What makes America "the greatest country in the world"?
The Monarch
2015-01-05 01:11:46 UTC
A popular outside opinion is that America is in fact a deluded, backwards nation. So tell me, based on your insider knowledge, what makes America
"the greatest country in the world"?
359 answers:
2016-03-08 10:25:48 UTC
It is naive to call any country that has been around for only a little time the greatest period. No country deserves the title the "Greatest Country in the World" as there are few who have last a long time and also brought about great knowledge to the world. If one was to say "Greatest Country in the World in the 1900's or 2000's" or the "Greatest Modern Country in the World" answering yes would be acceptable due you only looking at the present or recent past. If you were to just say the "Greatest Country in the World" the answer would have to be no due to being only a few hundred years old while other countries are in the thousands, the effect we have had on the world and many things. If this was 2276 or sometime over 500 years and we are still here then possibly but the US is not even 300 years old we have not survived the test of time yet. There have been many countries that have done great for 300 years over the past 10,000 years if we can survive 500, 1000 or more then yes otherwise no
2015-01-05 18:15:38 UTC
Because not only do we have the most balanced government, the strongest military, and the the best economy beating out the second best, China, by 15 trillion US dollars, but we also have a system based on the people and invented the system of a constitutional republic that has spread like wildfire across other countries. We also are the world's only current superpower because we won the two world wars and the cold war due to the breakup of the S.S.S.R. (U.S.S.R.). Oh and the American Revolution is where we went 300 on Great Britain and won. That said, almost every European nation can be called great because of the historical and current power that they have. But the best is the people though. America has a higher diversity rate than any other country. Also as Josh said there is the nationalism part of me so sorry if it's a little biased because there are problems with every nation.
2015-01-08 19:49:24 UTC
Andy F
2015-01-05 11:04:26 UTC
It's my country, place where I was born, and it does have some very important virtues -- especially the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

This nation, like almost every other large and powerful nation in world history, also has committed some horrendous crimes and blunders. Like practically every nation in the world, it also tends to be hypocritical and nationalistic about its virtues, both real and imagined, while selectively forgetting all of its own faults.

That's just human nature.

As a lover of the USA as well as a native-born critic, I'm not going to say this is the "greatest country in the world," because what's the point? This is just nationalistic bragging, just rah-rah boosterism. Like claiming your city's NFL team or your high school football team is the greatest in the world.

So why ask about it?

What makes it the greatest country in the world -- for ME -- is that I was born here, and I hope to improve the place where it falls short.
2015-01-05 01:49:39 UTC
I'm a 21 year old female, never been out of the country (America), not even to Canada and i can only answer for myself so keep that in mind as I go on.

first, i think that's a hard question, and needs to be more specific. Are you referring to American Global Policy? America's success in regards to its own prosperity and security? Are you talking about America the county or Americans the people? What exactly are we being judged for; humanitarianism, industry, military power, or just a weird culmination of anything you can think of?

What you asked is a loaded question that is often tossed around the internet for a reaction and nothing more. If you wanted a serious discussion about America as a nation and its current place on the world stage you could have come up with a more focused question that would have facilitated that kind of response. However you have not done this, so i am either assuming you were just curious, or based on the context you've placed your question in looking for a fight or at the very least a good laugh.

All this aside i'll answer your question.

America is the only place i've ever known. The closest I've ever come to experiencing another country is meeting and befriending foreign exchange students. America is my home and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

To me America is great because it is huge. I can travel 4,000 miles and still be in the same country, while changing timezones and experiencing a completely different climate. We are a land of immigrants and we have the diversity to show for it. I love America because it can be really hard to determine what exactly makes someone an "American". In other countries nationality can be defined by citizenship, or race, or religion, or culture. You really can't do that in America. Being an American is belonging to an idea, and having a belief in opportunity. Illigeal immigrants who come here to support their families and make a life for themselves can be Americans. People of all colors, religions, shapes, and sizes can be Americans. A person who immigrates from china or Brazil can be just as much an American as someone who was born and raised here.

To me America is the greatest because of the people who are united by it. America collects and raises people who want to believe in it and make it something special.

America makes mistakes, sure. A lot of really bad mistakes. But everybody does, we could sit here and nitpick all of the things that make America awful and dangerous, but I'm sure that with the wonders of the internet I could do that with any other country too.

the truth is, that when most American's say "America is the greatest country in the world!" They are thinking of the idea of an America that the country that exists is professed to be working towards. We believe in an idea of hope and aspiration towards a mystical utopia, this land of opportunity, so ingrained in our culture that it boarders on religious belief.

The truth is that I think America is the greatest country in the world, because out of anyone, only in America is the idea of impossible as possible on a societal scale a constant.
2015-01-05 21:21:09 UTC
America is a wonder land for the opportunist. Every one who works hard, takes risks, and looks for opportunities to capitalize will eventually prosper in this country and will be wealthier than they could become in any other place on earth. The class system barriers are not here like they are in Europe. There are lots of wealthy people who came from a poor background. That doesn't happen much in Europe or any other developed country. There are poor people here because there is not such a large socialist safety net as there is in other first world countries. Working people that produce here have a harder time giving something that is theirs to someone who sits and does nothing. They expect the same from them, and the opportunity is certainly there. They are just not motivated enough to better themselves. With that said, the poor here live much better than the average person in most countries. A typical middle class family in the US has much more purchasing power than anyone in Europe has. How many middle class families in Europe own a 2000 sq. ft. home with 3 bathrooms on a large lot, and driver new vehicles that are large enough to seat 6 people? Most of them are crammed in multi-family housing paying rent, no lawn, and a little clown car because they have no purchasing power. Canada is the only country that is comparable, and it is not even as affordable. Australia and New Zealand are next, but not close. Health care? You have to buy it here, but you can afford to buy it if you work, and when you do it is the best health system in the world. No rationing or waiting.
2015-10-27 09:36:25 UTC
Every one who works hard, takes risks, and looks for opportunities to capitalize will eventually prosper in this country and will be wealthier than they could become in any other place on earth. The class system barriers are not here like they are in Europe. There are lots of wealthy people who came from a poor background. That doesn't happen much in Europe or any other developed country. There are poor people here because there is not such a large socialist safety net as there is in other first world countries. Working people that produce here have a harder time giving something that is theirs to someone who sits and does nothing. They expect the same from them, and the opportunity is certainly there. They are just not motivated enough to better themselves. With that said, the poor here live much better than the average person in most countries. A typical middle class family in the US has much more purchasing power than anyone in Europe has. How many middle class families in Europe own a 2000 sq. ft. home with 3 bathrooms on a large lot, and driver new vehicles that are large enough to seat 6 people? Most of them are crammed in multi-family housing paying rent, no lawn, and a little clown car because they have no purchasing power. Canada is the only country that is comparable, and it is not even as affordable. Australia and New Zealand are next, but not close. Health care? You have to buy it here, but you can afford to buy it if you work, and when you do it is the best health system in the world. No rationing or waiting.
2015-01-09 00:36:57 UTC
If the U.S. is NOT the greatest nation in the world (for better or worse- greatest doesn't always mean that

everything we do is good), then what other nation WOULD it be? Russia isn't even close, and while China

has potential for the future, even they have a long ways to go to reach equality with the U.S. in so many

categories- The U.S. economy is still 2.5 times larger than the Chinese economy, and what they do produce includes far less items of importance & far more trinkets, their military lags 20-25 years behind the U.S., poverty is far more common & severe in China, and overall, they're less developed.

So if not Russia or China, who else is even in the running? Assuming, of course, you define greatness

as being powerful, influential, etc.- the traditional definition. But someone who defines greatness as

a nation that values culture, art, great food, enjoying the moment & life in general without puritanical

guilt for enjoying yourself might find nothing great about the U.S., and nominate France, for example.

Greatness could be a very relative term. But by the traditional definition, if you eliminate the U.S., you

quickly run out of viable contenders, at least for now.
Charlie Chaplin
2015-01-05 15:29:46 UTC
Ireland is the greatest country.

(This is a fact) We have made the most contributions to the world. Technology and science etc

America the greatest country in the world? No. Maybe if they didn't waste so much of their time faking the "moon" landing. Look at the evidence. DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME UNTIL LOOKING AT THE EVIDENCE FIRST. IT WAS FAKE. And anyway, do you really think NASA wouldn't mind risking a man dying on LIVE TV? They must have been really confident.
2015-01-08 21:53:51 UTC
Everything and I'm from America. My last Disaster solution given to another Nation to feed their people 4 times better/ after experimentation they implemented my Triple output solution that grows 4 times more food per farm per year and where it was implemented, it turned off Global Warming / confirmed by other Nations 11/28/2012 Ice Accumulation. Today 1/8/2012 Ice is still accumulating on earth, but by Global Warming ending, it some how triggered Haley's Comet into returning to its original mission and it collided with the so- called incoming Asteroid 13 years from earth. I dubbed the collision THE BIG BANG. About a week later I received pictures from the Hubble Telescope on another web site showing the aftermath. 10 large chunks drifting in different directions away from earth 13 years from here and saving our Universe. I'm also known as The Major Disaster Solutionist American Master and I have a Disaster solution for each of Nature's disasters that Nature unleashes on all species in and on earth and to top this off, I quit High School in the middle of the 12th. grade, now where on earth other than AMERICA can just anyone accomplish all this. You'll find me in Who's Who Society's from Hollywood, FL. to Northern New York State. Have a nice day. Global command
2015-01-09 15:33:26 UTC
Well if you want the truth America isn't the greatest country. We may say it but we really aren't. There are some good things about here but there are many bad things as well.

Good things are we have a lot of freemdom...well only if you have enough money and power to buy it...

We are also stubborn which can be a good and bad thing.

Bad things are well too many to name...

We have a corrupt goverment/justice system

We tell other countries to fix themselves up when we have bad problems as well

We are very rude, stubborn, unfair, stupid people

America has many starving,homeless, and ensleved people

I don't think I need to go on but I just thought I should share the truth about our so called greatness...
2015-01-08 20:44:38 UTC
Im American, and I personally think this country has a ridiculously big ego. And the people who run this country tend to whine when the don't get what they want. Im probably only saying negative things because I'm in a bad mood, but there are positive attributes to America also. We are incredibly blessed when it comes to the amount of freedom we are allowed, even though that freedom is gradually decreased all the time, and I believe the American people need to take a stand
2015-01-06 12:00:23 UTC
besides what others have said you need to know that America has never been a backward nation, while people may be a little deluded these days because of so many changes being made, by "young" people wanting change while the elders know why we like america and are trying to keep it the wonderful way it was, well students are swaying each others for change and that's sad.

Most of all we have "freedoms", many different kind that other countries don't have because dictators and communists rule their nation.
2015-01-05 14:21:42 UTC
A country is defined by the people within it and not just its system of government. A country based on God, equality, values, opportunity, courage, respect, and knowledge is a great country. US has never been all of these things but has a lot of potential. Being rich doesnt mean we are great. A great community or nation values all of its citizens equally and what they can offer the community as a whole. US today feels everything is someone else problem. Watch the TV show called What Would You Do. Most people don't seem to care about anyone else anymore. What impact one family impacts all of us. When we realize this we will be on the way to being a truly great nation.
2015-01-06 21:40:06 UTC
America being the "greatest" is entirely subjective.

We have a free press, as opposed to a state-controlled one... but then neither Fox nor CNN can manage to give themselves a good non-biased rep.

We have a justice system that promises 'right to a swift trial,' instead of a person being locked up forever without even being charged (Russia), but then that same system will acquit someone who is blatantly caught on tape committing a crime if a lawyer shuffles paperwork!

We are the "richest" country on Earth, but not only are there still homeless people and kids that go to bed hungry... there are 300-lbs. people eating on food stamps, falsifying their income and employment status!

If we truly are the "greatest" country on Earth, THAT designate MUST have an asterisk at the end of it.
2015-01-07 06:08:32 UTC
Well, I really do not want to stir a debate or offend anyone, but from a fair sample of the answers I've read so far, it seems that nor History nor Geography are popular curricula in the U.S.......

