Do You Understand Republican Logic?
2009-01-27 10:11:39 UTC
Why did Republicans rush to endorse Bush's $700 Billion dollar bailout package without a question, even with no transparency of how the American taxpayer's dollars would be spent? Of course, now we find that this HUGE amount of money did absolutely nothing to improve the U.S. Economy. Instead, it was given as bonuses to the very executives who ran the businesses into the ground! What else could we expect without proper restrictions being put into place? Why do Republicans now drag their feet in approving the Obama Stimulus Plan, which has total transparency, requiring checks and balances that ensure the money will be spent as it is intended to be (in ways that will improve the U.S. Economy)?
27 answers:
2009-01-27 10:16:58 UTC
Because it has transparency, and because there would be proper oversight making sure the money is used to help the business and the workers keeping the business going not just the corrupt rich man who owns the business. If the corrupt rich man who owns the business doesn't get super rich, how can he donate money to their campaigns so that they can get re-elected and keep looking after the corrupt rich man? I mean what is the world coming to if we can't let corrupt rich men remain corrupt and obscenely rich? I ask you what are we coming to!!!? Sorry, got carried away, but i think that covers it. :-)

edit: If you'll remember properly, folks, the house republicans only opposed it until that part about how it couldn't be used for executive bonuses got taken out of it, then suddenly they were for it again. hmmm, yeah, they're the good ones!
2009-01-27 10:25:48 UTC
WHAT ?? your a dink - we did not endorse the Bush plan either - the fact republican leadership voted for this mess in the first place is the exact reason I predict they will all be voted out (even McCain) come this next go round – well if there are any real conservatives left with any nads. This whole bailout from the start is garbage and I think anyone who voted for it should be considered a traitor of sorts. Bail out failing businesses what kind of idiotic stuff is that, all people have to think is Darwin….survival of the ??what?? exactly if you don’t know how to grow your business or even keep it in business that is why companies come and go – bankruptcy and failure. Let them fail and let a new more innovative person come along and do it right.

Republicans started to listen to the public the first time and then got caught up in the media drivel and the fact Bush was a republican and forgetting he is a neocon and wanted a new tone in Washington, wanted to reach across the isle and work with the dems – Yeah look how far that got him and our country.
Chris K
2009-01-27 10:22:42 UTC
I did not support it. I thought it was a bad idea then and still think it is a bad idea.

"Why do Republicans now drag their feet in approving the Obama Stimulus Plan, which has total transparency, requiring checks and balances that ensure the money will be spent as it is intended to be (in ways that will improve the U.S. Economy)?"

In what ways is this money to be spent? How will that improve the economy over the long term?
2009-01-27 10:26:32 UTC
I don't know ANYONE that supported it. Everyone I talked to was very against bailing anyone out. I think they should have let the companies just go under. They should never have given the car companies anything...let them go bankrupt, that's what we would have to do! GM is already saying they need more money!

Our politicians don't know what to do, but they won't admit it. They're giving the money out to all these big companies to keep them going and it's not going to work because the average person can not afford to spend money (or they don't have any to spend). So how are these bailouts going to help the economy????

I still think if all that money had gone to the people (us), the economy would have jumped up like crazy. Can you imagine getting a big chunk of money, paying off your mortgage & credit cards...then you could go out and buy a new car (help the car companies), buy another home possibly (help the banks), spend some money on things you want (clothing, toys, tv's...etc). That would get money moving again...not sitting in the CEO's pockets like the bailout money is doing now.
2009-01-27 10:22:49 UTC
You're being redundant. Yes, I understand logic.

A minority of Republicans (the liberals we let in) endorsed the Democrat/Bush bailout package; ALL the Democrats did. (except a few up for re-election in sensitive districts - they endorsed it AFTER the election)

Real Republicans knew ahead of time that this HUGE amount of money would do absolutely nothing to improve the U.S. Economy.

Republicans now drag their feet in approving the Obama "Stimulus Plan" because it's exactly the same except many times larger so will do much more harm. (even Obama said it would hurt the economy, by the way)

So, liberal RINOs aside, Republicans object to harming the economy by redirecting masses of money AWAY from its efficient uses. Why is that hard for you to understand?

Honestly, you sound like Homer Simpson - "First you didn't want me to buy the pony and now you want me to get rid of it? Make up your mind!"
2009-01-27 10:20:42 UTC
Republicans did not rush to endorse Bush's $700 dollar bailout package...hell it wasn't even his package It was put together by Barney Frank,and other top democrats. Even Bush himself didn't like the package. Bush did it because his top aids said it was a good idea...It is not. We can not spend our way out of debt! If you have to many bills to pay,and can't make your house payment do you go to the casino to try to get the extra money? Of course not,but that's what they are trying to do is gamble that it will work. It never has,and it never will. The only way to get out of debt is to cut government spending,and increase manufacturing jobs here in the states by giving corporate tax breaks. If we did that maybe we wouldn't have so many jobs going overseas.
Randy F
2009-01-27 10:21:10 UTC
The Republicans were against the bailout bill back in September. The fact that we now live in a country where no one takes responsibility for any of their actions, & the US taxpayer has to clean up the mess, get ready for more & more bailouts. Obama is about to spend us into oblivion, & the Democratic congress will help him all the way. Welcome to Obamanomics 101! Vote for him again!
2009-01-27 10:23:31 UTC
Well Bush made it up and then many republicans just did what bush said because that is part of republican culture, either your with me or you hate america, as long as me is not a democrat it is ok.

