The question I ask myself is, how can there still be a Republican Party?
I don't exaggerate in my view, because in a world we live which is so modernized, where news on internet helps us ALL see and understand how the rest of the nation lives. How endless amount of news articles from every corner of the U.S. help us see with our own eyes how extremely, extremely difficult it is for millions of disabled Americans to live on $710 Supplemental Security income. It helps us know how extremely high food prices are in some states (some much more than others) and how it is Republicans are intent on slashing food stamps and on removing as many Americans from the program as possible.
To those who are NOT disabled, those who are middle-class and to those who are very young and healthy and working (though their wages are barely $10 an hour) sometimes they can't understand that someone who receives $710 from Social Security monthly CANNOT even dream living in a place which is NOT full of huge roaches, rats inside the walls, neighbors from hell who decide to move furniture around in the middle of the night or to drop weights on the floor and who wake you up Sunday morning either with religious music or any loud music at sunrise!!! Do Republicans think those living in poverty should suffer more? I know they DON'T CARE who lives or die, but President Obama, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Senator Charles Schumer (among many other Democrats) DO care that the poor don't suffer worse fate and that is why they fight hard NOT to allow Republicans to cut food stamps altogether or cut further from Social Security. Of course the disabled in every Republican state has to "wait and see" what the whims of the governor are and hope their MEDICAID is not cut further.
Right now the Republican governors of Florida, Oklahoma, North Carolina and New Jersey alone have cut as much possible from all or most benefits to the poor, the disabled and even war veterans (such as in the case of Florida governor Rick Scott who two weeks ago cut $480 millions from Medicaid, special needs schools, and veterans health care among others! In N.C. two weeks ago 500 protesters at the capital were already taken to jail. Among them were teachers, doctors and church pastors, all of which were trying to make a stance for all the poor, but to no avail for Republicans having been cursed with living in the past the entire duration of their lives. They all seem to be living pre-Civil War and believe that the poor are only there to serve them. If you live in a southern state (excepting Florida which is actually "southern" only in the northern part of it and the rest is only representative of Cuba, Central and South America and Mexico!) you might NOT notice how imbued in 1800's mentality Anglo Americans are in those states. But if you live somewhere else and visit for a while or begin living among them, you will see I am right!
Republicans--large majority of them big business owners or simply wealthy individuals who've inherited for decades now--keep choosing to be oblivious to how those in poverty and below poverty live.
@YAHO (or anyone else who knows): Who is the handsome actor or model in the photo? Thought it might be Clive Owen, but is not.