"Why aren't Tea Partiers marching against Wall Street?"
Because they havent done anything wrong. Wall Street doesnt have the authority to tax me. Cannot make me buy health insurance, etc.
"Isn't Wall Street what every American should be directing their anger at? They're the ones robbing the American people"
No theyre not the ones. Government is the one robbing the American people. Wall Street works for a living and is the convenient scapegoat of the crooks in Washington to take attention off of what they did to the economy. Why are you falling for this cliched 1930s era "wall street are the bad guys" class warfare propaganda?
"Don't tea baggers realize that it's Wall Street that pulls the strings of our elected leaders (Democrat and Republican)?"
As do a million other companies. They wouldnt bother lobbying congress if Congress didnt regulate the industry so much.
"Obama has not spent more in 16 months than Bush did in 8 years, and you know it. That's an erroneous assertion that's been debunked"
No it hasnt.
"Because they (Wall Street) havent done anything wrong. Wall Street doesnt have the authority to tax me. Cannot make me buy health insurance, etc"
"No, their casino capitalism practices only caused the economic meltdown"
No it didnt. "Casino capitalism"? Theres ALWAYS a gamble in business whether big or small. You think they LIKE taking a gamble? No they dont. They would much prefer investing money on sure things. No one like to invest billions on something that might lose money, but thats the chance they have to take. They have no control over it.
"And our government, who's indebted to them, are more than willing to spend YOUR MONEY to bail these elitist thugs out. In the meantime, YOUR MONEY is used to pay multi-million dollar bonuses to the top players in these financial firms. Wake up!"
I dont need to wake up. I'm already aware of it. I dont like my tax dollars going to them in the form of bailouts or for any other reason.
"No theyre not the ones. Government is the one robbing the American people. Wall Street works for a living and is the convenient scapegoat of the crooks in Washington to take attention off of what they did to the economy."
How can I be wrong when I'm right?
"The government steals on behalf of the Wall Street racketeers"
The government steals on behalf of anyone who donates to their campaigns and/or helps the politicians get elected. This is not the fault of Wall Street. And this is why government needs to be more regulated, not Wall Street.
"On Wall Street, reckless investing and casino capitalism has taken over, and now that it has crashed"
Wall Street may make bad, reckless investments from time to time, but thats not on purpose. They would love it if ALL their investments werent reckless. If ALL their investments were successful and made money for them. But the only way to prevent reckless investing is through insider trading and thats illegal. Life is a gamble. Investing is a gamble. There is no way around it, and acting as if Wall Street is criminal because of it (as if they have a way of avoiding it), is asinine.
"the government (which is comprised of people connected to Wall Street and big banks, former lobbyists, and politicians that have been bought off) have been at the beckoning call of Wall Street in their time of need, using YOUR money to inject them with financial revival. Now they're realizing record profits, while your taxes go up. Enjoy!"
I'm well aware of this.