This said, most people think his/her country is the greatest, so I suppose there's no harm in it, at least not until it becomes an excuse for war, oppression or exploitation.... and frankly in recent history America has had her share of it.
2015-01-06 10:04:17 UTC
Fact is that most Americans have never lived outside of the USA so anything They think or say is mostly what Their government has told Them. I spent a few years living in other countries and one of Our greatest sources of entertainment was watching the American version of what had been happening in the World that day. We were also able to get the Russian + British and other countries versions also . And because there was a War going on around Us We also knew first hand what was actually happening where We were . Also it was always easy to get a copy of the latest Stars and Stripes newspaper. So to answer Your question I would have to say that there are a lot of great Countries and America is only one of them. Truth is America still has a lot of growing up to do. Example = One of My friends is a Black American He lives in Istanbul Turkey. When I asked Him why He had moved to Turkey His answer was Because in Turkey the people don't care if I'm Black . The Turks treat Me as a equal and the color of My skin is of no importance. I doubt if many American Blacks will ever be able to say that.
2015-01-09 08:14:06 UTC
I disagree with you about America being the greatest land on earth. The myth that people in other developed and developing nations never become wealthy is not true they often times do become wealthy. Its a nation in decline and will only get worse as time goes on. I want to renounce my US citizenship for another developed nation. The smaller population of countries like Switzerland has nothing to do with their economic success. They do not let anyone without money come into their country unless they are refugees and they do not let foreigners tell them how to run their country and how to live. They take care of their own then consider letting foreigners in which is something that we should have done a long time ago and they do not let anyone who is unskilled or without money immigrate to their country. They do not have millions of illegal immigrants sucking the government dry and demanding that they speak their language and adapt their culture instead of the foreigners adapting to the native peoples culture and language. I am trying to leave the US as quickly as possible but visas to other countries are much more difficult to obtain. Its easy to get to the US and become a US citizen but to leave the US and get another first world citizenship then renounce your US citizenship is very difficult.
2015-01-05 02:38:45 UTC
The People.
2015-01-06 03:16:42 UTC
The people of all the other countries of world can easily lead their life in America . And these people make America the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-08 19:48:27 UTC
Well, all of the answers given here seem to be right on. America When I talk with foreigners, they tell me how they LOVE America. If all foreigners hated America, then we wouldn't have so many people from other countries becoming citizens, either legally or illegally. Sure some people dislike or even hate the US, but most love us.
hamidreza r
2015-01-05 20:45:56 UTC
Nationality is all about social classes. Imagine the whole population living on earth as a society. We are placed in different social classes whether wealth, social position, nationality, education, ethnicity etc. Someone abusing their power is falling deep down. We have no idea what we're doing on the planet. Many children are dying everyday while someone else spends million of dollars on unnecessary Plastic surgeries (beauty is good but at what expense?). I don't want to talk about spirituality, but to build our mortal life, we are causing severe damage to our true self. The greatest "person" is someone whose decisions are objective, not for he/she is the center of the world.
2015-01-08 21:36:13 UTC
Brain-drain from other countries,

Think-tanks from other countries

have contributed a lot to the development of America.

You can identify a Japanese,Chinese,Indian,British,Italian,French,German or African.But one cannot identify an American by his look since all immigrants from above origin constitute Americans.Americans were not born but made from other people.The original Americans are unsung.Americans are identified with their funny English Accent,Spelling,Behaviour,Enthusiasm,Dullness and some other Negative Qualities.
2015-01-05 12:16:56 UTC
Perhaps this is the answer that you are looking for.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of where you come from, or recognizing the strengths of a nation. But you must be weary of Nationalism. It leads to an apathetic attitude biased against the weaknesses of a nation or state. The moment it offends you to discuss or recognize the truth, you know you've got a problem. We are however back to back world war champs!
2015-01-05 01:36:47 UTC
You can get really good weed anywhere in the US at a decent price. There are few other countries where this is true but America also has a diverse cross section of hot chicks of every race, nationality, and religion. I love that about the USA.
2015-01-05 12:22:33 UTC
"Backward Nation"? what country are you coming from?! I am from outside America, I know what people think about America out there. Granted, that's not all the people from outside would think America is the greatest country in the world but Backward nation? I never met anybody that think America is a backward nation and yes, I travel a lot before come here and become a citizen of USA and fall in love with this country more than any place in the whole world. I wouldn't say America is the greatest country in the world but ONE OF THE GREAT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and far from being a backward nation!
2015-01-05 11:48:41 UTC
The people who live here. Sure we have some real idiots in this country, but by and large, if America isn't the greatest country, why are there so many people trying to get here?
2015-01-09 04:16:39 UTC
Yes America is absolutely one of the best countries in the world! Everything seems to work in perfect order: Labour market, politics, and absolute perfectness in the way laws are made and dealt with. I live in Italy and i feel so ashamed of living here, and Always hearing and seeing upsetting things, no labour market improvement, no good laws for the population, taxes extremely high.
2015-01-05 12:10:35 UTC
When another country lands a man on the moon it may have caught up to the America if the 1960s.
2015-01-05 06:11:05 UTC
America's flag has 50 stars (if I'm correct) and it's 10 times better than the 5 star standard.
2015-01-09 21:00:57 UTC
In my opinion the only real things that make America the greatest country in the world is their economical plan, and advanced technology
2015-01-09 19:57:27 UTC
Well people have such sad pathetic little egos, they will do anything to place themselves above everybody else. Regardless if there are any facts involved in their statement. In fact the less truth people hear, the more better they can convince themselves their own sugar coated delusions are real. The best way to deal with self delusional fckwits is to just ignore them. There's a good chance that nothing they say will ever matter anyways.
2015-01-05 19:36:38 UTC
American WAS the greatest country in the world but that ended several decades ago. The potential is still there but it will take one hell of a huge tragedy to bring it back out.
Latin Techie
2015-01-09 07:34:38 UTC
Greatest country in the modern World is actually the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the British Empire which gave birth to the United States Of America and hence much of the modern world can trace its roots back to the British Empire. FACT..
2015-01-07 04:05:28 UTC
I think it's the "greatest" due to its large natural and human resources. There are many countries with similar standard livings but America is the biggest. This concept is a little bit overdone. We have military, good jobs and plenty of opportunities but the society still has a large percent of people living in poverty. But don't forget the so called "American dream" which is routed in the Declaration of Indepence. I think that etho made US so cool in comparison to the rest of the world.
2015-01-10 06:57:02 UTC
America isn't the greatest country...

Because how long history America's has such long history has my trees in my yard
2015-10-22 07:24:55 UTC
America ranks #1 in retardation among humans, #1 in civil liberties taken away, #1 in controlled speech, #1 in cancer, #1 heart disease, #1 in diabetis, #1 in being a piece of crap place to live.

#1 in arrogant close minded people saying its "#1". Its such a great place!
2015-01-05 16:46:15 UTC
consider this..if America WERE such a "backwards nation"..why is the rest of the world risking death to COME here?!..THAT is all the answer an intelligent person should NEED!
2015-01-05 01:33:38 UTC
because you can say its not, its actually a craphole full of delusional idiots who are easily manipulated to believe anything a bunch of religious or liberal crazies want, we're like massively in debt and the leaders just keep lying to themselves and spending money like no tomorrow. our country is so culturally backwards we look like a bunch of drunken rednecks to the rest of the world.

say something just as unpatriotic in china and you'll be shot.

thats why america is so awesome.
2015-01-05 03:06:22 UTC
I would quantify my statement and say "greatest country in the world, of it's size." It's easy for European countries to say they have it better, when they have a smaller population than California and the USA is footing the bill for a large chunk of their defense.
2015-01-07 13:58:22 UTC
I live in England and I love America!!! it's the coolest place ever but idk why I really like it. I guess it's the fact that its got a cool president and the fact that guns are allowed and how there are awesome fast food restaurants everywhere. I also really like the accents I think that's a good reason too :)
2015-01-05 18:23:13 UTC
Have to be the American police that make it great. Always good for a laugh world wide. So they keep the Country on alls mind.
2015-01-06 03:56:41 UTC
The ability of people to delude themselves into thinking its a fair society
2015-01-05 13:19:16 UTC
The most thing i love in America is the freedom of choice
2015-01-08 12:26:14 UTC
It absolutely is NOT the greatest Country in the world. Not even close.. Norway is the GREATEST Country in the World. I traveled to Norway last year-- they have it so put together. The people actually respect their Government. Americans are so entitled and are the hardest people to please, it's embarrassing...No matter which President gets elected here, we complain...A bunch of spoiled brats we have turned into, lol.
YB Logical
2015-01-05 01:38:06 UTC
Funny thing how the rest of the world turns to such a deluded, backwards nation during times of crisis.
2015-01-05 17:07:35 UTC
America is the greatist country in the world because our country is supposed to have freedom, and everyone can live the way they want too.
2015-01-08 21:22:15 UTC
short sentence : america ISN'T the great country in the world.
Candace R
2015-01-06 16:40:54 UTC
I don't know that America is the greatest country in the world. I happen to live here, but I wouldn't come here if I didn't. Canada perhaps. Some of the little island nations where it's warm perhaps. But who wants a place where the high in the next 24 hours is -3, you can't get a job, mail delivery is undependable, and everybody and their brother wants to drug test you?
2015-01-09 07:36:38 UTC
Sad to say our government use all ways including those the unacceptable ways and non humanistic to reach what they want , no morals no goodness , we kill this and that for oil , we use the poor and always stand with the strong side even when they are wrong
2015-01-10 04:56:17 UTC
Do anything for money. Let it be world war or attacking on other countries.
2015-01-05 17:59:31 UTC
The second Amendment, the smartest thing the founding fathers ever did.
2015-01-10 10:29:37 UTC
Because nowhere is perfect there are going to be bad things and good things about your country. But when you live there you just have to suck it up and move on.
2015-01-09 08:04:12 UTC
We can elect an "affirmative action" president solely because of the color of his skin !!

We can re-elect him even though he`s proved to be an abject MORON !!
Kelly R
2015-01-05 10:55:44 UTC
I wake up and turn on the news, and I hear about 20 horrible new stories about death, crime, and politics in our nation. Then I hear a story about how the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram kidnapped and sold school girls into slavery and forced marriages. After I hear something like that, I remember how lucky I am to live in the US. That's just my perspective.
2015-01-05 01:32:45 UTC
American exceptionalism

We sent men to the Moon and brought them back safely. Pretty exceptional
2015-01-05 17:42:02 UTC
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. -JFK
robert g
2015-01-05 09:03:33 UTC
its the people that make a country as long as those people aren't politicians members of the f.b.i or the c.i.a or in any position of power were they let it go to their heads
2015-01-06 03:25:55 UTC
The USA is the fattest country in the world. Is that what you mean? In most other repects, the USA, as of 2015, is deluded and backwards.
Tad Dubious
2015-01-08 14:17:21 UTC
Let's see: we invented the Internet. We bail more countries out of trouble than any other nation on the planet. We have the National Football League and NASCAR. It's really a long list .... Oh, and we do not have to SAY we're the greatest ... we just KNOW!
2015-01-08 05:47:45 UTC
This is because their are hot chicks from every race in the United states!!
2015-01-08 04:24:23 UTC
America definitely is greatest.

1. most discoveries happened there.

2. most money residing there

3. huge country and hence vast places to visit, so no bore if you have money

4. a beautiful scenic country

5. friendly and happy go lucky people

6. a pollution free country

The list goes on and on
2015-01-07 21:53:45 UTC
What makes us great? Well...we died for this land, we kicked ass in all wars but 2-3 ( depends on who you ask ), we have freedoms that truly outrank everyone else's freedoms, we have proven we can beat stronger enemies, republicans, we can talk and post things about our president, we have the right to vote, conservatives, and we have been a hardworking country ( obese country maybe, but we have always been a hardworking country ) if we don't make up by smarts then we make it up by hard work.
2015-01-07 19:25:54 UTC
For one, you can say that , in public, and not get killed.

