Why is Obama so unpopular with white people?
2014-12-03 10:39:20 UTC
According to this article only 31% of non-hispanic whites approve of Obama.
139 answers:
2014-12-03 10:53:59 UTC
Because nearly everything he has done has been in direct opposition to the will of the people.

1. O'care has NEVER had a higher than 40% approval, even when it was being proposed. The people didn't want it, especially when the biggest concern on their mind was the recession which Obama all but ignored.

2. Amnesty/Immigration has an astounding 94% disapproval among the people. And I'm pretty sure that holds more than a few of our Hispanic citizens.

There are others, but he seems not to care what the people want or want him to do. And what he has done has also been incredibly incompetent. The world is playing chess and Obama is playing checkers. He is definitely not up to the job, even after six years in the chair.
2014-12-03 11:51:57 UTC
I just think as a president, you don't leave the impression you thought you would when you entered office. You are in check by Congress, which may I tell you are mostly made of the Republican party during most of Obama's presidency. And then you must also take into consideration that his Chief of Staff only put on his desk a limited number of items he must attend to. Even though I live in California and I'm a Democrat, I can see and agree with the view point of many Republicans. But I know for sure that White people are not the only ones who are not happy with Obama's presidency.
2014-12-04 05:44:21 UTC
There is a good possibility Obama's Black Liberation Theology is at the Root of his problem. Obama has simmered at least 20 years under Reverend White anti American Rants. With that a little Race Baited Rhetoric would be acquired. Obama's administration isn't know for honesty or transparency. Obama was raised by Anti USA patents & Grand parents while enjoying the privileges of wealth.

Obama is all about encouraging viewing oneself as a victim. Being a victim is the weakest position to come from.
2014-12-04 11:28:04 UTC
If you want the perspective of a political science professor, Barack Obama is unpopular now because he is what is called a lame duck president. It happens to most presidents if they are fortunate enough to earn a second term. His authority wanes because no one cares to impress him since he will not be in charge in two years. His overall approval rating is 43%, which is almost 20 points higher than Bush's low point of 25%, and on par with Harry Truman whose low point was around 45%. Race aside, nationally he's at about average for a sixth year president at this time.
2014-12-03 10:56:02 UTC
The focus and the important part of that article is that President Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics shot up 10 points to 68 percent after he announced his immigration action. Why his approval rating among whites is 31% could be due to a number of factors and is based in speculation. Note how vague or ridiculous the answers from his critics are.
Thomas T
2014-12-03 11:25:18 UTC
Because he is black and upset the power balance of the money power based white society. The power base than used its most right winged popular politicians, news commentators, and the internet to spread misinformation, rumors, and false facts to destroy his credibility, such as he is the antichrist and not a citizen. He is portrayed as a enemy of the whites, a black Robin Hood "stealing from the hard working white middle class and giving it to the lazy who don't want to work and the illegal minority's who are ruining America." That quote comes from Fox News in response to him trying to get the minimum wage raised for people who do work. The goal since he took office is to stir up the racists with the alarm that "u are losing ur country" we all know they mean we whites are losing it to the blacks and minority's, but when the one saying it is called a racist, he states I am not a racist, and that's ok in 2014, it's fine to take a entire ethnicity and paint them as drags on our society, all users and worthless, and then have a press conference and say, " I am not a racist, have never been" like I said that's acceptable now. Shame on America.
2015-01-02 13:47:20 UTC
I don't think it has anything to do with white people.

I think it has a lot to do with his background , he was a lawyer not a politician and did not have any experience to become a politician let along to be a President.

Also by having Oprah endorse him just made it worse.

He can't think for himself, he mumbles and really I think he's losing it, and I am so surprise he has not be impeach yet!

I will be so glad this will be over with and I hope next time have someone who is more experience in Politic

I think the Big O is a joke!
2016-03-10 02:27:11 UTC
Your facts are correct, however, approving of the job somebody is doing doesn't mean you'll guaranteed vote for the opposite candidate. As an example, I don't think Obama has done enough, however I disagree more so with Romney. Thus I am an Obama supporter. You also cannot assume Romney's right to win the election because he is supported by the majority of the majority either, because our voting system is much more complicated than whoever has more votes among the entire country.
Andy F
2014-12-03 16:32:21 UTC
I'm white & supported Obama twice & still do, but his administration has made several big mistakes, I think. Maybe they were inevitable given the GOP forces against him and the corporate domination of US politics today. But I think they hurt him with white voters a lot.

