Why does the left condemn a Christian's anti-gay beliefs but support a Muslim's anti-gay beliefs?
2018-09-10 05:05:27 UTC
When a Muslim believes gay people should be killed for their sexuality, the left immediately says "They can believe that way because its their religion" but when a Christian even says one thing about gay people, the left immediately jumps to "They are so homophobic! What is wrong with them?" What is with this double standard?
71 answers:
2018-09-25 17:34:48 UTC
That is a rather sweeping generalization don t you think? True, I think the left goes easier on Muslims in general than Christians but I can t remember a single leftist accommodating Muslim homophobia. Perhaps you could give an example.
The First Dragon
2018-09-21 20:09:58 UTC
It is because Christians do not kill journalists, cartoonists, or pundits. It is safe to say anything about Christians and Christianity.
2018-09-18 19:34:39 UTC
For the same reason that the right condems government aided contraception and child planning for underprivileged citizens... and is then surprised by the need for abortions... Or maybe the same reason that the right wants to deport all immigrants, but then also feels that produce at the super market is getting too expensive... Or maybe it's the same reason that the right elects a person who clearly only has his own interests and interests of the rich at heart, when people who voted for him are clearly not rich but still elected somebody who is going to stomp on all their hopes and aspirations anyway :)

honestly... look at what you just said... you are either a troll, or a blatant moron... please let me know which one. I am ever so curious.
Donnie Doom
2018-09-18 16:51:51 UTC
They want to to give away another man's money.
Alan H
2018-09-17 07:59:18 UTC
As a Christian Socialist, I stand very much on the Left.

I support ALL right of belief. Or non-belief.

The early church had all things in common.

Only in the USA does the term Christian Right have any resonance.

Elsewhere the church is largely on the left, as from its inception.
2018-09-16 07:29:08 UTC
Jesus support lesbian but muslim reject it.
2018-09-15 00:23:02 UTC
Religion is like poison ivy.
2018-09-12 23:10:09 UTC
They must love muslims.
2018-09-10 05:14:15 UTC
I think republicans don’t represent Americans who are gay. It doesn’t stop them from voting though...
Mr. Smartypants
2018-09-10 05:09:15 UTC
Why do Christians condemn Muslims for homophobia when they're homophobic themselves?
2018-09-25 03:30:25 UTC
Because the critics all have direct experience with Christianity. They might be Christian, their parents might be Christian, or at the very least they have Christian friends. It feels safer to criticize something you are connected to than something you don’t understand because you think yourself knowledgeable. The logic is hypocritical, but it makes sense from a human perspective.
2018-09-24 00:18:53 UTC
We condemn both, but we also believe that a religion cannot be flanderized as it's worst traits, and further that Islam is as legitimate an expression of free speech as christainity, hindism, facism, or anything else
2018-09-22 21:34:55 UTC
Lefties now are big on the #WALKAWAY movement because of all of the hate the lefts in power have created. #POTUS has benefitted everyone and spares us on supporting the illegals, meaning less taxes. Also it's the left who dug us in this massive trillions debt. nChristians don't spew venom as we're to love all serve all.
Dice Keeps
2018-09-22 17:01:23 UTC
Another lie !
2018-09-21 11:13:50 UTC
Typical hypocrisy of the left - everything is fair game as long as it goes against the establishment - and the establishment is basically white men and Christianity.

Marxism is a cancer - Karl Marx a despicable individual who’s works have resulted in the deaths of millions. Marxism should be wiped off the face of the earth - only then can we begin to right the many wrongs.
2018-09-21 11:13:13 UTC
The Left does NOT support a Muslim's anti-gay beliefs.
Sheldon Giyamandu
2018-09-20 22:40:40 UTC
Because they contradict themselves in so many ways.
2018-09-20 11:25:54 UTC
They want to to give away another man's money.
2018-09-19 13:42:32 UTC
Im on the left and i hate islam and Christianity
2018-09-18 05:38:22 UTC
I dont have much knowledge about religions but according to my knowledge Islam is the only religion that is totally unchanged.
2018-09-18 04:45:05 UTC
For the same reason PETA goes after women in fur, not Hell's Angel's in leather, or gangsta-pimp rappers/actual gangsta-pimps in fur, or certain bad-tempered BadBoy athletes in both. It's about who can be SAFELY sassed!!!!!
2018-09-17 16:29:01 UTC
What makes you think you're correct in what you said? Baiting? sounds like it. Not anti gay toward any religious group. It is not a choice, although the ignorance of some, do believe "gay" is a choice. Most ridiculous,brain dead, thing, of stupidity to think that way.
2018-09-15 15:22:22 UTC
Where have you seen or heard that???

Did the f*****g scum bucket you elected for president tell you that or Alex Jones???

Dumb f*****g imbecile!
2018-09-15 13:48:39 UTC
No one should be against gays religions are supposed to be about love and peace people should be able to love whoever they want whatever gender
Raymond L.
2018-09-15 06:06:47 UTC
Great question.

