It would really show how far black america has come in the NAACP's 104 years of existence.
Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence popular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments or private groups. A social engineer is one who tries to influence popular attitudes, social behaviors, and resource management on a large scale. Social engineering is the application of the scientific method for social concern. Social engineers use the methods of science to analyze and understand social systems, so as to arrive at appropriate decisions as scientists, and not as politicians. In the political arena, the counterpart of social engineering is political engineering. In the 1920s, the government of the Soviet Union embarked on a campaign to fundamentally alter the behavior and ideals of Soviet citizens, to replace the old social frameworks of Tsarist Russia with a new Soviet culture, to create the New Soviet man. The Soviets used newspapers, books, film, mass relocations, and even architectural design tactics to serve as "social condenser" and change personal values and private relationships. Similar examples are the Chinese "Great Leap Forward" and "Cultural Revolution" program and the Khmer Rouge's plan of deurbanization of Cambodia. In Singapore, the government's housing policies attempt to promote a mix of all races within each subsidized housing district in order to foster social cohesion and national loyalty while providing the citizens with affordable housing.
"You will also begin to see pyramids increasingly all around you, and the eye in the pyramid, and the eye alone. And you will see circles with the dot in the center. And you will see obelisks appearing all over the place. And these are not the only signs. There are many, many, many more. They are the signs of the religion Mystery Babylon, .... now that is a lie, folks. It means that it's OK for some of us to lay back and do nothing and reap the rewards of the labor of others. That’s socialism! That’s what it’s all about. Communism,’s the same. And these people, the worshipers of Mystery Babylon, are the original Communists. They are international socialism. They invented it. It is their creation. It is their dream of a world Utopia -- a one-world, totalitarian socialist government." - Milton William (Bill) Cooper was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author best known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies.
The Marx conflict theory begins with the notion that there are two basic groups of people within society – the wealthy and the poor. Marxian conflict theory is quite a complex topic once you begin to dissect it.
Conflict theory regarding class
Conflict theory regarding race and ethnicity
Conflict theory regarding gender
Conflict theory regarding religion
Conflict theory regarding region
"Social Justice is code for communism." - Glenn Beck
Useful idiot was a term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity. Predictive Programming is the practice of saying something is going to happen (predicting) enough times that people assume it will without question. It is also known as Psychological Weaponized Mind Coercion (Brainwashing).
Trendy Platinum-selling power couple Jay-Z and Beyoncé lead a crowd demanding "Justice for Trayvon Martin" at a Manhattan rally where the pair greeted Al Sharpton who was accompanied by Sybrina Fulton.;_ylt=A2KJkespYhxSxUEARtSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFxZXJ1dHZlBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzYzQzM2JkMDBhNjM1ZDQ3OTZjZjQzNWY1OWVjMDViNwRncG9zAzE-?