Because Republicans always blame Democrats for everything - as said by Obama's Gonna Win Hahahahah
Democrats are blaming President Bush for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac going out of control.
For Lehman Brothers collapsing.
When in reality.
Lehman brothers had it coming a long time ago, they made risky loans, they deserved it.
Fannie and Freddie were created by democrats.
They had immunity to bankruptcy, so they made unsafe loans.
Look where that got them.
Democrats blamed Bush for lieing to congress. ( On the Iraq War )
Bush got the information from the FBI or CIA.
Bush didn't put on the black jump suit and go into Iraq and find some nukes and go "JACKPOT"!
The CIA or FBI did.
Democrats blame Republicans for high gas prices.
Between 2006 and 2008 gas prices shot up 2 dollars
Between 2000 and 2006 gas prices shot up 50 cents.
Democratic majority congress ( 9% approval rating ) was elected in 2006 and has served since then.