What would you like to see the Canadian minority Conservative government include in today's federal budget?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What would you like to see the Canadian minority Conservative government include in today's federal budget?
148 answers:
2007-03-19 09:46:34 UTC
They should include some consideration for our seniors and their needs along with the health issue get something towards founding real valuable project instead of all talk and no actions.
Alina P
2007-03-19 09:46:08 UTC
Put money into programs for R&D, innovation, brain power, etc. Spur creativity, give Canada a competitive edge in the global landscape.
2007-03-19 09:52:44 UTC
Take all the surplus money, such as E.I. surplus, highway tolls surplus, all surplus money, put into another new account, and re-balance the original accounts, then start putting the surplus to use with grant programs. People need financial support, in education, training, setting up business, maintaining business and smaller social sector programs. Give the money in grant formats to those who will make the effort to apply.

Unify the gas prices with a ceiling, here in the west of canada prices are outrageous. Why? The canadian government forgets we canadians are all one big family, so it is time they start to take care of all of us, as a nation, not on an individual provincial a strong nation, not one that flitters about looking for sales and bargains in other provinces.

WAKE UP together!!!
James B
2007-03-19 11:34:59 UTC
50% should go to pay off the Debt - if we are doing so well - why is there a debt?

20% for Health Care

10% for Eductation

10% for Infrastructure

5% for the Environment

5% Miscellaneous
Alwyn A
2007-03-19 10:08:34 UTC
I would love to see the income tax treshhold go above the current limits. Poor people are paying too much taxes.

My wife & I have three kids and the cost of higher education is looming. It is scary to think that we will be unable to educate our children & there is a government "surplus" debate. Why are we making education such a low priority?

Use the money in Canada to help poor Canadians get out of debt and build this great country. Give families priority & incentives to grow so that we can have stars for the future. We forty plus people can retire in peace & comfort.

Give more incentives for employment of the use of "Green technology" in the home.
2007-03-19 09:51:57 UTC
Scrap the capital gains tax
2007-03-19 09:48:55 UTC
The condervative in me says to pay down the debt, so we can all have lower taxes in the future. The progressive in me says to assure enough money is availabe for health, education and social services for those truly in need. The pragmatic in me says we need to invest in the environment, science, technology to be competitive in the world economy.
Bahadur K
2007-03-19 09:47:46 UTC
It should include tax cuts, funding for education and healthcare
Donny W
2007-03-19 09:29:51 UTC
Increase military spending. Our Men & Women are putting their lives on the line, and I think we owe it to them to provide them and their families with the best equiptment needed to do the job.
2007-03-19 13:04:22 UTC
# All countries must be conservative, so I recommend reduce spending, better administration of national daycare, reduce taxes, pay down the national debt and eliminate federal advertising, because it is not necessary.
2007-03-19 11:55:24 UTC
It is not so much about cutting or spending that you should be asking about but more importantly,- what will be the total impact of the actions you chose.

For instance, while the new tax cut saved me a few pennies per purchase the total impact it had on my life was so relativly low that I can easily say "my life didn't change at all". this means there was virtually no impact on my life.

Now if the tax change didnt happen but you took that money and added a new service that actually benifited me, something with meaning, then would have been more grateful.

For example: the amount i saved each month on a whole was equal to or exceeded my yearly MSP payments. Instead of giving us a paltry 2% off of taxes over a few years time - something with small impact versus free medical the difference is much more apparent even though the costs are the roughly the same.

While to some people (especially big spenders) a 2% discount would seem like a better deal. But unless you make ALOT of big purchases and not just one big one like a house or a car. Then the free MSP will still benifit you more over a long term and it effects everyone, not to mention that any excess money that would be saved by the goverment can be used to actually further improve the system. (and by system I dont just mean health care. I mean ANY system that benifits canadians).

You see by reducing our taxes you are only reducing the total amount of funds that the country recieves - reduce the money canada makes means reducing the total money you can spend on the initial and vital services that all canadians need.

So in closing, It doesnt matter if you "cut" or "spend" just make sure that whatever you do - you makes sure it has a positive impact on every canadians life. - yes it can be that easy.
2016-03-29 10:13:58 UTC
You just have to read any of the past three Auditor General reports to see how much of a lie a budget is. The money would be better spent on Environmental Remediation, and Public Transportation, while implementing emerging technollogies. Europe and Japan are already thirty years ahead of us in emerging technologies, and Obama has just comitted to catching up. We NEED to get a clue, take the hint. The Budget is a blatant lie to avoid a coalition government. Three opposing parties come together to oppose an irresponsible administration, is a miracle like peace in the middle east, and a demonstration of solidarity to the consideration of Canadian voters, and a demonstration of just how bad a party is when such an unpresidented action is considered. The conservitives only received less than 16% of the Canadian vote, because there were five parties, and a 50% turnout. That alone should void the election
2014-11-02 16:26:10 UTC
For example: the amount i saved each month on a whole was equal to or exceeded my yearly MSP payments. Instead of giving us a paltry 2% off of taxes over a few years time - something with small impact versus free medical the difference is much more apparent even though the costs are the roughly the same.

While to some people (especially big spenders) a 2% discount would seem like a better deal. But unless you make ALOT of big purchases and not just one big one like a house or a car. Then the free MSP will still benifit you more over a long term and it effects everyone, not to mention that any excess money that would be saved by the goverment can be used to actually further improve
2007-03-19 11:30:46 UTC
I would like to see the Canadian Government take the average ever day person into account while making up their budget.

In the respects of housing, instead of a lot of programs that supply extra cost of renting these days, create new law's that prevent Landlords from being the greedy creatures they are. End of problem. The average Canadian does not want to be on a Welfare system. The labor worker wants to pay for their own way, that is why they are working. Do you really want us to all go to welfare? That is the direction Alberta is taking. Stop it before it is to late. This is Canada. Not the United States.

Within the budget stop playing the provincal games. This is Canada. We are all Canadians and therefore I believe each province should have the same rules. In AB we pay for health care. In Ontairo it is atomatically given........Our doctor's here and throughout the country are going to the US for better pay. Hint hint you want to fix the problem start there!

I don't like war but I can see why we are in it. Give the army what it needs so that we are not as in much danger as we are at this moment. I did research in this area many years ago and was shocked to find out that if we ever go into a full war we have nothing to work with. No one likes war but unfortuntely it is a fact at the moment. Also place some major thinking on how to bring it to an end.

Please educate our children at whatever costs it takes. This is why many of us can leave the country in the past. We were considered extremely smart. Now...........? Most kids entering the work force cannot count and many of them cannot read. This needs to be fixed now. Stop spending so much money on programs that just take up paper work. Remind teachers they are there for the students and not for payed days of discussing the children. How many parents can really afford all the day care they need because of all these holidays the children are getting because the teachers need to talk?

Allow our police force to have more say when it comes to criminals. We are getting sick of the criminals getting their way. Ever wonder why a good person goes bad........they get tired of seeing the bad guys getting away with it. Maybe its time to sue the lawyers?

Simple thoughts. I could get fancy but I believe you will understand my points. :-) and thanks for asking for my thoughts..........

People this is freedom.
2007-03-20 11:22:31 UTC
I would like to see more money going towards the schools. Parents are finding it harder and harder to put their kids through school because of the costs. At one point, I could remember that elementary children (in Calgary) didn't need to buy their own supplies. Ontario still enforces that. They don't even have to send their kids with a pencil if they didn't want to. Nowadays, you even have to buy a box of kleenex when you child goes to kindergarden!! The government should have the same standards all across the country.

Also, there should be a stiffer tax on those who make more money (like over 100 thou). Give more breaks for families with small children/school age children trying to work. Bring down the costs of daycare or some sort of tax break at the end of the year to help out. It shouldn't cost $1000 to put 1 child in daycare for a month.