For another, if you're clever enough, you can make a profit on doing it as well.
2015-01-07 15:03:45 UTC
The Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us. We have been blessed by our God and He is your answer because all good things come from above. He has been America's Protector and Provider, but 9/11 was a great wake up call from the Lord. Our enemy can come in like a flood if we take our eyes off the Lord.
2015-01-07 14:34:55 UTC
To be honest with you, I have never seen a country as great as the US, Canada, and England. There are other first world countries as well. But I never heard of all of them. It is rare to see a country as great as these. Every country is very poor. India and Africa are probably the poorest places. Every child has to share meals to their siblings. Ebola, and other diseases/cancers get spread easily those poor countries. People don't have homes and they probably sleep in huts or slums.

That's why be proud you live in America or a first world country. It is the greatest country in the world, because we food all around us, homes to live, and so many job opportunities. The employment rate in America is only 6% (pretty low), America has companies that supply to all over the world. People rely on America to donate to poor countries. Lastly, we have a lot of territory.
2015-01-07 14:30:11 UTC
technology, science, education, knowledge, the bible
2015-01-07 14:03:45 UTC
America isn't necessarily the greatest country in the world anymore, though it was at one point. I think the reason people still call America the greatest is because they don't want to admit that they are no longer the best. People in general have a hard time admitting that there are people that are better than them. At one point people could come over to America from other countries and start businesses that they were either not able to do because of finances or because of government intervention. There are plenty of foreigners who came over and succeeded in creating large corporations or just decent small businesses. That was called the American dream. Unfortunately, our government has set in major regulations which has hindered the American dream, and forced people to look for opportunity elsewhere. Large companies such as Burger King used inversions to move to other countries to avoid billions of dollars in taxes to the American government. Our economy is doing fairly horribly, the government couldn't event pass a budget, and the military only get two meals a day because of our bad economy. There isn't really a logical reason to back up the statement that America is the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-07 13:51:38 UTC
Brain washing..
Michael V
2015-01-07 12:18:27 UTC
America as greatest nation on earth is typically a product of blind nationalism. The world is a great place.

(Could be a great place if there weren't so many of us and so many armed conflicts and poverty of all sorts.)
2017-02-24 09:29:44 UTC
I onl;y went to the Toilet for a Minute when did the world change so Much the usa has never been the Greatest at anything But warmongering
2015-01-08 16:13:07 UTC
"Freedom and freedom".

Quote from "The Newsroom". Lol
2015-01-08 13:37:56 UTC
America is not the greatest country. You only get healthcare if you can afford - NHS all the way
2015-01-08 05:14:01 UTC
Nothing. Americans are deluding themselves.
2015-01-08 00:05:18 UTC
I think I read somewhere that Finland is the best.. i think people are happier there, more knowledgable, and have the best schools/education systems in the world (but shhh don't tell anyone here that. The Fins are "socialists" with extremely high taxes which are considered to be very very BAD things here) .. with that said... There are great things about the USA and awful ones too.. I wouldn't say we're the "best" overall.. But we are the "best" at certain things.. I would agree that overall we as a nation are pretty "deluded" but I wouldn't say "backward".. but, what makes us great is that there is opportunity here that doesn't always exist elsewhere. However, much of the time, we don't see it nor take advantage of it because we don't know any different.. Forgieners or "imports".. they "get it" and can often make huge economic strides because of the resourcefulness they've learned in their home countries and cultures.
2015-01-07 18:04:09 UTC
I really think it is a matter of opinion really. I used to live in the US, now I live in the UK and have done for ten years. I think the UK is the best nation in the world.
Ursus Particularies
2015-01-07 18:03:53 UTC
The Grand Canyon and food growing everywhere plus purple mountains majesty with zillions of acres of wildflowers and authentic Mississippi River Steamboats as well as the Mysterious Bubbleland. Plus Crater Lake and Niagara Falls, the Missouri River and the Biggest Moose and trees found on earth.

Trains, planes, huge Eureka trucks, vast underground caverns, Mount St Helens, Portland, the World's Best Pizza. Idaho Potatoes, the World's Biggest Lakes, Matanuska Valley, the biggest cornfields and pumpkins in the entire world and you can travel all around the place without having to use a different language or get a visa, so long as you are a citizen.

The water is distributed far more evenly than in Australia too. And it's not too hot for bears in most places.
2015-01-07 17:47:46 UTC
It's got a great government from our forefathers' perspective and design, yet it's slowly eroding in quality through self-centered persons who are powerful . It's sheer size and wealth has kept it afloat so far yet other countries with more determination may surpass in many ways, unless we realize this and act on it. Above all we must keep the Constitution alive.
2015-01-07 17:22:07 UTC
It is not a country damn it! That is the name of a continent. The real name is United States of America not America. Don´t be so selfish to consider yourselves as the only thing worthy in a whole continent.
2015-01-07 17:20:58 UTC
They are an economic super power. They have large army and can defeat anyone who opposes
2015-01-07 16:21:52 UTC
we are free and have rights duh
2015-01-07 16:06:24 UTC
When someone's mind is deluded and poverty is priority then you get a

backwards result for them but instead of looking for any opportunity to

improve they blame another country for that. A country that offers no opportunity

for a good life should at least think about going to one that can offer them a

chance to survive to say the least, instead of making false statements. "Stuck in a rut"

is what they should be saying too to see bright lights for the first time blind them as well.
Larry Phischman
2015-01-07 15:02:36 UTC
It isn't. It used to be, but we stopped trying to be better after the Soviet Union self destructed.
2015-01-07 12:59:21 UTC
Everything in America is supersized!!!
2015-01-07 10:42:34 UTC
Well "greatest" is subjective and different for individuals. Now the attributes that I think makes the US very good are as follows (note not perfectly):

Rule of law - Now it is not perfect but better than almost any other country.

Opportunity for competent workers - There are of course some barriers and supports for individuals or groups but it is better than almost any other country.

Variation - You can select the weather, culture, and many other things within our country that you would have to leave other countries to find.

This is sufficient for me.
2015-01-07 08:54:20 UTC
America is the land of all races, creeds, religions, with the freedom to chose for oneself. American gives month to many nations to help them reach goals. But more America was founded by those who found their countries too controlling, allowing generations to make choices, even stupid ones
2015-01-07 05:37:37 UTC
It's not the greatest. As a well-traveled American, I have seen other great countries, including ones that have much better social welfare systems then ours. However, USA has many positive aspects: 237 years of democratic government, only one civil war, freedom of speech, multiculturalism, freedom of religion/non-religion geographic diversity, some class mobility.
2015-01-07 04:52:10 UTC
You must be kidding. We rank almost last in everything that matters, when compared to other modern nations. Health care, wages, life expectancy, quality of living, a government responsive to the needs of it's people, etc.

But don't take my word for it. Look it up.
2015-01-06 21:19:21 UTC
Jeff Daniels give the best explanation of why America is NOT the greatest country in the world. He hits its spot on check the clip out.
Robert M
2015-01-06 13:33:30 UTC
I wish I shared this feeling, but I do NOT! We ARE BACKWARDS compared to other countries like GERMANY, SWEDEN, DENMARK< NORWAY and even France! and even JAPAN! We have lost many freedoms due to 911 and it's aftermath, and our GOVERNMENT is failing us as well! Our economy is NOT doing will, and our current state of even HEALTH CARE is twenty years behind! we STILL use way o much FERTILIZER and CORN SWEETENER in foods, that was OUTLAWED in EUROPE! We are more of a SERVICE country now as many factories and industries have LEFT US BEHIND< and even encouraged by the BUSH FAMILY! In MICHIGAN< our schools are INFERIOR and many are even KNOCKED DOWN like a third wold country! The TEXTILE industry once thriving has ALSO left this country! WE only recently have SOMEWHAT SAFE CARS< and even our ELECTRONICS are FAR BEHIND as well! It took FIFTEEN YEARS for us to get STEREO TV approved, and wwe STILL have a RUINED FEDERAL BUDGET and even LOCAL budgets as well! It takes us WAY TOO LONG to get ANY ideas that will re-shape our future into ACTION! OUr STREETS are crime ridden and the police are not able to handle the crime rates out there! We are actually a THIRD CLASS country now with AWFUL LEADERSHIP and CRIMINALs in WASHINGTON and in positions of POWER! In DETROIT we had KILPATRICK stealing city funds and giving big BONUS checks o his cronies! I PERSONALLy have nearly been killed just trying to do my jobs! MURDERS and CHILD MOLESTERS are treated better than people with driving tickets! We have VERY BAD system for BALANCE.Our DOCTORS are NOT as well trained as EUROPEAN ones are, and EAST ASIAN and Easterners occupy many of our college seats as genuine BORN and RAISED AMERICANS are left in the COLD< as we FAVOR those foreigners! OUr POLICE have TOO MUCH POWER< and information on all of us! My PHONES were even tapped for a while! MANY TIMES if I had FIREARMS< I would have USED IT< and that is a VERY SAD way to live! WE have incredibly BACKWARDS thinkers in charge of nearly ALL realms! We should have AUTO RATINGS for SPEED based on the CAR DESIGNS and capabilities of the DRIVERS< e.g.! OUr leaders have been more USELESS than ever, and we are ALL subjected to changes we do NOT approve of many tiems! CIVIL RIGHTS are CONVOLUTED! Our INFRA STRUCTURE is an abomination in MICHIGAN alone as the streets were NEVER made the right way in the first place! We have concentrated TO MUCH TIME and MONEY on WARS and other areas that are destructive and NOT productive at all! This is why EUROPE is WAY AHEAD OF US! They concentrate on doing things BETTER with LOTS of nationality feelings underneath! we have LOST our sense of NATIONAL PRIDE if you ask me! And we are offered SARAH L+PALIN< a great CUE CARD READER as a presidential candidate as we get MORE and MORE IDIOCRACY instead of DEMOCRACY in nearly every day living! We are FUELED by MATERIALISM instead of by common sense many times! Our LEADERS are also over educated and POWERLESS to make things RIGHT again! There is TO much imbalance between the RICH and the POOR and it gets WORSE every day! EUROPEANS at 23 have TWO COLLEGE DEGREES< and I know plenty of AMERICANS that are 23 and STILL in HIGH SCHOOL doing the same old things EVERY DAY leading to NOWHERELAND! Many properties in MICHIGAN are WORTHLESS< and we have BLIGHT EVERYWHERE in many Michigan cities, an EMBARRASSMENT to the rest 9of the world as I see it! the GM BUILDING which should be a MONUMENT to our auto industry is surrounded by BROKEN STREETS< abandoned homes and FAILED factories with BOARDED WINDOWS! Our AUTO PLANTS are nearly totally GONE< as ASIAN and EUROPEAN factories move in! WANT A 35 K BUICK from CHINA or KOREA???? NOT ME! BYE NOW! MEANWHILE the BUSH FAMILY of OIL WELL OWNERS retires to a MULTI MILLION DOLLAR ranch in Texas, another OIL RICH state! WHERE IS SANITY over this???
2015-01-08 13:47:44 UTC
A few good men.
2015-01-08 13:16:07 UTC
It's not. Our economy sucks, the government is corrupt, we're sending troops to their death for no good reason, women are still payed 23% less than men, social issues are becoming a huge problem because Bible thumpers won't let people be themselves or love who they want. It's a sucky situation. Can I move to Western Europe? How's Iceland? The Netherlands?
2015-01-08 04:11:33 UTC
Because of good governance and good people who are also good follower to there government. :)
2015-01-07 21:26:28 UTC
I can't say we are "the greatest country in the world" in an all-inclusive sense. While there are excellent designs in our government that are reasonably unique, they are slowly being etched away in this age of terror and sensationalism. There is strength to a multi-party system of government that we enjoy but the weakness of change being painfully slow and without context at times.

Socially, we are a people divided and often posturing. Economic divisions accentuate the fact that our diversity is present but often segregated. There is a prevalence of privilege that is not consistently understood. We spend poorly on an individual and national level while desperately supporting laissez-faire practices.

