04-13 00:15:15 UTC
Lol can you provide real numbers?

I'm not supporting the left necessarily (nor arbitrary panic), but I hardly remember H1N1 creating empty store shelves, fist-fights over toilet paper, limited wrap-around entry into stores, one-way aisles, closed businesses everywhere and record unemployment and a trillions-of-dollars infusion by the government... virtual unavailability of thermometers and Vitamin C... and hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes... and haircut kits... and essential still-employed individuals wanting to be paid to stay at home and do nothing and still be able to eat with a roof over their head along with everyone else that has LOST employment... 

...and people I know (2) dying from it. 
2020-04-12 20:55:46 UTC
Why is this question even printed? Another alternative truth.  This is deplorable.
2020-04-12 19:52:05 UTC
Can you back up that fake news?
2020-04-12 19:45:02 UTC
Where's your data? I would love to look at it. I would accept thousands, but not millions. And, do you know that nearly 8,000 Americans die every day? Nearly 3 Million a year in the normal course of things. But, none of them make the news.
2020-04-12 14:21:53 UTC
Millions die...56 million were infected but 12k - 20k died. I dont support presidents cause they dont make my life better..but millions did not die and i doubt millions of Americans will die this time either.
2020-04-12 12:14:11 UTC
false and C-19 is not over ... Obama never said something so stupid, it cost lives. "So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of (symptomatic) people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better," he said. ... -trump Mar 5, 2020.
2020-04-12 09:54:34 UTC
His gigantic azs makes him an easy target. 
Const. King
2020-04-11 20:26:03 UTC
Trump is republican so he will always be attacked.  The democrats, as incompetent as they are, can do no wrong and always get away with what ever they want with no repercussions for their actions.
Andrew S
2020-04-11 19:21:10 UTC
You forgot to mention that ventilators are hard to come by because of an Obama Care clause that taxes medical devices at a much higher rate to pay for the program.  This made builder downsize and hospitals purchased less because no one could justify the cost.  In addition Obama used up most of the masks in the stockpile with the N1H1 outbreak and didn't replace them instead using the most for "Obama phones" for his constituents (who are now dying in disproportionately large numbers).  Thanks Obama.
Nix the stix
2020-04-15 04:16:24 UTC
Because Trump, as he is, pretended it was all a sham. 
Raymond L.
2020-04-15 01:18:06 UTC
WOW, you really got both sides talking with that one.
2020-04-14 22:13:33 UTC
Lie much source please reported
2020-04-14 20:35:42 UTC
Millions? Name two.
2020-04-14 18:13:43 UTC
The left have invented a new sport----Get Trump. Rule 1 is promote a democrat in the process. Rule 2 is truth is irrelevant. Rule 3 is always be insulting.

Have a nice day.        TRUMP 2020 
2020-04-14 13:27:58 UTC
Millions is not died from H1N1.  The deaths were a little over 12,000.  However about 60,000,000 were infected by the virus.  Not the same as dying from it.

Died from COVID-19 currently stand at 23,000.  The infection rate is about 587,000.  So few infected, but of those that are a higher percentage have died.

If you are going to make claims, trying to get the numbers somewhere close to correct.

Interesting to note that as late as mid-January, the same experts that are advising Trump today were saying that that COVID-19 would not be a threat to the US and that we did not need to take steps to prevent or control it.  They continues to advise against travel bans and the wearing of mask into late February.  Trump followed the advice of these medical experts.
2020-04-14 06:50:21 UTC
I'm not from USA but holy hell your guys media are so ****. All they do is **** stir an blame trump(I don't like trump) but I hate your media 
2020-04-14 04:10:51 UTC
You've got the numbers totally backwards. Hundreds died (sadly) under Obama.

Thousands upon thousands are dying (sadly) under Trump because he is a stubborn naive, (really stupid) coward. He needs to go as far away from the White House as possible. 


Staunch Republican
2020-04-13 22:04:10 UTC
Where did you get your source of million lies? Only 12,469 Americans died from swine flu not millions. Stop reading Breitbart or watching Fox News. 
Typical Douchebag
2020-04-13 21:32:27 UTC
Your numbers are wrong. Obama killed trillions of people. 
2020-04-13 17:13:01 UTC
Sadly, there's a HUGE percentage of bitter anti-Trump politicization concerning the COVID-19 "pandemic"; the dynamics of which likely won't be exposed for at least 10 or so years from now. 

You can view the televised global "news media" outlets--and pick out which ones OPPOSE Trump and which outlets SUPPORT Trump: American propaganda has gotten THAT bad.

Obama was well blanketed and protected by huge majority of global TV, radio and print media outlets world-wide.....financed by a cabal of LIBERAL Obama supportive BILLIONAIRES; George Soros being the chief supporter.

Had Soros and his friends OPPOSED OBAMA, THEN we'd see some swiftly presented global news media alerts of some Andromedia Strain horrific H1N1 global pandemic threat.

Which brings us to why IS President Trump being attacked by Soros financed global news media outlets:

1) Democrat Party RESENTS NOT PROFITING from President Trump's agenda programs--four of which were SUCCESSFULLY restoring and recovering America from the economic DAMAGE wrought on by Bush, Jr. and Obama.

2) Successful completion of The WALL will seal off America from Mexico--thus cutting off coveted supply of illegal cheap hard labor workers for that 1% American rich and Corporate America.

3) Soros and Democrat Party SUPPORT SOCIALISM, the quasi-Communism of America and establishment of what can only be described as a "New World Order"; President Trump OPPOSES SOCIALISM AND IS AN AMERICAN PATRIOT---and he's joined by an ever-growing MAJORITY of AMERICAN PATRIOT VOTERS.