The last thing is that I don't think that the people working in the government shouldn't be allowed to give themselves a raise. They make more than enough money while there are other people who are working more than 1 job to make ends meet.
2007-03-19 10:13:50 UTC
The reduction in GST is a nice to have, but there should be more personal income tax cuts. The government has a budget excess in the billions and it would be nice to see some of that money going back to the people who contribute to the coffers. People on Social assistance seem to take advantage of the system as well. There is definitely a need for this and there are people who need it, but the fact that there are a whole lot of people sitting at home and not working is a burden on our society. Help people get to a social point in their life where they have a bit extra and they will care as much about the environment as the next guy. It's hard to have concern for the environment when you are battling to put food on the table and a roof over your head because you are paying most of your income in taxes (not just income, but hidden taxes as well, like taxes on gas for your vehicle etc)
Number Kruncher
2007-03-19 10:31:05 UTC

This is politically sexy, but to the average person, it does not add up.

Where should the money go?

1) Education - we have the best young minds in the world right here. Lets get excited about giving our youth the best tools to show the world that CANADA is the best!

2) Medicine - let's find a fix so we can maintain the best system in the world. Let's not become America Jr.

3) Childcare - The workers are under paid, even though the fees break the bank. they should be paid what they are worth, but it should be affordable to the average family.

4) Seniors care - because they deserve to live with their dignity intact.

5) Military - These young people put their lives on the line, we should give them the tools to do their job.

6) Infrastructure (including public transit) - the cities need it.

7) Pay down the national debt so our kids will have a better country.
Bill C
2007-03-20 08:40:32 UTC
Canadian Goverment is more interested in big buisness that the older Canadians that built and fought for this country. I am ashamed to say that we did not do any favours for our seniors. I see many seniors working beyond their retirement years at stores because they can not live on what the old age pention pays them. I thank God that at least in Alberta that the economy is hot and the seniors who can make extra money can. But in many parts of Canada they can not because of the labour force and high unemployment. The budget that just came out does not do enough to allow seniors to enjoy retirement. I am not a senior but I do have eyes to see that they are the forgotten just like our World War Veterans were and are still. The budget does not address this.We have billions in U.I. overpayments why not use it for seniors who worked and made this nation so great. I am a conservative voter and contribute to the party.
2007-03-21 15:20:35 UTC
Significant funds to be immediately invested to create a 100% 'Canadian' publically owned and operated energy company. The company would invest in securing Canada's current and future energy requirements through direct investment in the Alberta Tar Sands Projects and other resource related energy projects, refining capacities, and distribution infrastructure.

The security of our economy and our way of life is at risk. The urgency and importance of a comprehensive and all inclusive energy policy and development of associated services cannot be dismissed.

Canada has the largest oil reserves in the world (~300 billion barrels), and yet we have virtually no 'national' energy assets and no national energy reserve or stockpile.

While Ottawa fidles in the shadows, divesting Canada of it's natural resources, the term 'freezing in the dark' becomes a very real possiblity.
Orion S
2007-03-19 11:02:56 UTC
What I'd actually like first is for people to understand what money is.

1) Money = debt. It is a promise to do work in the future. It is NOT a value assigned to work that has been completed.

As such, cutting the budget does not make Canada wealthier, it means we are promising to do less work in the government.

2) If we lower taxes, you must make up for this money=debt promise by doing more work yourself. This is rarely the case and our economy suffers because of it.

3) As such, look for the sneaky cheap ticks in the budget and actually make some noise about it. eg: Last time, they lowered the GST while raising the bottom % of the lowest tax bracket. This WAS not a tax break for the middle and lower class, it simply added to the number of people who were required to pay taxes at the lowest bracket (ie: The poor). You only made it up if you actually spent enough money on GST items to offset the higher taxes added onto the lower bracket of taxation, which we all pay.

Having said that

Reduce government salary that does not directly contribute to profit of the country or our basic human needs. Government wages are the biggest welfare system of them all. I personally do not want tax dollars being spent on "make work" projects to solve imaginary problems.

Put this "money" in systems or projects that meet this criteria.
2007-03-19 10:15:24 UTC
Since employment insurance has such a surplus, I would like to either see our premiums cut or the benefits paid out increased. Plus I think the middle class need a break on the amount of tax they pay. It is a ridiculous that a single person making between 50-75 K a year has over 12 K deducted from their paycheque and then come tax time has to pay another $1200 in income tax. How about making the rich pay their fair share, instead of having all kinds of loopholes they can go thru and pay little or now income tax.
kirk h
2007-03-19 15:28:59 UTC
Lower Income Tax! If you want to attract voters make a meaning full effort that will help all tax payers! I have to say our Governing system in Canada needs a serious overhaul. I would like to see bills being passed with the consent of the Canadian public. Make it like Canadian Idol, call in ( toll free) and vote in support or against a proposal. Majority wins! And if something like a 'sponsorship scandal' arises' we (Canada) could vote these people off the Island (House of Commons). Party members will think twice before acting their irresponsible selves!
Ethan S
2007-03-19 11:43:30 UTC
Cut, cut, cut the debt!!! There's no such thing as a balanced budget OR a surplus when we have national debt. I don't want any tax cuts. It's NOT going to win my vote. I'm responsible enough to know the my tax dollars should go towards important social programs. The GST cut is a tax cut all (wealthy) Canadians can see. I'd rather see the $2000 in GST savings on the purchase of a Ferrari go towards student tuition, hospitals, infrastructure, or, as stated above, cutting the debt instead.

Once debt is gone, we can afford tax cuts as my tax dollars aren't going to pay off interest.

I also would like to see the budget pass and for the opposition to pull the Conservatives into an election off guard.

Can't spell Conservative without CONS.
Bobby Boucher
2007-03-19 13:15:03 UTC
1) Money allocated into Research and Development, we're only spending 3% of our GDP into R&D, while countries like Japan are long term innovators spending 34% of their GDP into R&D. We have to progress as well or leave the kids of the future behind the pack, leaving us exposed to imprisoning our country only to a resource driven economy.

2) Money allocated to Education. The federal government should transfer more funds to provincial governments for the role of education. Increased tuition has left a void of students being hardly able to scrape by and creating a gap of unskilled workers unable to fill the increasing hole of work left behind by baby boomers.

3) Money allocated to Environmental green gas initiatives. Of course this program can be interwined with R&D and Education.

4) Money allocated to the Canadian Armed Forces. For instance, new helicopters should be purchased to replace the aging SeaKing helicopters.

5) Money allocated to the First Nation Peoples to end poverty. Initiatives should be made in creating better environments and programs on reservations that fully respect cultural differences. We don't have to look far to discover a humanitarian crisis, all we have to do is look at is our own backyard.
2007-03-19 12:06:02 UTC
I'd like to see more spending for the military, especially on better armored vehicles. My dad is in the armed forces and he fixes those vehicles so I know through him that they aren't the best vehicles.

Another issue is the environment. The torie's need to do something about that too. Because a budget won't matter if there's no life or country to govern over.

Finally I think they should do something about the cost of post-secondary education. Because at the rate it's going with the rich becoming richer and the poor, poorer there won't be anyone who can afford to go through to university or college.
2007-03-19 11:36:33 UTC
Since they imposed Universal Childcare, they should make it up to and including the last year of elementary school, as many of the people who use it towards daycare fees have these fees all through elementary school, not just until the children are of school age. Also, since it is taxable, as it must be recorded as income either, make it really useful and accesible or don't bother!!!

