As far as 9/11 goes,when will scientific intel get precedence over emotional intel?How did the bldgs collapse?
2007-05-31 23:17:15 UTC
As far as 9/11 goes,when will scientific intel get precedence over emotional intel?How did the bldgs collapse?
Ten answers:
♥♥The Queen Has Spoken♥♥
2007-05-31 23:23:20 UTC
he structural integrity of the World Trade Center depends on the closely spaced columns around the perimeter. Lightweight steel trusses span between the central elevator core and the perimeter columns on each floor. These trusses support the concrete slab of each floor and tie the perimeter columns to the core, preventing the columns from buckling outwards.

After the initial plane impacts, it appeared to most observers that the structures had been severely damaged, but not necessarily fatally.

It appears likely that the impact of the plane crash destroyed a significant number of perimeter columns on several floors of the building, severely weakening the entire system. Initially this was not enough to cause collapse.

However, as fire raged in the upper floors, the heat would have been gradually affecting the behaviour of the remaining material. As the planes had only recently taken off, the fire would have been initially fuelled by large volumes of jet fuel, which then ignited any combustible material in the building. While the fire would not have been hot enough to melt any of the steel, the strength of the steel drops markedly with prolonged exposure to fire, while the elastic modulus of the steel reduces (stiffness drops), increasing deflections.

World Trade Center collapse

Modern structures are designed to resist fire for a specific length of time. Safety features such as fire retarding materials and sprinkler systems help to contain fires, help extinguish flames, or prevent steel from being exposed to excessively high temperatures. This gives occupants time to escape and allow fire fighters to extinguish blazes, before the building is catastrophically damaged.

It is possible that the blaze, started by jet fuel and then engulfing the contents of the offices, in a highly confined area, generated fire conditions significantly more severe than those anticipated in a typical office fire. These conditions may have overcome the building's fire defences considerably faster than expected. It is likely that the water pipes that supplied the fire sprinklers were severed by the plane impact, and much of the fire protective material, designed to stop the steel from being heated and losing strength, was blown off by the blast at impact.

Eventually, the loss of strength and stiffness of the materials resulting from the fire, combined with the initial impact damage, would have caused a failure of the truss system supporting a floor, or the remaining perimeter columns, or even the internal core, or some combination. Failure of the flooring system would have subsequently allowed the perimeter columns to buckle outwards. Regardless of which of these possibilities actually occurred, it would have resulted in the complete collapse of at least one complete storey at the level of impact.

Once one storey collapsed all floors above would have begun to fall. The huge mass of falling structure would gain momentum, crushing the structurally intact floors below, resulting in catastrophic failure of the entire structure. While the columns at say level 50 were designed to carry the static load of 50 floors above, once one floor collapsed and the floors above started to fall, the dynamic load of 50 storeys above is very much greater, and the columns at each level were almost instantly destroyed as the huge upper mass fell to the ground.
2007-05-31 23:24:49 UTC
Most people that would not dare to question it enjoy labeling anyone who has lingering and serious questions about 9/11 as a loon. I myself am convinced that demolition explosives were used. WHO set those demolitions is another question. But most people stop before that and don't even want to analyze evidence or videos for themselves.

edit - The Queen -

As with most official explanations, the one you cited fails to address the issue of how the CENTER steel columns, not the supported outer floors, collapsed, much less why most of its concrete was pulverized into dust, or why the buildings collapsed at a faster speed than they should have, OR why WTC 7 collapsed in a much neater way and in a textbook demolition way.
2007-06-01 14:02:58 UTC
DCIII"s comment above me is completely accurate. I am very much familiar with the websites, especially the PROMIS information. I have in the past engaged in this debate concerning 9/11 with some of the people already listed here. One such gentleman is Lt. Doug/Ohiofirefighter42. I do appreciate that at least one fireman that I am aware of, has taken the time to answer questions on 9/11. However, in a previous answer Lt. Doug made a comment directed at me by stating that questioning the government's "conspiracy theory" regarding 9/11 is a "sad" commentary and "cheapens" the deaths of fireman, cops and cilvilians who were murdered on that terrible day. I disagree wholeheartedly, and take extreme umbrage from this morally self-rightous accusation. I was there that terrible day. I saw all three buildings demolitioned. I saw the ambulances, fire trucks and NYPD emergency service vehicles carrying the buckets of body parts from the site to locations around the city. For days you could smell the death. I often would be reminded of the dead when I would purchase sodas or beer in the stores. This would be weeks after 9/11. You could smell and taste the dead on top of the cans. For days I couldn't understand how the smell got there. It wasn't until a close friend of mine, an NYPD detective, told me the body parts were transported in commercial refrigeration trucks owned by private corporations. He told me this had to be done in order to stop the bodies and the parts from decomposing because there was a shortage of vehicles to transfer the dead. I am writing this not to embarrass our bravest firemen or Lt. Doug himself. I am writing this because I don't want all those people who perished that day to die in vain. I have been researching 9/11 and other related subjects such as what DCIII has listed above me. I have done the work and will continue to do so until the truth concerning 9/11 and other conpiracies are exposed for what they are. I have been saying for a long time now that we must get past the emotional prisons and political pandering that impedes an intelligent analysis of 9/11. It is time to stand up and be counted. This is my duty and yours as Americans. Remember, the American Revolution happened because 3% of the population did not believe in oppression and involuntary servitude. Many Americans at that time did not want to stand up against King George. It took a select few to bring this nation out of bondage and engage it in the spirit of truth and liberty. Are you one of the 3%? Or, is King George back in power?!
2016-10-06 14:33:25 UTC
a pair of thinks which you would be able to desire to renowned. I attended countless hearth combating faculties contained in the army which incorporates plane. The gasoline they used exchange into jet gasoline, JP-5. real, jet gasoline burns straight away no count if it somewhat is a skinny action picture. Survivors of the top flooring rfile that many partitions have been left intact yet heavily broken. that could desire to end the somewhat some gasoline from being ejected outdoors the construction. very much of that could desire to puddle on the floor and contained in the cable crypts decrease than the floor. it may desire to burn for a while at an exceedingly severe temperature. I 've seen 4 inches of JP-5 burn for 20 minutes and it exchange into quite heat at a distance. steel is a solid conductor yet so is a steel bar in a forge. The temperature contained in the forge is sufficient to warmth the working part of the bar with out turning the full bar vivid orange. At that temperature the bar turns into mushy enought to paintings with and it the case of the twin Towers warm sufficient for fasteners to fail. as quickly as the 1st floor fell, the load, the fee, and the warmth exchange into sufficient for the 2d floor to fail. as quickly as that occurred no longer something could desire to end the towers from coming down. too lots inertia, too lots potential for the floor fasteners to hold up against. i will additionally element out that the steel shape had a confusing fiberous foam insulation sprayed on it. this could forestall the warmth from leaving the steel and reason it to realize melting element speedier.
2007-06-01 07:18:12 UTC
I am a career fire officer on a metropolitan department. 15 yrs experience.