4) Look back at the planned and executed Democrat Party attacks against Trump and it reads like a well planned agenda from a cabal of bitter angry---and dangerous--group of pro-Socialist people; this COVID-19 "pandemic" plan might be their "hail Mary" plan:

a) Democrat Party has pretty much imploded; they have no real solid backed Democrat candidate for the November 2020 POTUS Election, as of April 2020; time's running out and they need some way to DELAY the Election.

b) Evidently, these last 3 years have left Democrats with DENIED proposals sent to President Trump; if the Democrats can't have any agenda success---then they feel America can crash and burn. The COVID-19 plan MIGHT be set in motion to try and WRECK President Trump's successful economic recovery programs.

Look back at all that's transpired since that infamous State Of The Union Address. Do you think Nancy Pelosi sent a signal to someone watching, when she tore up her hard copy of President Trump's speech??

Can anyone look at the TIMING of that and the COVID-19 "pandemic" and not at least SUSPECT something is foul at play here?
2020-04-13 03:19:41 UTC
You're ALL "Sheeple".
2020-04-12 22:02:38 UTC
When you consider there is more than one infection, the cover up is obvious. With a sense of accountability, the entire situation would have been avoidable.  Do they eat "bat soup" in Europe, too? Onto the next informative article, shall we?
2020-04-12 20:46:11 UTC
Millions died ?

In a word: Bullsh*t.
Alan H
2020-04-12 15:39:36 UTC
You call the highest rate in the world very few?

How many do you want.....half a million?
Yvette aka EvilMistress
2020-04-12 09:59:34 UTC
Because the partisan Democrats are trying to get him out of office. They think that they're FrontRunner well do a better job as day whisk HRC into the back door so she can start World War 3 with Russia. It says if no one really cares that she destroyed over 30,000 emails, or does really bad things to children, or that she bought 30000 Guillotines in Mexico when she was Secretary of Defense. For the most part it's called selective Amnesia on the democratics part. That is why we need to remember these things, don't let our children forget what this generation has done. Make sure that our government is responsible for their actions. And don't whitewash The Ugly Truth because it would be embarrassing. Our country was founded on 10 main amendments, however the first two we're the most important: freedom of speech, the ability to form a group and discuss the topic.

Amendment 2

The freedom to bear arms lest our government become a corrupt. So that we as Americans have the ability to overthrow that corrupt government and re-establish it to its natural Glory. Never forget.


Quotes" Q" quotes
2020-04-12 09:20:59 UTC
Reading the comments it appears that over 12000 people died in the US of H1N1 virus.....i think the real question should be, why was nothing said about that at the time, it's the first I've heard of it. No lock down, no social distancing?
2020-04-11 20:45:11 UTC
Love the name, Asswhole - did you fail at math in high school, and now you're angry that you need 60 hours a week working as a laborer in the Utilities sector just to afford your crappy S-10 and your crappy apartment, while those na'an bread-eating Indian motherfuckerz, always smelling of curry pull up to the apartment complex in their BMW?

12,000 dead in 2009 rounds to Zero, if millions is the denominator.
ibu guru
2020-04-11 16:31:21 UTC
1. The facts do not accord with Dems' agenda.

2. Dems are using an crisis, any difficulty, to attack any Rep. Sheer power-play by Dems.

3. Some people have short memories & have forgotten both healthcare crises which BO's administration mishandled.
2020-04-11 16:12:45 UTC
CDC estimates about 12,000 died of H1N1 ... How is that even close to millions?
2020-04-16 17:23:06 UTC
Obama is the black man that if he ruled Kenya, he would get more money from the West making billions than he earned now. Obama is the version of African corrupt leaders that when is all about money talks he would do exactly the west or Chinese masters say. I hate this Muslim president.
2020-04-15 20:30:48 UTC
Because that's not true.  An estimated 12,000 or so Americans died of H1N1 in 2009.  We've already had over 20,000 people die from coronavirus.
2020-04-15 17:02:39 UTC
no they didn't.  Not millions,

and Trump's incompetence has killed more

for instance;
2020-04-15 07:08:22 UTC
There are no rules passed by the USA Government, so you need to protect yourself and quarantine yourself. 
2020-04-15 06:11:06 UTC
I have an answer to that.! Before we jump to conclusions, let’s look at the facts. H1n1 was not as serious as in life threatening as covid-19 is. If you look at the ratio is the U.S of h1n1 cases-deaths, it’s not as serious as the death count of covid. Yes, 60 million folks did get h1n1, however deaths count to 12,249. Corona is much more life threading as we can see, the us is already had over 25,000. Corona is a new form of virus so no one ha did before this, therefore, no one has set immunity. Due to h1n1 being a influenza, common, people were more immune. I wouldn’t say a “few people died from corona virus”
2020-04-15 03:55:27 UTC
I’m not liberal and I’m more right.  