Health care, smealth care, do we have a Canadian Health care system anymore? I think it is so different from province to province. Keep doctors in Canada!!! Make the money available to fund up-to-date, on-the-cutting-edge research for

the hospitals in all provinces and keep the Brain Power here!!

Not only our doctors are leaving, but so many other professions are drained of the best. They learn and perfect techniques in Canada, then take the know-how elsewhere because it pays better. Education is cheaper in parts of Canada than it is in the States, but the pay is better there for those striving to reach pinnacles in their chosen careers.Fund the Education system. Reward our people better.

There should be real taxes imposed on bankers who make millions on the backs of those paying user fees. Taxes that will make them think twice before wanting to accept the CEO position.

But, honestly, all we will hear about are the fluffy incentives that will not be reflected in my life. Trickle down effect does not happen. Take and take and take!!!
2007-03-19 11:21:01 UTC
More tax relief for Canadian families. Since it is from the middle class that the Federal Government gets most of it's

tax dollars it's only fair to give them a break. This would encourage larger Canadian families and reduce the flow of immigrants to this country. The latest statistics report that "made in Canada babies" are half of what they used to be.
2007-03-19 12:23:41 UTC
I would like to see the government implement a public auto insurance systems for all of Canada.

Atlantic Canada now has the dubious distinction of having the worst auto insurance system in Canada. Private auto insurers are too corrupt and must be done away with.

In the year of 2003 the auto insurance industry claimed they were going bankrupt, when their profits had actually hit a record-breaking high for that year.

Not only was this very dishonest, this was fraud. The Government needs to introduce a public auto insurance system that will provide all consumers access to fairer, lower priced rates with no cap on compensation. This way consumers will no longer be subject to the dishonest practises of private auto insurers.

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland are still paying up To 45% more in premiums than in most Western Provinces in the face of massive profits by auto insurers, Customers living in these Provinces are receiving significantly less coverage at a much higher cost.

Profits for auto insurers have skyrocketed with the direct assistance of provincial governments. These Governments have legislated reduced benefits by putting caps on payments to victims who suffer from personal injuries in the hope rates would come down. Rates haven’t come down, while innocent victims of auto accidents are paying the price of an corrupt and dishonest industry that just reported their largest profits in history.
Another Voter
2007-03-19 10:26:46 UTC
- Eliminate the GST. This will eliminate all the jobs for collecting the GST, and cut billions in wasteful spending, as well as improve the bottom line, reduce prices and boost spending.

- Eliminate the complicated tax system, and introduce a flat tax system. No refunds, and contributions deducted at source. This will eliminate the army of tax consultants and lawyers who are feeding on the tax payers. It will also eliminate a lot of government tax auditor jobs. Overall, a much vibrant economy.

- Concentrate on polluters, and less on the CO2 emissions. Regulate the forest industry. Mandatory tree planting for those companies. The number of trees to immediately compensate for the trees harvested. (for example. for each tree cut, 10 to be planted.)

- Minimize the number of "non-profit" social agencies, and cut the wasteful programs. Concentrate on providing services to disabled and seniors.

- Open doors for health care privatization. Current system does not work, and is eating too much money. Let the best health care facilities survive, be it public or private.

- Get out of Afganistan. This was a bad idea to start with. Learn from history. The British lost, the Russians lost, and so on.

- Concentrate on paying down the sebt, and not on spending.
Bob C
2007-03-19 10:07:20 UTC
How about cut the bull.This country needs an overhaul of government integrity and honesty.Im so glad the liberals are out the door right now with all the lies and money wasted lining their own pockets,its a relief.Now we have the conservatives and if i remember correctly it was mulrooney that sold out canada with the nafta aggreement.Remember how the bush government held us Hostage on softwood lumber until they got what they wanted from harper.Im in northern ontario and i have watched our lumber industy crumble because of this sell out.Mills closing everywhere When are we going to say as a nation no more Lies,no more Stealing and lets tax the rich for a change and stop those loopholes that will soon separate this country into 2 classes.The Rich & the Poor.Yes we need to help the enviroment but we need to feed our own people first and give them a chance to live a half decent life without being TAXED to DEATH
2007-03-19 11:19:50 UTC
Another tax cut will not help us at all. The money should be put towards real environmental programs that will cut our emissions and help Canadians to choose alternative power options and help conserve our planet, for day care programs that work for everybody in quality and work financially for the parents, the same goes for schools and school programs and towards health care, to improve the care and shorten the waiting time. I don't mind paying taxes if I actually get something for it that works and makes sense. The 1% GST cut just looks good on paper but doesn't do anything for Canadians.
2007-03-19 10:33:10 UTC
Commit to more longer term capital improvements in urban areas. Specifically, Toronto.

We are all used to GST being the way it is. People have been used to paying income tax the way it is ... overall, it's not really all that much (same as California, lower than NY city).

- Hospitals ... this is just a shame the way it is. No other way to put it.

- I'd like to see funding for public transit (LRT lines across town).

- Although some will say this is in contrast with the first statement, improve the highways with carpool lanes all throughout gardiner, 401 and 404. Also add another lane. The truth is, we should not get people into public transit because the roads are in such bad shape. Rather, get them to public transit because IT IS THE BETTER WAY. The freeways being always in a virtual standstill is not really doing much good for the environment either.

- Give money not directly to the TTC, but to a regional transit authority. This way, something can be done about transit fees when people are going across city lines (what if I am going across york/toronto line in TTC and YRT, but I'm only going 2 or 3 km total? The way it stands, I have to pay 2 fares). Money to a regional transit authority could force regions to better integrate service and fees.

- Seniors funding. How we support and dignify our seniors who has paid their dues to society will define us as a society. It will define how the next generation will treat us when it's our turn to get old. I am thinking lower income seniors. Public transit plays a big part here too of course.

- Public places and waterfront of Toronto ... ever have tourists come and nowhere to bring them to? That's Toronto ... invest in the public places, and money will come. What use is it to advertise toronto to tourist when there is nothing for them to come back to. Great place to live mind you ... but nothing to attract tourists other than CN tower.
2007-03-19 12:18:59 UTC
1) A huge investment in post-secondary education; keeping student loans low to support students, particularly those in poverty conditions;

2) First generation immigrants already graduated from abroad and sponsored by the federal government should never be indebted for any training -- university or not -- they take to adjust to the Canadian system. They should be called neo-Canadians till they become citizens than any other pejorative words (immigrants, new comers, visible minorities and so on);

3) Huge investment in reconstruction and peace than in military. Wars are weaknesses for those who dream of conquering the world. Only equitable attitude in international relations can save the world from terrorism, greedy and poverty.

2007-03-19 11:24:06 UTC
Child Care & Early Learning. Investing in supporting children early will return dollars to society: children will perform better in school (and thus in the labour market), parents are able to work and contribute to the tax base (especially single parents). This evidence is acknowledged by institutions such as the World Bank and the WHO. The idea that investing in social program is "wasteful" is simply an opinion - the facts are that invetsing in human capital (through social programs) improves population health and well being which is better for the economy and prevents health problems from occuring rather than waiting to treat them with costly drugs and hospitalization. Stop listening to the conservative media and forming your opinions based only on your gut/personal some research into the value of social will find out the evidence is supported by strong methodology and diverse groups.
2007-03-19 10:53:50 UTC
Here's my wishlist:

1. A significant increase to the defence budget, particularly for staffing and equipment. The airforce is woefully short of modern transport planes and needs more servicable fighter aircraft. The Hornets are now too few and getting long in the tooth. The Sea King replacement project is beyond belief in the sluggishness of implementation and needs to be finished ASAP. The Army needs more troops, period, for its commitments. the Navy needs more sailors and needs both heavy-lift/amphibious-support and area air defence ships.