Double standard eh?
2018-09-14 16:46:46 UTC
cuz the left is prejudiced against christians, but supports muslims
2018-09-11 07:57:45 UTC
2018-09-10 13:54:32 UTC
Liberals don't support Muslim anti-gay beliefs. There is no hypocrisy on this issue for liberals. And I gave it a tree is wrong with her comes from Christians or Muslims.

On the other hand, conservatives do display hypocrisy on this issue. The idea of Muslim homophobia as an excuse for hating Muslims and yet argue that Christian homophobia is good and even should be protected by law
2018-09-10 05:11:09 UTC
Muslims don't just have anti gay beliefs, but Muslims actually throw gay folks off building for fun.
2018-09-10 05:05:58 UTC
I support neither see what damage ALL religions cause
2018-09-24 12:32:31 UTC
It’s all about who can be more politically correct. If you live in the US and you have an opinion about anything that’s not white, working and at least middle class, you’re considered intolerant by Democrats. No opinions allowed people. What is this, America???
2018-09-24 02:43:00 UTC
Who knows
2018-09-20 00:17:31 UTC
It makes you wonder. The short answer is: "They are stupid."
2018-09-19 22:53:29 UTC
B'cuz They hate christians. Cuz they see Christians rolling they hating.
Christopher P
2018-09-19 15:07:35 UTC
I dont think most people agree that a gay person should die. At least not anyone with validity.
2018-09-19 11:56:42 UTC
Because christians won't stone them for speaking out. They fight and ***** and moan on safe ground.
2018-09-18 12:47:07 UTC
Sources? Views of homosexuality are nuanced in both Christianity and Islam.

"Gays in Iran must stay in the closet, but it's a very large and spacious closet."

Forget who said it. Male homosexuality is treated as normal in many communities in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan etc. Iran used to have socially acceptable lesbian courtship rituals, it was socialist propaganda, not religion which changed that.

Personally I dislike homophobia, and I dislike Islamophobia anti-Semitism etc. If someone is being victimised for their religion I will stick up for them.

In a few places in the world, Christians are victimised. The USA is not one of those places. Christians are an extremely powerful political force in the USA, and homophobic Christians are a far bigger threat to homosexuals than homophobic Muslims
2018-09-17 22:27:56 UTC
Homosexuality is an abomination in any religion. The left leans atheistic.
2018-09-14 17:59:47 UTC
They hates Christians
2018-09-14 16:45:05 UTC
Liberals contradict themselves on a daily basis. They think by not engaging and staying neutral with muslims then they will be left alone. They realize they can be dangerous and unlike Christians who doesn't fight back, the muslims will and their life perhaps with it.

In reality, you can't have it both ways and you can see the prime examples throughout Europe what happens if you try to be peaceful with Islam.
Lord Bacon
2018-09-14 08:20:21 UTC
They don't.

Your question is based on a fabrication, an untruth or what some would call a lie.

That is either a consequence of misunderstanding on your part or deliberate fabrication in order to spread hate.

It is unwise to pontificate on subjects about which we are ill informed and immoral to be dishonest to create divisions in society. So, which are you?

We get to live in the sort of world we help to create.

How did your question make the world a batter place?

If we are not part of the solution, then we are part of the problem.

Do unto others .....
2018-09-13 22:15:24 UTC
I've never heard a liberal support anyone's belief that gay people should be killed. I think you are trolling.
2018-09-13 20:45:34 UTC
Muslims aren't anti-gay. What do you think all those unmarried young men do? They have no access to women.
Andy F
2018-09-11 04:55:48 UTC
This is a bad question, I think. Who is this "left" or "the left" that you're talking about?

The truth is, there are some leftists and multiculturalists who do seem to excuse homophobia on the part of intolerant Muslims, for various reasons.

But there are other leftists -- especially militant atheists, and especially gay leftists and feminists -- who think that anti-gay attitudes always are wrong.

Your're treating them as if they're all the same -- and they're not.

You're also ignoring the fact that some leftists -- not all, but some -- are Christians themselves.

Are you doing this mostly to attack "the left," or doing it mostly to attack Muslims and justify the idea of religious discrimination by the government -- which goes against the US constitution?

-- democratic socialist for religious liberty and against homophobia

"Love your neighbor as yourself ... Judge not, lest you be judged" -- Jesus of Nazareth, in the Gospel According to St. Matthew
2018-09-11 01:50:58 UTC
Hypocrisy, they just hate Christianity more, I guess it's a "safer" target in America's carefully constructed society.
2018-09-10 11:02:22 UTC
I don't condemn either. My beliefs are just way different.
2018-09-10 07:56:35 UTC
2018-09-10 05:57:23 UTC
If what you said was true, you would have been able to at least provide actual quotes instead of making up some based on something only existing in your mind.

