I normally don't watch much news on TV because I don't like having my intelligence insulted. It is offensive to me when I hear the news media feeding me propaganda that is obviously bogus. I usually get my news from the internet, by far the best source of the truth.
Howbeit, I decided to watch some news on TV the other day. I was disturbed by some of the misinformation I was hearing on CNN. Then I turned on Fox News and almost fell out of my chair in disbelief of what I was hearing and seeing. Talk about lying. Fox News is a waste of time folks, I would not recommend Fox News to anyone. The news is supposed to give us HONEST journalism, not half-baked lies. To be fair, Fox is only one of many mainstream news media sources which are unreliable in my opinion. I still have a right to my opinion don't I? Sometimes I wonder for how long.
I was sickened as I listened to News reports demonizing the U.S. held "terrorists" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Fox reported several (alleged) hateful statements made by terrorists to their interrogators. Of course, the U.S. interrogators would never lie would they? Of course they would! There has been much public outcry in America, condemning any torture of any prisoners. Besides, U.S. law forbids the torturing of anyone. The manure-spreading news media is trying to demonize the "terrorists" (as they keep calling them), to desensitize us into accepting torture as a legitimate means of protecting us from "terrorists." Folks, THERE ARE NO TERRORISTS!!! Wake up! There has not been one terrorist attack on America soil since 911 (and if there is, it will be from within our own government). 911 was an INSIDE JOB, that is a fact. The smoking gun of 911 is presidential directive W199i which made it illegal for anyone in the FBI or the Defence Department to investigate the terrorists any further. George Bush gave the Bin Ladens and their accomplices a "get out of jail free" card. Why isn't the news media focusing on this license within our own government?
Then I heard Fox reporting that the Iraqis were very happy to have the Americans in their country, that they were glad to see electrical power stations being built, and were glad to finally be receiving fresh water. Folks, they were doing just fine before America destroyed their country. They had fresh water before. They had electricity before. Fox is only showing you what they want you to see. The truth is that most of the Iraqi people are enraged of what America has done to their nation. Most Iraqis are without fresh water, work or adequate food. My advice to anyone who believes everything you hear on Fox is to go on the internet and read the news from several different sources. Don't just read the mainstream news. www.infowars.com is my favorite. Alex Jones is a friend of the American people, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution.
The truth is that America committed a horrible atrocity against a sovereign nation on the basis of lies. Where are those weapons of mass destruction? Neither Saddam, nor the Iraqi people, have ever threatened America in any way. They surely didn't attack us. The propaganda that Saddam was about to develop a nuclear bomber is absurd. Other communist nations (such as North Korea) are much more of a threat to the U.S. than Iraq ever was. Lies...Fox is telling a bunch of lies.
Then I heard Fox demonize patriotic Americans by reporting that "antiwar groups" were trying to indoctrinate the children in our schools with their antiwar agenda. Excuse me? Why is it that you can teach the lie of evolution, the sin of homosexuality, and even feature Harry Potter's witchcraft in public schools, but you wouldn't dare teach the Bible, prayer, or the ten commandments (Thou shalt not kill)? Children should be taught that war is evil and wrong. Killing is a wicked sin. What the Bush Administration has done with the blessing of congress is nothing less than mass murder. Our military wasn't defending America because America was never under attack (nor were we threatened). America has murdered tens-of-thousands of Iraqis for evil reasons. Iraq was NO threat to the U.S. Even sadder...America's churches are rallying behind George W. Bush like he's some type of American hero. President Bush is a despicable criminal in sheep's clothing. You're an idiot if you voted for him. I'm not trying to be unkind, just honest.
I even heard Fox News report that Hilary Clinton was having second thoughts about abortion. What??? Excuse me...I have to go vomit! Hilary Clinton is Miss Abortion herself. The ultimate feminazi. Fox speculated that by Bill Clinton hanging around with George H. Bush, it would be beneficial to Hillary's run for president if she decides to run in 2008. Of course she's going to run, they've got to keep the dirty laundry (their evil deeds) in the family. The Bushs and Clintons are the most evil families in America's history. Thanks to organizations like Fox News, these criminals have continued to remain American heroes. Bill Clinton was involved over his head with illegal drugs in Mena Arkansas when he was governor. Both the Clintons and the Bushs have a death list of HUNDREDS of opponents and acquaintances. Read Bush's Death List here. Four authors who attempted to write a biography of Bush Jr. have all committed suicide. Right!
Fox News is definitely controlled by the New World Order gang. They are trying to desensitize and brainwash us in every way to go along with the New World Order.