The conspiracists are right a normal structure fire does not melt steel. But thats really irrelevent as to why the towers came down.

Common temperatures in a structure fire routinely cause the failure of metal buildings. (Did you happen to see the concrete and steel bridge that collapsed just a short time ago due to a tanker fire below it? the tanker did not strike the bridge, just burned under it)

As the steel beams are heated to around 600 degrees F or so they lose about half their tensile strength. Thats why a blacksmith heats steel so it is possible for him to bend it,

(you'll also notice that better quality wood burning stoves, heat exchangers in furnaces and boilers, fire rings. engine blocks in cars. etc. are maid of cast iron (not steel), since cast iron can take much higher temperatures without deforming, unlike steel)

Along with the steel weakening it also expands, in a large building like the WTC that expansion can be several feet. But because the beams are held rigidly at both ends tremendous tress builds. One of three things then happen. The beam buckles under the stress and fails, the beams pushes over the columns that support it, or the connetions between the beam and column fail. All these are bad.

Large buildings like the WTC have their steel elements coated with a spray on product that is call "Fire proofing", it looks almost like the cellulose insulation you have in your attic, it does a good job of protecting the beams and columns from the heat of the fire until it can be extinguished. Unfortunately it also has about the same consistancy as that cellulose insulation in your attic, it comes off very easily, you can pick it off with your fingers. The reason the steel is sprayed for protection is simple, steel will NOT hold up to the heat of a fire. Once that fire proofing was dislodged by the planes at impact the steel was unprotected and destined to fail.

We approach any building that has a steel construction as a disposable building. If we cant get to the fire quickly and knock it down we back out.

If you doubt me, or you believe I'm not really who I same I am, walk into your local fire house.... Go ahead..... the guys will talk to you.......Visitors are always welcome.... Ask them whether the heat from just a common fire can cause a metal building collapse. Its taught to us all during training, textbooks have been written about building collapse during firefighting operations for decades. You may find it interesting that they would much rather fight a fire in a wood frame building since there is a much smaller chance of the building collapsing on us.

As a matter of fact many of my co-workers went to ground zero to search the rubble, none of them came back with or to this day have any doubt why the towers fell. I also volunteered but never got the opprtunity to go.

If you were truly interested in the subject you would at least spend a few minutes of your time talking with a person that deals with these issues everyday. Surely you want to be better informed than just reading something some unknown guy writes on the internet. What are his qualifications, is he a firefighter? Engineer? Has he ever published a research paper, if so did his peers feel he was credible.

Surely you dont want to spread something as imflamatiory and accusatory as this without doing a little research first.

Of course there is always the possibility that all firefighters are also in on the conspiracy, tens of thousands of us. And we will all just lie about the subject.

In closing if you want to believe that the planes werent really hijacked, the government did it. etc. thats up to you. I wont waste my breath arguing.... But the contention that a fuel fire could not have brought down the towers does not hold water and you should really drop that part from your arguement.

