Nutrasweet --- warning consult physician before use -- At least in Canada it says that in very small print on the back of the packet
How many people read it ?
Health Canada advises that pregnant women should not eat tinned tuna due to mercury content -- did you know does anyone else know ---- how many don't ?
People don't read the labels they don't heed or understand the warnings they are given and they never research the base of the warning itself
Viewer discretion advised --- Why and what should you be wary of exactly ?
They warned you --- legal responsibility has just been transfered to you --- did you understand that portion of the warning -- I warned you and now you are on your own I have no legal responsibility from here on out
TV --- comes with a warning -- because it is building into your subconscious mind a plot line filled with imagined things and outcomes and programs REACTIONS
The subconscious mind can not tell the difference between vividly imagined events and real events it builds a reaction to an even via the entertainment you consumed and if you pay attention people start reacting in the manner they were programed without understanding why --- the more obvious of this is phrases and come back lines or general or specific changes to the language and the meanings of words
But in their twisted mind -- YOU were WARNED and therefore responsible for any consequences that may follow
Informed consent --- yep fine -- their job was not to inform you --- it was their job to pass off the responsibility by warning you of a danger and your job to inform yourself before giving consent - It is then argued that your failure to inform yourself is not their fault nor reasonable for them to be able to do
Nutra Sweet contains Aspertaime introduced to the public by Donald Rumsfield as a food additive -- this former ant poison has over 90 nasty side effects including nausea dizziness headaches and other much more serious ones BUT you were warned and just because you didn't read up on why the warning was there or what exactly you were being warned about is not the responsibility of the manufacturer -- The warning gives them in their twisted mind the right to poison people who are too blind lazy or trusting to research the issues themselves The corporate lawyer will argue that it is not the responsibility of the corporation to inform you --- You must inform yourself before giving consent and it is reasonable for the corporation to assume the consent you gave was informed
Warnings of any kind are not to warn you off of something --- they are to limit the responsibility of the issuer of the warning
Warning cigarettes are addictive Warning mercury is bad for your baby Warning trusting a corporation may kill you