All of that said, there are many positives for people to find here. It is powerful that so many people will unite under a single flag anywhere. There are fewer limitations on our access to information than some other countries. There are a great number of opportunities for those with drive and ability. Can I say that these opportunities are exclusive to America? No, I cannot. I simply know they exist at all which is positive.

I think one of the most wonderful things about America is it's potential. There are aspects of our policies that warrant a moments pause and are a little backward when compared to older nations. Realistically, America is still a rather young government and that is what offers opportunity. The end of imperialism for most nations was quite some time ago but America is still in the tail end of it's imperialist era. We have the opportunity to do things differently if those in power really step back and compare what is happening globally now with history. If that isn't done, however, I fear that what is great about America will slowly morph into a state resembling what we claim to always be fighting against.

I don't think that any country has everything right nor do I think that any country has everything wrong. It certainly seems that a great deal is removed from context, however, causing misunderstanding. Time will tell.
2015-01-07 18:23:04 UTC
nothing. it is not the best end of story
2015-01-07 18:17:16 UTC
2015-01-07 16:43:12 UTC
I can't really say whether the USA is the greatest country in the world. It certainly is far far from perfect. And I have to qualify my answer by saying I haven't spent much time outside of the US for maybe 20 years so things have changed. But as a woman, I found that the US has a far more progressive women's attitude, even better then the UK and far better then France, the two other countries who think they are women liberated. Even 2 or 3 years ago, the female French politicians and females who worked in government were just realizing, due to that US-assigned French diploma being accused of sexual harassment by American women while he was in the US and the accusation bringing down his career in France, that women did not have to just shut up and take whatever a male serves out. And as much as France likes to say they are color-blind, if you actually are among the general populous, you find out just how bigoted they are but in such an underhanded, subversive sort of way. In many countries still, it is very difficult for someone born in a lower class to advance upward; class is still very important and still determines someone's worth. I thoroughly enjoy visiting other countries, especially if I can spend some time there becoming familiar with the people and the customs and culture. But I am always always always so glad to come home to the US where I understand the laws so I don't feel I have to monitor everything I do or say, as a woman I don't have to conduct myself any differently then the men, I know what the laws are and that if I should get arrested I have certain rights. Sure, those laws aren't equal for everyone, the US still has a whole lot of faults and room to grow better. And as someone who was born and raised here, I understand it. Whenever I get fed up with the US and it's laws, it's unfairness, etc., I just take a vacation somewhere outside the country to a whole different culture and once again I am reminded why the US is my home and why I have no interest in expatriating myself. The US is also a varied and beautiful country--landwise.
Dalilp Singh w
2015-01-07 16:37:41 UTC
because of war power
2015-01-07 15:56:21 UTC
Personally...I was adopted from Russia and brought to America when very young. My parents used to always tell me how lucky I am to live in a country with so much freedom. America is a great country, I'm not denying that but, it may not be the best. Many other countries also are considered to give it's citizens a lot of freedom. Also, America isn't the best academically, economically, or peace wise. Plus, almost 25% of the American population are or have been in prison so... I think that a lot of Americans believe that They live in the greatest country in the world, the same way someone from Canada might, or someone from England. America and its citizens certainly have a lot of great qualities but I believe it's all a matter of opinion.
2015-01-07 14:03:17 UTC
Because we were a Christian nation for many decades until Barack Obama said that " America is no longer a Christian nation.
2015-01-07 12:04:35 UTC
(I've lived in America all my life and this is coming from a strong opinionated American female.) The government is corrupted. If you have money its taken away from you and given to people who dont have/want jobs or immigrants who dont even know the language. America is NOT the "Greatest country in the World" people call it that because of the bill of rights, the ten commandments, and our freedom of speech/religion. I'll tell you know that America is not all that great. It has opportunities for people but not very many. I can't tell you how many people have come here in hopes of fame and fortune and failed. Only a select few have succeeded. We have freedom. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
2015-01-07 11:16:24 UTC
If it weren't for America, expressing popular opinion would not be tolerated by World dictators..
2015-01-07 10:02:22 UTC
Killing 2 million Native Indians!
2015-01-07 07:35:48 UTC
Is it supposed to be a joke? If America is the greatest country than India must be second best (Sarcasm)
2015-01-07 04:49:17 UTC
america is a crap country
2015-01-07 03:07:25 UTC
I think America is Greatest because, this contry has been very successiful in all its endvours of shaping the World. in terms of Wars, we look at Afganistan; Iraq; Libya; Syria; and now Ukraine. these countries are very very politically stable, thats why America is the Greatest. Palestine has been enjoying peace with Israel after America chose to veto UN resolutions on Palestinian bid for statehood, side by side with Israel, and the last war on Gaza by Israel only killed few hamas millitants, no civilian was killed after the US told the World " Israel has right to kill the Palstinians in deffence of its citzens, that's why Ameriac is the Greatest. It's the greatest because, What america says, Britain; France; Germany; and others in Europe do. Lets destroy Putin and his Russia with sanctions, Europe: "its done". America is also the greatest because it sends minority blacks and Latinos to jail houses than it does to whites. If you are black in the US, dont raise your hands up, you will be shot and dont steal cigarette, you will be chocked to death, or if you are a 12 years old with toy gun in the park you will be shot by Police. That's why America is the greatest nation of all times. God Bless the Unioted State of America
2015-01-06 17:05:33 UTC
the goverment
2015-01-06 15:57:42 UTC
The Zionist thieves
2015-01-06 10:53:24 UTC
America is NOT a country. So many Americans are so ignorant on that - I just cannot understand it. America is a CONTINENT. It is short for North America - how most North Americans view it. People living in South America would refer to America as being South America. America, is usually considered Canada and the U.S. I know - "Hollywood" has brainwashed you too. Too much TV. Too much Hollywood.
2015-01-06 08:43:20 UTC
America brought the world out of the dark ages. Most modern inventions were developed by Americans. For starters Americans developed the first computer. Our country has developed so many modern technologies too numerous to mention here and this is, in my opinion why America is the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-08 03:31:51 UTC
A country is defined by the people within it and not just its system of government. A country based on God, equality, values, opportunity, courage, respect, and knowledge is a great country. US has never been all of these things but has a lot of potential.
2015-01-07 22:04:20 UTC
Nothing other than the opinion of most Americans make

America "the greatest country in the world".
2015-01-07 21:54:09 UTC
We're rich and can get all the babes
2015-01-07 20:24:52 UTC
I wouldn't say that America is the best country in the world, because we aren't the best in everything. What makes America a great country though is that there is all kinds of people and culture living here. Everyone can express how they feel through religion, petitions, protests, stories, music, etc. Our literacy rate is also pretty high, so that means our education is good. There are a lot of things that makes America great, but there are some that isn't so great too.
2015-01-07 15:50:25 UTC
it is

2015-01-07 14:22:24 UTC
The goddamn guns son, yeh.
2015-01-07 12:20:46 UTC
2015-01-07 12:12:41 UTC
Simple answer: We are NOT the greatest country in the world. Never have been, never will be. Period.
2015-01-07 08:59:23 UTC
Americans are very insular. New Yorkers think New york is the greatest City, for example. I used to live there for many years. There are really only about 12 weeks in each year in which the weather in New York is perfect. So many other cities beat that around the World and some in the US. It is almost like mass hypnosis - if it is said often enough, just like the Frank Sinatra song 'New York, New York' about how wonderful the City is. It is a truism that if the City was near perfect on many levels - weather, etc, that nothing would need to be said - the fact that it is said repeatedly like a mantra makes it untrue.
Mother Hubbard
2015-01-07 06:51:20 UTC
The people who said that America was the Greatest Country in the World

were cleared OUT of European countries and in dire need of a home.

Any place that offered a re-start for them en masse was bound to be GREAT-

they had no other way to make it OK to lose Europe.
Jerry S
2015-01-07 05:15:10 UTC
2015-01-07 04:45:36 UTC
The freedoms and judicial system guaranteed under the constitution that Americans take for granted .

Most Americans do not under stand other countries do not offer or guarantee those rights or judicial system, once they leave the USA.
2015-01-07 04:15:31 UTC
oppressive policy against citizen

brutality police force

militarized state

unfriendly neghborhood

self serving politician

greedy corporate

state mouthpiece media

free loader

and censorship!!!
2015-01-07 03:58:04 UTC
It isn't. The fact that the GFC was triggered there, and it now has a debt that can never be repaid, well, simply proves it.

It did not beat Great Britain hands down. It was aided by 2 quarreling Brit Generals who never helped the other, o, & by the French, who thought helping the US would weaken it so they could win the next time they fought. WRONG again.
2015-01-07 00:36:34 UTC
ron paul
2015-01-06 19:33:46 UTC
it's beauty
2015-01-06 16:19:50 UTC
its wellfare!
2015-01-06 11:10:36 UTC
I really think its really bad form to talk about being the so called greatest. Every country has good points and bad points. I think America would do far better for itself and its image with its neighbors if I claimed that it is blessed and want to help other countries to enjoy the same blessings
2015-01-06 10:32:04 UTC
Look at how far we've come in 238 years compared to every other nation in the world. We have the most powerful military, we're the most charitable nation, this is a country of freedom, equality, opportunity, and the home of western culture. What other country has been to the moon? We helped win both world wars. I could literally go on forever about why America is the greatest country on earth.
2015-01-06 09:16:36 UTC
because they always stop other countries way of success.If there's a strong and balance Government, they damage that country economy, country leader and doing various things to stop their to be the greatest, America dosen't need a balance and stable government.

If you dont agree think about what happened in middle-east.
2015-01-08 13:25:00 UTC
2015-01-08 02:58:17 UTC
I dislike the expression "greatest." I may be partial to the place because I live here. I might as well say that planet Earth is the the greatest planet in the Universe. There is plenty wrong with America as there is with other parts of the world including whatever **** hole you happen to live in. Yes there are many stupid people in America, just like every other country in the world. (Otherwise how could they have reelected Obama?)
2015-01-07 22:39:22 UTC
WAS once great. not a real country anymore.
2015-01-07 16:43:15 UTC
they are not
2015-01-07 15:38:10 UTC
While I think my country is a great country, I will never make such an idiotic claim that it's the best in the world, especially when we rank 45th in the world for press freedom, 25th for education and have more people in jail then Russia, North Korea and China combined.
2015-01-07 11:51:00 UTC
2015-01-07 07:33:41 UTC
It has the image, a stereotype created by something that happen early (I'm bad at history), when America was just created. Perhaps it's when the poor British were traveling by boats to the USA when they couldn't survive in England (probably coal miners and others). It was the land of hope, a new land. It could be that it's greatness comes from that. It also can be that due to many modern revolutions (in women's and human right sections) were born in the US, also many war refugees from around the world could go to America to escape the war crimes. If you ask about person's nationality and ethnicity in America, almost everyone will be from somewhere and a mixture of different nationalities. So it has that air of "freedom" which is greatness for some.
2015-01-07 02:43:53 UTC
America is really really fuxxed up.... I think we have to be honest here... Theres wide spread corrupton... The gap between rich and poor is enourmous... The wealthy are so greedy they wouldnt change a thing but make the gap wider and wider... Meanwhile the majority who are poor just have no power to do anything about it...
2015-01-07 02:25:18 UTC
"Backward Nation"? what country are you coming from?! I am from outside America, I know what people think about America out there. Granted, that's not all the people from outside would think America is the greatest country in the world but Backward nation? I never met anybody that think America is a backward nation and yes, I travel a lot before come here and become a citizen of USA and fall in love with this country more than any place in the whole world. I wouldn't say America is the greatest country in the world but ONE OF THE GREAT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and far from being a backward nation!
2015-01-06 23:00:47 UTC
..."our" Constitution ! (the envy of the world !) Period, end of story !
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2015-01-06 13:18:52 UTC
Ever sent anyone to the Moon?

Then shut your yap ya second rater.
*Living The Dream
2015-01-06 13:01:59 UTC
It's not the greatest country in the world! Not every american is happy!

USA is really powerful but it's not the greatest place to live in. Some say Scandinavian countries are way much better than USA. (but not in military).