However don’t spread lies.  Over 20k people died from corona virus in USA and 450k+ are infected with it 

Only 12k people died from h1n1

Don’t lie about health.  It’s not right 

I’m not fond of Obama either.  But we have to state facts.  
2020-04-14 01:03:52 UTC
20K people have died of corona virus in the USA, which as a far as I know is 7K more than H1N1. This has nothing to do with Obama so stop deflecting. Just because Obama may have not handled something well does not excuse Trump making the same or worse mistakes. 
2020-04-13 21:58:57 UTC
The Obama administration started to address H1N1 just as the disease emerged in April 2009. A public health emergency was declared on April 26, 2009, when there were about 20 confirmed cases in the United States. The Obama administration renewed this declaration twice in the ensuing months before declaring a national emergency in October 2009.
2020-04-13 17:23:41 UTC
3433 total deaths from H1N1.  22,840 deaths - to date - from Covid-19.  I think you should take steps to get back in touch with reality.  
2020-04-13 17:20:19 UTC
TRUMP IS THE VIRUS!!!!! Get your shiit right
2020-04-13 08:54:47 UTC
Its not a minor virus to spread disease.

Its dangerous,serious, and shocking to believe there is an incident happening.

People are looking into free healthcare. They need the right health insurance to have full coverage. A lot of people are getting hospitalized for emergency in ICU.
2020-04-13 06:24:33 UTC
FAKE NEWS!  Millions of Americans didn't die from H1N1.  Due to H1N1 the Obama administration made a team for handling disease crises, but President Trump is incompetent.  He dismantled it because Obama made it.  That would be like Obama dismantling the Bush administrative safe guard against airplane terrorist attacks after 9/11 because Obama didn't like him.  That's ******* retarded.  Any leader who would dismantle the safety of his country because he didn't like his predecessor is an idiot.  
2020-04-13 05:34:51 UTC
YO HO!  It is time for Dementia Donnie to go!
2020-04-13 03:12:45 UTC
Because this is a novel virus that has no well-backed study to develop a cure and Trump very blatantly and publicly lied about how "under control" the situation was. Just run a quick google search of the number of deaths and cases in the US compared to South Korea which discovered its first case on the same day as the US, the populations aren't the same but it gives a timeline as far as how many should be infected, and US is WAY high. Obama wasn't innocent in the H1N1 outbreak either but this situation is very different and should have been handled better, which is a very valid concern to American citizens. I mean come on when you fire the pandemic response team and ignore scientists telling you to take it seriously, you end up with blood on your hands and a crisis. It's common sense.
2020-04-12 22:17:01 UTC
Are you uneducated? Never saw such a crying ignorant person on here. Possibly a redneck
The Devil
2020-04-12 21:26:22 UTC
You ought to be ashamed of yourself spreading such a BIG LIE. Look:
2020-04-12 21:14:36 UTC
First of all about 500,000 people in the world died from that including americans and the coronavirus is just starting and there is no total number of deaths because people are still dying from it. trump thought it would just disepear like a mericle which is totally something a prisident should think. So its resonable for a 70 years old man which is unfortunatly the prisident of US to be attacked for believing in mericles
2020-04-12 10:39:29 UTC
You are either a liar or repeating a lie you think is true.
2020-04-11 17:39:47 UTC
The flu is different. It spreads faster and the incubation period is short. Dump knew the incubation period for covid 19 was a brutally long 2 weeks but he called the virus a hoax and told people that they could go to work with it. Dumps sheer ignorance and overinflated ego has cost people their lives and created the next global depression 
2020-04-11 16:23:55 UTC
There were roughly 12,500 H1N1 deaths in the US.  Are you rounding up to the the nearest million?  
2020-04-15 02:21:22 UTC
Libtards have been brainwashed by the media to criticize Trump for everything
Gerri R
2020-04-14 20:27:55 UTC
First of all, I hate Obama! He's the worst President ever! He only got elected because of the color of his skin!

If people would have complained about Obama, they would be considered "RACIST".

Obummer didn't do his job to control the virus. He is guilty of MURDER, because of that! He should have been impeached and prosecuted for that and a bunch of other things!

He was a waste of space and an "Oxygen Thief"! He is stealing air that the rest of us NORMAL people could otherwise be breathing!

People are complaining about Trump, because they are scared, reverse racist (racist against White people). They are also mad because Trump hates Obama as much as I do! He's changing everything he can back to normal! All the things that Obummer changed and messed up! He's fixing everything that Obama effed up!

You can't say that very few people have died from COVID-19. Because, so far, over 20,000 Americans have died from it! There have been over 1 Million deaths worldwide! That's a lot! I know, H1N1 killed a lot more people- SO FAR! But, we don't know when and IF this virus will ever get cured, stop spreading and just die.

I think Trump is doing a good job overall on COVID-19 and as the President. A lot better than Nobama!        

We have all learned a lot from H1N1, Bird Flu, Black Plague, Spanish Flue and other things. They are learning a lot more now and using what they've learned from other pandemics to fight this.
2020-04-14 15:30:43 UTC
President Trump also tweeted this last month. He was factually incorrect, by a very considerable degree. As you are by repeating it.

I hesitate to use the word "lying" because that would imply that he and you are untrustworthy and unreliable. Heaven forbid that anyone would possibly ever think that!!!!!
2020-04-14 14:08:14 UTC
First of all , It’s more than a few and is not being able to go outside is definitely a bigger issue. People are attacking trump because he let the virus get into America and didn’t ban travel until it was too late. 
2020-04-14 03:49:45 UTC
Pretty sure it would have raised a little more alarm if millions of Americans had died from H1N1. The truth is, Trump is being attacked for various reasons, some of them valid and some of them not. The onus is on us to sort it out.
2020-04-14 03:47:44 UTC
Do you see how ignorant and shallow this idiot is?
2020-04-14 01:19:28 UTC
do you lack a few brain cells?..........little word of advice taking too many party drugs kills your brain cells and so does supporting trump
2020-04-13 21:54:49 UTC
You can't say "Very few people died from Coronavirus" until AFTER the epidemic is over.