2. A real envirnmental plan that allows us to cogently address pollution issues including global warming without destroying the economy. One example: ban the 'drive-through'. Think about it, if we collectively had to haul our butts out of our cars to get into Dunkin Donuts it would eliminate an awful lot of idling time. (That there'd be some increase in exercise output would be a good little side-benefit.)

3. A national transportation strategy that would emphasize mass transit and not more highways. Most (about 80%) of Canada's population is urban. Getting us collectively out of cars and onto trains and busses is good for the infrastructure cost, is cheaper in the long run for us as individuals and coincidentally,is good for the environment, too.

I can think of others, but I do need to get back to work!
Ronald S
2007-03-19 10:41:47 UTC
I would like to see the government work with the budget and surpluses on,

1) Reducing waste in government and unnecessary subsidy programs

2) Tax cuts for working class people proportionately across the board. Middle and higher income earners are bearing the bulk of the tax burden and they should reap more rewards from the surpluses since they have been the ones paying for the bills through the bad times

3) Encourage corporations to reinvest back into the Canadian economy by giving them tax incentives to purchase more equipment, building facilities and hiring more people in Canada instead of tax cuts to corporations

4) Tax incentives for corporations to hire new immigrants to bridge the employment squeeze. This should encourage employment for new immigrants and reduce the salary inflation

5) Build city infrastructures to support population growth and to build industries such as establishing more highway systems and subway systems in large cities

6) Support funding for international trade and development through programs supporting trading companies that are buying or selling abroad

Overall, I am really looking for the government to reduce its own spending, reduce tax burden on the working class, and offer tax incentives for business to grow within Canada.
walter m
2007-03-19 16:12:05 UTC
Income tax cuts to the blue collar workers that have been stuck between a government that held our wage increases to below the cost of living for the past 30 years and one that continually gives money to the welfare state. These people are getting to a point where they are better off than us working stiffs. After all, their medical and dental are covered already and every budget they continue to get more.
Kelly G
2007-03-19 12:01:17 UTC
Put the EI surplus into tax cuts, rationalize wasteful social programs and balance personal taxes. As a single person I pay more tax on a per dollar basis than any other segment in the country. I pay for other kids' school, health, etc, but get none of the benefit, and don't give me that "it's about our future" crap cause that doesn't cut it. I don't get to income split or any other deductions for kids and spouse.... why should I seek to marry just for a better tax situation.... level the playing field!!
2007-03-19 10:51:50 UTC
Cut foreign aid, cut social programs with the exception of basic necessities. All this money can go towards technology (which would benefit the environment), research/development and paying down debt.

If Canada can get rid of it's debt, do you not see the savings in interest we make? This could then all go toward cities, infrastructure, social programs.

Take a lesson from Alberta and let's go through some hard times in order to get rid of the past generation's debt.
TV Fan
2007-03-19 10:22:01 UTC
Tax cuts!! I'd love for there to be cuts to the effective tax rates attached to all income brackets....I'd love for the brackets to be adjusted upwards to adjust for the fact that the brackets have not fully kept up with inflation over the last 25 years. Income-splitting would be great! Deduction of mortgage interest too. Alas, the government is likely in the position to offer just some tax relief...given the need to address the fiscal imbalance and to invest in education and health care.
2007-03-19 10:31:14 UTC
People are the only driving force for the economy, therefore, leave more money in people's pockets. Cut the GST to 5% and reduce the personal income tax rates. But increase the corporate income tax rate; as if a rich corporation is going to feel "happy" with low tax rates... With higher tax rates, corporations will spend more, thus, contributing to a stronger economy.
John P the avenger
2007-03-19 11:04:21 UTC
I would like to see the government address Autism funding. Making it mandatory for all provinces to fund autism treatment in Canada. For a nation that holds up its universal health program to the whole world as a gleaming example of how it should be done, we sure suck in this area. I know I.m going bankrupt funding my twin daughters IBI treatment while the Ontario government fights parents and rulings at every turn. My only wish is that Dalton Mcguinty has a child or grandchild with Autism and he can finally know first hand how he has mistreated everyone. Burn in hell Dalton!!!!!!
Lynda G
2007-03-19 10:32:51 UTC
More funding to social programs - children's mental health is starving for funding. There is a need for more money to hire dedicated professionals, for bussing, for summer and winter camping and other services/programs that will assist these children, youth and their families. These people are falling through the system cracks - the waitlists are extremely long. Some of these families have been waiting up to a year to be seen by a professional. THIS IS WAY TOO LONG!!
2007-03-19 10:07:07 UTC
Well let's see how much we're being taxed already by all levels of government.

On our salary, some people are being taxed up to 46%, which means almost half of every dollar you make in that tax bracket goes to the government. Then there's taxes on gas which we all need to drive. Then anything else we buy there's generally a 14% tax. Then for those that drink/smoke, there's more tax. Then there's property taxes. Oh and don't forget the "non-tax" health premium that we now pay in Ontario. I'm sure we could think of many more taxes to come up with. But at the end of the day, it's ridiculous to see how much of our money the government swine has gotten their hands on.

Tax cuts all the way, you greedy corrupt government!!
2007-03-19 15:50:33 UTC
Put the money back that they stole from organizations trying to do good work to help ALL Canadians, not just privileged ones. Keep the few social programs left alive by not cutting spending to the services that marginalized Canadians need most.
Zachary N
2007-03-19 11:54:08 UTC
I would like this government to implement The First Nations Goverance Act (Bill C-7), and The Kelowna Bill (5 Billion) to help the native people properly. More money for the environment, Armed Forces, and research for diseases sucg as AIDS and Cancer.
2007-03-19 11:21:16 UTC
Use surplus dollars to pay down the national debt. The reduction in interest will reap benefits into the future.

We also need initiative in greening our society. Don't cut taxes on gasoline. If it hurts to drive people will find other ways to get to work or ways to reduce emissions. Spend the tax dollars on public transit, or towards rebates on removing gas guzzling vehicles off the road. Help people retrofit homes to be more energy efficient, and install alternative heating and lighting systems.
2007-03-19 10:19:51 UTC
First and formost.... spend time and money on law reform. This are is so lacking in protection for any Canadian citizen. It is good if you own a lrge corperation though so get with the programe and actualy protect Canadain citizens !!!!!!

Canadian white washed laws also lack any teeth. Every one dosn't have any consiquenses for there actions.

If you had any back bone you wouldl ahve changed the drunk driving laws = you kill some one you pay the ultimate price.... oh ya I was hit by drunk, he killed 2 of his friends, he was driving under suspention for the 5th time and the 3rd time drunk............. I think this may mean that you were too drunk to get past making yourselves stop the time..... had to be.

