the night of the zombie g
2012-07-17 10:10:44 UTC
let me explain:
Bain is Mitt's keystone, the thing that he said separates him from Obama... his private sector experience that will allow him to revive the economy...
so, by attacking it, you attack his campaign centerpiece and also you can attack taxes as well, as they could shed light on his actions at Bain and when he was paid or not...
that's an attack directly on Mitt's admitted strength...
then when cons try to counter with wild accusations about birth certificates, they look like loons...
so, you're attacking a key point of the other candidate on the key issue of the election, the economy and Mitt's ability to deal with it, and the records that he has hidden... all while drawing out the extremists on the other side to talk about their insane theory?
and this is just more than any single attack, but many attacks about a variety of Bain issues.... from outsourcing (done pre and post 99) to job creation or lack there of... to taxes for Mitt and his connection with Bain relative to those taxes...