If republicans actually toed the line and did what they said I'd be with them, the problem is everything they say is a lie and they do the opposite. I can't stand republican law makers and am glad that democrats won, i don't like there agenda but at least u know what they will do. Republicans will talk about not spending when it means for the poor people. Whatever happened to christian compassion? But when it comes to their millionaire friends they will give them lots of bailout money
2009-01-27 10:16:40 UTC
Hold up a minute. Not every republican politician rushed to push this through, just like not all democrats did either. Most wanted stipulations put on the spending, and clarifications of the bill. Also, the majority of tax payers I've talked to are against the whole bailout thing to begin with, regardless of their party affiliation.
2009-01-27 10:17:43 UTC
uh...i would say the economically conservative republicans DIDN'T endorse the first bailout.

anyway, haven't we SEEN what the banking sector DID with the bailout? 350 billion...pissed away on bonuses and other bullsh!t. is there something WRONG with dragging feet after THAT bout of confidence we got from the first bailout?

bottom line: it's NOT as partisan as you suggest.
End The Fed!!!
2009-01-27 10:17:25 UTC
"Republicans rush to endorse Bush's $700 Billion dollar bailout package..."

You are wrong right there.

After arm twisting and other incentives, they passed it the second time around.

I think the bailouts AND stimulus packages are very damaging to our dollar. They are both a form of counterfeiting. They are both unconstitutional. They both suck.
2009-01-27 10:24:12 UTC
I agree.

Republicans who endorsed the Bush bailout were wrong, though many did oppose it.

Fortunately it looks like more of them are coming to their senses in time to oppose Obama's bailout.
nick H
2009-01-27 10:18:02 UTC
The economic system needed an immediate boost to prevent it from collapsing. Now, there is an opportunity to take the long term actions that will get it back on track. The Obama plan will ensure years of stagflation as similar plans have caused in the 20th century. Bonuses to executive were deplorable, but you're completely overemphasizing the relative dollars that went to them.
petey_ :)
2009-01-27 10:32:35 UTC


2009-01-27 10:21:35 UTC
I didn't endorse the first bailout, seeing the first 700 billion didn't work why would it work the second, third, forth............. history should be something you learn from.
Jack Schitt
2009-01-27 10:16:00 UTC
ROFLMAO More uninformed people...

"Why did Republicans rush to endorse Bush's $700 Billion dollar bailout package without a question"

They diddnt the first time around, it had to go through 2 times. and it was the REPUBLICANS that blocked it then while pelosi and the rest of teh libs jumped all over their case for it.

Look at the contents of Obamas and judgefor yourself before you make ill informed questions...
2009-01-27 10:16:00 UTC
You're wrong. They didn't rush to endorse the Bush bailout package. No one did. That's why it took so long to get done.
weatherization guy
2009-01-27 10:18:01 UTC
The only thing transparent is Obama himself... the man is clueless.

Like Bush Jr., he has an Ivy League education, and also like Bush Jr., he's dumb as a box of rocks.

And if you honestly believe ANY politician (especially one as shady as Obama) is going to make government "transparent", you can add your name to the last list.

Get a grip man!
Five Star Giacomo
2009-01-27 10:16:05 UTC
Maybe it's to do with the amount of seemingly unnecessary additions to this current stimulus package such as allowing some of it to go to foreign abortion clinics.

To me, that doesn't really promote economic growth on a local or national level.

Secondly, Republicans opposed it first time round. Better luck next time buddy!
Miss Kitty
2009-01-27 10:23:21 UTC
Umm, they were all told that the economy was collapsing and that it was so bad that Martial law would have to be enacted.
Open Heart Searchery
2009-01-27 10:20:48 UTC
Gotta agree with Galaxie Girl and others here. You need to pay closer attention. lol
2009-01-27 10:16:46 UTC
you generalize too much, I never endorsed any form of so-called bailout...
2009-01-27 10:15:32 UTC
actually the initial money was given to banks which holds American homeowners' mortgages so that people would not lose their homes....and reps did anything but rush to support it
Galaxie Girl
2009-01-27 10:15:10 UTC
Excuse me? Republicans DID oppose the first bailout. Where were you?
2009-01-27 10:15:07 UTC
I did not endorse the bailout. Bad idea. Don't endorse this one either. But as Obama said, "I won. I will do what I think is right."
2009-01-27 10:16:14 UTC
so youre mad at partisanship?

get use to it, its been happening for a long time and it will continue to happen.
Let's Find Peace
2009-01-27 10:15:15 UTC
The republicans just want revenge, thats why their logic is not making sense. They're listening to people who have a serious vendetta like RLimbaugh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.