I can't work, you can. I can't listen to my grnad children play, you can, I can't sit in a movie theater, you can, I can' lift any thing over 20 LB or so, you can, I can't walk from, here to across the street more than once or my right leg swells up so bad it hurts for 5 days then i can walk again, you don't ever have to got hrough tha do you? I can't excersize properly as my head/brain injury erupts with sever pain when i am questioned about adding or such, you do it with ou thinking. I can't think. Drunk drivers chose to drink and there for they dame well know that they are going to chose to drive.... they thtn made the dissisiision to kill just becasue they felt that there right to have fun is above the rights of any ones elses right's to live a happy unicomberded life. My life is heell for 7 years running.NI get paid 750.00 CPP........ HELP ME HELP CANADIANS from these narrow minded idiots.
daniel b
2007-03-19 11:59:33 UTC
Personally, i don't think tax cuts are a good thing, because they help people who are rich and make tons of money more than they help people who are poor. If you're homeless, and you can't get a job because you are homeless and nobody wants to hire you, and you can't get a house because you don't have a job, how are tax cuts going to help? the trickle-down effect won't reach you, the only thing you can get is the occasional free meal at a soup kitchen (usually through government funding) and if your lucky, a dry bed at a hostel.

what about the schools? schools are underfunded enough as it is, and students suffer. do schools pay tax? no. will rich people who benefit from tax cuts donate money to schools? probably not. the only income schools get is through government funding.

canada's military is tiny, our police are too spread out, and the environment s gone all to crap. spending is going to help these things much more than tax cuts will.

annie a
2007-03-19 11:51:24 UTC
I would like to see tax cuts for the middle class, we seem to be getting hit harder and harder each year. We just did our taxes and couldn't believe that we paid all that money, which was alot and still have to pay some more. That is unfair, when I see politicians not being more Conservative with our money. Do cut backs up the hill not down the hill.
Colin B
2007-03-19 11:42:20 UTC
It is great that the Tories have provided income splitting for seniors, I would be thrilled if they would extend it to the entire population in this budget . This is already done Australia, UK, USA and other European Union countries. It is just the right thing to do in Canada too. For the sake of all families and couples.
2007-03-19 11:30:46 UTC
HATS OFF , to Jenna and My empty wallet.

So, the Federal Government is about to give more money to each Provience... Give wisely.

Please look into this factor. On form NS428, Nova Scotia Tax and Credits, Line# 59, there is a request for NET Income from T1-General, to determine how much, if any of the ($300.00) credit you will receive.

NOW, on the T1-General, Line 150 , NET INCOME, included the GIS (NONE TAXABLE INCOME)...WHY is this included in the figure to determine this NS Credit? We pay more Provincial Tax than Federal Tax.

Another gift to the low income people in NS?

ANOTHER, empty wallet.
Steve F
2007-03-19 11:21:08 UTC
The very best single thing they could do in order to eliminate wasted tax dollars is to repeal all drug prohibition, and control all drugs in roughly the same way that we control alcohol and tobacco. The existing policy of prohibition does nothing but give criminals a total monopoly over certain commodities; inflate the price of those commodities so that the criminals earn obscene profits; and waste billions of taxpayer dollars. At the same time, it actually promotes drug abuse rather than reducing it: Consider the fact that while abuse of prohibited drugs has generally increased over the past 30 years, drunk driving and tobacco addiction has actually decreased -- even though these drugs are no less addictive than the illegal ones.

Message to Harper: Be a real conservative, and quit wasting my money.
Murray V
2007-03-19 10:21:36 UTC
My answer to this is: to allocate and deliver half of the UI premiums that are available to the homeless in the country, Not just bandade solutions, but concrete solutions as health support and permanent housing for them. A revolving door syndrome has taken effect thruout the provinces.

This goes with out saying: give a human something to eat, it will eat, teach it how to aquire food and it will feed itself for ever.

When they talk about a surplus inventory concerning funds, Why is it only the rich get the surplus? The gap between the rich and poor starts with the blindness of those in charge of ( affairs of the heart.) Respectfully Yours: Murray J. Vale

dan s
2007-03-19 14:35:13 UTC
yes of course everyone should have a say

but only if they stand by the cuts they are saying that they want to give out if not it is just another ploy to get votes and screw the everyday working candain out of more money and time.

people want to see cut and big cuts not penny cuts enough for ppl to recoup what they lost from the mulroney yrs and beyond.

Just give everyone a break and get rid of the gst that will save us all money to spend on other stuff beside taxes
Path With Heart
2007-03-19 11:41:59 UTC
Put together a real program to help the less fortunate especially the children. Real money for real food.

More teachers to help the children in school. More specialized teachers for special need children.

Stop lying to the people of Canada about the environment and really do something about pollution. STOP THE OIL SAND PROJECT if you have any back bone at all.

Fix all of Canada's ageing infrastructure. Stop making excuses as to why you cannot do it.

Your personal spending with our money has to stop now. If we cannot afford to go out or have fine clothes or fine jewelry well you should do the same.
2007-03-19 10:39:49 UTC
I would like to see an approach of improving Canada for now and the future. A mixture of spending and some cuts. Spending on issues such as the environment (wind farms, and reducing industrial emmissions), post secondary education, research into improving the use of our resources, health care!!!, assistance for struggling industries (farming, forestry) and supporting the military. Cuts for unnecessarily expensive programs (involving non renewable resources), low income families, and seniors.
2007-03-19 10:28:37 UTC
I want something for everyone, especially the low and middle income earners. Cut in the Fed.income taxes and I want the Conservatives to keep spending to the military very carefully controlled. Don't over spent and get us back into the red!
2007-03-19 11:16:03 UTC
I would like to see cuts to taxes, especially to income taxes....we need more money in our pockets....altho raising the minimum wage to $10 sounds great, it will do nothing more then raise the cost of living again and put low income families in the same situation. For example, if the super market raises their minimum wage to $10...the Super Market would have to raise their prices in order to pay that they'd be back in the same situation. The same thing would happen with all other stores and services. I would also like to see more spending on renewable resources and lowering green house gases, education and our health system
2007-03-22 16:25:23 UTC
May it's time to make some tax reductions for middle class? Not only for poor. Looks like it's worth to sit on welfer if you have kids!
2007-03-20 13:45:30 UTC
Tax cuts & lots of them

I am continually bugged by the premiss that government knows how better to spend my money than I do

Polititians make terrible businessmen & rarley get value for $

It's been proven time & again.
2007-03-19 11:08:53 UTC
I would like to see low cost housing for the street people as well as more infrastructure to help them cope or get off drugs. People who are also suffering from mental disease are also included in this as they usually have no means to help themselves. It seems awfully funny to me that the Government can raise millions of dollars for international relief and also to plant trees and pick up and restore Stanley Park in Vancouver B.C. but have no solution to the plague that is hitting the "people" who are living their lives according to the law. IT is getting really bad when your pet dog is stolen right out from under your nose in broad daylight so that they can raise the money for their fix or food or a place to spend the night. You get what I mean.
2007-03-19 10:44:53 UTC
I have a laundry list, but the most important item for me is giving a tax break to families with children where one parent chooses to stay home and raise their children.

I wouldn't for a minute suggest that Canada needs to be more like the United States in almost any way, but the U.S. is ahead of us in that particular method of promoting family values. They accomplish this through the ability of spouses to file joint tax returns and effectively average their income.

The family is one unit, and I think it should be taxed as one unit. Doing so encourages parents to consider leaving one of them at home to be there for their kids, since the tax burden borne by the working parent is lessened.

If the Conservatives want to push family values, this is a great way to do it, IMHO. The current tax system encourages parents to both be out working and stick their kids in daycare, just to survive. That makes no sense to me. Wouldn't our youth be better off having a parent at home who really cares about them and how they are raised? Certainly more than any daycare provider who doesn't know the child and has nothing really invested in their future.

And please understand that I don't fault parents who put their kids in daycare when they have no choice (i.e. they need to put food on the table, not buy fancy cars or lavish vacations). And I certainly appreciate the fine work done by the majority of daycare providers. But I think that the best daycare space is in the home (in general). What I propose is intended to help create a choice for those parents who need it.

The Conservatives kicked this one around a bit, but I suspect that they have abandoned it in favour of other programs. If I hear that more money is being thrown at social programs to help troubled youth, and nothing is being done to help the problem at its source (i.e. in the home), I will be very disappointed in this short-sighted view. You can keep putting band-aids on the problem, but it won't cure itself.
2007-03-19 10:43:00 UTC
Reduce spending

Forget national daycare

Reduce taxes

Pay down the national debt

By the troops a ticket home from Afghanistan

Eliminate federal advertising

Spend money on changing health care. Not more of the same.

The next province that holds out its hand - Slap it.

