As soon as Bush dropped the borders allowing us to be invaded by our enemy's while we were at war he should have immediately been impeached.
Then he goes and pardons drug trafficers and allows them to go free but sends our border patrol agents to prison for doing their job.
Why ole Bushie even spoke to the President of Mexico and gave him the location of our border patrol agents so the illegals would know what areas to avoid while breaking into America.
And it gets worse, remember when all of the illegals marched without being deported demanding amnesty?
Well Bush had allowed Vincente Fox the President of Mexico to come to America and travel around rallying up all of the illegals to march in protest of immigration reform and to demand amnesty.
If that isn't a traitor to the American people then I don't know what is.
So as a result the Mortgage Companies gives home loans to people without proof of employment or a social security card and why do you think that is?
Because illegals don't have proof of employment or a social security card.
Then when they default on their home loans the housing market crashes and everyone is left wondering what happened as they begin to lose their jobs and Americans interest rates goes up so the Mortgage Companies can recoup their losses from the illegals.
And because the Americans cannot afford the hike in the interest rates they default on their home loan as well and it just snow balls from there ruining our economy and destroying peoples lives while we still give illegals everything for free at tax payers expense.
Our President should have been impeached a long time ago and I honestly feel none of this would ever have happened.