2013-09-11 20:41:05 UTC
I mean if you look at how Obama's doing this, he's only implementing the parts that will hit the common citizen the hardest. He took it upon himself to overstep the rule of law and decided to delay implementation of the business mandate until 2015, just after the 2014 Congressional elections, and this is one of the things he has done with Obamacare that is going to cause people to have to pay way more for healthcare than they would have if Obamacare never happened, especially those dependent upon their employer's healthcare now that many simply can't afford it and must drop it altogether.
And now, even those employers that still provide healthcare, people everywhere are taking huge pay-cuts because of Obamacare.
They were getting healthcare already, but then Obamacare came in, and now people are taking a huge pay-cut to pay for the same care and a lot actually are getting reduced services for the higher cost, thanks directly to Obamacare.
Then, for every pre-existing condition that is now getting healthcare, there is another who is suddenly not getting the care they were getting regularly before Obamacare came in and took over. And then when they call to find out what's going on, nobody can seem to explain what's going on. Indeed, people who are suffering from chronic conditions are actually having to turn to third-party humanitarian help just to figure out how they can get treatment again not that Obamacare has, for some unexplainable reason, banned them from getting care for their condition. Again, I remember one woman had no idea what to do until Fox News, yeah, Fox News came in and told her who to get in touch with.
Is this because of how superior Obamacare is? Is this because of Obamacare being a rousing success that everything conservatives said would happen is actually coming true?
Do you liberals still blindly believe what you're told about Obamacare by all the "neutrally" biased leftist-owned news media?