In the next 40 years, how many more British soldiers will die for American world domination...?
Comrade Bolshev
2009-08-08 23:53:53 UTC
If we don't break from the Evil Empire and bring them home now?

PS, did you find this pronouncement a little eerie, coming just after the passing of the last two veterans of the Great War?
Seventeen answers:
2009-08-09 00:39:21 UTC
I really have no idea - this number is not quantifiable but it could be in the thousands over the period Gen Richards specified. Looking at a similar time-span the "troubles" in Northern Ireland cost the lives of 705 British service personnel and going back even further the Malayan Emergency total was 519 over a twelve year period.

Never ceases to amaze me how Americans (or Orcs) as you call the less well informed have such a skewed version of history and how they can mangle the English language - and I thought our education system was bad! Just to illustrate my point:

Scaredrys - fought 2 world wars for us did you? And we were doing just what while you were doing that?

Molly_Ragdoll - stupider - I rest my case!

Saecula Saeculorum - took me 2 minutes to come up with these figures, US casualties in WW1 - 117,000, and WW2 - (in the ETO) 185,000 - do try to do better next time or stfu.
2009-08-09 00:45:33 UTC
It's impossible to guess the actual figures given casualty rates are so flexible but even as a very poor example we see forty years equating to fourteen thousand, six hundred and ten days. So, even at the low rate of three deaths per day we lose forty three thousand, eight hundred. Given the Americans lose far more than twice the current rate of British troops, their losses would be enormous. Neither the Americans or the United Kingdom should have ever become involved in this 'adventure' as it was and still is a local problem and should be dealt with by the Afghans. Supply them with military hardware if you will and let them sort out their own mess. All Western forces should be withdrawn right now.
2009-08-09 04:02:03 UTC
It 'may' take 40 years to stabilise Afghanistan so that we can confidently leave it in the hands of it's own people, it could take less time. Though I support our troops it does sound an awful proposition, and many of us may never live to see the end of the conflict. That said, Britain has been involved in many conflicts around the globe for much longer periods when you go back in history. I believe that we must stay there because we need the country to stop training terrorists and promoting their hatred towards the West.

That said, I would prefer to see a much clearer timetable drawn up by the allies, with achievable goals and targets set, and ground should be held onto, not just fought over one day and given back the next. I would like to see a more robust commitment by the other troops from the Eurozone.... particularly by the Germans and the French. All these ideas could shorten the time we have to remain there.

Of course, it does suite Britain and America to keep the war going though. I've suspected for a while that Afghanistan is nothing more than a training ground for our soldiers. It keeps them tough, they are ALL volunteers, and they do actually want to be there fighting. I understand that the arms industry hasn't had it so good for years and years, and it keeps people in jobs back home. Cynical, but true.
2009-08-09 01:44:07 UTC
This war , and others not yet fought is being fought for the global corporations to ensure the worlds resources are firmly held and exploited by the chosen few. Its fought along colonialist lines with no national imperialists ambitions as in the past, only the expansionist values of the globalisation theorists holding sway. The world is being carved up by big business led by the western powers initially to capture and secure large areas of mineral wealth, and to drive down costs in an attempt to compete with the emerging economies of the east. The response is already in place as China is moving into Africa, the approach from the Chinese is very different and not at all subtle. They are offering help and partnership in the form of aid and reconstruction and the support for the infrastructure of these African countries rather than the death and destruction on offer elsewhere in the world from the west. This will eventually lead to another cold war, this time with the capitalist nuclear armed Russians lining up along side the rest of the western nations, Why else would Russia allow the building of US bases in the former Soviet satellite states, we are shaping up for a scary time in deed and all for a clash of ideologies that really means nothing at all.
2016-12-05 03:45:14 UTC
I provide you a huge call for this one heady, exciting question. i understand the respond you elect is McCain. McCain desires to maintain the stress entering into Iraq, subsequently their would be greater deaths in his administration. easy adequate. i'm no fan of Bush or Juan McCain. In Iraq we are babysitting a civil conflict that has hit a lull in intensity of late, yet will flare up lower back as quickly as we deliver greater of our troops domicile. I concern that Obama gets greater American little ones killed. Make no mistake, their are human beings obtainable that particularly do no longer in uncomplicated terms like the U.S. regardless of who the president is. Obama attempting to grant the olive branch to everybody will invite aggression, no longer steer away from it. between the excuses we have not had any considerable terrorist attack on U.S. soil in view that 9/11 is with the aid of the fact our enemies are legitimately petrified of Bush. they think of he's a loopy cowboy, and that they are good. Bush isn't shy approximately throwing militia could desire to around. even however we are mired in a impossible undertaking in Iraq, we proved one component; if we don't love your government we are able to invade your united states of america and replace your government with little concern. That speaks loudly to the petty tyrants of our worldwide.
2009-08-09 00:54:20 UTC
God alone knows. British politicians are quite happy to sacrifice the lives of other people's children to please their masters overseas. Why do they not send their children and other family members to lay down their lives in this short-sighted and fruitless campaign? I bet, if any of their relatives go to 'theatre' as they term the 'front line', they always go as officers and remain protected by the foot soldiers from experiencing real life on the battle field.
2009-08-09 00:31:01 UTC
Definitely far fewer than the number of innocent civilians mass murdered by the communist and extremist religious leaders of the East in their continuing quest for world domination.