1. Although his bank bailout and economic stimulus package rescued the US economy in 2009, saving us from a potential Great Depression, the bailout especially benefited Wall Street -- not the average homeowner.

The economic stimulus package was urgently needed -- but it was too small, and it failed to bring down unemployment fast enough, and it didn't keep the average US wage from stagnating, while the richest 1 percent continued to get richer.

Many white voters who supported Obama in hopes that he would fix the economy -- and fix it for THEM -- are understandably disappointed about that.

2. Obamacare - the Affordable Care Act -- is a huge step forward towards helping the uninsured in the US, but it's extremely complicated, it seems to violate civil liberties by forcing Americans to buy individual insurance policies from private companies, and the people administering it bungled the computer program for signing up. Also, Obama really did tell some foolish whoppers in selling it to the public - like "if you like your health insurance, you'll be able to keep it." No one could have guaranteed that.

So I think many white voters, and some nonwhites, too, feel burned by Obamacare. Plus, of course, the GOP has been telling scurrilous lies about it from the beginning, which doesn't help.

3. In 2008, many white union members voted for Obama in the hopes that he and other Democrats would push through the Employee Free Choice Act, EFCA, to make it much easier to organize unions in the face of corporate hostility. Then the Democrats in the Senate failed to support EFCA enough to pass it, and Obama's White House let it die. I'd guess that many white union members feel burned by that.

4. Racial fears & racial anxieties & fears that Obama is a "secret Muslim terrorist," of course, have played a role from the beginning in why SOME white people don't like Obama.

5. Like almost every recent president, Republican & Democrat, Obama stupidly or dishonestly campaigned for the White House on the grounds that he would "bring people together again," although actually the words were what Richard Nixon spoke in 1968. Like almost every other recent president, Obama failed to bring the country together again -- failed to get Republicans & Democrats working nicely with each other in Washington -- because the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have opposing interests.

Anyone who was foolishly hopeful that Obama would succeed in uniting the country -- after Bush, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson & Kennedy had all failed -- must be disappointed that Washington DC is just as bitterly partisan as ever.

On war & peace & foreign policy, many white voters also seem disappointed with Obama because he hasn't been tough enough or decisive enough with ISIS, Iran, Putin, etc. However, I think Obama basically gave the American voters what we wanted in 2008 in the way of a less warlike & aggressive foreign policy, unless of course you count drone warfare. The problem is, we've since changed our minds.

-- democratic socialist
2014-12-03 13:43:33 UTC
In January, 2009 his approval rating was 69% among all voters or classes. Last August it was 48% among all elements. Now with whites its 31%. Surely it must have been much higher among whites in January,2009. I wonder what happened. Usually it takes undiserable results or maybe even lying for such drastic differences to appear. I wonder if that is why Democrats lost the midterm election. Maybe.
2014-12-05 17:57:32 UTC
I'm white, I voted for Obama twice and still support him. I think that it's unfair to lump all white people and always site racism. I think that the republicans have mounted a vicious, disrespectful campaign against Obama, but believe that they would do it to whatever democrat was in office. We have entered an era of extremely dirty politics where people have no qualms about viciously attacking their opponents with lies and inuendos that have no basis. Obama was elected and with the support of all the races and deserves to be treated with the respect that a president of the United States should be. You don't have to agree with all their policies, but should remember he deserves everyone support and when the election is over, quit your bitchin!
2014-12-05 23:44:07 UTC
The real question is why he's so popular with Blacks and other minorities. He came in to office with NO significant experience at all to qualify him for the job. His policies have not worked. His key, signature achievement, Obamacare, is showing how flawed it is. Unemployment in the Black community is around 20%. Most jobs created are part-time. Median income has dropped under the Obama Administration and racial tension is worse that it has been in a decade.
2014-12-04 14:14:40 UTC
I don't think he is unpopular with white people. Quite frankly - he is unpopular as he hasn't done anything. And, what he has done - he lied about. Susan Rice is not suitable for her job - none of his inner circle is. He is a Chicago community organization in over his head.

Also, he is half white. He has forgotten that.