While it continues, use the Present Perfect: "Very few people HAVE DIED from Coronavirus". Until the final figures are in, we can't say 'x number of people died'.We can say 'x number of people died in the first week of the lockdown' because that week is over.
Jim Russell
2020-04-13 21:54:13 UTC
"Millions of Americans died..."? Recheck your figures. However, when the Coronavirus first appeared in the U.S., the World Health Organization attempted to give the U.S. the tests for early detection of the virus, Trump refused the offer, and give the contract for the tests to his son-in-law's buddy, costing the tax payers money and American lives (The tests weren't effective) Neither of these individuals lived up to the faith the American voters placed in them.
2020-04-13 20:18:56 UTC
You're a g damn liar
2020-04-13 14:40:53 UTC
Are you some sort of a nut?  America knows how Trump has always thrown Americans under the bus.  He paid no attention to doctors & allowed America to get eaten up by this deadly virus.  He could have closed American borders when he first heard of this deadly virus. But instead he kept campaigning for his own benefit.  His followers, the ones left, are fed up with his dangerous handling of this deadly situation.  He needs to be impeached like tomorrow for the lost of lives.  His only concern is to open the country back up for voting & to continue to trick America with his lies & corruption.  He is still going around campaigning as if this virus doesn't matter while thousands of Americans are losing their lives.  He is the only dumb president America has ever had & will go down in history as the worse president in history.  He is being attacked for the way he has handled this deadly situation, telling America it's just a cold or the flu, when he knew how deadly this virus was.  Contards should at least face the truth about Trump.  If the American public listen to Trump, there may not even be an America left.  HE IS AWFUL!
2020-04-13 08:41:44 UTC
LOL!   Nice try DUMB F. U. C K 
2020-04-13 06:43:39 UTC
They're not true Americans there all from different countries. They don't like Trump because he's white. Only Americans like trump. Obama was the worst president. All he did was give money to Iran for them to make bombs.  Trump is a good president people hate him because he's white.
2020-04-12 23:24:49 UTC
The US H1N1 death toll was lower than the current COVID19 US death toll. I did not vote for President Obama. I want all POTUSes to succeed in fighting a pandemic.
2020-04-12 23:06:50 UTC
Trump is lier. Besides It wouldn’t of matter who was president. Million of Americans would have died anyways.
2020-04-12 19:44:02 UTC
H1N1 has been around for a long time; it's the Spanish Flu. It reemerged this year killed more people than H1N1 did during Obama.
2020-04-12 06:39:11 UTC
Excuse me. I think you have been isolated for far too long.
2020-04-11 23:22:29 UTC
Lies!Not true!

Fact check.

Obama declared H1N1 a national public health emergency in April 2009, before any deaths, and with only 20 cases reported.

He moved much quicker than Trump, who for weeks denied that coronavirus was even a threat, and refuses to listen to scientists and medical doctors.
2020-04-11 16:13:22 UTC
Millions didn’t die during H1n1. 
2020-04-11 16:12:17 UTC
brand new account, 12% Best Answers. 
2020-04-15 17:17:18 UTC
Millions.... okay
2020-04-15 13:20:39 UTC
"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic should have been a warning sign," said Steffanie Strathdee, the Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of California San Diego's Department of Medicine. "It didn't end up being a pandemic that killed millions of people as we feared it would, but it should have been a wake-up call. By all serious estimates, COVID-19 is going to be a major killer." 
Charly Dat
2020-04-15 05:11:18 UTC
During the Obama administration, we did not have one school closing during the Ebola Virus pandemic! Also, we successfully prevented Ebola Virus from spreading worldwide! During the Trump administration, which is right now, we have thousands and thousands of school closings due to Coronavirus! Trump acted too late and failed to prevent school closings! Ebola Virus has killed about 15,000 worldwide while Coronavirus has killed more than 100,000 people worldwide! So you’re saying that millions of people have died when Obama acted quickly and prevented the Virus from spreading across the United States?! You’re also asking why is Trump being attacked?! Look at the number of school closings that we are having right now! Obama prevented school closings while Trump has failed the American people to do so! The Coronavirus has already spread across the United States and thousands and thousands of American hospitals are now overwhelmed!! 
2020-04-15 00:58:23 UTC
"Millions?"  You need more tinfoil in your hat.  You're more ignorant than I thought.

The H1N1-09 flu strain was bad, no mistake.  But its world wide death toll was less than 300,000; less than 12,500 in the US.

"Why is Trump being attacked," because he's criminally incompetent and his incessant irrational optimism, espousing unproven medications and late information is costing lives.

Pay attention to that: TRUMP IS CAUSING PEOPLE TO DIE.

Flagged for stupidity.
2020-04-14 23:31:52 UTC
That is about the dumbest statement by someone who is not keyed in the head too well. But is definitely a Trumpedemic fan. You know, that President that has is own private Tass Agency(Fox News).
2020-04-14 20:00:07 UTC
Because hes a butt guy.
2020-04-14 17:39:32 UTC
Not doing anything doesn’t mean you’re not at fault.

He is THE PRESIDENT OF THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD. And he’s busy blaming everyone else for these ‘few’ deaths.

People need to stop bribing Obama into this.

The problem is: the country voted for trump and no he has to grow a pair and run his country and quit pretending it’s not his fault. He is the president EVERYTHING is his fault. Much the same that if he were handling this like a professional, he’d be happy to take all the credit.

