1. He shouldn’t have been elected the first time and only reason he won the 2nd time was because we were in the middle of Iraq war he contrived probably just to get reelected.
2. He’s stupid. He can’t talk and is not a good leader. He’s not a role model anyone can look up to. He does not inspire confidence that he is doing a good job or the right thing. Morons and idiots should be barred from public office because they are not able to handle complex tasks such as running the most powerful nation in the world.
3. He has strong ties to Oil and Gas companies, who think the best solution for becoming less dependant on Foriegn Oil is to invade other countries, spend hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of American lives in a foolhardy task, rather than make a serious investment in next generation fuels.
4. His enviromental policy sucks. He thinks drilling in Alaska Artic preserve is ok. He thinks less restrictions on pollution is ok. He has made no effort to address the Kyoto treaty.
5. He vacations alot, which means he is lazy. He expects other people to the job for him. He always looks to blame other people for his mistakes. (Hurricane Katrina)
6. He is openly Christian and ties his religion too much to his politics. The USA is about equal representation and diversity. We need to work VERY hard on making people other religions feel like they are welcome in our culture. 9/11 and the backlash by anti-western fundamentalists is proof of this. Occupying another nation is NOT the best way to do this.
7. DMCA and the Patriot Act were responsible for the loss of personal freedoms resulting in corporate America and the federal government perscuting the American people unjustly.
8. Very, very bad economic policy resulting in a drastic rise of national debt. Privatizing Social Security is a really bad idea. http://zfacts.com/p/318.html
9. Other countries do not respect him. He is a poor representation of the quality of people who should be leading this nation.
10. Finally, I think he is a horrible president because he starts things but doesn’t finish them (Afganistan/Bin Laden) and also he makes bad decisions and doesn’t admit to them (Iraq).