The question to ask - why did 94% of black people vote for him in the presidential election. Sounds a bit racist to me.
2014-12-05 05:22:48 UTC
His policies are biased against white people and he wants to change our country in ways that many disapprove of. Also he is incompetent and violates the constitution. Most don't know him as a person and as president don't care about him as a person only as a leader, which he is very poor at.
2014-12-03 10:55:17 UTC
Don't know, I'm one of the 31%. Most of my friends are also non-hispanic whites who approve of Obama. Wow, we must be an elite group.
2014-12-06 03:44:21 UTC
When General Mllls played a commercial with interracial family it was reported on the News that that commercial got over a million hits by whites were angry calling it wrong but would never have the nerve to put a face to their comments. Back in the slave days it was a Supreme Court justice that ruled against an escape slave named Dred Scott sending him back to his slave owner. In his decision the Justice wrote the reason for his decision "A black man has no rights that a white man has to respect"This poor excuse for a man educated and a "Christian". During the Civil war very few of the soldiers fighting or killed were sale owners but were willing to give their lives to ensure that another stay miserable and subservient as a slave. It was once against the law to teach a black person to read. The race laws said if you had a drop of black blood you were black and black were considered to be sub human. Laws don't change a man's heart and most white people are taught to dislike and have no respect for black people.When WWII came they would not let blacks be pilots cause being black they didn't have the intelligence to fly a plane but with all the white racist claim about blacks not being to do what white could the only they could not is because these devils wet out of their way to stop them doing anything that show blacks capable. White hate of blacks was overt then now it is covert and when a black man become president from the educated and rich to uneducated and poor white stupidity and 2 faced lowdown ways has surfaced.If the whites who run this country did not want to use a black as a dupe as they did George Bush Obama wouldn't be president. They say he's screw the country up but he as nothing that the white presidents who came before him and help to make this mess. I didn't vote for him because I knew he couldn't do anything and if could and the 2 faced white snakes could see it he'd be killed. If whites believe that blacks are sub human, apes and can be trained an animal can and are ugly creatures why is it that few black people who are descendants of slave bought here hundreds of yrs. ago are pure blood Africans and the reason why is because of the lack of integrity where he would rape black women making half white children this was so prevalent that along the Indians who choose to mix with blacks and every white man from all the nations of Europe like screwing at night or in secret black women and didn't care if they produce babes which they did as well as white women who in secret desired a better more fulfilling sexual intercourse had them a black man who did it the way the white boss couldn't. If blacks are so repulsive why are there no pure blooded blacks today? My heritage is French, Choctaw and black, my wife on a scale from1 to 10 is a 10 she's half Jewish and black but look more like a white girl with a behind thats worthy of worship and white dudes have been constantly hitting on her all her life but she is in love with me. In my experience I've found too my black men and women that lack personal integrity and the proof of this is at one time prisons and jails were mostly black or Mexican men many who deserve to be there and many where there for being black or Mexican. Now every race in America has a strong representation in jail. White hatred has aways sooner or later backfired in their faces and the thing the white man hates more than anything thats the white woman's love of spook penis and an't do sh## about it.
2014-12-04 10:31:18 UTC
Which politician has not lied ? Immigration has been a problem as far back as the 20's why hadn't it been resolved by now ? Presidents worst than Obama was okay .
2014-12-04 19:38:02 UTC
Because they are simply closet racists. I have never seen a president given such a hard time as Obama. Yeah im sure they just hate him because of his policies, THATS A LIE! i voted for Obama twice because of that reason! White people need to stop judging people like Obama by his skin color!
2014-12-04 18:56:12 UTC
I think whites - especially white males - are scared because eventually they will be the minority. Whites crossed an ocean to take away the land and rights of the Native Americans and they don't want to lose that.
2014-12-04 09:15:59 UTC
It was the majority of White American Christians who voted Obama

into office. He would never have made it without their vote and obviously there was no race issue if majority of White Americans voted for him.

Obama has simply become unpopular across the board these days.
Seemore B
2014-12-05 14:52:49 UTC
Because it shows that whites still live in the 1940's when there was black and white bathrooms. They hate the fact that something they treated like **** and beat down own now runs a country they took from the native american's
Just Hazel
2014-12-03 12:17:28 UTC
Racism is alive and well in America. It went dormant for a while but never died. The election of a man of color to the office of president brought it out but since it's still considered poor form to admit to hating the race, they just say they hate the man. .
2014-12-05 20:15:03 UTC
White people will soon be the minorities in this country.

They're also the hardest working and pay the most in taxes/ They also get screwed out of many jobs because of "diversity". Too scored 100% on the test and you're more qualified, but we have to hire this guy cause he's a "minority". What BS!
2014-12-07 16:40:22 UTC
He's unpopular only with the Republicans.
2014-12-05 09:14:57 UTC
He is not unpopular with any of the white people I still talk to.
2014-12-06 06:42:58 UTC
If Obama is so intelligent why isn't the Oval Office walls covered with his degree certificates. May be he needs a larger office so he can display them all. I oly have one which my wife keeps to prove tp her friends that I am not as stupid as I appear!
2014-12-03 10:49:58 UTC
Because he's a lousy excuse for a leader.

