2011-09-20 14:08:18 UTC
Consumers create demand. Rich people are not considered consumers. They barely consume anything at all. Your non rich people are your consumers.
AS demand goes up it depletes supplies.
When supplies start to get low companies start to produce more.
This production usually results in hiring and /or longer hours.
This is basic law of supply and demand. Their is no need to increase supply( thus hire more people to make stuff or do work) if you are currently meeting demand. To do so will oversaturate your goods/services on the market causing the price to be even lower.( Your stuff loses value).
If demand goes up then supply will increase.
If demand goes down then supply will decrease.
Supply and demand always try to balance each other( The law of supply and demand).
If demand goes up and supply stays the same the price per unit will go up.(IE: crude oil and OPEC)
If supply goes up and demand stays the same the price per unit will go down to the point you lose money to make something.( IE: SUV market when automakers continued to make SUVs despite steadily climbing gas prices and falling sales)
If you want to create jobs you get more spendable money in the hand of the consumers. They will then buy more stuff. This will cause their to be lower supply levels. Businesses will REACT to this and increase supplies. This usually results in hiring and increased hours.
This in turn results in more money( from the new workers and/or longer hours) being put into the economy from the demand side, since these new hires now have money to spend. This then causes the need to hire more workers to meet the new level of demand and thus we continue to repeat infinitely until bankers allow the consumers to over extend their credit and then sells these toxic mortgages which then causes the market to collapse and thus the whole stack of cards comes back down and has to be rebuilt again using the same method we used the first time but avoiding the mistake at the end hopefully which is were we are at now.
That last bit is an intentional run-on.
I just taught you high school economics. Which everyone should of learned in high school( i know its a required class in my state and has been for over a decade.) I am then assuming most cons do not have a high school education since they dont understand high school economics?
Do we now get how economics works or no?