The man is an idiot, arrogant, Sorry excuse for a president. I did not vote for him to be my leader but he is. And he is doing a poor job. Watch the news please and quit looking on places like this where left wing and right wing are just going to clash. Watch his press conferences. Listen to the way he talks. Listen to the way he answers. Listen to the way he addresses people. Listen to his excuses....
2020-04-14 14:38:27 UTC
Millions died? Why not make it billions or even trillions? Trump's base won't know the difference. 
2020-04-14 14:25:56 UTC
This is blatantly false 
2020-04-14 01:21:49 UTC
Got any more subhuman opinions?
2020-04-13 17:27:21 UTC
maybe good drink milk,
2020-04-13 05:02:31 UTC
Why would you think that?
2020-04-13 00:38:16 UTC
And It didn't hurt you any to get on a public forum and lie like a dog.
Hailey Rousey
2020-04-13 00:31:09 UTC
How else are the Democrats going to win the office next presidential election? LOL. 
2020-04-12 21:07:37 UTC
Not a fan of Obama or trump but H1N1 killed 12k Americans in like half a year. Coronavirus has already killed way more than that so this question is just ignorant.
2020-04-12 18:15:38 UTC
Trump has tested 1% of the population and the U.S. death rate is the highest in the world.  What if 10% were tested (or even 100% tested)?  Very few people died if THEY STOP TESTING (which they are doing right now) People will continue to die except you won't know about it(unless it is YOU that is dying)
2020-04-12 14:32:48 UTC
First, are you a Russian?? Millions didn't die. What a ridiculous lie. And is Trump really getting attacked? Or do you consider it an attack when the press reports the truth? Trump was warned in advance about a likely pandemic and he disregarded it. And when it arrived in this country, he downplayed it. He's shown a complete lack of any ability to be a leader. And his complete denial of any responsibility proves that he is something less than a man. Add his continual politicizing and corrupt abuse of power, even while the rest of the country tries to come together. If it seems like an attack, its because you are in denial of the truth. Further, even your question seems like it was written by Trump - who cares how Obama handled H1N1 right now? What does that even have to do with anything?
2020-04-12 04:30:34 UTC
Only 18,000 people died worldwide from H1N1 in total, so how the fck did "millions of Americans" die, dumbfck? 
2020-04-11 23:01:32 UTC
obama did well didnt say it was a hoax and perpetuate racism and xenoponb
2020-04-11 16:18:32 UTC
Looks like you are a liberal trying to make Republicans look bad.  You and everyone else knows  that millions did not die.
2020-04-15 02:39:13 UTC
Because of Trump derangement syndrome. The reporters are mere puppets being told by their masters what to say. The more outrageous the better for them. These fake news reporters get to virtue signal and make millions. It's a win win for them. That's why.
2020-04-14 21:34:59 UTC
You should delete your question as it contains incorrect information.

Millions did not die.  That is Fake News.
2020-04-14 16:56:35 UTC
your question sounds retarded. 23,649 died of covid-19. 12,469 deaths died of H1N1. whos doing your math sweetie? donald trump was warned about this back in November. while everyone was out living there life no one knew we had a virus. trumo didnt warn the public because he cares about the stock market. trump is considered a murderer. worse than osama bin ladin. not only did he betray our country but his carelessness and stupidity is putting peoples lives at risk. all this could have been avoided and less people would have died if he would of took action from the beginning. i tested positive for the virus and i dont feel well. other people like myself are going through hell because of trump. your question makes you look retarded like our president. trump dont care about you. he only wants your vote. then hes free to do whatever he wants. dumb ******
Robin W
2020-04-14 15:28:27 UTC
You're lying and Yahoo should yank your account.
Get Digital World
2020-04-14 15:18:41 UTC
MILLIONS OF AMERICANS DID NOT DIE. STOP LYING. BTW I reported your account. Dear Americans: This is what a Russian Disinformation campaign looks like!
2020-04-14 01:39:29 UTC
Millions INFECTED....18,000 DEAD. Obummer NEVER had his feet held to the fire for ANYTHING.
2020-04-14 01:17:07 UTC
You are wrong. Millions of Americans did not die from h1n1. I’m pretty sure I had it back in 2009ish and it felt like a regular flu. I was sick for 3 days. Some people died, mostly elderly and those with pre existing conditions, but not even close to the COVID numbers. 

Trump is failing miserably in his handling of this virus. He was in complete denial until it was too late to control it. Now he is literally stealing medical supplies from the states and giving them to his political allies. Absolutely despicable. He has refused to take responsibility and takes every chance he gets to tell the press how great a job he thinks he’s doing. He should resign. I hope he gets Coronavirus and can’t get medical care because the hospitals have run out of beds and supplies
2020-04-13 12:52:10 UTC
You REALLY need to stop listening to those talking radio heads! Either that or you are trying to be sarcastic and yanking everyone's chain for a come back.
2020-04-13 09:17:55 UTC
Le bruh James is the cause
2020-04-13 03:54:37 UTC
Millions of Americans die not because of disease but because of the cost of medical insurance.

The people who will die from this disease will largely be indigent peoples who cannot afford the cover to get basic medical essentials. You will not hear about these people and the stats will go largely unreported

Rich people will die because the insurance companies that own the hospitals cannot provide the adequate care or equipment. They will just have a better death.

People dont want Government interference in their Medical system until they do and then whine loudly about the Government never doing enough.