Perhaps you can tell me why he should be more popular with white people. In a way that doesn't make you sound like an idiot racist. I'll check back later.
2014-12-03 14:30:08 UTC
The fact of the matter is that Obama has told so many lies that

only a first class fool would put any credence in anything that

comes out of his mouth.
2014-12-03 10:44:59 UTC
You know, he's not only unpopular with white republicans, but black democrats.

I've spoken to black liberal after black liberal about how president Obama has made their situation worse and had undone 25 years of advancement.

Blacks show a good amount of support for Rand Paul for his advocacy to end the war on drugs which harms blacks more than whites.

2014-12-03 10:49:02 UTC
If by "white people" you mean people who get up in the morning and go to work to support their families with what is left over after paying taxes to the government, then the answer to your question should be obvious.
2014-12-04 04:01:26 UTC
The same reason black people do not like him that have any brains. He is a socialist want to be puppet for a few rich people that want to control America. When you want to live off the government then you are controlled by the government.
2014-12-03 10:49:24 UTC
The question should be, why isn't he unpopular with everyone except the top 10% of the country. They have made out while the vast majority, have been screwed.
2014-12-06 10:51:39 UTC
A more relevant question would be "Why is Obama so unpopular with Black people?"
2014-12-04 16:13:37 UTC
Because he doesn't defend Our Constitutional Rights, instead he wants to abolish Our Rights to Bear Arms.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-12-04 09:10:40 UTC
There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see; Obama is the worst president we've had since my birth ( 1939 ). He was voted in because of the color of his skin, NOT for his expertise in gov.!
2014-12-04 10:53:47 UTC
Mostly they're republicans.. They don't know what they're doing, I personally like Obama and I'm white.
2014-12-03 16:17:03 UTC
the only people he is popular to is the illegals he is letting stay in the country just to get there vote, I don't know who you been talking to but around here black and white think he is the worse president we ever had.
2014-12-05 21:53:35 UTC
Took more white people than black people to elect Obama, so I really do not follow what you are implying.
2014-12-04 18:44:06 UTC
Obama really should be called Barack "Judas" Obama ! And he did not even take the 30 pieces of silver!
Robert M
2014-12-04 12:30:51 UTC
STUPIDITY and PREJUDICE! OBAMA has flaws, like al presidents do and getting congress or the senate to make changes is a nearly impossible task! We have a VERY SICK COUNTRY NOW and it gets worse in MICHIGAN every day!! CLOSED factories, and the lingering of BAD BUSH polices everywhere appaent! WHile the BUSH family enjoys thei multi million dollar ranch in TEXAS, the rest of us sufer with HIGH FUEL and heat bills! The BUSHES have owned OIL WELLS IN IRAQ since the fifties! THat is what th war was REALLY all about! We have had such POOR choices for presidents anyways, and the BUSH aristocracy ruined most cities as the American AUTO INDUSTRY FLOUNDERED and the TEXTILE INDUSTRY left or country fully! Michigan is FULL of vacant factories, homes and even schools and hospitals! Then you add in CRIME and DRUGS and thigns get only worsened! OBAMA is a GOOD MAN with good crednials but he STIL Has congress and the senate to please as wel as to alter any poilicies begun by other administrations! I HATED THE BUSHES and thought of them as anihilators of life, both in OUR COUNTRY and in other countires as familes fought a war that was RIDICULOUS< costly and not necessary at ALL! Teh ARAB WORLD is full of tensions both RLIGIOUS and NATIONALISTIC< and the BUSHES owned oil there since the FIFTIES! We have been DUPED for years with bad politics and even worse legislators! I ALSO SUFFER FROM THIS myself! And it SUCKS and HURTS! We are STILL twenty years behind what EUROPEE and ASIA have to offer! Ever ben on a BULLET TRAIN?? without a CAR we are ALL DONE IN! Sicne EUROPE is banned from making any war materials, they focus on TECHNOLOGY and keeping their countries up to date! We get POTHOLES< unheated roadways, and the leftovers from other countries mostly it sems! Even been in JAIL for anything like DRIVER's RESPONSIBILITY FEES Or other legal non-sense that is legal EXTORTION??? I voted for OBAMA the first time to get the killing republicans out of office and HOPED it would further world peace! NOT SO though! Our CITIES are an embarassment to the rest of the world and mos properties are nearly worthless in value but taxed anyways! IN MICHIGAN the lotery was begun to inprove the schools, but in REALITY< most MICHIGAN schools are CLOSED o bull dozed now! WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING HERE?? AT least OBAMA is not a TELPROMPTER PRESIDENT like reagan and mroe in touch with the REAL problems faced by PORER americans that struglle as larger companies swallow up our wealth and health! WHO WOUDL YOU VOTE FOR??? ANOTHER ACTOR like REAGAN was?? Add your answer
Roddy Von
2014-12-04 04:26:04 UTC
His popularity has declined steadily over 6 years, your better question is why the decline, what changed from the time of his election?
2014-12-05 11:45:00 UTC
He's trying for the coloreds to get 1%
2014-12-03 10:46:51 UTC
Because they don't want to be caught associating with him or you will be black listed for the rest of your natural life.
2014-12-04 00:20:24 UTC
Thomas T: You're a special kind of idiot if you can't see with your own eyes what this president does and how he lies about everything.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-12-03 13:27:06 UTC
obama and his ilk are unpopular, for the most part, with those people who actually care about this country (U.S.A.) and about the constitution.