I see some Americans "envy" the Canadian health system.

Well, If you mean why america is very powerful. Probably it's controlled by the richest people in the world!
2015-01-06 11:06:59 UTC
This question is impossible to answer!!! There are so many dimensions with respect to a country!

I love America because it is my home, (although I also love Europe after having lived there for almost 15 years), but I would not call the US "the greatest country in the world"!!! That is what the Nazis said about Germany, and I am not a Nazi.

The US has a lot of positives and a lot of negatives. In my mind some of the positives and negatives are:


Very friendly, non-complicated people.

Great positive attitude: Americans will give just about anybody and anything a chance!

People will buy just about anything, making it easy to start a business.

Americans are constantly on the move making it easy to move somewhere and create a rapport with people within days if not hours after moving to a new place.

Great entertainment industry: American showbiz is way better than anybody else's

Great sports: football, baseball, and basketball are great sports!!!!

Cheap shoes and clothes when compared to Europe!!! :-) :-) :-)

Some of the negatives:

Very aggressive foreign policies

Lots of deadly violence.

Militarized, aggressive police.

Women still make 75 cents on the dollar whereas in Europe women make almost as much as men do

Very expensive and low quality health care.

A political system in which there is no real choice because the two parties are very, very similar and no matter who you vote for, things like foreign policies and main interior policies won't change, plus only rich people can afford to get into politics and other parties are killed by the press right off the bat.

Extreme nationalism and delusional self celebration: I would never say what I have been saying here in public because I would get seriously harassed. Most Americans see the US like a God, like a fanatic religion.

Very little vacation and sick leave. People slave away for the rich.

Poor quality, very expensive education.

All in all, though, the US is my country and I love it! :-)
Christopher F
2015-01-06 10:56:26 UTC
Such hyperboles are silly, as is the contrary sort of name-calling you mention.

I imagine that by "America" you mean the United States thereof, rather than the whole stretch of two continents and an isthmus that properly holds the name.

The USA has a unique and fascinating history, and it has an inherent dynamism -- a love of growth and of facing challenges -- that has produced, just for example, moon landings.

Surely if you live in Europe and are accustomed to various social-welfare institutions, like free college tuition, free health services, etc., then you MAY come to think that the US is backward. But that is to pre-judge a number of issues, as I hope you realize.

At any rate, I suspect the whole human race has to be considered backward until we all manage to rise above the myth of national sovereignty.
2015-01-06 09:44:26 UTC
The "ideas" expoused in "The Declaration of Independence" give us a chance to become "the greatest country in the world" but so far our "potential" remains unrealized.
2015-01-06 09:30:07 UTC
Saying it's the greatest country in the world is just an opinion. Many Canadians or Australians will tell you that their country is the greatest country in the world. I've been to the USA many times. It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
2015-01-06 03:48:06 UTC
Because as a nation, America does the greatest good in the world through its generosity and good deeds. The charity of its people is unmatched anywhere in the world. Furthermore the US government cast protections for 100s of millions of people from the long ugly history of wars in the 20th century and historical conflicts and continues to do so.

Finally, more innovation, more human advancement, more pushing for inalienable rights around the world, is saving people's lives; medicines, technology, cleaner better processes are bettering people's lives. This is an unparalleled event in human history.

Who is the first to show up at a tsunami anywhere in the world? The US.

America is the greatest because of its Great Deeds.
2015-01-06 01:14:47 UTC
the answer she gave that's common every where .it got be some things eals about America I blive what make it a great country u .s.a play big brother any other country wont to get a head they don't let them big brother hit the smaller one
2015-01-06 00:16:13 UTC
America is in my opinion a great country because we (in my opinion) take care of each other and seem to want to help one another. of course there are countless faults, but there are so many opportunities for everyone to be free, and get an education, and live life however you want to.
2015-01-05 20:26:14 UTC
Well now, let's consider the matter. The one and only nation to have sent men to the moon & brought them back. Who else would be so brave to that? The one and only nation to have a Disease Control Center. American doctors do not get on the phone & call France. Nope, French doctors - and doctors from around the wrold call the CDC. After WWII, America was the only nation left standing. Europe & Japan had not factories - no government. Instead of making our enemies pay, we rebuilt them. We helped establish governments, provided food, medicine, education & jobs. Through the American Aid program, every nation has been blessed. Even the communist nations during the Iron Curtain. America has sent troops around the world, not to enslave, but to set free oppressed people. Our nation was founded upon The Law of Liberty. We've ensured Freedom & Justice for all. If that's not good, then there is no good among men.
Paul S
2015-01-08 15:01:30 UTC
Quoting Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of England - "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at ... how many want in ... and how many want to get out."
2015-01-08 15:00:53 UTC
nothing in 5o years 80 of your population will be obese
2015-01-08 13:19:00 UTC
A lot of people think america is the best because of our rights and "freedom" which I think is slowly becoming more restricted. We have freedom of speech, a fair trial, and for many who are religious we are allowed any religion and peaceful protest. I think I like america although I've been to Asia I've never been to Europe so who knows maybe it isn't the best, it's all a matter of opinion
2015-01-08 11:29:47 UTC
America is self center to all the wrong reasons of what life is all about . Ithink the words from the bible say where all clueless to are true meaning in life.
2015-01-08 05:51:21 UTC
This is from a couple of decades ago. Much has changed in the world, and to answer your question is difficult and complex, and I don't exactly know how to respond. I'm not sure what makes America the greatest country, but I hope now, after reading the following letter, America's greatest STRENGTH is its' memory.

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.

When the franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it. When distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans. I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States Dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tristar, or the Douglas DC-10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American planes?

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon — not once, but several times — and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the American who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5,000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

Gordon Sinclair
2015-01-08 02:46:47 UTC
freedom, good living, access to good education, etc.
2015-01-08 01:18:36 UTC
america isnt a greatest country :)
2015-01-07 14:11:20 UTC
2015-01-07 14:06:15 UTC
Hey, whose flag is on the Moon?
2015-01-07 13:55:19 UTC
Diversity, religious freedom, freedom of speech, fairness, and individual liberty.
2015-01-07 12:39:37 UTC
What a load of bull has been written but mainly by American themselves but what is America? Firstly a true American is the Indians that were there before any people came to its shores from Europe. They were fed up with their own countries so they fled in the hope of living anew life in a new country. In terms of history (which it has none except for wars internal and external), it is one of the youngest countries in existence. It is not a rich country although it has oil, for the wealth is tied up by the few rather than the majority. Slavery still exists, in that until the time that each person irrespective of colour or gender is equal, then slavery is still around. When it is right for a white man to kill an unarmed black, even if the killer is a law officer, then the constitution mean nothing. All life is sacred but some are more sacred than others and sorry to say this but the blacks are second rate citizens open to abuse and to be killed without retribution to the killer. If this make the country the greatest country in the world, then God help Black Americans get equality and liberation within the courts.
tceffE rorriM
2015-01-07 10:46:49 UTC
Blah de want me to get all nationalist here with political generalized wah wah wah. Nahhhhhh. Let's see people come to the US because it is actually easier to score economic opportunity here than in most places. Despite a recession, we still generate plenty of healthy domestic production.

Buuuut, why is the US so great? AMUSEMENT PARKS :-) Restaurants galore! 24/7 Retail at your convenience. GREAT restrooms (if you've traveled? You know!). Fairly nice HOTELS that don't cost too much + western designed showers that pump out endless hot water. Starbucks on every corner. Fairly good ROADS. Working infrastructure.

Eh, so the gov't isn't 'peeeerfect'. In light of what we do have? No wonder, people WANT to come to the USA. Have you compared the house sizes + interior stuff you get vs. say, a typical home in a European country? OMG, we're spoiled. :-)

I didn't even touch on the natural amenities like vast national parks, state parks, local greenways.

And, you can wear flip flops. No one cares. Love it.

Everyplace has issues.
2015-01-07 04:58:30 UTC
What do you mean by great?.

America is the biggest economy, probably not for much longer.

America is arguably the greatest military power, Russia and China may have a case as well. It couldn't contain Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam though. (Neither could the former Soviet Union or the Chinese).

America is possibly the most technologically advanced nation, Japan and Germany may also have a case.

America is not the highest rated country in terms of per capita income, happiness of its people, size, or natural resources.

It's a great country to visit, and no doubt live in, as long as you have plenty on money.
2015-01-06 19:09:19 UTC
Chinese-Americans for a FREE TIBET
2015-01-06 16:38:30 UTC
Goodness and diversity.
2015-01-06 13:19:08 UTC
People make a country and they sort of make it in their collective image. The USA is a great country to North Americans (possibly excluding Canadians although Mexicans seem to share the view). I expect that Germany is a great country to Germans and Ireland is a great country to Irish. Probably the Japanese wouldn't like Ireland so much and maybe Germany isn't so great to Australians. There isn't a greatest country in the world to everyone in the world. If I think my country is great than it's because I like it here but that doesn't mean you would. Maybe your country is the greatest to you. If it's not than I suppose I feel a bit bad for you.

Added with fear for my life:

Fine. Sorry. The USA is the most awesomest place in the Universe and all other places including Heaven suck impossibly massive ass. God wishes he could live here. There you little nationalist pricks now stop threatening to burn down my house and kill my dog.
2015-01-06 13:14:31 UTC
America is not the best country. They use force and brawn because they don't have the brains to do anything else. Their economy has been through more crashes than my computer and the worst thing. They think their the best.

People should know by now that taking pride in your nation, by thinking your superior to someone because of where your from, and the whole nationalist idea is stupid. OPEN YOUR EYES.
2015-01-06 11:22:10 UTC
"a popular outside opinion", blah blah...

(of 3rd world peasents unable to get over here)
2015-01-06 05:02:13 UTC
being fat
Special EPhex
2015-01-05 21:53:00 UTC
You can be dirt poor from another country and come here and make a fortune within one generation. It is the "Land of Opportunity" for a reason. America is not without flaws, but if offers the best opportunity to make you own way in life than any other nation. Part of "American Exceptionalism" is that the founders intended that the citizens are on equal standing with those who govern. Throughout our nations history, we have continued to preserve that idea, which was unheard of at the time of it inception.
2015-01-08 10:49:30 UTC
Ur, no you don't thump the rest of the world with that crap. For starters u did nothing in the wars until all the other countries had been battered to starvation and were winning on their own, France and Britain WW1, USSR and Britain WW2. You may have the strongest Military but not Nukes, well done Russia. In your revolution you didn't go OP on the British on your own the French gave you a heck of a lot of troops and ships. Finally the cold war you didn't win it just fizzled away as communism was crumbling.

Best country, like many Americans arrogant and glory hunters.
2015-01-08 05:53:48 UTC
This nation, like almost every other large and powerful nation in world history, also has committed some horrendous crimes and blunders. Like practically every nation in the world, it also tends to be hypocritical and nationalistic about its virtues, both real and imagined, while selectively forgetting all of its own faults.

That's just human nature.
2015-01-08 04:41:25 UTC
The lies, especially the one where they claim to be "the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-08 04:25:49 UTC
i hope its becoz of their technology development,top mnc's,top universities,arm force
2015-01-07 16:39:31 UTC
America maybe not be the best country in the world, but i prefer it instead of China or Russia. I support America. The freedom of USA is amazing, it's one of my favorite countries, it brings the balance to the world.

For example, China has more poor people than rich or middle class citizens. America wins in the number of middle class individuals. The 08-09 economic crisis almost disappear it but the country is getting stronger again.

The USA can continue ruling the world if they strike now with technology and economy, we don't need more wars for oil or any pride cause. We need to evolve producing new energies, then america could be the greatest country in the world, innovating the american dream, because nowadays it's kinda broken and wasted. Generations change and it's the time to america to take the next step.