Lt. Doug M


Thats how the buildings fell.....
2007-05-31 23:21:33 UTC
According to a surviver of the 1993 WTC bombing (a bombing that later turned out to be a FBI sting that somehow went live) William Rodriguez there were bombs going off in the basement of the WTC Towers seconds before the planes struck. Firemen report explosions going off in the building on the audio transcripts of the FDNY from 9/11. Thermate, a metal cutting agent used in demolitions, has been found in the WTC debris as analyzed by a former BYU physics professor and a pioneer of Cold Fusion Steven Jones.
2007-05-31 23:21:14 UTC
Planes crashed into them. I saw it on TV. I am absolutely certain it was Al Qaeda that crashed into the buildings. The steel got soft and collapsed. The only mystery is how a sane person could come to a conclusion contrary to that.
2007-05-31 23:20:49 UTC
There is a video on Youtube called Truth or something like that. It is very well put together and totally supports the conspiracy theory that the government was actually involved in the attacks and gives evidence of missiles rather than planes. My dad sent it to me. i found it interesting. I'm not sure that I agree 100% but It makes some very good points.
2007-05-31 23:29:39 UTC

I suppose you mean scientific analysis. I encourage you to study the articles, especially chapters 5 and 6. I will warn you they are PDF's so they take a bit of time to download. But in a nutshell, yes airplanes and fire caused the collapse.
2007-05-31 23:26:04 UTC
Dov Zakheim: The Mastermind Behind 9/11?

Falls Church, VA and 911

How 911 Technology Was Combined

9/11 Researchers

The 9/11 StarWars ExoW CoverUp: Why NASA and NGA was part of the Perp System

In 2004 I almost already laid it all out.

9/11 was part of a bigger business picture to help increasing an exponential budget

for a LosAlamos/NASA/NGA(NIMA) project, linking an International Mapping-, Zoning-and Imaging Surveillance Project together.

New Codes had to be written (see also JMMTIDS below!), not only for a "StarWars"-project, but also for 'Earth Wars’, which included an endless list of profiteers in the Surveillance Industry. Start with NASA and Google Earth (NSA/In-Q-Tel) and you always end up at U.S. Miltary Intelligence, Los Alamos and the most important U.S. Intelligence Companies NGA (formerly known as NIMA) plus the NRO.

Flashback: ... enberg.htm ... rence.html ... cd=3&gl=us - 4k - Cached ... index.html ... ?3597.last

Important for the test flights from Edwards was also the use of the MODIS Airborne

Simulator (Daedalus Enterprise Inc.) and the Multi-band Identification and Discrimination

Imaging Spectrometer (MIDIS)

Both are parts of the EOS-Webster Software.

Israelis Hold Keys To NSA/US Military Computer Networks

Critical, Crucial US Government And Military Computer Networks Still Using Israeli 'Security' Software

The most critical computer and communication networks used by the U.S. government and military are secured by encryption software written by an Israeli "code breaker" tied to an Israeli state-run scientific institution.

How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11

PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR - Part I

PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed


PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed

The FAA & Ptech Debriefed by Secret Service - looking for a PROMIS

Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and Nazis

In a nutshell -

The National Reconnaissance Office sent up a satellite on September 8, 2001 and three days later it operated nicely while helping to facilitate the "wargames" that the military was engaged in on 9/11 and all the while we get reports from the U.K.'s online Space News Feed from their weekly edition on the 16th that satellite communications were down all over the planet. I guess the NRO's new baby was somehow immune, OR IT HELPED TO CAUSE IT!

Trivia question: WHO was it that was conducting the war games and where was it happening? Did you say USSPACECOM, otherwise known as NORAD? So close!

Who said USSTRATCOM?!? That's right it happened out of Offutt Air Force Base! NORAD wasn't involved except for the complicit silence of a few senior officers. It was stood DOWN, remember?

Trivia question: WHO was at Offutt AFB that base with a small handful of CEO's from the World Trade Center? That's right! It was Warren Buffet.

WHO did Mitre Corporation (specializing in real time battle command and unmanned aerial vehicles - remote piloting) used to brag having as an investor? Warren Buffet.

WHO was known to be in tight with a Massachusetts firm called Ptech? Mitre Corporation, that's who. Mitre Corp., as a matter of fact, is the spawn of Lincoln Laboratories at MIT, in Massachusettes.

A charity owned by the CIA-employed actor we call Osama, had as a client, Ptech.

And these ARE actors. They work together getting away with crap right in front of us because modern day spooks don't so much hide behind bushes as they hind behind taboos, playing out a drama scripted at the Council on Foreign Relations designed to shaft us and pit us against each other at the same time and by EACH OTHER I mean HUMANS (reinforcement of the existence of racial tension with disinformation designed to keep people apart).

911 "Wargames" Insider Now in Charge of CIA

9/11: A Revolution in Military Affairs

9/11 and Echelon: Key Players Unearthed

Mitre Corp., Ptech, Controlled Opposition, and the Internet

Boeing's Phantom Works, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), and 9/11

Damning Evidence of Warren Buffet

Falls Church, VA and 9/11

Al Qaeda is a Hoax

9-11: Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September 11, 2001

Bush and Buffett Convergence on 911? -- We Demand Some Answers

Bush and Buffett in Cahoots on 911

The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11

Pentagon Fraud Chief Dov Zakheim Goes to BoozAllen

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.