Is the Mitt Romney tax/bain issue the best political issue ever?
the night of the zombie g
2012-07-17 10:10:44 UTC
from a political point of view?

let me explain:

Bain is Mitt's keystone, the thing that he said separates him from Obama... his private sector experience that will allow him to revive the economy...

so, by attacking it, you attack his campaign centerpiece and also you can attack taxes as well, as they could shed light on his actions at Bain and when he was paid or not...

that's an attack directly on Mitt's admitted strength...

then when cons try to counter with wild accusations about birth certificates, they look like loons...

so, you're attacking a key point of the other candidate on the key issue of the election, the economy and Mitt's ability to deal with it, and the records that he has hidden... all while drawing out the extremists on the other side to talk about their insane theory?

and this is just more than any single attack, but many attacks about a variety of Bain issues.... from outsourcing (done pre and post 99) to job creation or lack there of... to taxes for Mitt and his connection with Bain relative to those taxes...
Fourteen answers:
Philip McCrevice
2012-07-17 10:12:15 UTC
Anything that takes attention away from the economy and Obama's dismal record is good for Obama.
My Baby!
2012-07-17 10:28:17 UTC
Not Really........Most people KNOW all that has been debunked and Obama just keeps lying about it. When will Obama's fans finally get a grip on the fact Obama is a liar.

Plus, Romney has a proven track record of successful ventures such as the Olympics, Governor of Mass. and Bain which has been proven that he did not outsource jobs but Obama has.

GM created 300,000 jobs half of those jobs went to Mexico and China. There are so many more that I am sure they will come out and smack Obama in the face. Here are some facts..|25219|7946991837|138422374|7794059974|b|24458078854|tc||g|||&cct_ver=3&cct_bk=romney%20vs%20obama&gclid=CLTA0aidobECFWyHtgod7iFTeQ
2016-10-17 08:45:55 UTC
have not you spotted that his maximum primary answer is: "I might desire to envision that" ? he's the Puppet for Wall street completely and that they are going to tell him what to do. All Politicians now choose great money however the Republicans are the biggest Takers from great money. The preferrred courtroom useful screwed us WE the people. frightening that an somewhat hand crammed with adult men are merchandising our u . s . to the optimal bidder. Scalia you may desire to resign and take the different 4 with you who voted down our so difficult fought for Democracy.
2012-07-17 10:27:32 UTC
No, the best political issue ever is Obama's dismal presidential record.

No other factor will HELP Romney more than that.
2012-07-17 10:16:23 UTC
No,it's a sham because it forces one party to defend themselves rather than discuss the real issues at hand.

Obama doesn't want to discuss real issues, just find flaws in the character of the challenger.

Obama is running on empty.
Mr. Yuk
2012-07-17 10:20:01 UTC
Another major financial collapse is about to happen and you're still worried about which side wins?

The American people need to assess where we are economically and make common sense cuts.
2012-07-17 10:12:52 UTC
Could be but wait till Romney demands Obama to explain GE/GM outsourcing our jobs and GE paying no income taxes.
2012-07-17 10:14:18 UTC
I've still got Fast and Furious in the front part of my mind yet and I'm still planning on voting for Romney.
2012-07-17 10:17:09 UTC
The only reason Mitt is still in is because he bought it...

Mitt lies daily...I mean come on yesterday his tax return defense were all lies......kerry...20 years of returns and his wife who was not running gave 2 years...and the clown car just keeps running
2012-07-17 10:12:20 UTC
Still don't want to discuss Obama's record of FAILURE? Now THAT is worth discussing
2012-07-17 10:17:00 UTC
why do libs care about every ones money and not the country??
2012-07-17 10:12:26 UTC
It is for someone that can't run on their failed economic record.
2012-07-17 10:13:10 UTC
It is when Mitt can't or refuses to come up with a believable explanation.
2012-07-17 10:13:02 UTC
Still waiting for ogongo's birth certificate. Thanks for reminding us.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.