I don't want China as the next economic leader
2015-01-07 09:56:44 UTC
Because its made of money and no one cares if you are fat!
2015-01-07 08:55:38 UTC
If the US is such a 'deluded, backwards nation', why do so many foreigners want to come here? Are millions of people breaking the law to enter France? Great Britain? Most of the foreigners who post here attacking the US are too embarrassed to mention the 2nd rate country they're from.
Steve from PA
2015-01-06 23:50:51 UTC
Add your answer To answer that u cant look at where we are now u have to look at how we got here..and we did by basically steppin on the necks of who ever we wanted...we come in he name of democracy only if u have something to offer...theres a reason we have 250plus military instillations around the world and not one country has one on amercan soil....
2015-01-06 21:24:26 UTC
not much
bouncer bobtail
2015-01-06 17:10:30 UTC
You don't get scenes like this anywhere else in the world
Jake No Chat
2015-01-06 17:03:47 UTC
Freedom, justice, rules of a republic, opportunity and diversity. The US does have many faults, and does appear to be slipping, but I do think it is the greatest country in the world.
Sim Kaur
2015-01-06 16:22:10 UTC
because every one is proud to be a American
2015-01-06 11:24:38 UTC
Your imagination!
2015-01-06 10:05:10 UTC
Americans are the only ones who say that, and they say it all the time. Maybe it comes from insecurity, but I doubt any nation other than Nazi Germany had as many songs about how great it is. Also, define "great." Definitely view the clip of Jeff Daniels from "The Newsroom." The only things we're #1 in aren't really anything to brag about. LIsten, I live here, I was born here, it's my country, and I love it. I love my children, too, but I don't think they're right 100% of the time, I don't think they're perfect, and I understand that others love their children just as much.
Uncle Pennybags
2015-01-06 09:58:04 UTC
Simple. Because inventions and discoveries happen here.

Ask yourself, in the last 150 years, where has every major discovery or invention been made? Where are most drugs and high tech stuff developed?

It's the USA.
2015-01-06 08:58:09 UTC
The Oregon Ducks and the Florida Gators maybe........
2015-01-06 08:50:09 UTC
What makes you so sure that America IS the greatest country in the world?

Have you examined EVERY other country?
2015-01-06 08:44:26 UTC
Can't help but comment on this. While America in not a bad country, its ultimately just another western country. A lot of what made the US gain its reputation as being the best country in world by its supporters are now mostly historical. After gaining independence in the 1700s if you were to compare the power of the people to those of Britain it would be a huge difference. Even as modern democracy become more common place in other countries, countries like Britain still had a strong class system, and people were born into their social class for the most part. Then the World Wars, particularly the second one left countries in Europe economically damaged, while at the sametime the US maintained and grow its standard of living, partly off the back of having limited competition.

Today I think the statement is far less true. but the constitution does make a strong point of difference with things like protecting the rights of the individual with regard to police powers for example.
2015-01-06 05:45:05 UTC
man's power and perfect planing
2015-01-05 19:24:27 UTC
It isn't the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-08 04:05:55 UTC
I think the Solomon islands is the greatest country in the world.

And i'm British......
2015-01-07 22:02:28 UTC
Im Portuguese, that small country near Spain sunk in debt due to corruption and overall incompetence.

I must say that I don't consider USA the greatest country in the world. It's for sure the richest country in the world, it has a strong economy, advanced technology, a large industry and vast natural and human resources but that's not what makes a country great.

I believe that a great country must, first of all, provide to its citizens equal rights in education and health. And although many things suck here, I must say that I'm proud to live in a country where a middle class guy like me can attend the best schools and universities in my country (or even outside) just like the guy whose parents only earn the minimum wage.

USA as a long way to go in what comes to civil rights. The discrimination against black people is worrying as the stance upon immigrants.

I think before saying the USA is the greatest country in the world you should look to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland or even Canada who lead in terms of human development.

I honestly love the optimism, proud and overall strenght of the american people but you should demand more for the nearly 50 million living below the poverty line.
2015-01-07 19:04:14 UTC
Well It has the strongest military power and capability in the world far exceeding that of china and Russia. Furthermore Russia and china are much more backward than the united states china having a mass manipulating information controlling one party mafia dictatorship state and Russia slipping back into that. The united states constitution gives more power to its people than most countries allow and it has one of the worlds best education systems more so than most countries and it is perhaps the most multicultural country on earth thanks to the melding pot effect which still allows for a cohesive single culture.
2015-01-07 17:14:38 UTC
My love for my birth country makes it "the greatest in the World" for me.

all countries are messed up in some way, some have done bad things, illegal things and let it slide. Our government has done some unpopular things too, like passing and amendment to make alcohol illegal.

My country's history doesn't disgust me or make me proud, but i'm very patriotic about it, and i do not like others saying it's horrible or deluded, because i can probably say the same thing about a different country and offend someone who calls my country "backwards". Every country probably has something in their history that is bad, like war.

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and i believe my country to be the best because i was born her. i may be descended from other nationalities, but i would never denounce my citizenship for another. Wherever you're from, i'm sure you have some love and patriotism for your country. the US may not be a perfect utopia but i still love it. However something i do like is the mix of cultures. In my beautiful California we have a mix of Asia, Mexico/Latin America, and American cultures. In the East you have a lot of European cultures and descendents living there. i simply adore the beach in CA too.
2015-01-07 13:36:02 UTC
What makes America the best country?

Well, We've been trolling everyone including ourselves for years and will keep it up for years to come. Butthurt in the millions.

2015-01-07 13:25:43 UTC
I just am.
2015-01-07 12:45:44 UTC
Most other world governments are modeled after the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights.

We are not a Theocracy which means that no one religion can legally dictate what people can and can't do. This is not the case in most war ridden areas of the world.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. We have government aids that help people in times of need (social security for the elderly and disabled, food stamps for people who can't afford food, free job placement services)

We have the top universities in the world. In fact of the top 20 universities in the world, 17 of them are in the United States. And further on the subject, the top four in a row are all from the US.
2015-01-07 12:18:01 UTC
Simply American propaganda does for Americans. Frankly as far as i'm concerned you could'nt pay me enough to go and live there. ( And yes I have been and seen)
2015-01-07 10:31:23 UTC
Many things. I'm to lazy to type it all down, but listen to them.
2015-01-07 10:30:56 UTC
Pakistan is the best country. Even today we can beat the hell out of USA. "This nation turns into gold when united". Hey, ************ Americans here we come. Wait and watch.
2015-01-07 09:27:33 UTC
2015-01-07 09:24:16 UTC
I totally don't get where "the greatest country in the world" claim is coming from. What is the definition?

I agree it is the greatest in terms of production, military, and most respectfully education.

However, the country lacks humanity. First, I don't like its name (yeah it's arrogant), and its politics is just crap!
2015-01-07 07:58:35 UTC
We used to be the greatest, but our over bearing polluted corrupt Anti American government started killing rights, freedoms and opportunities unless you are now well connected. It is a progressive government now and Progressive is just another word for Communism. It keeps the face but is ruled by Bureaucrats who are not elected and are only out for themselves and those that bribe them.
2015-01-07 07:00:55 UTC
luis l
2015-01-07 01:49:22 UTC
2015-01-06 20:42:11 UTC
Rule of Law are the best!
2015-01-06 17:05:09 UTC
America has it's libraries which are free and open to the public. Most of America's libraries are funded by the people that work and have residence within those boundaries. That is what makes each and everyone of those places unique. Like a fingerprint, libraries are one of a kind and should be discovered by everyone because they are ''Great Places To Visit''. That is what makes America- the greatest country in the world. We share everything there is to be, and you're still ain't gettin' none of it. Shame on me.
2015-01-06 17:02:54 UTC
no country is perfect. just try to be a good neighbor and a good citizen.
2015-01-06 15:20:55 UTC
The USA is greedy, racist, sexist, Fascist, homophobic, gun obsessed, imperialistic, overly religious, destroying the environment and is the biggest threat to world peace since Nazi Germany.
2015-01-06 10:14:43 UTC
The freedoms and liberties that we have.
Arizona Yankee
2015-01-08 12:31:10 UTC
The United States is a lost cause finished kaput washed up

Might as well enjoy what you have now

this is as good as it is going to get

Its all downhill from now on
2015-01-08 01:44:35 UTC
2015-01-07 23:24:30 UTC
2015-01-07 19:49:18 UTC
The second amendment which guarantees the first.
2015-01-07 19:43:22 UTC
It has the largest Financial, E-commerce, Entertain and Agriculture industries in the world. Then one of the largest Petroleum, Mining and Manufacturing sectors too.

In addition to all of this the US also has a relatively high standard of living. The people experience many freedoms; elect there leaders or even abstain from the voting.

The question is so open ended, if the question is, is the US the most livable country, then no.
2015-01-07 15:09:07 UTC
Nothing. Because it isn't.

It just has some arrogant people in it.
2015-01-07 14:35:26 UTC
They have KFC and Hollywood movies and TV series.
2015-01-07 13:27:38 UTC
2015-01-07 13:00:39 UTC
Its a big country with plenty of resources and is the only country in the world that can self sustain itself without foreign aid i believe.

They also attract the worlds brightest academians and so their universities produce great doctors, suregeons, physicists, chemists etc.

As for being the best country in the world some areas it can claim that title but in other areas it certainly cannot.

There are many other countries on the map which for their own reasons can claim to be the 'best countries' in teh world.
2015-01-07 10:06:23 UTC
Freedom of Speech, Freedom
2015-01-07 07:29:16 UTC
its the country which can fulfill dreams
2015-01-07 06:33:18 UTC
I have no idea.
2015-01-07 00:52:28 UTC
Obesity of course. Greatest whale land park of them all.
2015-01-06 20:47:33 UTC
The people of all the other countries of world can easily lead their life in America . And these people make America the greatest country in the world.
2015-01-06 20:11:48 UTC
On this day the USA has an elected House and Senate majority not seen since 1929.

The reason it has not been repeated since 1929 will be revealed to the most stupid.
2015-01-06 16:53:15 UTC
They created The Twilight Zone and Star Trek series and movies. So it must be a great country for Trekkies and Trekkers. They are in a land of shadow and substance. The next stop is...
Jacinto Luis Hates Broccoli
2015-01-06 15:44:17 UTC
Hollywood, the US military, Silicon Valley and Wall Street. The combined value of the goods and services by these entities is second to none.
2015-01-06 12:20:17 UTC
it's not. it would take too much space and time to explain, so just look at obama
2015-01-06 05:19:06 UTC
America is filled with the most generous and compassionate people anywhere. Americans are some of the hardest workers in the world. And I'm not talking about the wealthy elite. I'm talking about the average citizens who work hard, have fought for freedoms, raised their families, paid their taxes, contributed to their communities, helped their neighbors, given to charities...and never asked government for a handout, never expected ,or received, any thank yous. They do these things and more because they believe that's what decent folks do.
2015-01-05 18:54:08 UTC
Clearly England is.
2015-01-08 15:56:07 UTC
Go on youtube and look up the first episode of "the newsroom" America is a great place, with lots of opportunities, but Jeff Daniel's speech is all the reasons why we are not the best place on earth. I understand it's a tv show, but everything said is rooted in truth. We very easily could be the best, but we aren't right now.
Peter Sokolwskyj
2015-01-08 02:57:52 UTC
Simple answer..... what makes the US a great simple A former terrorist called George Bush who is protected by the current Abama administration who is a corrupt war criminal murdered 3,000 innocent Americans in New York Sept 11..........U know the rest... Bush roams free without punishment. The US used to be fabulous when New York had the death penalty in the old days but the US has gone soft on terrorism...... Bush, Chaney, Tony Blair and John Howard should all stand trial for war crimes against the US people and all must be executed at the 911 site. Until that has been corrected corruption still rules America in disgrace. Experts have found him Guilty, no planes found but evidence of inside job....Bombs instead of planes, high level plot aided by media corruption nasty plot to steal oil for the high US demand. WOW! Dangerous stuff eh! What happened to America as Americans yes they punished all the innocent terrorists at their Cuba camp but the guilty fraudsters all go free. Justice must be done in the honour of the victims only then will America be great but like all forms of corruption on this planet oil thieves are exempt from prosecution. The Bush Camp still runs free time to hand them over to Russia or Spain if the US has gone soft they know well how to execute war criminals
2015-01-08 00:31:17 UTC
because america is a rich country that's why you are the greatest country
Elyse Rose
2015-01-07 14:18:08 UTC
Our veterans who protect our 2nd Amendment and our ability to protect ourselves from oppressive government .
Lois Griffin
2015-01-07 13:34:59 UTC
They may be the greatest country in the world in SOME CATEGORIES like strongest military, more freedom...

but they seriously lag behind many European and Asian countries in terms of health care, labor rights, and human rights.
Steve VanderBeek
2015-01-07 13:14:11 UTC
The United States of America. Growing up that was a name that made me proud. As I heard of our history and of the accomplishments we had made I grew to love this country. I served a term in the military and was proud to serve. However, I came to realize what I was proud of what not this country. I was proud of the IDEA that this country represents and that it at one point represented. The world has changed and our country didn't stay the glorious place it was meant to be. The economy while still strong comparatively to others is in a sad place compared to where it's been. Our leadership (not just Obama though he has done some good... no comment on the health care) has failed to support this nation and it's citizens in many areas. We're turning on those that would protect us and more and more of them are becoming corrupt or at least the corrupt is being brought into the light. The United States of America is becoming more and more The Divided States of America. In our past we were a great nation. Now I'm happy if I can say my town is great or my community is great. At least that means that somewhere in this country that dream still exists. I look at posts like these and see other Americans tooting their horn while putting down other countries and it saddens me, because either they really believe what they're saying and are blind to the ugly truth that surrounds them or they're just trying to put down outsiders.

