Whaaaa, Whaaaa. whine, whine, simper and whimper, too f*** bad!
Politics is politics and greed goes with power it is not one party or the other that protects the first Amendment, it is in the way they let you express that Amendment that counts.
Lets take in the way the last two presidentsd, both serve as some form of godhood to each party yet....
When Clinton rode along a route he had the secret service go along route and remove any signs not agreeing with his views and Bush has the miltiary and secret service go into a town or city days before check school kids and everyone elses records to see if they belong to any subversive groups such as the dreaded Civil Libeties union, and even chruch registrys and then he has anyone wearing a tee shirt to a sign carrier herded into barbed wite cages miles from his route.
When it was Clinton the party faithfull cheered and defended his actons and now the party faithfull of a differnt party cheer Bushs actions.
You have conservative epublicans saying they musty take over America to far right religious groups who actually beleive the democtrats serve the devil and should either leave country, go to jail or get born again, OR ELSE!
Hillary refused to speak at the Retaking of America rally because some adys dressed in pink were in audience who oppsoed her views on War.
It seems somewhere somebodys forgotten the reason for the first amendment and just what it protects.
It was not meant to protect a politcal party or some demigod or demigogue but to control the governement.
Dumb and dumber Americans keep letting personalitys define the issues when it should be the process of abuse that we should condemn.
blacks against white agsainst yeloow against browns against res agaisnt commies agaisnt capitalist against Democratic party against republican party, against liberals agaisnt conservatives, every body trying to find some boggy man and the boogyman is constantly being pointed out by a very small group of polical and corproate entitys and the 1st Ameenment no longer has a bearing as it can no longer change the sytem you have kept so silent about get too powerfull.
Too bad go cry on someone elses shoulders.
The First Amendment is only available to those who dare to use it and those who even undestand what it meant and to dare protect it as when it was put into laws of land.
May they be brave enough to express it and strong enough to suffer the consequences for doing so.