Allow immigration, but spend more in screening.
2007-03-19 14:11:12 UTC
I know the budget has been already put out...but what i didn't hear was anything for the working poor. That is one thing that they should be looking at..instead of giving the rich tax breaks.
2007-03-19 16:03:07 UTC
I agree with some of the comments about EI, or should I say "EI Tax". Nothing burns me more that to pay high premiums and then have government keep raiding the fund.

This money should be used for EI benefits and to lower the premiums that we all pay.

As it stands now, we are being gouged and in reality how may of us will ever be able to draw benefits.
2007-03-19 11:50:22 UTC
I would like to see, in the following order.

1) Tax Cuts

2) Funds for Provincially run Day Care System

3) Additional funding for better highways
2007-03-19 11:25:42 UTC
How about taxing the stupid tree huging evironmental nuts (we'll call it an idiot tax) and provide a tax cut to hard working Canadians. Trickle down economics means more money to spend which translates into increased taxes collected. It's a win - win stituation.

P.S. a nugget for the environmental lemmings, maybe a tax on trees for the amount of CO2 they put into the atomosphere.
2007-03-19 10:15:03 UTC
Because the government seems to have an overabundance of our money I would like to see more done for low income seniors. I know of an elderly widow who gets all of $800.00 a month to live on.

This doesn't seem like enough to cover rent let alone heat, hydro, phone .....

Money from scrapped Gun registry would probably cover it.

Everybody knows criminals don't register their weapons.

Better management & regulation for social programs & cuts especially to National Capital Commission & Arts Centre. There is more money wasted on this in one year than some towns, cities spend in 10 years. I would like to know how it is that millions are spent in decoration & show but people still sleep under bridges & in boxes.

Lowell Green for PMs 2nd hand man

Cdn. Citizen
2007-03-19 11:20:06 UTC
I would like to see more tax dollars transferred to cities and towns, because only they know what they need. Second, I would like to see the tax system overhauled because a lot of people take advantage of Canada's good nature and bend the truth a little bit in order to receive excessive refunds. Third, I would like to see more tax dollars invested in creating environmentally sustainable automobiles, and overhauling public transit (i.e. Get rid of student cards, special metropasses and all that other hoopla and just lower the adult fee to $1.50/ride). Fourth, I would like to see Canada be able to protect itself, therefore, it should invest in its military. Fifth, I would like to see automobile gas go below $1. And last but not least, I would like to see more audits on government spending and practices so that officials in government are being held accountable to the electorate.
2007-03-19 10:37:22 UTC
More emphasis on reducing personal tax rates and less so on transfers to the provinces (i.e. Quebec). It is disgraceful that the federal government has been running budgetary surpluses for the last ten years and has not implemented meaningful tax cuts during that period.
2007-03-19 10:23:09 UTC
A substantial credit to middle income earners....more than $2,000 per year, not based on anything, just a credit in the form of a cheque. Too much of our tax dollars are being wasted on ridiculous spending and no one is accountable. Therefore we should have some returned.
2007-03-19 09:16:07 UTC
I have been hearing a great deal about the correction of the fiscal imbalance, Being from Ontario I would really like to see how that in incorporated.

I would like to see no further GST cuts, there are far more important places tax cuts can be given to further stimulate industrial growth and diversity.

Environmental initiatives, the majority of the Liberal programs have been cut, which was met with great disdain. I am curious as to how the conservatives are going to handle environmental spending.

Military spending. We have troops abroad, it is imperative that we ensure that while they are there they are receiving the best possible support from the administration.

That is all.
Hussein H
2007-03-19 11:42:12 UTC
A buyout or an exit strategy for the tobacco growers in Ontario. The growers and their families have suffered for many years. Their future was always uncertain and their farm income reduced drastically to a point where they can not make the ends meet.
2007-03-19 11:32:58 UTC
I would definetly love a tax break. Give a break to those struggling with student loan payments. Give consideration to those who have had to drop out of the workforce because they are too old and give them a top up til their pensions kick in.

What about those who need retraining this should be a definite priortity
don r
2007-03-19 10:39:18 UTC
Tax cuts and more Tax cuts for the working class we pay far too much just to have the Government waste it on foolishness and their friends. The average worker is paying close to 50% in taxes and getting nothing in return. Maybe if they were more responsible with our money they wouldn't need to tax us as hard.
Rob A
2007-03-20 07:44:18 UTC
Tangible personal income tax rate reductions for all up to and including an increase in the basic personal income tax exemption; phasing in of California-style emission controls for all vehicles sold in Canada; and the promised reduction in capital gains rates.
Alana Green
2007-03-19 10:19:36 UTC
I would like the government to support young people more, especially young families. More support for childcare, student loan reduction, and an increase in the minimum wage is essential.

As well, more money for public transportation networks in urban and suburban Canada would increase tourism and the economy. I'd like them to announce that they will tax gas at a higher rate in urban and suburban areas to pay for an increased transportation network.

Lastly, health care and care for the disadvantaged should always be a first priority in this country.
Paul F
2007-03-19 10:53:00 UTC
I would like to see a pure income tax cut. Also a reduction in the capital gains tax and an extension to the deductions for sports events for kids for things like guitar lessons!
Jay C
2007-03-19 11:33:36 UTC
It seems to me that some of us here doen't realize that we are not living alone in this Country. It's not always about ME ME ME ME ME. What I think needs to be done is answer this question: What to do to make this country better for everyone in all life's aspects?

It is important to reduce taxes a bit but let's not forget that by cutting taxes we are cutting programs and jobs for hundres but thousands of people who are in need. Some of these people might be one of us or a beloved one.

What I think is important is a smart way to invest this money, each person's money, to make the world better.

that includes:

-going gren by making clean things affordable to people to buy.

-ameliorate the health system so people would have access in a civilized time to a better care.

-make specialized care for our children affordable.

-tighter criminal laws to protect our people from psychos.

-more attractions for tourists as we don't want to live in a bubble away from the rest of the world.

-help our teenagers get a better education for a better future.

and the list could go on and on and on and on.

I think we can make a difference once we stop thinking of ourselves as individuals and start thinking of ourselves as a community.
2007-03-19 10:41:21 UTC
more money for low income people and more taxes for rich/corporations. I think new grants to go to school for low income - help get them educated and back to work.

I also agree with a comment I read about the military. It's in such a sad state and people are dying as a result. not that we should be in a war that was started by the US against UN decision.
2007-03-19 10:39:31 UTC
I'd like to see specifics for reducing student loans, bringing the "middle class" some tax relief, meeting our Kyoto commitments, and increasing social program benefits for the least fortunate in our society. Corporations should be on a polluter-pay principle and their subsidies should be cut if they can't become efficient. Less for Big Business and more for the average citizen. And thanks to all the Opposition parties for making this a goody give-away!
2007-03-19 09:43:05 UTC
I like the idea of tax cuts. More money for the people to spend on what they want and need. With budget surpluses they are already taking too much in mostly anyway. I hope they give more money to the people and more money for the provinces is what I think they should do.
2007-03-19 11:11:27 UTC
Paying down the debt, the faster we bring that down the more the government will be able to do for Canadians
bill c
2007-03-19 10:56:02 UTC
I would like to see more money spent on fuel cell technology and research. Reducing the national debt and taxes. More accountable government via referendum on national issues.
2007-03-19 10:37:55 UTC
Kill mostly all of the social programs that waste our money. They would be easy to spot since it's most of them! I am so tired of those lazy SOB's collecting welfare. You want money?? Get to work *******! Load them up on a bus and go to do garbage collection or whatever..don't want to go? GREAT! You are now OFF the dole! Perfect.

So many want government to live their lives..hey get off your *** and get going.