That being said I do not believe America will stay in this pathetic state. There are signs people are beginning to wake up and see what we've become. Some have taken things into their own hands to try and turn their piece of this nation around. I hope that before I die I will get to see that country that I believed in as a child and so proudly defended and would still defend if necessary.
2015-01-07 09:52:55 UTC
Courage, Responsibility and Love of Liberty. Ever since this land was first settled by Europeans, we have been a land of courage, responsibility and love of liberty. The desire for liberty drove the Pilgrims from England, first to Holland and then to America. Even though it seems that someone in their number knew a Native American who introduced them to the people already living here and who had some other "insider information" about the conditions of the area where they landed, it must have taken a lot of courage to make a sea voyage all the way from England. The settlers were industrious people. They had to take responsibility for themselves and their community or else they would have perished.

The Native Americans who already lived here also had the same qualities. Even though the European Settlers did not always treat them fairly, it seems that they must have admired and respected Native American courage and love of liberty. The "Sons of Liberty" who raided British merchant vessels at the "Boston Tea Party" dressed as Native Americans because the Indian had become a metaphor for Liberty. Native Americans also were noted for taking responsibility for themselves and their people. Often white captives were accepted and integrated into a tribe, and the head of their household would fight for them just as they were their biological daughter or son, giving America an early example of accepting people from all over the world and from all races as true Americans.

After the Second World War, America took responsibility for helping to rebuild Europe. It was not just altruism that motivated the Marshall Plan, Americans realized that they had to take responsibility to help their trading partners rebuild their economy in order to keep their economy strong. Domestically Americans try to provide a "social safety net" for people at the lower end of the economic spectrum, because it benefits the entire nation if children have a chance to grow up healthy and well-educated.

America's Love of Liberty, it's Courage and it's willingness to take Responsibility are what make America a great nation. These qualities are what allow for social mobility, and help keep the economy stable, not just in America but in many other parts of the world. America has always welcomed innovation. It is a nation of immigrants. The ideas of immigrants, the ideals they have brought with them from the countries of their birth, the things that make their cultures great, have all come together to make America "The Greatest Country in the World."
2015-01-07 07:25:50 UTC
2015-01-07 06:39:44 UTC
the fact they speak english
2015-01-07 05:05:53 UTC
Military power and petrodollar.
jim k
2015-01-07 02:22:00 UTC
Julio Perez
2015-01-06 18:13:14 UTC
For the idiots that call , U S A. America how they call Mexico and down under thru the Patagonia. ...I remember last time that I was at the school that America Continent was from North pole to the South and country's in between ...............
2015-01-06 15:10:20 UTC
America is one of the greatest countries in the world because we allow our citizens more rights and freedoms than many other places. Americans can vote, own property, buy guns, run for elected office, marry any consenting adult they want, practice any religion they want, protest government, etc. There aren't a lot of countries that allow their people to do all of those things.
Steven Something
2015-01-06 14:50:17 UTC
What makes American's think it's the greatest country in the world? I stayed there for 6 months and I found it to be a crappy country compared to some other 1st world countries
2015-01-06 14:00:44 UTC
the large amount of people who live there and say that.
2015-01-06 13:11:25 UTC
you mean "what makes america the worst country in the word?"
2015-01-06 11:23:43 UTC
have no idea!
2015-01-06 09:38:17 UTC
The more history I read about America the more I realize what barbarians we were in the past.

It will continue until someone gives us a bloody nose and we won't be the biggest bully on the block.

There are so many despicable deeds we have pulled I'm surprised the world hasn't attacked us yet.

You can find the truth if you just looked a little bit.

I'm not exactly proud of the way we behave. From the betrayal of the Native Indians and Mexicans to plans to take over Russia, Poland and Germany at the end of WWII to the plans to topple nine middle eastern countries after the Iraq take over. No. it could be a lot better.
Corrven Gill
2015-01-06 08:03:36 UTC
Guns. LOts of guns.
Sheikh Joy
2015-01-05 22:58:26 UTC
i think its political power
2015-01-08 14:00:25 UTC
"why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore"
2015-01-08 03:38:30 UTC
You said it yourself in your topic - our politics. Our political system is simply better, which allows for a better nation with a better economy, freedom and happiness. Vote Cruz 2016!
2015-01-07 22:40:11 UTC
It is not
2015-01-07 20:56:44 UTC
2015-01-07 19:39:31 UTC
America has so many great things: freedom, opportunity, and a high standard of living. And while the "backwards" part is the perception in some countries, in other countries the majority of citizens have very high opinions of America (many African countries, for example). We have good resources, the best military, and part of it is just nationalist pride, like that which is found in every country.
2015-01-07 18:13:58 UTC
It's not.
2015-01-07 18:07:44 UTC
Great: 1.of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average

So, great is not always good #1. In that sense what makes America so "Great" is: We have the ability to mask our elitist and socialist practices with phrases like 'change', 'universal', and "affordable". We have an extensive amount of military resources that allow us to pick fights with other countrys over issues that aren't even real to begin with (see the Kennedy's term in office and conspiracy theories that turned out to be true [and i don't even support current conspiracy theories]). Also, America has a considerable amount of hypocracy as one example will show how we shined the light on the Nazis and kept in the shadows our Eugenics practices late in the 19th century. We are 'Great" and are nowhere near as righteous as we put out. And I think everyone but us in the world, ironically, can see that.
2015-01-07 16:33:49 UTC
America is the greatest country in the world to me because of the right to bear arms. There are not too many nations were your allowed to do that because all of the goverments have a fear of guns and only think people should be able to defend there lives using just there hands and nothing else. In short they think life is worthless.
Austin Eby
2015-01-07 11:45:36 UTC
we aren't
No Non Destination
2015-01-07 11:13:32 UTC
Deluded and backward? Then just what country is forwards? I'm in America, I can find you some town, areas of the country and plenty of people who are like that. But they all has one thing in common! Lack of education, probably because of their choice, not Americas. If I need to see a Dr tomorrow, I can just walk right in and get treated! Food is plentiful, clean water, jobs are a little scarce right now. More than a few cops are out of control, most are fine. Same goes for congressmen! And just how is it deluded and backward? Popular opinion? Let me put it to you this way. We have plenty of idiot in America, just like other countries, that I am sure of, they thing where they live is the greatest place in the country of America, And they've never been much of any place else. So it's not popular opinion, just deluded thinking! Get the picture? You don't mention the country you're from!?
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-01-07 07:04:12 UTC
Because the entire world economy is based on the US dollar. Including yours. Haha!

Keep in mind that the US is the only nation that gives a damn about other peoples human rights. I suppose that is what makes us "deluded". Thinking that they even deserve such a thing. Do you care about the rights of anybody else?
2015-01-07 05:06:35 UTC
2015-01-07 04:03:53 UTC
2015-01-06 14:20:46 UTC
Tax payers.
2015-01-06 12:40:45 UTC
Pragmatism Please
2015-01-06 06:44:40 UTC
Remember that song "Walking on the Moon?" I wonder what that is all about?

Has any country in the world invested more personnel, money or time in knocking down the current Ebola outbreak and coming up with a vacine?

America is full of people with irrepressible spirit. In economics, we call these people "greater fools" because against all odds, when everyone says it can't be done, we set out to do it anyway and sometimes succeed. Our country was build by greater fools so don't tell me it can't be done.

Would it surprise you to know that some Google employees let their cars drive them to work and back?

Would it surprise you to know we used a 3d printer to make a rat liver?

I could go on and on with things we've done and things we're on track to do in fields like genetic engineering, nanotechnology, robotics, and more but you probably already know.

I'll just leave it to say: "The tree with the most fruit gets picked." It used to be the United Kingdom, before that it was Spain and once upon a time, it was even China. Today it's America!


I saw Aaron Sorkin's rant from the pilot of The Newsroom. Everything he said is 100% true but I don't think it makes us any less than what we are. Keep in mind, he didn't actually say there was another country that is better nor did he name one. All he actually supported in that rant was that we used to do better than we're doing right now and we can do better again.
2015-01-06 05:29:13 UTC
We've got more people in prison than any other country, and the highest violent crime rate in the OECD, not to mention the highest proportion of evolution-deniers than any other OECD country (except Turkey).
great knight
2015-01-05 21:38:04 UTC
"" watch this. Now as people turn away things get worse, huh? What a coincidence they say.
2015-01-05 20:34:03 UTC

Will McAvoy: It's not the greatest country in the world, professor, that's my answer.

Moderator: You're saying...

Will McAvoy: Yes.

Moderator: Let's talk about...

Will McAvoy: Fine. Sharon, the NEA is a loser. Yeah, it accounts for a penny out of our paychecks, but he gets to hit you with it anytime he wants. It doesn't cost money, it costs votes. It costs airtime and column inches. You know why people don't like liberals? Because they lose. If liberals are so fuckin' smart, how come they lose so GODDAM ALWAYS!

Sharon: Hey...

Will McAvoy: [turns to Lewis] And with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America is so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, BELGIUM has freedom! Two hundred and seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom.

Moderator: All right...

Will McAvoy: And yeah, you... sorority girl. Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there are some things you should know, and one of them is: There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science, forty-ninth in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force, and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies. None of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the WORST-period-GENERATION-period-EVER-period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the **** you're talking about! Yosemite?

We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.

Will McAvoy: [to moderator] Enough?

2015-01-05 18:42:12 UTC
2015-01-08 14:31:34 UTC
In my personal opinion, America is no longer the greatest country in the world. We have trillions of dollars worth of debt, we are no longer making the technological advances that we used to make, and our greatest amount of spending is on our military. I live here and I love this country, but there is no way that we are the greatest nation in the world. Also, I would say it is damn near impossible to say one country is the single greatest in the world. Each has it strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons, but there is so single greatest country.
2015-01-08 02:10:47 UTC
I think the people.
2015-01-08 01:27:41 UTC

Seriously, I don't think America's all that great. But since it's the only country I've ever been in, I can't really say.
2015-01-07 16:33:32 UTC
I won't say America is the greatest country in the whole world, but we are pretty great because...

