Is the United States now supposed to let all Criminals run free because of their emotional "issues"?
Leslie Goudy
2014-05-15 22:50:22 UTC
The United States prison industrial complex functions as a tool of domination and control that steals the lives of poor people, people of color, LGBTQ people, immigrants, people with disabilities, and those who resist the violence of the government. The fight for Chelsea Manning is part of the fight for abolition, the fight for a day where we live free from police, militaries, judges, and the cages that steal millions from our communities.
Ten answers:
2014-05-15 22:57:59 UTC
One thing is true- the US and state prison systems are warehouses for the mentally ill and mentally challenged.

If the states seriously addressed the problems of people unable to take care of themselves, due to mental illness and other emotional problems (most of which are treatable, just like "physical" illnesses), then many of these people would not end up in prison as wards of the state.

People with drug addictions who steal or rob to get money for drugs, people with untreated schizophrenia who hear voices and committed a crime because of that impulse, sexually abused people who end up on the street and turn to prostitution to survive- these are a few categories of people who go in-and-out of the revolving-door criminal justice system. What a waste of human potential and economic resources- and tax money. Meanwhile, judges order prisoners to be released due to lack of space in prison.

Chelsea Manning has committed crimes. That doesn't mean that he hasn't mental problems that need treated.
2014-05-16 07:51:00 UTC
Give me a frigg'ng break.

You and your ilk panic at the least sign that there won't be enough 'good' people to catch, try and incarcerate the 'bad' people that break the law.

This 'less' government boast and stated goal of reducing the size of the government is just another Conservative delusion.

NO Republican president since WWII has reduced the number of the non-military government employees.

EVERY Democratic president has.
2014-05-16 05:51:49 UTC
Chelsea Manning isn't 'running free'. She's serving a lengthy sentence.
Cashe D. Spencer
2014-05-17 00:56:23 UTC
"Here's a bottle of Zolot. Take one every day and come back in ninety days and we'll give you another one".

Need a new Hip or Knee? Here's a Wheelchair and enough Vicodin to kill yourself if you want to.
2014-05-16 06:17:11 UTC
Not because of their emotional issues, but because they are illegal aliens!

One difference between conservatives and liberals: Conservatives are guided by TRUTH. Liberals try to GUIDE the Truth.

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
2014-05-16 09:30:21 UTC
Only the conservatives.
2014-05-16 06:15:06 UTC
Conservatives/fascists are destroying our country. It's sad. Hopefully someday they can overcome their terrible racism and that way they won't have to be sent to hell for all of eternity.
2014-05-16 06:06:30 UTC
Do you think that the Government should pay for a breast augmentation,? I mean I need them to boost my self esteem. Who know those boobs might make me feel like a whole person. If he can do it, why not me?
2014-05-16 05:54:22 UTC
We let criminals run our government.
2014-05-16 05:55:28 UTC
not enough jails...too many creeps just don't get it and never will.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.