How did a once great country that was founded on principles of equality and economic opportunity for ALL become a country led by a billionaire narcissist who conned a lot of people into voting for him and then ripped off the populist "mask" once elected and proceeded to demonstrate that he only cares about the wealthy and (already) privileged... a reality many of the more intelligent among us saw all along? What will we tell future generations about how such a travesty of traditional American values was allowed to happen? This country was founded in 1700s based upon principles of resisting oppression/economic enslavement by the rich and powerful, at that time the British Crown/absolute monarchy. This country was BUILT on the backs and very lives of "immigrants". Read your history. We are ALL "immigrants", unless you're pure Native American. The rest of the world has ALREADY turned its back on us in terms of our former leadership role. We used to be looked up to. No longer. How could this have happened?