Interestingly countries with National health systems are managing a lot better as the governments react to the crisis and not corporations.
2020-04-13 02:32:09 UTC
Millions died due to H1N1?  What idiot told you that?  Why do you belive it?
2020-04-13 00:20:44 UTC
Get your facts straight before you ask a question. Thousands died, definitely not millions 🙄
2020-04-12 22:44:00 UTC
That is Gee Old Pee propaganda.
2020-04-12 22:34:24 UTC
12469 people died in the US, you're an idiot.
2020-04-12 21:25:26 UTC
many people have died from the coronavirus, i wouldn't say 120,000 deaths is very few and the most deaths are in the U.S., he had months to prepare for this, but he kept calling it a hoax, now he's finally starting to realize how bad this is and this is why the U.S. has it the worst. Trump handled this poorly, if we had a president with common sense we'd be doing a lot better right now. He sugar-coated the coronavirus so then people that support him are all outside spreading it even more. I don't care what Obama did, he is a way better president than Trump.
Shinnyuu R
2020-04-12 14:25:09 UTC
like always republicans are spreading fake news.  The CDC estimated that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million H1N1 cases, with 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths. According to Fox News there halve been 20,608 deaths in the US and it’s only been a few months. 
2020-04-12 14:08:29 UTC
Somewhere around 12,000 people died, dear, and that's about normal for an ordinary seasonal flu. Nothing was mishandled.

Do you little trolls actually expect people to take you seriously?  When you're so obvious?
2020-04-12 05:36:35 UTC
Yahoo does a very bad job of eliminating blatant lies like this.  You should be ashamed, you troll.
2020-04-12 01:26:13 UTC
You clearly are delusional and have failed at basic math. I understand you hate Obama but you shouldn't let your hate cloud your thinking and judgement, you know you are wrong.
2020-04-12 00:39:49 UTC
Millions? It was under 15 thousand. Stop watching Fox News
2020-04-15 11:09:09 UTC
Trump is an  archetypal Plonker
2020-04-15 10:19:47 UTC

2020-04-15 01:13:03 UTC
define few? lmaooo y'all just be saying anything on here
2020-04-15 01:10:12 UTC
define few? lmaooo y'all just be saying anything on here
Sarah Clearwater
2020-04-14 22:19:29 UTC
What are you smoking? Corona virus has killed thousands of more people than H1N1
2020-04-14 20:32:49 UTC
because Obongo and the Jews replacd all the  dead people with Arabs and homos. 

KEEP AMERICA WHTE AGAIN!!!!no more Catholics, Jews, arbs, Italians , and commie Norwegians 
bex whit
2020-04-14 11:57:24 UTC
18,036 died from H1N1 which is low for flu you must be deep into Trump kool-aid to think it was millions.  
2020-04-14 00:25:12 UTC
Reported for sheer stupidness. 
2020-04-13 16:52:25 UTC
You can make your idiotic claims all you want, but it isn’t going to matter what you dumb idiots think!

Trump ignored CDC demands that the east and west coast major cities and Florida go into lockdown back in February!

Not only that, the CIA informed this administration what was possibly coming last year, that’s why many administration officials were having nightmares about this arriving on our shores! Trump obviously just slept straight through it, too engrossed in usual!

The inevitable inquest into this going to reveal just how inept and incompetent Trump has been throughout this! So you just blather on all you like with your lies and BS! It won’t make one iota of difference!!!
Ken Ken
2020-04-13 15:20:37 UTC
first of all that was all trump fault  and not obama's is he in office no but guess who in office now trump its all trump and being attacked who teump he not being attcked he just don't know how to control his own country
chris h
2020-04-13 14:11:05 UTC
Because obama was their god and Trump is the devil.
2020-04-12 23:52:58 UTC
Your getting the only side of the story the

left wants to present. So what else is new.
2020-04-12 19:04:09 UTC
would you blatantly lie like this if you mothers life depended on you telling the truth?
2020-04-12 18:25:19 UTC
Yahoo moderators delete things quick, unless its MAGA bull. When this is over, they might start dying
2020-04-12 17:24:36 UTC
trump is so great & can’t be held accountable for anything according to his followers. They always compare him w someone else. Two wrongs don’t make a right. People hate trump that’s why. They’ll do anything to make him look bad
2020-04-12 16:32:33 UTC
Yeah, no. Two people died. He acted within days of finding out about that. tRump waited something like 75 days. Death toll still raising, numbnuts. 

It's much higher now. But you get the idea, numbnuts. 

Trump: "Antibiotics used to solve every problem and now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten to brilliant that the anti-antibiotic can't keep up with it." Antibiotics, numbnuts, isn't used against viruses. 

President Donald Trump’s hotels in D.C., New York and Chicago all seem to qualify for benefits from the coronavirus bailout. So does his winery lodge in Virginia.

The  NYTimes buries the lede in the 23rd paragraph: The president’s three family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, which manufacturers the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. 

The Pentagon was aware of the likelihood of a pandemic brought on by a novel coronavirus years ago — predicting with startling accuracy the shortages of masks, hospital beds and ventilators that could occur, according to a 2017 internal document. NPR

"The Trump admin cut staff by more than 2/3 at a key US public health agency inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak..." reuters

"The complainers should have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit" -- Donald Trump 

2020-04-12 14:42:02 UTC
You lie,   seek help.
2020-04-12 07:27:55 UTC
Then you must either be reading fake news or you're just a dumb ****!!
2020-04-12 07:06:36 UTC
Socialists want a revolution, and they will make up any lie to provoke anger and anarchy.  "Thou shalt not kill" (6th Commandment).  Socialists are murderers, and they shall answer to the Lord Jesus Christ on Judgment Day (Revelation 21:8, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!   
2020-04-11 19:20:19 UTC
He is only being attacked by those who hate America and American values of Christian/Judaeo ancestry.
2020-04-15 17:41:23 UTC
The death toll is about equal. Spanish Flu is the only one millions died in and that was in Woodrow Wilson's presidency. 
2020-04-15 12:53:40 UTC
You're a colossal LIAR.  Obama didn't "mishandle" anything, & only a few 1000's died.  Under CHUMP, 25,668 have died already & the number climbs by 100's daily with no end in sight.  Idiots like you aren't merely a danger to yourself.  You are to the entire world.   

