"I am sure they have a political platform of how they would run the war."
we do. thanks for asking. i would like you read it and discuss what aspects of it you agree or disagree with.
"Please keep this on topic to the Democratic Platform for the WAR in Iraq. Specifically the exit plan since that is such a concern."
Iraq platform is in here tooo thanks......when your done reading it we can talk....
TA DA.........
Please note that in congress the debate has been between republican refusing to admit we will ever leave.
i don't mean like pull out in a year, i mean even suggesting we will leave in 20 years. Their votes are proof.
Secondly that puts us in the question then that the democarts are offering an alternative to never leaving or rahter more of the same...that has been failing us so far...
so the debate is
never ever leave{R} vs. begin a real phase out plan for victory and withdrawl in the futre{D}
if your honest with yourself and others in your heart you want our troops to become back....eventually right??
again thanks for the opportunity to disspell this often made myth that we have no plan.
Heres our domestic plan