What was that again all you people who have been posting for weeks and months the world thinks Pres. Obama?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What was that again all you people who have been posting for weeks and months the world thinks Pres. Obama?
35 answers:
BO: We cant continue 2 spend
2009-10-09 08:32:40 UTC
Hey, kid, this makes Barry look like a laughingstock - no one with a brain in their little heads thinks he's remotely qualified to have a Nobel Peace Prize. But, then, neither was Yassir Arafat...
2009-10-09 08:33:54 UTC
One wonders whether you know anything about the small committee of people who award the Nobel Peace Prize. It is a political prize.
2009-10-09 08:33:26 UTC
I'm sure North Korea and Iran appreciate the vote of confidence for their nuclear weapons programs.
2009-10-09 08:43:19 UTC
Yeah, and the international reaction has been very mixed:

"Who, Obama? So fast? Too fast -- he hasn't had the time to do anything yet," – Lech Walesa – 1983 Peace Prize Winner

Herbert Scheibner, deputy head of the BZÖ party in Austria, said: "Obama could be given an award of hope, because he hasn’t achieved anything as yet.”

"This is the first time the award is given for wishful thinking," Danny Danon, a member of the Israeli Knesset from the ruling Likud Party

And we all know what Sarkozy already thinks of Obama.
2009-10-09 08:34:54 UTC
LOL AL gore won for his fake act , and now this clown wins for being a clown just going to show what a total joke the award has become
2009-10-09 08:33:58 UTC
What do world leaders have to do with the Nobel Peace Prize? The Nobel committee is made up of a few people, not millions.
2009-10-09 08:32:58 UTC
He's Still better than George Bush!
Hussein the Muslim Mulatto
2009-10-09 08:32:43 UTC
Europe also doesn't understand why he got it.

"Former Poland President and Nobel Prize laureate Leac Walesa summed it up this way: “Who? What? So Fast?”

"Claude Goasguen, a French lawmaker... “I don’t understand it at all,” Goasguen told French news television channel BFM. “He hasn’t achieved peace.”
2009-10-09 08:32:29 UTC
Point of fact: He didn't just get nominated. He won this year's prize.
OMG! Sniper Fire!!
2009-10-09 08:32:45 UTC
Arafat got one too. Obama,Arafat. MMM MMM MMM
2009-10-09 08:37:20 UTC
The Obama haters have to talk out of both sides of their mouths and twist themselves in knots in order to try to keep up their barrage of nonsensical criticism.

A short while ago they claimed that the world's view of President Obama was negative because he didn't succeed in obtaining the Olympics bid. Now that they have been so dramatically contradicted they belittle the Nobel Prize. Their playbook is simplistic, contradictory, predictable and silly.
2009-10-09 08:39:57 UTC
This is the only way a Muslim would ever be able to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
2009-10-09 08:40:33 UTC
LOL, you actually believe he deserve it? For……………? Except for the world apology tours, his foreign policy and war plans have been Bush’s plan to the letter.

Name one original idea he has had.

Well he did sell out Poland, Checkoslovakia, for Russia, let North Korea and Iran continue building nuclear weapons, side with the leaders of Iran over the protestors and….

OH yea, he REALLY deserves this! WTF?

We just got punked AGAIN!
2009-10-09 08:38:24 UTC
The French premier called him niave and a egotist.

When Obama gave his little speech last week at the UN, you know "let's all give up are nukes and sing kumayaa, all the while knowing that Iran had secret nuclear facilities. He wouldn't allow Britain or France to make the announcement about Iran's violation until the next day when his little speech was done.
2009-10-09 08:39:07 UTC
Keep raving, when our country is as screwed up as the rest of the third world we'll have you and the rest of the simpletons that voted for 0bama to thank. And yes you're right, that just goes to show what the rest of the world really thinks of us now that we're being destroyed, figure it out; it doesn't take a brain surgeon!
2009-10-09 08:34:37 UTC
LMAO the Nobel "Peace" Prize was discredited years ago, I'm glad GWB didn't win it, The fact that Obama won it makes it an even bigger joke, nobody can explain why he won it or for that matter why he was nominated back in January.
Scott W
2009-10-09 08:34:44 UTC
Tel me what he did in the 11 days between January 20 and February 1 and I'll give the guy props if he warrants them.

I'm still waiting for word from the Pope about the conference of sainthood.
Linda J
2009-10-09 08:35:26 UTC
Honey, they don't give the award to nation's who stand up to the world.

If you want the award, you have to show you are no threat; you want peace at any cost.

So, Obama getting the award only verifies what these people have been saying all along.
2009-10-09 08:36:15 UTC
Because he has done nothing to earn it. Reagan did more to bring world peace by bringing down the USSR and the threat of global nuclear war then Obama has done in 10 months in office.
2009-10-09 08:34:51 UTC
do you realize the NPP isn't "the world's approval"? it is a panel of people. It wasn't a World Wide popularity vote

by your rational you must have been really upset that Clinton didn't ever win a NPP...

2009-10-09 08:34:12 UTC
I am so happy Obama won this award! Get ready for all the haters to find some stupid reason as to why he shouldn't have won it. To bad, to said, if you don't like so what, who cares!
2009-10-09 08:33:04 UTC
Rush comes on in 1/2 hour, he will tell them what to say.
Blue Haired Old Lady
2009-10-09 08:33:00 UTC
The rest of the world doesn't have Rush and Beck to lead them. Maybe they can see the situation clearer than some Americans.
2009-10-09 08:32:27 UTC
I guess we will be seeing you in Chicago at the Olympics. You might want to get hotel reservations made this week end.
2009-10-09 08:33:53 UTC
I think they just got their new batch of sour grapes to munch on while they down it with the wine (whine) they eventually made with the sour grapes they reaped after the election.
truth seeker
2009-10-09 08:34:00 UTC
well, what happened is what we all knew all along. Right wing talking points are just that. they are talking points. they have nothing to do with reality.
2009-10-09 08:32:53 UTC
I smell some pretty rotten Conservative sour grapes :-(

Since ol dunderhead George couldn't win the Nobel Peace Prize, it must be an "invalid prize" :(that's sarcasm, for Cons who can't figure it out :-)

Obama has done more in 8 months than ol Georgie did in 8 YEARS (Cons can't see the truth past their mammoth lying, sniveling noses :-)
2009-10-09 08:32:49 UTC
OK, so a couple of left wing loons in Oslo gave him a plaque for participation.
No more handouts
2009-10-09 08:32:48 UTC
OMG, you really don't get it do you?

Some of us are stable enough to not give a rusty if the rest of the world likes us or not...
Texas Happy Horn
2009-10-09 08:33:30 UTC
Received an award from a Socialists Country.

Obama 's First Six Months' Accomplishments:

1. Offended the Queen of England.

2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia .

6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras .

7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they're building their nuclear weapons.

8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

9. Expanded the bailouts.

10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

11. Doubled our national debt.

12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.

13. Released information on U.S. Intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.

14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.

15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."

16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man-made disasters."

17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America's world leadership.

18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.

19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.

20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States .

21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.

22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers.

23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel .

25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.

26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.

27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.
2009-10-09 08:32:43 UTC
He got the prize BECAUSE he was weak. I bet you thought you actually had some point here... didn't you? It turns out, that you've only proven our point.
2009-10-09 08:32:14 UTC
What peace did BO actually achieve?
2009-10-09 08:32:28 UTC
I don't know if you really did your research.
2009-10-09 08:32:26 UTC
The Republican party is a fringe minority.
Clatty Mary
2009-10-09 08:32:20 UTC
He is every bit a puppet just as W was.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.