Marissa: Because one is not civil to LIARS who spread false news & defamatory libel.  Both are criminal code violations punishable by years of imprisonment in Canada.  They don't even see civility.  They're affected only by scorn.       
2020-04-14 15:28:20 UTC
Whoever is asking this question must be stupid, mentally handicapped, and detached from reality, as are the majority of the idiots who mindlessly d!çk ride trump. 

The 2009 H1N1 influenza strain or ‘Swine Flu’ was less fatal than even the typical seasonal influenza we deal with ANNUALLY, and resulted in 12K deaths within the US, about 575K fatalities worldwide, not “Millions” as this dishonest trolling mental patient says. 

COVID-19 has killed twice that number since January while your godfather was bragging about the US having 0 cases. 

So as I said, this person asking the question is stupid. These idiotic a$$holes will do anything to defend their dumb master “Donald Duck dump”, even pulling the most blatant weak minded nonsense out of their azzes. It’s hilarious but also sad to know these many r!tards actually exist in America and voted this orangutang into office. 

Armchair Goddess #1
2020-04-14 07:52:33 UTC
This is not true and you surely know it, R.C.!  Unless you are a pre-programmed Russian MAFIA BOT incapable of change, stop spreading blatant lies.
2020-04-14 04:11:42 UTC
They attack Trump anyway. They don't need a reasonable reason to attack Trump. I'm shocked at Americans instead of attacking China which is still producing fatal viruses eating the wildlife, attacks Trump. 
2020-04-14 00:28:54 UTC
Unfortunately, no matter who is president, there is always gonna some dumb son of a ***** who's gonna find something to complain about.

That's human nature! So, accept it. 

The world is full of lying two-faced rats, full of people who can never be satisfied, people who will sell others out for a buck, and the list goes on and on. The only thing you can do is control how you act and react to situations.
2020-04-13 22:28:36 UTC
Your answer is premature. Most people who die from these type of diseases are unhealthy to begin with. Now whose fault is it they are that unhealthy as full blown adults? And whose fault is it Chinese humans are such skanks they don't know how to handle raw meat and eat stuff never fit for human consumption? That is what has started all this nonsense
2020-04-13 21:34:39 UTC
It's not about Trump vs Obama, friend. It's really not, not when you transcend the false left vs right dichotomy. Nah, it's about when the globalists decide is best to enact their move to lower the human population. You know, use all those hollow point rounds and plastic coffins they have lined up. 
2020-04-13 20:57:43 UTC
Liberals have been attacking Trump since he won in 2016 for no reason other than he's a better president than any Democrat in US history.   Obama was a complete failure.   Obama had the world's record number of failures, scandals and lies. 
Smoking Joe
2020-04-13 17:18:22 UTC
Lol thanks RWC. Actually 18,000 Americans died from H1N1 in 2009-2010, and we just surpassed that one month.
2020-04-13 14:01:59 UTC
Did they? As I recall h1n1 didn’t even kill millions globally, feel like your statement is completely incorrect, I lived through H1N1 it was a joke in America, it was the same as the flu, treated with flu meds, barely anyone got it, what we’re experiencing now is a global pandemic and nightmare in comparison 
2020-04-13 04:05:39 UTC
Ok let me give this a shot. He manipulate and lied 2 all these ppl he put at risk 4 absolutely no reason other than not wanting 2 pay more than $200 4 2days a month when he should have been doing 15 days at 800 give or take. When he didn't have 2 2 do anything at all hes the 1 that wanted to take control n when he didnt get his way he did cried like a baby. Felt that he was owed something so he pulled a Hillary scandal intercepted all attempts 4 me 2 b able 2 make the 800 by posing as organizations that would help me accomplish what was needed 4 2 keep my 2 babies safe from this virus. Any an all avenues were blocked had no idea. I d have 2 organizations tha wanted 2 help me n he refused 2 show up so I couldn't go. It got 2 the point where I had 2 borrow money2 handle his part of the research. N I still owe 4 that i might add. Since 2018. I tried moving on hed call or not show up just to  make sure I was stuck 247. Here's the kicker, a new supporter of his has helped him do that the whole time n put false statements on other sites posing 2 b me profile pic n all saying I in fact was dying from the virus. She us in the medical field n in the 2009 hini she did the same thing. Very creepy she even title loaned her vehicle 4 that nasty addiction if his that makes him so orange. When he decided take a break from the tanning bed she want happy  n made up lies about me n ratted on him 4 being addicted 2 the tanning bed. Which is not ok when u have a foster child we care about 2 adopt almost didnt happen n here we r. Once again, right hack at it. Every1 makes mistakes ive forgiven him at least 30 times in 10. These accusations of me not supporting him in his campaign is a crock I was 100 percent supportive even through 2009. I was followed n stalked then as well what freaking pattern. He even had the nerve  move in w either women twice while stayed at the White House at ih ng care of my lively stepdaughter his daughter n our foster son while he claimed 2 live by him self n told every1 I was just his secretary. Lol, wow I know right and ppl r accusing me of being unfaithful at said times he moved from the White House . Hed disappear was at a time on tanning sprees last 1 he must not have put on sun block cuz we both got burnt which was not good 4 my pregnancy. In conclusion, he deserved 2 b held accountable cuz i was smarter than he thought I was n here i am. Now his supporters r ginna b held accountable just like him . Trump may not know this but his followers were even sending death threats 4 was I've been scared 2 leave the house. Was told they kill me if I reported it. So u think trump is honest n qualified 2 lead this country. No, hes not he couldn't even lead my tiny village of 2 4 2 days a month w n0 phone calls n is tryna scare me into not taking him 2 court 4 200 he doesnt wanna pay. This us the worst part I knew he was as talking me I find out months ago but I let him even realizing he was blocking emails y u ask. I have asked him100 times if he was doing this nothing but silence. When I was getting all the wedding ring ads in my emails I was excited my son was elated he misses the only dad hes ever k in so much he sent him videos telling him we r coming home only 2 find out it was a lie. Any1 have the heart 2 tell these kids that the president of their United states of America! Is trying 2 have their mommy put in jail n taken from them 4 being forced n pushed into a corner 2 make enough mo ey 2 pay the rent. I dont thinks so 
2020-04-13 01:56:08 UTC
Millions very well could have died considering 60m were infected. Luckily, H1N1 wasn't a deadly virus like the coronavirus. 
2020-04-12 13:28:11 UTC
No, "millions" of Americans didn't die, and Obama didn't "mishandle" that flu.

