1) Capitalism is not an acting agent. Nobody blames capitalism, they blame capitalists.
2) I blame politicians as well and their degree of corruption varies but in a case in which the capitalist corrupts the politician, I consider the degree of guilt greater for the capitalist. The corrupting agent is the contaminant and we never know what the target of the corruption might or might not otherwise have done. The politician certainly is not innocent but the capitalist is not only guilty of the same corruption, but initiates it in addition. I think that is a reasonable explanation for 'blaming' the capitalist (and without excusing the politician either). Is that okay with you? Does that satisfy your rigorous standard of intellectual integrity? What do you think you are suggesting? Corruption is the capitalist's nature, we knew he was a scorpion before we carried him on our backs over the pond so if he stings us and we die we only have ourselves to blame for our unrealistic expectations? Why does that excuse not also apply to the politician? Does that excuse work for me? How about armed robbers, rapists and serial killers? Is everybody entitled to the excuse "hey, it's just my nature, you should have known better" or is it under reserve just for the miscreants you like most? These are codified institutions of civilization, there are no special 'nature' exemptions, we are all rational agents exercising judgment and we all know the rules before we act. 'Responsibility' and 'accountability' are your ideals, not mine, and it should humiliate you that I have to admonish you on your own damn principles. You embarrass yourself with so patently absurd and hypocritical a suggestion as to plead not guilty by reason of nature.
-- grandiose sense of entitlement / no sense of proportion --
3) "A good businessman will do what it takes to get a leg up on the competition." Precisely! That is what is wrong with the ideal of capitalism and that is why our expectations of 'good' results from it are unrealistic. A businessman will always do what it takes... and a scorpion will always sting us in the back if we try to carry it across the pond. We don't let our children play with matches or polar bears for a reason. We burned ourselves with matches once when we were children and we learned through observation and discovery that polar bears will eat children. We have learned ten thousand times over through history that men with power are hazardous. That is why we advanced from the communal social model to institutionalized government. Government is not the consolidation of absolute uncontested power, it is the prohibition of power because (not all but) some men will always ruin the world for the rest of us with power and we never know which ones until after they have the power. How many times do you think we should repeat that mistake and learn that lesson before we alter our behavior? Conservatives are in a perpetual state of denial over our evolutionary heritage, our history and the lessons we learn from it. It's always just one more try... and this time we will surely prove once and for all that men with power will always only do heroic productive beneficial things with it and make the world a paradise for the rest of us.
Do you also always blame the victim in cases of rape? If not, you are a hypocrite. You blame the politician and the electorate for our weaknesses, for our desire to find the good in people, to trust the motives and intents of one another, to allow one another to live as each sees fit without suspicion and constant invasive supervision, but the malevolent malcontent that lies, cheats, corrupts and ruins the world for the rest of us? Totally innocent! It's not his fault, he's not to blame, he can't control himself, he can't help it, it's just his nature. -and this is the one and only guy you think should never be constrained by the tedious inconvenience of rules, regulations and restrictions. Don't try to argue with me. You forfeit EVERYTHING with your opening statement:
"A good businessman will do what it takes to get a leg up on the competition."
It says it all. You absolve him of all responsibility and it is the rest of us that are to blame for his actions. If he ruins the world for the rest of us, that's our fault, not his.
Yes, you are wrong. I explained (I didn't necessarily use small words but hey, I'm a liberal, it's my nature to condescend and try to impress with my expansive vocabulary).
EDIT: Please concentrate really hard on the following...
(You): "You blame the capitalist, for the politician being willing to be bought?"
I blame the capitalist for HIS CONSCIOUS POSITIVE ACTION, get it?
You are never responsible for anything, are you?
Everything is always society's fault, isn't it?