If I was the average brainwashed American, after watching Fox News...
1. I would think that the Bush Administration was justified in invading Iraqi. After all, I'm seeing HAPPY Iraqi people on TV, praising the U.S. The FACT that the weapons of destruction were never found doesn't matter because I'm seeing smiling happy faces on TV. The murder of tens-of-millions of innocent Iraqi people doesn't matter because I just heard a woman praise George Bush and thank America for invading their country, and taking away that bad boy...Saddam.
The truth is that we destroyed a sovereign nation. What right does America have to bully the rest of the world when we are guilty of the most horrendous atrocities? What if a powerful nation threatened the U.S. with an ultimatum...stop aborting your children immediately or else we will invade America! Who do we think we are? Truthfully, we are a bunch of suckers...and the New World Order is exploiting the stupid American people for their own agenda...to take over the world.
If I was the average brainwashed American, after watching Fox News...
2. I would think that torture was acceptable because it was the only way to deal with the monstrous TERRORISTS from hell that only think evil day and night, that were just within seconds of nuking America, that the whole world would have detonated if the Americans on their white horses didn't charge in to save humanity.
If I was the average American, I would make terrorist dart boards too. It's pretty sickening when you see Saddam Hussein stickers in the urinal when you go to use the bathroom. This is just how brainwashed the average American has become. George Bush may belong there, but not Saddam. I'm not a Saddam fan, but who are we to police the world? We sure didn't care about Rwanda or the starving North Koreans. We sure didn't care about bringing to justice those Japanese monsters who ran the Unit 731 labs during WWII. Some of the Unit 731 criminals are still alive today, but were never prosecuted. We surely didn't care about the Cambodians, right Mr. Kissinger and Mr. Nixon? How about in the year 2000 when Argentina tried to send free AIDS drugs to Africa and Bill Clinton threatened them with trade sanctions if they did. Why would Clinton do such a thing? Simply because the Pharmaceutical industry is a trillion dollar money-making machine for the New World Order gang. There's plenty of filthy lucre to spread around. You see friend, these occult inspired world-controllers need all the money they can possibly lay their hands on. It takes a lot of money to take over the world. Every time Russia acts up, we pay them to shut up. The same is true with China. It's all about money. Follow the money.
Think about this. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). So if Satan is the ultimate power within this heathen world, and money is the most coveted thing in the world...that means that the devil and money are an inseparable diabolical duo. If you want to understand the New World Order, then just keep focused that their entire agenda centers around Satan and money. This explains the theft of trillions of unaccounted for dollars from the American people. It also explains the close association with the occult by all the recent presidents.
If I was the average brainwashed American, after watching Fox News...
3. I would think that the Bush administration are a bunch of good people.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Fox News (as well as other mainstream networks) paint the Bush Administration in a cheery light. It's repulsive! Fox is guilty of one-sided journalism in my opinion. When they do allow people from the other side to speak, they deliberately discredit them by only showing you what they want you to see. Propaganda is an ART. You can use movies, TV, radio, books, and magazines to brainwash people. If you've ever studied the psychology of the human mind, then you know that if someone hears something long enough...they begin to believe it. People all across America have heard about how great George Bush is from the News media that they hail him as an America hero. George W. Bush is NO hero, rather...He makes Benedict Arnold look like an America hero.
The devil is running his course, and it's up to us Christians to expose and fight it. I'm appalled at the deadbeat attitudes of some Christians who believe that there's nothing we can do...or should do. The issue is not over what we can or cannot accomplish, it's the fact that God has commanded us to hate, reprove, and abstain from all appearances of evil. Likewise, it's not our job to win people to Christ, it's our job to witness to them and lead them to Christ. Only Jesus can forgive and save anyone. We can lead a horse to water, but we cannot make him drink the water. It's not our job to decide whether or not we should witness to someone based upon our own perceptions. Rather, we are supposed to witness to everyone, even if we firmly believe that they will never get saved.
I do NOT hate George W. Bush, but I hate the evils being inflicted upon America and others by his actions. I respect the position of President, but Mr. Bush is a knife in America's back. The CIA is not to blame for the alleged faulty intelligence behind Iraq's invasion, there NEVER were any links between Iraq and 911 to begin with. It was George W. Bush who signed Presidential order W199i to BLOCK all investigations into the suspect terrorists, will O'Reilly blame that on the CIA also? What about W199i Mr. Bush? Why did you block the FBI from stopping the terrorists? What about FBI Deputy Director John O'Neil who was murdered on 911? It's not the answered questions that concern us Americans, it's the unquestioned answers!