LESS TAXES.. We are being killed by taxes. Bring in a flat tax system..if they took 10% from everyone we would have more money in government and in our pockets. It's simple.

Think of the the CRA folks we could lay off!

More jails..criminals laugh at our justice..because there isn't any. Kill someone get a CSO or be "grounded" to your house. OOOOO scary. How about jail until you die? There's a deterrent. Let's get tough on crime!
2007-03-19 11:26:06 UTC
I would like to see wage cuts for government employees across the board. Government is out of touch with private sector wages and cost of living.
2007-03-19 10:38:19 UTC
I would most like to see a fairer equalization deal for the provinces, more spending for alternative fuels research, and as much as possible to repair our healthcare system and reduce surgery waiting lists
cheryl m
2007-03-19 10:06:57 UTC
Less money wasted on the military. Fighting in Afghanistan is useless; everyone from the British to the Russians to the Americans have tried and failed to conquer this country from the nineteenth century until now. Will we never learn that we can't win? Besides, we are only there to shut America up--they keep whingeing that we never 'contribute' to their wars; we only do the 'peace keeping.' But with aggressors like the USA in the world, someone's gotta do it! There is no need for a Canadian army. No one will invade us except the USA, and judging by some of the more right wing comments above, they are already conquering us through the US led media by changing our collectivist mentality to one of 'me-first' individualism.
Sue L
2007-03-19 09:35:59 UTC
Tax Cuts first. Apparently they are "rolling" in our money according to the latest publicity. It's time to give some of it back. Secondy, make more infrastructure money available directly to communities who need it.

Instead of spending more money on environmental issues, make big business pay up. Instead of spending more money on health care, find ways to streamline the system. It needs an overhaul not more overhead.
2007-03-19 11:57:59 UTC
I would like to see a focus on the environment, support for education systems, a reduction in miltary spending and increased taxation of corportations.
2007-03-19 10:50:18 UTC
Continued increased spending on law enforcement, military, border security and improvements to our justice system with mandatory minimum sentences and INCREASED prison sentences and not house arrest.. these violent punks should be in jail and not on house arrest it's the principle.. I dont care how much it costs.

Ensuring the right balance of getting environmental issues on track and not hurting our economy at the same time. The liberal socialists in this country dont seem to understand that one.

2007-03-19 09:48:27 UTC
- Tax cuts. Socialism is a failed experiment.

- An acknowledgement that global warming is occurring due mainly to solar activity and NOT because of CO2 emissions (search for "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and watch it online). Stop the fear-mongering and threats of carbon taxes.

- Quit pandering to eastern voters at the expense of Alberta.
2007-03-19 09:36:32 UTC
CUT - It's ridiculous the number of people that are now collecting social services that could be working. I do understand and sympathize with those that are actually incapable of working and should be subsidized. Another thing that burns me is the inequity of the tax system in this country. If we had a flat tax system, everyone would pay their fair share.
2007-03-19 21:18:55 UTC
to cut taxes & capital gain tax.

we are the highest taxed people in the world & all he did was steal from Paul to pay Mary or from one hand to the other.

maybe other provinces should want to separate to & rest of Canada can buy gas & oil from other countries??

A election would be great!!!!!
2007-03-20 15:17:44 UTC
I would like to see some income tax cuts for people with dissabilities. Also income tax cuts for the middle class.
Robert M
2007-03-20 17:35:35 UTC
For seniors i would like to see a higher deduction base on income from retirement plans
2007-03-19 14:37:50 UTC
I would like to see low income housing for the average person and families. I would also like to see higher pay for senoprs especially those who have very little income
2007-03-19 11:20:12 UTC
A real childcare program. Affordable childcare means more people can work (particularly women). The more people that work, the more this country prospers! It makes good common and financial sense.
John Q
2007-03-19 10:24:45 UTC
Addressing the fiscal imbalance coupled with reduced taxes for individuals
2007-03-19 10:16:42 UTC
Isn't this a little bit of a stupid question? The time to ask such things is before the budget process starts.
2007-03-19 10:15:38 UTC
Give a break to middle class families! I don't believe in universal childcare, because we shouldn't rely on the gov't to do something we should do ourselves - and can do better! Make it financially viable for one parent to stay home with their children, whether that be through income sharing, bigger baby bonuses or other tax incentives. We rely on immigration to boost population because our birth rate keeps dropping. Let's re-invest in the middle class family!
2007-03-19 12:33:18 UTC
- More Millitary Funding

- Less Funding for the arts

- Tax Cuts

- More Funding for the RCMP (Police Services)

- A Little bit more for the environment
2007-03-19 10:24:33 UTC
More funds for improving the infrastructure of our large cities. In particular road conditions and public transit.
2007-03-19 10:47:28 UTC
accountability-- in the public services -- all expenses per person -office and admin -travel -salary- etc ,compared with income -taxes -services etc generated . If it costs us 150k to deliver 20k in services or generate 20k in revenue -taxes , mabye this position should be evaluated and mabye subbed out to the private sector by bidding on supplying the service .each and every department should be evaluated and the objective should be- "smaller being better"
Jeff Moreau
2007-03-19 14:35:03 UTC
INCREASE COLLAGE AND UNIVERSITY FUNDING!!! Its hard enough for fortunate family's to pay for collage and university. I couldn't imagine family's on welfare and such trying to pay for their child's schooling so that they can get a better job, and perhaps more money.
2007-03-19 10:04:54 UTC
Reduce income tax! Leave more money in the pockets of Canadians. Let them choose how to invest and spend their own money. Reduce emphasis on both welfare and public health care. Public systems are frequently it health care or some other social system. This country needs to wake up and realize what a facade some of the social systems are in this country. I have to laugh every time I see some "Joe average" on the television commenting on how the government should pay for this and that program....hello....where do you think the money comes from? I think we need "workfare" not "welfare". I feel we punish those who seek to better themselves financially.

Leave more freedom to the people in regards to their money!

2007-03-20 17:45:28 UTC
more towards helping students with the cost of post-secondary education, we need a higher education to improve this country, but most can't afford it!
Richard M
2007-03-19 10:09:01 UTC
I would like to have in the budget the return of the $10,000.00 that the finance minister stole from my humble investment account on October 31 2006.
Charles S
2007-03-19 10:42:43 UTC
As large a reduction as possible to the national debt
2007-03-19 10:40:58 UTC
first we should get people off welfare that can work. = Spend less money on welfare. WE need more people in the workforce so train those people on wellfare to work. Stop giving in to Spend it on health care we are gonna need it when the baby boomers hit that golden age.............WE need to keep doctors in our country and surgeons. A bit should be spent to upgrade our Canadian forces. More teacher to teach the class rooms are full.
2007-03-19 11:41:24 UTC
What is exactly aiming Canada from Afganistan..?

Why no other countries(other than NATO), especially muslim countries, not military presented here..? Why we should waste money here..? How about salary decrese for MP etc...?
Stefan F
2007-03-19 10:10:02 UTC
Do not do the normal Tory thing and spend money on pet projects and ideas that pander to their special interest groups. Pay down the debt, increase taxes on items that cause green house gases and give tax breaks to items that decrease pollution.
Don C
2007-03-19 09:58:03 UTC
Cut spending, especially on social programs. That will eventually led to tax cuts. Canadians need to look after themselves and their families, not rely on the government and tax payers. I work hard for my money and although I support reasonable taxation I am increasingly bitter about how much money is wasted on social programs. I always say....take it away and they will find a way!
2007-03-19 12:11:03 UTC
Cut Taxes. Period. The Fed's already take way too much and can't spend it wisley
2007-03-19 10:24:21 UTC
The immediate resignation of complete government.
2007-03-19 10:12:12 UTC
a double digit percentage cut to income tax deductions, as well as employement insurance deductions. There is a $51 billion surplus in E.I, why are they still taking huge amounts off our paycheques...? I want to be able to allocate more of my funds to my retirement, and can't do so with the appalling amount of income tax deducted, I have little left to invest.
Liviu C
2007-03-19 09:51:38 UTC
- No more money for the war! Mr. Harper should be held personally responsable for all the money he spend outside Canada.