If most of those people happen to be Caucasian, ??
2014-12-03 23:50:19 UTC
maybe white people are better at not using color in there decisions about people and there views. When thing that are bad happen it seens that minorities get a pass.
2014-12-04 08:28:42 UTC
He won't admit He is Half White.
2014-12-05 19:04:52 UTC
Huffington Post? Really? Obama isn't popular PERIOD!
2014-12-06 02:55:53 UTC
I don't like Obama either and I'm not white so....
2014-12-03 10:41:36 UTC
It's because that more minorities percentage wise, are dependent on government than white people.
2014-12-03 10:40:53 UTC
Obama is more unpopular with Black Conservatives than with anyone.
2014-12-03 11:10:44 UTC
31% is quite an achievement, considering he governs like a dedicated servant of the top few %.
2014-12-05 04:51:44 UTC
cause hes qweer
2014-12-05 03:29:53 UTC
He's done almost nothing blacks, browns, or whites should be happy about.
2014-12-04 22:20:46 UTC
That's not true. It a false information spread around? If white people hate B. Obama why he has won twice?

Black people and other ethnicities are in minority. White people are in majority.

White people elected Obama. His race doesn't matter because he's the representative of a political team.

All those talks about racism is a ground for another presidential election. People, don't get mislead by political propaganda. The only good white , peoples president who came to the office lately was Bill Clinton. He was a democrat and the opponents also found they way to remove him.

You cannot state such things in your question because its not true.

He was re-elected and the truth is majority of people support him and the majority is white people.

He is only unpopular with the people who didn't give his voice for Obama.

He became a president in the time of world economical recession.

And he is very popular outside the USA.
2014-12-04 22:01:56 UTC
OBAMA has completed nothing of any kind of caliber since he took office..his problem is that he is a deep down seeded racist himself....and he is being biased on many fronts....and just look at his pals Sharpton and Ferorgantang there...he hasn't accomplished ONE GOOD THING FOR THIS COUNTRY yet...and is and always will be a TOTAL COMPLETE FAILURE...he should go back to being his Community Communistic Organizer which he does best.
mataripis a ugnay
2014-12-04 21:45:00 UTC
A moslem connection?
2014-12-04 20:23:13 UTC
He is not qualified to be president!
2014-12-04 18:36:31 UTC
Because he is Black
2014-12-04 16:57:45 UTC
because the black kkk gang leader hussein obama promotes the historical peak of black racist violent crimes on whites
2014-12-04 15:30:48 UTC
Because he is a black N**** wanna be
2014-12-04 13:13:30 UTC
He's black and pro immigrant anti white supremacy
duke n
2014-12-04 13:00:13 UTC
Because he is lying, he is a socialist commie and not least because he scored USA economy. You can see the depth level of America is with 70 billion bigger after the Bush administration!

Eventually the USA will become as poor as an Africa banner contries!
2014-12-04 12:31:28 UTC
Its not just white people that are frustrated with the Obama administration; black people have also grown frustrated with Obama's administration. Part of the reason is because his administration has enforced programs on the American people that have increased Taxes, forcing the American people to fund his programs that hardly make much of a difference, except cost more money. Honestly we may not even see the effects of the programs until 2016 when he is out of office. Just like NCLB made by the Bush administration. As a current educator, I honestly did not feel the affects of this until four years later. To many Obama seems like a passive president rather than an assertive one. He let the administration run him completely and does not enforce some of his own standards, contrary to what FDR did. And although the government did NOT like FDR, the American people admired FDR's courage in trying to actively change the system. Even though FDR's programs also cost money, his programs proved useful to the American people giving jobs and benefits to the less fortunate. White people do not particularly hate Obama, they dislike his entire administration because of they are passive in regards to implementing programs. I'm an African American, and trust me Obama is sitting by hoping the aftermath of the recession will just pass us by. He's ready to leave office and it shows.