Lying for little Donnie is still lying, dear.
2020-04-12 08:33:22 UTC
Millions?  According to the CDC it was just under 12,500 over 12 April 2009 to 10 April 2010 and the way it seems is that Obama was at least trying... (

As at the 11April 2020, there have been 20,500 deaths with the vast majority (like 99.9% kind of majority) in the last 5 to 6 weeks...  Like 1 month and a few days ago (from what I can see about the 7th / 8th March the death count was 19 to 22ish mark), and even until near the end of March the death toll was <500.  The criticism is because Trump has done SFA
Jack B from Gilroy, CA
2020-04-12 08:17:49 UTC
Got any more subhuman opinions?
2020-04-12 07:00:35 UTC
The left HATES the DON. They will do ANYTHING--lie, cheat, steal, and more--to get back for losing in 2016--instead of putting blame where it belongs--right on Hillary's Parkinsonian shoulders.
2020-04-12 01:01:55 UTC
I’m laughing how stupid you sound. “Very few people died from Coronavirus”. There were 11 cases of Ebola and 2 Deaths  in the US. There’s over 140,000 cases of Coronavirus and over 20,000 deaths . Do the MATH ! This is stupid. I hate how all these ignorant trump loving *** kissing ***** out here spreading false information like the information in your question. 
2020-04-11 22:23:46 UTC
Quit simply repeating stupid stuff you hear and educate yourself on the facts.
2020-04-11 16:14:54 UTC
That is an obvious lie.  To date, thousands more Americans have died from Covid-19 in just a few weeks than died during the whole H1N1 pandemic season in 2009 -2010.
2020-04-15 16:59:07 UTC
Millions didnt die you fool.
2020-04-15 12:40:41 UTC
2020-04-14 07:17:33 UTC
wait what the fusk are you talking about?
2020-04-14 04:51:31 UTC
More people have already died from Coronavirus than ever from H1N1 already. Schools stayed open and people kept working during H1N1 and the economy didn't take a hit so I think Obama handled H1N1 way better!
2020-04-14 00:40:04 UTC
Many people hated Trump way before he even took office, so that speaks volumes!
2020-04-14 00:32:09 UTC
pretty sure 23,000 deaths just in america is more than 19,000 worldwide
2020-04-13 23:59:36 UTC
i never heard anything that says millions of americans died, from the h1n1. as far as i am concerned it was a puff of smoke

but you  have a point, Our current President is being treated unfairly by the world media.
2020-04-13 23:22:38 UTC
Come on now, this is FALSE. There have been MANY that have died
2020-04-13 17:27:44 UTC
It doesn't matter liberals are weak minded degenerates who can't tell the difference between genders it doesnt matter what you do they only caring about themself
2020-04-13 04:02:45 UTC
Ya if you say so
2020-04-13 03:15:42 UTC
sorry facts say your wrong only 12000 dead and their was a vaccine that most refused to take, no vaccine under trump and he called it a hoax.
2020-04-13 02:25:51 UTC
Are you new here?  The Democrats have been crying and com[laining about President Trump ever since Hillary lost.
2020-04-12 15:25:16 UTC
Because he's ignorent! Stop compareing Trump an Oboma! Trump is a stupid idiot racist homophobe an Oboma was a great president! Look how bad things is right now million of people out of work an the economy is bad look how good things was with Oboma!
2020-04-12 08:13:42 UTC
Because liberal hatred for competence,patriotism,and decency blinds them to history,truth,and facts.

Obama,18000 dead = good job.

Trump 5000 dead = terrible job.

Liberalism = mental disorder.
2020-04-12 05:54:09 UTC
Because the death rate for HiNI was 0.15%. It’s currently 2.5% for the current virus. Many times higher!
2020-04-12 03:17:18 UTC
2020-04-12 02:22:12 UTC
12,000 died in H1N1.  275,000 were hospitalized.  Get your facts straight.  The majority were people who did not get a flu shot.  So Rightwing that answer

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.