Why don't you like Hillary Clinton?
2016-02-09 18:25:19 UTC
I'm a Bernie supporter myself but I agree with many of Clinton's points and I sure as heck do not hate her. Of course I would rather Bernie win but I wouldn't mind Hillary if Bernie lost in the primaries. What do you hold against her?
21 answers:
Don't Fear The Reaper
2016-02-09 18:40:31 UTC
Bernie is honest about his points. He never flip flopped.Shillary is just that. A shill. she is apolitical in her ideology. She's a democrat. So, one week she can be for x then be just as ardently against x next time. What ever is politically advantageous and will benefit her. I've a long memory. The press and schools do not. How many friends and acquaintances do you know who've died over your life? Two? Maybe as many as 6? Shillary and good ol boy Bill have had over 40 die on them.

She has supported Bill for a long long time. Not just his sexual play time. But, through his completely forgotten use of the Confederate flag and friendship with Dixiecrat/segregationists. Like George Wallace.

She has no core beliefs. Much like her husband. Buy one Clinton and get one free is not a bargain. And yes, that is GHWB and Clinton next to Wallace. I don't cut GHWB a break either. In fact, I voted Perot.
2016-02-09 18:31:16 UTC
I personally don't know much about this but from what I've heard Hillary lied a lot and committed some white collar crime.
2016-02-09 18:30:12 UTC
I am a Hillary supporter, but like you, I agree with many of Bernie's points, and I sure as heck don't hate him. In fact, I'll be just fine if he wins the Democratic nomination. When you are talking about hate, it is the conservative Republicans who express that intense emotion.....and why they do it is because they find her intimidating as a woman and she is not afraid to speak strongly and decisively about particular issues.
2016-02-10 05:56:02 UTC
What part of ALL POLITICIANS - especially Presidential Candidates are LIARS who will say anything to get elected is it that you and so many others , don't get yet ? and IF, you're a Bernie Lover it's odd that you care about why people don't like Hillary... SADLY, People / Voters / Adults are like their corrupt, lying, uncaring... politicians + Voluntarily Stupid unlike Politicians - Democrat and Republican !
2016-02-09 18:33:44 UTC
Hillary is fine..... but I'm kind of partial to Bernie. I have no problem voting for Hillary if Bernie doesn't pull this out of the fire. I'd vote just to keep another lying "conservative" out of the White House.

Seems like from the FOX parrots giving their memorized lies here - Hillary is supposedly "Not Honest"....... not sure why FOX fed the morons that particular lie, but it seems popular.
2016-02-09 18:27:56 UTC
She will put homosexuals above the traditional family on Main Street that is suffering from Obama's change.
2016-02-09 18:26:58 UTC
I'm more or less with you. Speaking only for myself, of course:

Sanders - preferred

Clinton - acceptable

Kasich - could be worse

everyone else - worse
2016-02-09 18:26:18 UTC
I think she desires power more than she wants to lead. That's my main problem with her, in a nutshell. That view is an umbrella for many of her qualities.
You Need Me!
2016-02-09 18:28:31 UTC
She is a liar, a cheat, a phony, a manipulator, an enemy of women, selfish to the bone and a danger to our national security. She has no moral compass whatsoever. She is slimy. Why you would think her Presidential is something you have to seriously ask yourself. We won't even get into Bernie.
2016-02-09 18:26:58 UTC
No Foreign Policy experience constant liar.
2016-02-09 18:58:10 UTC
Nothing, in my case. But I want to assure you that I will vote for her if she is the candidate, and I hope you do, too. It's critically important that we all turn out.
2016-02-09 18:31:19 UTC
I am old enough to remember her selling her husband's female victims down the toilet, to save his career and her access to power . To hear her go on about defending women now makes me want to puke.
2016-02-09 18:26:31 UTC
She is less then honest. In fact she is a bold face liar.
2016-02-09 18:26:29 UTC
She is the biggest liar to walk the face of this Earth
2016-02-10 20:56:28 UTC
Because she cannot be trusted. Most Democrats seem to agree (New Hampshire).
2016-02-09 18:27:10 UTC
She has lied repeatedly over the years about everything and she continues to lie over the email scandal.
2016-02-09 18:30:47 UTC
I love her and Bill. And the Republicans are liars and ruin this nation for the rest of us.
2016-02-09 18:34:59 UTC
She is guilty of treason (Benghazi) and belongs in PRISON
2016-02-09 18:31:08 UTC
She does not tell it like it is. She lies, distorts and stonewalls. People are sick of it.
2016-02-09 18:27:20 UTC
I have nothing against her, i will vote for the democratic nominee.
2016-02-09 18:32:13 UTC
Hillary has been involved in a long list of scandals and is just not trustworthy.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been targeted by the IRS.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

Amid allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal – tactics in an effort to delegitimize his accusers.

Looting the White House

After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple reportedly attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

The Clintons reportedly gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch claimed Hillary played a central role.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’

Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Judicial Watch initially released a report suggesting Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for technology secrets.

Travelgate: Always room for friends

During the Clinton administration, the Clintons reportedly laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records

More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit

A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’

Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky

Reports indicate community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist

Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded revealed Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she insinuated that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.