Another reason why people don't like Obama is because Government has lost the trust of the American people since the Watergate scandal. But that's another story for another day. lol
2014-12-04 11:02:40 UTC
You know the answer.

What other answers do you expect?
2014-12-04 10:53:52 UTC
"Why is Obama so unpopular?"

I don't aim to speak for all people.

So I'll answer

"Why is Obama so unpopular?"

1. He's born in Kenya (allegedly)

2. He hasn't grasped avoiding bad company (Chilling like a supposed normal person with Jay Z at ball games)

3. He isn't meant to be President, if he was, he'd be good at his job (8years is not a career).

3A. He's whack, because he's not a true leader, in the sense of natural capability and he's never going to be God ever, even though he can make an oath and say "in God we trust" etc... Surely rap**ts say the same thing before they commit themselves to doom.

3B. Obama's presidency highlights awfully what president means, someone who presides over but does nothing; lots of his presidency is actually just showing a couple together having some quarrels to iron out which (the relationship) is vastly unstable most of the time, and more than a little hiccup of be where at what time, etc.

3C. The health care bills are completely deranged and stigmatised passing on a sense of guilt and passing the buck elements. Obama has spent 95% of his presidential time on a health care reform which costs money that people do not have, in totally stupid ways of thinking and acting; "Give health" >> "Make them pay" >> "I offered, but did not provide health >> Therefore I have been responsible" No. 5% of the time Obama is signing papers like a yes man to designate many multiples of drone strikes which have caused vast bloodshed which is unnecessary and fuelled problems stemming since 9/11 instead of taking out plenty of planks from the eye. 100% of Obama's presidential time is about 2 hours of a 12 hour day; other than that he's just chillin in the house doing nothin much apart from twisted and warped sense of praise, and twisted and warped sense preaching. I don't want to give someone as that my money at all. Good Samaritan stories are far from the call of what Obama can be given, imhumbled/honesto.

Obama should have stuck as a lawyer for a little while longer and then gone into authorshipping, bookselling and commercial type printing.
2014-12-04 08:33:07 UTC
White people tend to judge results more than effort. The doctor tried to save your brother's life is worth less than the doctor who did save your brother's life. Obama's results kills people and jobs. His intentions are meaningless, his results kill people and enslaves them.
2014-12-04 07:32:14 UTC
I can not speak for others, but I was good with him being the first Black, but I am disappointed in how he let his people dpwn in so many ways that it will take some time before they can recover what they have gained since MLK!
2014-12-04 01:38:57 UTC
being a con artist Marxist and liar does that.
2014-12-03 10:44:10 UTC
Good God, 31% popularity is just about as high as Obama ranks with ANY demographic. His popularity has nothing to do with the color of any person's skin. His popularity is determined by his leadership skills-----or the LACK of them.
2014-12-04 23:30:56 UTC
Because he is black
2014-12-04 21:48:47 UTC
0bama's lack of popularity with White People is not a race issue! 0bama's lack of popularity is due to his inability to tell the truth and 0bama's dislike for America; it's that simple.
2014-12-04 18:30:39 UTC
Because the people of european origin aren't all mentally controlled by the democrat party, meaning that they can see that Barrack Obama sucks while the others who aren't gringos believe everything the liberal media tells them.

Free thinkers often see the truth.
2014-12-04 16:27:50 UTC
Because he's a communist, its obvious if you read his books. Communists want to eliminate the middle class, this is exactly what his policies are designed to achieve.
2014-12-04 15:10:46 UTC
He is unpopular with EVERYBODY, not just whites.
2014-12-04 11:41:42 UTC
I think you're misinterpreting your stat. Thirty-one percent is actually a pretty good number for popularity. To prove otherwise, you'd have to show much higher numbers for other politicians you believe are popular - say, more than 50%.

