You talk about small businesses, yet are clueless to the fact that a very large percentage of successful small businesses file under individual tax returns. The taxes you want to raise affect the small businesses that are hiring and growing.
Since you also seem immune to facts and the truth, after the 2003 tax cuts, the economy experienced a sustained period of economic growth and job creation that was ended by the housing bubble collapse and the subsequent mortgage finance sector meltdown.
Your failure to acknowledge the fact of the 4 years after the 2003 tax cuts marks you as either ignorant, or deliberately distorting the historical record. Neither reflects well on you.
I will also take issue with your claim that wars put people to work. That hasn't been true since WW2, where we had a huge war economy that was supplying equipment, hardware, etc to half the world. The belief that war improves an economy is belied by the historical records.
Also, you don't seem to grasp the difference between wealth and income. Wealth isn't taxed - income is. The people who you are envious and hateful of may be top earners, but they may not necessarily be the wealthiest people.
Finally, the only thing I know that most people support is to NOT raise taxes. Raising taxes - taking money out of the economy - has a negative effect on GDP and job creation - regardless of the very small reduction to the deficit they might incur, which would still leave us with deficits over $1 trillion.
Sound economic policy realizes the unequivocal fact that the only way to really reduce deficits and debt is through economic growth. Obama's policies, as enacted by the dementedly dangerous 111th Congress, do not foster economic growth - just the opposite.
Supply-side economic policies have proven themselves over and over to increase GDP and foster job creation. Yet you oppose them out of a sense of grievance? Now that is silliness.