- More money in the Healt system, buy more tools ( MRI, SCANs etc)

-more money to improve the reduce the polutions

(like electric trains, subways using eolian power suplyy or solar cells), put new standards for car engines to pulute less

- less birocracy

-remove the bilingualism, and use the money more efficient

to improve quality of life for people around Canada

- put more money into education

-allocate more money and encourage womans to have more kids, to improve the birth rate

- to promote tax deductions for people who are using "green"

home equipmenrts ( like tankless hot water, so;ar panels to generate electricity, etc).

-less taxes - remove the GST.

2007-03-20 04:24:30 UTC
lots of money for a new 9/11 investigation. lol
Steven E
2007-03-19 14:10:07 UTC
Drop new tax on income trust.
2007-03-19 11:51:56 UTC
Tax relief and more spending on healthcare
2007-03-19 11:03:04 UTC
get rid of the capital gains tax...people sometimes invest their whole lives into property and its not right should they decide to sell, the government gets a cut of it
2007-03-19 10:39:12 UTC
Cut the ridiculous funding to Afganistan, and focus the 220 million dollars on local Canadian community structure. I live on a native reservation and there is a clear urban infrastructural need for a sidewalk system.

This money can be diverted to a community like ours to fix and repair bad roads and other areas, and to build new practical infrastructure i.e. like the sidewalk system that is needed on our reservation and much needed work that has to be completed to the water systems in many communities in the North.

It should be up to the UN and the US to repair the roads and systems of Afganistan, not Canada. Our problems are endless in infrastructure, and funding, and digital money should given to Canadian projects, where the banks are available to work the funding,

Furthermore, there is no serious political or diplomatic issues to mire and leave the funding in quagmire of abuse whereas the money going to Afganistan will only be reverted back to Canada from clever funding and finance wizards, without any particular geographical or funding purpose aside from making a few rich and very few roads and buildings etc..etc..being fixed for the community.

As for military purpose, any installation in Afganistan, in case of conflict with the middle east, or the Asian countries, would immediately become a target and serve very little purpose, in the possible and proposterous scenario of a coalition of India China and Korea among other countries coalescing against the US or Canada, (it has and will continue to be the other way around, because each country being Canada and the US, has been so good and upright with immigration policy, and giving foreign people a right to live and earn and practice religion in each country)

Yet many of the other countries have NOT been so flexible ( or kind) to Americans or Canadians of several generations, and their children.

Canada is open and ready for help in funding and infrastructure. The money should be used in municipality and provincially and federally. The systems have made and are stable enough to make great and easily fundable benefit to Canadian communities.

Furthermore, immigration has for more than 30 years of steady immigration policy, been given the freedom to practice religion and access to opportunities to practice professionalism and work in their own cultural identity for the most part, and given courtroom work, to protect conventions and religious and cultural practice, Like myself and other native canadians and our good and long standing policy with Canada, the immigration system has been given a policy that has more than satisfied with giving something back for the wrongs of military misadventure.

There is always a bit of kinda nit wit comment from a person who will say, what is so special about native communities.

I reply nothing in particular, as a cultural group and identity, and as As a native canadian, I belong to a group of 1.5 million or so others of our culture, who have become a partnership with Canada, and work with the funding process similarly to a municipal government, (aside from a few differences in real estate buying and selling)

As for taxation, any corporation in canada receives similar tax benefits as a native reservation, and as corporation native corporations have been given limitations as well.

There are also a few protections from seizure or levy, though land and housing can not be sold to anybody else aside from members, and the transaction must be given ministerial approval. Many municipalities are protected in similar ways.

Most often, native communities are struggling with poverty and other issues that need to be addressed, based on transportation needs of food and other matters of infrastructure,

Canada SHOULD NOT be focusing on a country that remains to be almost 10000 kms away, and should be focusing the funding on local issues from PEI to British Columbia.

That is really a big job whether native canadian or canadian.

Furthermore, what is I say in my comments has nothing to do with lying or truth, it has to do with fact finding and problem solving of urban and government issues, and simple geographical purpose and finding and asking questions of site and location, and simply WHY?

There are countries with immigrants in Canada that walk on the streets of canada in many places with perhaps a few racial sneer, yet there are so many countries that Canadians can not even walk around in, without fear of violence or death.

Canada and the US for the most part democracy is a better system for making differences and longer more sustainable living for many.
2007-03-19 10:30:32 UTC
Income spliting for all working famillies
2007-03-19 10:13:28 UTC
Cut budget for things that related to war.

Spend more budget for medical stuff, e.g. research that save man's life, funding to hospital, etc.

Spend more budget for education.

Spend more budget for proverty.
2007-03-19 14:57:37 UTC
Much spending to help the environment.
2007-03-19 15:55:19 UTC
more personal income tax cuts than gst cut, more funding for health care and education.
2007-03-19 11:12:35 UTC
I would like to see a ban on cigarettes. Find money somewhere else to make up for it.
2007-03-20 13:02:29 UTC
why again is there no money for the elderly and disabled who must live thousands of dollars below the poverty line ?
2007-03-19 12:03:13 UTC
Stay as not force the government

for another election.
john p
2007-03-19 11:37:05 UTC
quit giving it away to every one who whines use it at home we have just about as much poverty as anyone , and check on indians working on reserves (ie) casinos their wages dont show up on taxes so some draw welfare on top of it
sam s
2007-03-19 10:12:51 UTC
need 6% gst cut. need gas tax cut. need our tax eating fat

goverment emploey to move their fat *** from ottowa to other country to sell our oils and lumbers and other natural resourses

to bring business here than depend on US for all business.
2007-03-19 11:10:47 UTC
There should be more money for senior health care and cancer research.
2007-03-19 11:56:10 UTC
2007-03-19 10:28:32 UTC
more consideration for pandemic planning example;antiviral,

medications pertaining the influenza virus control if anything
John M
2007-03-19 10:11:23 UTC
Do away with the capital gains tax for those who reinvest within an immediate period after :)
2007-03-19 10:05:46 UTC
Equalization deal with the province of saskachewan with our natural resources, support our troops by bringing them home and used those billions of dollar for afghanistan ......on our people who are poor and suffering. The government is for its people, by the people and created by its people. Please listen to your people or be thrown out of your position in the future.
nora G
2007-03-20 12:32:36 UTC
the cost of living top up for people on o.d.s.p and for everyone not the bad habits to pay for the cost of living that you need .for everone same pay<<<<<<
2007-03-19 10:53:19 UTC
Cut THEIR salaries and Pensions, and instead of paying MILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS planning a budget, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-19 11:20:37 UTC
i would like to see more money for our social programs....
2007-03-19 09:02:09 UTC
Cut funding for all those wasteful socialist entitlement programs
sanjeev a
2007-03-19 10:37:30 UTC
tax cuts!!! stop pampering THEMSELVES with our hard earned tax money.I
William A
2007-03-19 09:45:46 UTC
Less taxes, no spending in new museums in Ottawa and less money for bilingualism!
Zulina L
2007-03-19 11:49:25 UTC
to spend to a moderation and definetly not ABUSE it!
2007-03-19 09:06:36 UTC
Money for cutting green house gasses.No GST cut.
2007-03-19 11:08:58 UTC
2007-03-19 09:42:14 UTC
lee t
2007-03-20 18:39:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.