If 31% is a bad number, it could be for any number of reasons, including the recent executive order for illegal aliens.
2014-12-04 10:22:01 UTC
He is unpopular with most thinking people because of his many lies.
2014-12-04 10:13:56 UTC
It's because of his policies, his lies and his disregard for the Constitution. Congress and the Law.
2014-12-04 09:01:42 UTC
Because white people are mostly assholes.
2014-12-04 07:49:32 UTC
Look at facts: Obama would never have been elected twice if white people judged him on his race. However, once elected the second time he thought he could continue to lie to and fool the people of all races and he showed his true narcissistic mental illness and informed blacks, whites and Hispanics turned against him. Using the race card is getting old and ineffective.
2014-12-04 06:38:58 UTC
i think cuz he's not doing much as president nd not helping with people's problems like people need insurance cards.
2014-12-04 05:59:19 UTC
He is a horrible President and any person any color can see that. This is not a race issue. I do not care if he was purple and I was yellow. He has not kept any of the promises he made before getting elected. His is disrespectful towards our military, our flag and the very values our country was founded on. He is trying to pass stricter gun laws to disarm the public, reducing our military all while giving guns and training to other countries. Every american, of any race should be afraid of the damage he may cause in the time he has left. He has no respect for America.
2014-12-04 05:21:27 UTC
The penis of President Obama is wider and longer

than the satisfaction some white people usually get..
2014-12-04 04:50:41 UTC
it would be wise to remember,that the white people make up to 65%of the population.keep ignoring the whites at your peril.
2014-12-04 02:50:59 UTC
Democratic your least you are honest to a point. Are you a member of the American Communist party as well?

1. Stimulus waste of money that lined pockets of fellow communist. 19 Trillion more in debt.

2. . Obamacare - the Affordable Care Act is nothing but a tax. Social medical does not work. The proof is in Europe. FYI people, in England people who can afford extra health care are taxed for it on top of the health care tax.

3. Unions kill companies.

4. Obama plays the race card well, we are not the only country who has slaves but we are the only one who has not moved on.

5. I do agree with you on his dishonest campaign. Fake birth certificate. SS card from a state he never lived in. Passports stating other info and the list goes on. I sure would really like to know the truth on all this, maybe in 60 years we will all know but I will be dead by then.

War? really he has involved us in even more military adventures but has cut their budget. And let’s not forget his private army that he wanted.... but a socialist like you like this,
Damon Lyon
2014-12-03 21:16:41 UTC
The truth is that a 30% approval rating is all that he deserves and that the fact is clouded by the much higher rating blindly given to him by minorities. The highest of high ratings for a president was around 70%, Eisenhower pulling a 65% average rating, which gives him 35% disapproval from somewhere.

Do you suppose disapproval for Eisenhower was from black people? Hispanic people? White people? You should note that race doesn't seem to matter unless it's about Obama's approval rating.

And then there's the blame. The Liberal public and mainstream media love to call opposition to Obama racism. They have since day one. You remember day one - that's the day Obama was supposedly forging his new and magnificent plan to bring the troops home.
2014-12-03 21:09:59 UTC
well I haven't seen a correlation like that, I do pity the guy,I mean all the hate and the guy is doing his best! (lets not forget Bush JR's rating in his last term 30% or so!)
2014-12-03 19:54:16 UTC
I don't like lairs. Go watch some old videos of him talking about how single payer healthcare is the ultimate goal, then watch him say you can keep your doctor and costs will come down. The man is a political animal that relies on ignorance of the voters.
2014-12-03 18:15:01 UTC
I voted for Obama, and am horrified at what he is and has done to our country. Just to name a few, Benghazi, Using IRS against people who disagreed with his policies, taking people who were so incompetent in their jobs they had to resign and he hires them into another Job in his administration, lack of respect for the wants of the American People, Data Gathering without our permission, becoming involved in black racial incidents and stirring up racial hatred. He doesn't care about the people involved, he is just trying to get a Democrat elected to the White House and to make himself relevant. He is just as white as he is black, but he is so racial prejudiced against whites it is unbelievable. I believed he would be the perfect answer to racial equality when he was running for office. But he is nothing but a racist Muslim! I could go on and on but no one want to read that long a post.
2014-12-03 10:41:58 UTC
That is still far too high.
Sacra Veritas
2014-12-04 15:33:21 UTC
Maybe non-hispanic whites are generally taking the time to objectively look at what he has done as President. I don't know why that is.
2014-12-03 17:53:42 UTC
I suggest to you that it has almost everything to do with the fact that he is an accomplished, unrepentant, liar; that from the very first he has violated the requirements placed on his office by the US Constitution; and he routinely violates his Oath Of Office by refusing to support the Constitution.