1. We teach women to be strong, not follow men

2. Cheese burgers and fries

3. The freedom to openly practice any religion

4. Diversity

5. The greatest movies ever made were made in America

6. The ability and opportunity to become whoever and whatever you want

7. How we fight so hard and with such passion for what we believe is right
Beth Go Boom
2015-01-07 15:10:41 UTC
Peanut Butter.
2015-01-07 14:28:31 UTC
The fact that I live here. In general, people feel a special patriotic love for their homeland, wherever it is.
2015-01-07 09:42:42 UTC
What ever country you were born in you are going to think it's the greatest country in the world because its where you come from.
2015-01-07 09:35:08 UTC
America is no where NEAR the "greatest" country in the world. As many problems it has, and as many idiots inhabit the country, I think the greatest thing about america is the few to dare to dream and think outside of society's cookie cutter molds. In particular, inventors. Americans have created (in my opinion) some of the best inventions around. But the good thing about starting at the bottom is you constantly get to see things get even better than they were yesterday, or the day before that. America still has many severe issues in desperate need of fixing, but little by little we're getting there. In my lifetime, I'd like to see America grow into a country truly deserving of the title of the "greatest"
Hin Long
2015-01-06 18:50:12 UTC
It's good because of porno
2015-01-06 17:12:18 UTC
the celebs and new york
2015-01-06 15:17:38 UTC
AMERICA IS NOT A COUNTRY!!!!! AMERICA IS 2 CONTINENTS; THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. America: North America and South America. North America: Canada, USA, and Mexico. South America: 14 Countries. Obviously, y'all barely know geography. You should be correctly informed before you make a statement like "America is the best country because we have the Fourth of July!"
2015-01-06 14:24:42 UTC
Your probs American
2015-01-06 11:35:08 UTC
Discrimination of blacks. Mercilessly causing uprising in the middle east,africa and killing innocent people in the process all for what? to gain more power. Assassinating heads of states like in Libya removing governments from power like in Egypt to control a country's natural resources. Americans are the most ignorant people in the world they think people from africa live in a jungle, and think arabs are terrorist. Yes, there is disparity between the rich and the poor in Africa. Resulting in poverty and what not. I'm pretty sure an educated african is a lot more hard working and successful that an average educated american.Who put Africa in poverty in the first place? the western world through stealing our resources and making us slaves and then they're now running their mouths calling Africa a waste land and looking down on blacks. Africa would have had the best economy in the world if all our gold and diamond wasn't stolen and not to mention we have oil and natural gas. Your America and european countries were built by african gold and the blood and sweat of africans. Why are there terrorist groups? American created their enemies by first starting the war in the middle east and killing innocent people. So there you have it your America is full of ****!
2015-01-06 09:35:08 UTC
Money and MIGHT ! " Dellusional " is any one who thinks otherwise , tho I do love the jealousy and envy from others about America !
2015-01-06 03:30:43 UTC
I dont know that it is anymore if we ever were. Under the surface are some telling things about how we came to be.
2015-01-06 03:09:51 UTC
Im a amaerican, and I honestly don't think it is the greatest... I mean Im only 16 so I don't know much about th world and ive only been to Mexico as far as leaving the country.. but I don't think we are the greatest country
2015-01-05 21:17:13 UTC
"Backward Nation"? what country are you coming from?! I am from outside America, I know what people think about America out there. Granted, that's not all the people from outside would think America is the greatest country in the world but Backward nation? I never met anybody that think America is a backward nation and yes, I travel a lot before come here and become a citizen of USA and fall in love with this country more than any place in the whole world.
2015-01-05 20:25:45 UTC
absolute nothing because it isn't you ridiculous man!
2015-01-05 14:28:02 UTC
The uncompromising blind patriotism of its inhabitants, most of whom know nothing of any other country and have not the slightest desire to acquire any such knowledge. This I find admirable, in the way Islam is the world's greatest religion for the way it has won a similar unquestioning acceptance from its devotees. I may be unable myself to indulge such supreme self-confidence, but that only makes me jealous of those who can and do...
2015-01-05 13:00:41 UTC
I moved here from another country many years ago, and this is a great country. The laws, programs that help the disabled, freedom to be a business owner, good roads, showers, schools and colleges. There's so much more. I think the country breaks down with some social issues for a short time, and then it repairs itself and it again feels like all is OK. Every race or culture has been brutalized and you have to let the past go and move on. I don't hold on to what happened to my ancestors because that's a really stupid thing to hold on to, the past. It's over and has been dealt with.
Kristian M
2015-01-07 12:08:49 UTC
Its really not, but neither is Norway Sweden, or Denmark. Their poverty rates are made to look like a joke by Taiwan's. Singapore, Qatar, Luxemborg ect do better on gdp per capita. Distribution to the bottom 10% in Norway is 3.9% of the income whereas Switzerland boasts 7.5%, Sweden 3.6%, Denmark 1.9%, Japan 1.9%, France 3.5%, US 2% Taiwan 6.4%. Not to mention the fact that in 46 states in the union you still go to jail for smoking a plant.
Pac Man
2015-01-06 21:17:46 UTC
there’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, Number 4 in labor force and Number 4 in exports, we lead the world in only three categories: Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending where spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies.
2015-01-05 13:54:55 UTC
America does not have any lack of its own problems that plague it, just as any other nation on earth does. That being said, I believe America is the greatest nation on earth because of our broad background. We are who we are because of everyone else. We are a nation of mutts, come from around this vast earth to come into this mighty melting pot of culture and stoic perseverance. The Germans and Japanese thought that young American kid soldiers were too weak and soft to withstand combat against their "superior" forces and yet those kids from farms and alleys across the nation triumphed. It is our great breadth of background, the story of who we are and where we call came from, and our sharing of this that makes us the greatest nation on earth. We are the first major step towards a unified humanity. We are the voice of progress despite our falls and hiccups. We are not without our faults or mistakes, and yes we have our share of bad apples, but we are the mightiest collection of human existence this world has yet seen. We find strength in our commonalities and in our differences alike.
2015-01-05 02:07:41 UTC
We're best at incarceration, obesity, anxiety, drugs, war, guns, police brutality, wealth inequality, and bankruptcy.
The Actionist
2015-01-05 02:03:49 UTC
2015-01-09 06:09:29 UTC
Propaganda and the fact that most of the world is in terrible shape
2015-01-07 14:34:56 UTC
I think the American dream is over a lot of years ago ....America was the greatest one, but not now, for sure, definitely.
2015-01-07 05:29:41 UTC
Nobody thinks America is a backwards nation. They may not like American foreign policy but they admire American inventiveness and its open society. Yes, many Americans lack insight into world geography, other cultures and the impact of their civil or military interventions e.g. Iran, South America, Iraq or Afghanistan. All together, as an immigrant one would rather live in America than in China or in Europe for the freedoms and opportunities it offers.
2015-01-10 12:22:00 UTC
The dreams for a better tomorrow
2015-01-06 13:34:56 UTC
The greatness aspect was birthed out of excessive pride in Capitalism over Communism. Not necessarily that we are actually greater than all other Capitalist societies.
2015-01-06 21:20:08 UTC
Because the US government invades our privacy. That's what makes us the best! (Sarcastic)
2015-01-07 15:50:49 UTC
2015-01-06 06:12:51 UTC
The free stuff from the govament
Michael T
2015-01-05 11:30:02 UTC
Bull S H I T and People Naive enough to buy into it
2015-01-05 01:31:39 UTC
Superior firepower
2015-01-08 15:41:07 UTC
One word. Media.
2015-01-05 06:28:56 UTC
People like the 21 yr old that first answered your question.
Billy Butthead
2015-01-06 07:35:18 UTC
Add your answer It was until 6 years ago.
2015-01-07 06:47:25 UTC
Power and foreign policy
2015-01-06 04:12:00 UTC
They've been saying bad things about us since July 5th 1776.

Some people are just whinny bitches I guess, But the good news is if your detractors are unfair and just plain lying, you're doing something right. BRING IT EURO WEENIES.
2015-01-05 11:20:37 UTC
Breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can have breakfast for dinner, dinner for breakfast and lunch for dinner. Also you can eat between meals anytime you feel like it. Freedom is awesome.
2015-01-05 19:04:49 UTC
The US does have a large amount of debt, and is politically deadlocked with Republicans and Democrats disagreeing with each other. The US also had racial segregation, and badly treated the Indians.
entertainment fan
2015-01-05 11:34:40 UTC
The Grand Canyon has amazing scenery
2015-01-07 14:24:54 UTC
America is shitty just like everywhere else unless you are rich.
2015-01-06 21:16:28 UTC
Nothing. This is a goddamn terrible country and I want to move.
joel gs
2015-01-06 15:09:08 UTC
first of all Amarica is not a country, America its a continent... you question is wrong...
2015-01-05 12:02:45 UTC
Fantasy, imagination and self-deception.
2015-01-05 10:50:07 UTC
I think the tone of your question is suspect.
2015-01-05 10:54:17 UTC
because they thief's and lier's just like united kingdom
2015-01-10 07:02:57 UTC
Its freedoms
john c
2015-01-05 16:33:15 UTC
It's people make it great ( most of them anyway).
2015-01-05 10:40:59 UTC
all the best bands and famouse people culture food crazy ideas
2015-01-10 15:09:23 UTC
Not much anymore really. Earth is great though...
2015-01-05 01:12:10 UTC
It isn't. There is no such thing as the "The greatest country in the world".
2015-01-06 08:56:37 UTC
Over 90% of the things the world uses today that we did not have in 1776 were invented or developed by Americans.

That is because Americans were able to solve their problems and profit from their inventions.

That is why America has created the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
Hilary R
2015-01-07 16:34:35 UTC
It isn't. (Watch Newsroom)
2015-01-07 15:49:33 UTC
It's not! (and I'm American- born and raised.)
2015-01-05 08:12:45 UTC
the fact you can ask that question and not get put in prison or worse.
2015-01-11 03:39:12 UTC
justice... only justice can make a state greatest....
2015-01-07 10:39:38 UTC
America is the best country. No other country would ever bother to rebuild another country, or to save a Country. Or to go into Depression for paying for Germany's WW1 war-debt for France & Britain's mess, and then rebuild Germany again in WW2. I'm sorry; we saved World. No other country would build schools, hospitals, and Police-Stations for them, and watch them abuse it, and watch them protest here. Sorry, I don't believe in burning cities! But I do believe they make an excuse, and they will slit your throat for a dollar. And I know shi* would be run differently, if someone else was in charge.
2015-01-08 22:33:16 UTC
It isn't. But it could be.
2015-01-07 06:15:24 UTC
you have more freedom here, things you do here can get you killed in another country.
2015-01-06 16:09:15 UTC
One can go anywhere and no one will ask why
2015-01-08 17:11:27 UTC
the right to ask that question is our deepest freedom!!!!!!!!!! if you do not like the united states please read history about the wars of the east ..... thank you!
2015-01-06 17:07:33 UTC
2015-01-07 23:40:44 UTC
social freedom is the answer!
2015-01-06 11:52:02 UTC
Watch this and decide for yourself
2015-01-05 02:08:01 UTC
2015-01-05 01:16:46 UTC
Probably the only country where you can vote, get a drivers license, housing, medical benefits, and paid and not even be a GD citizen.
2015-01-05 14:28:31 UTC
Steel Rain
2015-01-05 11:17:42 UTC
The grace of God.
Ataur Rahman
2015-01-06 21:21:48 UTC
nothing ! one word says it all. you have CIA that does all the terror activities.
2015-01-07 11:46:15 UTC
America is not.
2016-08-22 08:25:34 UTC
It depends..
2015-01-07 13:53:05 UTC
white policemen can stalk, shoot and kill black people and then told they are protecting everyone.
2015-01-07 10:28:22 UTC
2015-01-06 16:32:07 UTC
pakistan is the best by far...
Vinegar Taster
2015-01-06 08:29:36 UTC
Only for illegals...
2015-10-18 15:57:17 UTC
2015-01-10 12:58:55 UTC
Is it? Really?
2015-01-10 09:48:48 UTC
European ancestry.
The Beast
2015-01-10 06:21:19 UTC
2015-01-07 08:20:06 UTC
we have twinkies
2015-01-06 17:43:40 UTC
2015-01-09 21:35:12 UTC
2015-01-07 14:28:01 UTC
2015-01-07 11:52:28 UTC
2015-01-07 11:14:35 UTC
2015-01-06 14:20:59 UTC
Dunno, LOL.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.