You are only objecting to the American presence because they are the mainstay in the fight against these objectionable creatures. It will soon be time for non-communist Russia, China and India to join a world support team to halt further oppression.
2009-08-10 09:57:36 UTC
Kinda like when you bloody limeys tried to take over the Americas and tax us without representing us. Liberating the middle east will make for a safer world. You can't see the forest through the trees, you can't smell your own sh!t on your knees. Americans have done so much for man kind. To many to list here. I don't care if you choose to live your life with blinders on. Sure were not perfect but point out one person or government that is.
2009-08-09 03:25:33 UTC
In the next 40 years, how many more British soldiers will die for American world domination...?

Certainly not as many as the British killed when they were trying to dominate the world. GET THE **** OUT OF NORTHERN IRELAND.

Britain's involvement in Afghanistan could last for up to 40 years, the incoming army chief said on Saturday.

Don't worry, with all of the massive third world Muslim immigration into the UK there will be no Britain as you know it in 40 years. The Muslims will just bring the war to your door. CHEERS!
2009-08-08 23:59:41 UTC
Depends on how many concessions Wall Street makes to their junior partners in the City.

After all, the British ruling class isn't going to sacrifice its worker-drones and not get _anything_ out of it!

M(^-^)lly Putin
2009-08-09 00:00:23 UTC
As many as their prime minister is willing to surrender. Americans aren't forcing the British to help them, apparently their govt thinks our wars are important enough for them to bring forth their own soldiers.

In other words, if we're stupid, they're stupider for following us.


It's depressing really, that in situations like these all the ppl of your country can do is complain.Your soldiers are out there trying to make the world a better place. What are YOU doing? Recycling?

You insult the US, but when it comes down to it we're the ones with the big toys and we use them to protect you. Terrorism affects everyone, not just the US, your military sees that, and that's why they are out there helping us. It's ppl like you that make them look bad, sitting in your drawing room drinking tea and on the computer to kill boredom.

Theory is nothing if you do not put it to practice. If you remember it's this kind of attitude that has gotten, much of Europe in trouble in the past, when something happens turn you head the other way and pretend there's nothing there, you decide to take action until the enemy is already on your doorstep, which it has, I do recall a terrorist bombing in London 2005.

This war is necessary to help the afghans better their lives and catch the granddaddy of all terrorists. You can be an idealist if you want, but you must know that problems aren't solved by complaining and pointing fingers at others. What? You think by wishing the bad ppl away everything will fine and dandy? No, it's men of courage that make it happen, your own men, men that you are insulting by calling their efforts pointless.
2009-08-09 00:00:12 UTC
Maybe it's karma for the spirits of the Indian soldiers who died for British world domination?

PS-no one is forcing the Brits to fight with Americans. Generally, it's a nice gesture, especially for a country that fought two world wars for you, but the Americans really could manage without you.

Saecula Saeculorum
2009-08-09 00:18:27 UTC
Last time I checked million of Americans died for your sorry asses back in WW1 and WW2. The bill is high. By the way the British were the ones that made all that mess in the middle east. The least you can do is help fix it.
2009-08-08 23:58:01 UTC
You have a pretty skewed view of the world. Damn redcoats...
2009-08-09 03:40:27 UTC
We've had the largest empire the world has ever seen you wierdo

shame we don't anymore :(
2009-08-08 23:59:30 UTC
Are you serious?
2009-08-08 23:58:11 UTC

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