Not before but simultaneously.
Now that GM, SEIU, AFL CIO, GE, etc. are in a good position with the White house, they can afford the increase that will come their way & offset that increase through consumers. Though higher prices may mean less purchasing for consumers, it will help in tearing down others not in good with the house, smaller guys, & start up guys who might have just created something revolutionary or just providing commodity or a service. Thus securing GEs, GMs, & the Unions existence.
One thing is for sure it won't be long till the outcome is similar to Prichard, Alabama. The scheme of reducing debt or creating jobs through grants & subsidize cronyism is like some friends, relatives, co-workers, & acquaintance borrowing from one person to another person when they run out of people to borrow from, they use the last person's loan to pay off one of the creditors so that they can borrow even more from that creditor & pay off another creditor's (friend, acquaintance, co-worker, relative) smaller loan to borrow an even larger one while keeping the extra for you're self. Once everyone loose their trust towards them, they disappear where no one can find them. There's a reason why many countries are ticked off or concerned with the dollar. The system of artificially inflating demand (socialism) on certain industries with social benefits or subsidies collapses in the long run. Printing more money is a sneaky way of devaluing what is owed to foreign nations & devaluing future generations earnings, thus putting into question the seriousness of the borrowers commitment in paying off it's debt. If trade protectionism can start wars, how about debt.
What happened to the shovel ready projects? What's with the health care waivers? Why take from medicare/medicaid to fund Obama care? How many Agencies should there be?
Dear leader & his congress should have read & thought through the bill that someone else drafted, authored, & put together before shoving & signing it through to know what's in it.
With 1800 staff in the administration, how much work, thinking, reading, & writing is the seat in office really engages into.
3 trillion added in the past year, wanting 2 trillion more for the year & so on for the next years to fund foreign aid, foreign intervention, foreign oil exploration, fund cronyism with subsidies, welfare, or tax write offs (credits). Yet propose cutting 1 trillion over 10 years when debt would have added 2-3 trillions more a year that this administration is in office. Why even cut anything when you just keep borrowing.
Illinois increased tax to 70% only to give subsidies, waivers & tax breaks to keep the big guys from leaving.
Are they now realizing that companies provide more to the community than freebies like WI-FI? Will there be more revenue from 100 companies or a million or more companies?