A single example would not have made a general argument but at least we would have had something concrete to discuss.
scott b
2018-09-10 05:15:34 UTC
I don't support anyone's anti-gay beliefs. On what do you base that statement?
2018-09-10 05:06:27 UTC
Link to myth of liberals liking Muslim Fundamentalists?
2018-09-25 16:07:21 UTC
The best thing to do is follow your own conscience and ignore politics.
محمد - نور بروق
2018-09-25 14:43:14 UTC
Hello, any one has his own optional thought, no teachings are obliged, the now the Islam is developed through the time, no thing is obliged except that you must believe that there is a god and no thing above him forever, I am "Islam and religious pluralism - Islamic philosophy or logical thoughts", an Islam forbid the sex within the marriage scale only -pepole wifes- only, another relations are legal for a sex, you doesn t overuse and kill person for simple doing, may our/your problems with the left is political only. the UN "united nations " is the new and fair political system and use the "uploading" -electronic government- for who desire.
2018-09-25 04:11:20 UTC
It’s because you have to separate the extremists from true Islam. But Christians are white so they are to be condemned
perry m
2018-09-24 19:44:06 UTC
The left are hippocrites, also we do not condemn homosexuals out of fear of homosexuality but because the Bible instructs that Homosexuality is an Abomination
2018-09-23 15:17:23 UTC
Obama caused 9/11. ,, *****
Tom thumb
2018-09-22 19:34:49 UTC
Liberals are proof that our education system is broken, it is broken because of Unions greedy demands along with our States and Cities. UNIONS are ruining the country.
Black Sabbath
2018-09-21 07:19:11 UTC
yhey are both homophobic
2018-09-21 06:10:07 UTC
Because the enemy if my enemy is my friend. Because the plan is to destroy Islam and Christianity at the same time. Because Israel runs the major media and Hollywood, ad we fight their wars for them while they steal everything we have while we fight amongst one another. Israel is evil. The Antichrist will be a Jew. Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon.
Joseph hola
2018-09-20 18:37:21 UTC
I think it's because Christianity is a majority belief in the US, but Islam isn't.

In fact it's larger (though shrinking-at least it seems so) worldwide, while Islam isn't.
2018-09-19 01:51:30 UTC
Progressivism is heavily rooted in counterculturalism. They complain that Christians are anti-gay for the same reason a teenager might complain their parents don’t respect privacy; it’s a valid argument, but it’s only being used to justify an emotionally based idea, and therefore can easily be abandoned. Many lack an understanding of Islam, but when they do know of the homophobic parts of the religion they generally think of it in comparative terms; Muslims are considered more oppressed than gays.
2018-09-18 19:24:46 UTC
Because everyone hates Christians but why?
2018-09-18 14:44:06 UTC
Jesus and all of scripture approve of no other sexual union than that between a husband and wife. This is the uncontested historical teaching of Judaism and Christianity, and it is not something that true Christianity is free to adjust with the times. Yes, concubines and multiple wives are found in the Bible, but doesn't make them "biblical." In fact, they violate the Genesis narrative Christ points us
2018-09-17 02:37:52 UTC
I have never heard anyone say any such thing.
2018-09-14 08:03:44 UTC
Hello mr. straw man. Let’s fabricate an opinion that even the most lunatic of the fringe left are unlikely to share and apply it to all liberals. Sounds about as fallacious as asking why all conservatives hate jews but love Jesus.
Mike Cooper
2018-09-14 03:36:12 UTC
Hypocrisy and double standards.
2018-09-13 20:41:58 UTC
while christians compose about 98% of the american religious population[1]. there are about 6000-different christian religions in the USA. the muslem community is about 1.0% of the entire population. the jewish community is about 0.5%. the atheists, buddhists, hindus, sikh, taoist, wiccian, satanist, and all others comprise only 0.5% of the entire country's population.

widely understood is that 1-of-every-6 people born in the USA, and in the world, is gay. while there are psychologically 147-different types of self-identity based upon sex-&-gender, heterosexual is the one mentioned in religions like islam and christianity to be accepted. the more ultra-conservative, the less acceptance for non-conformity.

even though the LGBT community are american citizens (16%), most of them are christians (98%).

it is wrong to disparage the gay-community, when 98% of the crimes committed in the united states are christian-on-christian crimes.

what is wrong is that religious morality is being defined as "power over others", and not as a "humanistic compassion" for others. second point to observe is that islamic religions do not allow religious freedom, the main stay of american society.
2018-09-12 18:28:36 UTC
Because the Left are atheists and they're liberals. Therefore they side against Christians.
Dr Jello
2018-09-10 06:24:33 UTC
The left would support hitler if they thought he would vote for them.
2018-09-10 06:15:49 UTC
We do not support that but you get a toaster for repeating this lie one million times.
Call me Ishmael
2018-09-10 05:10:31 UTC
Which one would be more likely to chop off your head for disagreeing with their sacred beliefs. There, you should be able yo figure out the answer on your own
Liberals sequester from fact
2018-09-10 05:11:17 UTC
They are hipocritical when it suits them.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.