Oh, and one more thing. By framing your question the way you did you demonstrated far more racism than did the people who did not vote for Obama.
2014-12-03 13:57:55 UTC
I don't know? Maybe his skin color and mixed race doesn't have anything to do with it. After all he is 50% white 44% Arab and 6 % Black. I would think blacks disliking him by resurching his roots to Arab slave traders.
2014-12-03 13:40:33 UTC
Obama is not unpopular with " White People " that's just your foolish, fantasy BS cuz you don't like Dems or Obama !
2014-12-03 10:50:49 UTC
Because he's a terrible president.He's not looking out for the best interest of the american people whether they are black or white.He is looking out for the immigrants.
2014-12-03 16:20:36 UTC
I know plenty of black people who hate obama as well, so it is not just us. Anyone with a brain hates obama.
great knight
2014-12-05 15:39:31 UTC
It's not just whites anymore. Lookup youtube of people like: . Lying to the people angers them. "Keep your doctor! Keep your plan! (unless it's changed
2014-12-03 10:44:11 UTC
Because Obama is racist towards white people especially against great white American heros like officer Wilson
2014-12-03 12:30:39 UTC
I notice you didn't even address his overwhelming support among African-Americans!
2014-12-04 18:11:55 UTC
He is the most racist sob and the staff that surounds himself with just because someone doesn't agree with him its all about raceism
2014-12-03 17:05:43 UTC
Actually it took 6 years for him to get to this point.
2014-12-03 11:09:36 UTC
It ain't just white people who don't like 0bama.
2014-12-05 02:37:07 UTC
that's because obama cares for the poorer classed.

these American people hate that.
2014-12-05 17:58:00 UTC
it's partly due to policies, but sadly it's largely due to racism or bigotry. it's unfortunate. people are not open-minded enough.
2014-12-05 17:43:49 UTC
Because we understand that someone has to actually pay for all the brain dead crap that he and his party can't seem to keep themselves from passing.
2014-12-03 12:37:08 UTC
You should be just as surprised to hear he is not so popular

with the Latin brown types either.
2014-12-03 15:37:54 UTC
obama is 1 of the worst U.S presidents just because he's black doesn't mean we can't hate him
jack f
2014-12-05 16:19:02 UTC
Because many white people see right thru him, while black people support him because of skin color.
2014-12-04 23:11:15 UTC
Not white people....the media! They make that decision. He is just not white enough.
2014-12-06 10:23:51 UTC
Because we're all racists, remember?
2014-12-03 17:26:34 UTC
Because there is still a lot of racism in america
2014-12-04 12:46:33 UTC
If we are honest with ourselves and disregard race, he's been a pretty shitty president.
2014-12-03 11:06:31 UTC
His policies don't make any sense and are destructive.
Dusti Rose
2014-12-04 11:07:24 UTC
It has little do to with race. He is simply a terrible president.
2014-12-03 11:03:01 UTC
He's unpopular with people who want to work.
2014-12-04 20:47:01 UTC
White people are smarter.
2014-12-04 15:30:24 UTC
Because he is setting himself up as a dictator.
2014-12-03 10:51:03 UTC
I live in Illinois and people here love Obama.
Jules Briggs
2014-12-05 08:31:05 UTC
Easy one this because he is black! they wont say it but a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat.
2014-12-05 03:57:01 UTC
Have you seen his skin color yet? This and the likes of Fox "News".
2014-12-05 13:21:54 UTC
we're sad because we dont have his amazing fashion sense
2014-12-06 03:32:51 UTC
The real question is why is he so popular with black Americans.
2014-12-05 21:51:44 UTC
Is this a trick question?
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-12-04 17:50:38 UTC
he has plenty of white support!! just no support from Americans!!!!
2014-12-17 14:21:14 UTC
cause hes qweer
2014-12-17 02:47:46 UTC
cause hes qweer
2014-12-11 21:27:24 UTC
cause hes qweer
2014-12-05 10:32:51 UTC
2014-12-16 23:56:55 UTC
2014-12-11 15:58:49 UTC
2014-12-11 16:57:26 UTC
2015-12-16 20:56:07 UTC
2014-12-04 01:38:09 UTC
i dont know...what,maybe he is the first black president of the USA...who knows
2014-12-03 21:15:10 UTC
2014-12-03 10:40:18 UTC
Because they don't take his handouts.
2014-12-03 16:42:35 UTC
Hint: It has nothing to do with his color.
2014-12-03 10:45:39 UTC
Well....DUH.....(I can't believe you are actually asking this question...)
2014-12-03 10:46:15 UTC
lol...i think we all know the answer
2014-12-05 19:33:24 UTC
becuase hes black

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.