Find some honest people who will speak up and do the right thing. Many of them think it is good manners to be politically correct. They practice the Good Ol Boy technique you know, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. It is the only way to survive in politics.
We have become a nation of loop hole seekers to get instant gradification..Lets use some restraint.
Like a map or jigsaw puzzle you have to break it into tiny portions then make SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE.
Educating our youth about fiscal issues and truthfulness and responsibility would be a start.
No taxation without representation would be a start locally as cities gobble up surrounding properties but offer no benifits or services.
Health care is holding Americans prisoners. Fix it. It is a monster.
Welfare, like unions, started out as a kind humanitarian act which has sapped the self esteem of Americans of all ages. Young childbearing women as well as the elderly not getting married so they can get a bigger check from Uncle Sam. They learned if you say you were drunk and don't know who the father of their child is, then they leave the guy alone and get their check from Uncle Sam. It is easier to watch TV and get a free check in the mail than find a job where you have to get up every morning, feed the kids and get yourself busy. What a hard life!
The overcrowded prisons in America is an atrocity. We can't afford to feed so many in the nation for a lifetime. Our justice system is better that many other countries but we are failing miserably with all the plea bargining and who the hell cares if they really did it just hurry up and get somebody locked up,,we got a long waiting line out there! Then when the prison can't hold anymore just dump a few out and cram more in. They return you say, then how does it not make sense to rehab these people back into society so they can pay the $900.00 rent on minimum wage if they can get and/or keep a job. Would you hire them friend?
In the South they say our foodball statiums are larger than colleges in the East. School and sports activities are paid for with our taxes. It's like using the rent money to buy a shorgun for hunting. I think sports are important but maybe we have lost perspective with education being the primary goal.
Outsourceing jobs then supporting Americans with government comodities or paying their utilities is a joke.
Why can't we put our heads together and solve real problems. Why do we waste time talking about politics rather than real issues like the deficiet.