Yahoo news excerpt and Bush isn't a terrorist?
2006-09-21 19:01:26 UTC
What kind of nation is the US and why is this front page on Canada yahoo and burried somewhere in American Yahoo ?

Thu Sep 21, 5:50 PM

The U.S. threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the Stone Age" after the Sept. 11 attacks if the country refused to help America with its war on terrorism, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says. In an interview with CBS's 60 Minutes, the Pakistani leader said the threat came from then-deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage. Musharraf said it was delivered to Musharraf's intelligence director. "The intelligence director told me that [Armitage] said, 'Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age,' " Musharraf said.
Fifteen answers:
Stan S
2006-09-21 19:58:55 UTC
The United States news and entertainment media, in print, on the internet, and on television is being manipulated by truely evil parts of the republican party to be the public relations department for the whole party and there agenda to cover up everything they can, deflect negative attention from what slips out, divert anger and misdirect blame when people actually learn about something, and spin away the rest.

CEO's, High level executives, stations, newspapers, websites, shows, media personality's, pundits and writers are doing this in the news and in other media, they're either knowlingly and willingly part of the republican agenda, may not even know and are being manipulated or are being slilently coerced into going along with it against there will.

But two groups in the media are fighting this propaganda, some brave stations and idiividuals are standing up to authority and speaking truth directly, and others subtely trying to reveal it by methodacly peeling off the veneer and pulling back the curtain the wizard is hiding behind for people to peer behind bit by bit , if your payying attention, have an eye for detail and have read up on literary techniques you can see it all over the place.

Because the truth is really, really ugly, average republicans don't believe it because they don't want to, it's just so diffrent from what they've been told to believe, it makes them feel uncormfortible or bad or angry or scared and they subconciously go along with the B.S. republican leaderships mythical version of reality and take it at face value because they WISH that's what was true, and they won't try to confirm what the truth is, even if they know deep down it really isn't what there being fed in there media because, they just don't want to hear it, especially when it makes them look bad, or feel bad, and it's why they won't change the wrong things there doing, because they refuse to even acknowledge them or even find out what they are.

They don't listen to anyone sayying anything critical even if it's true because, if it's from the democrats, or any group of people in the world, they automatically dismiss it and don't read up on if it or try to earnestly honestly figure out what's true and what's false and how to tell the diffrence between truth and lies, honest people and liars.

The founding farthers expected this country to respect and truely listen to the opinions of all human kind.

The Republican Party has serious serious problems that they need to overcome, and they can only do it from the inside and it's membership refuse's to even acknowledge the MANY problems!

I wish they'd realize they've let a bunch of evil, currupt, incompetent, crazy, crooked

liars take over there party and they're running the government and country into the ground, destroying our enviroment, having wars for profit, screwing over the working and poor classes, and there trying to rob us of our rights and liberties for the benifit of only the richest of the rich, and there being so sneeky about it you don't even see it that way without looking really closely and with a critical eye, the party could do so much more good and so much less bad, if it only honestly tried to.
Shawn S
2006-09-21 19:15:55 UTC
Now the s hit is coming out isn't it??? Pakistan's President is saying that he was threatened by the US if he didn't help in the war on terror. All this time we have been led to believe that Pakistan was a willing participant when he was likely doing it so as not also to be the brunt of the bombings. another sovereign nation threatened by the US I wonder why you all didn't give the same ultimatum to China and India they are in the same region

Is The US the world equivalent of a playground bully picking fights with weaker easily beaten nations to get its way?? maybe the US needs to be sanctioned no?????
Reba K
2006-09-21 19:11:55 UTC
Rubble is always the goal for terrorists. Bush is a terrorist who is sanctioned by many bigots in the US, proud Neocons who will stand by him and his evil actions as much as the terrorists in the Third Reich supported their leader. Like the SS, Neocons will justify Bush's ugly decisions and will urge his destructiveness on until other nations (and US cities) are reduced to rubble, just like Iraq today and Germany at the end of WWII. Your city may be next. This is why the world's leaders are so bodacious in their comments. They feel they have nothing to lose anymore.
2006-09-21 19:10:54 UTC
Most Americans don't know just how bad Bush is or how much he is hated in other parts of the world because they only watch, listen to, or read American news. I watch and understand news from 2 other countries plus from the US
2006-09-21 19:10:16 UTC
What IS your problem?

If I had been in charge after 9/11 - it wouldn't have been merely a threat.

Anyways, all it would take is a good size firecracker to put the whole damned Middle East back to the stone age - it's not that big a journey.
2006-09-21 19:20:57 UTC
Things are not true just because it shows up on some media thread...this is right up there with the 9/11 conspiracy.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2006-09-21 19:06:53 UTC
Where have you been? It is all over the news here in the US. . .

Of course, I am sure the government threatened to bomb Yahoo if they prominently posted the story. I am waiting to see if CNN, MSNBC and FOX end up going "back to the Stone Age".

But it is just another thing the Bush Brigade will deny, deny, deny. . .
2006-09-21 19:11:12 UTC
America is THE NATION, canada must be pretty boring since y'all have nothing else better to do than criticize THE NATION
2006-09-21 19:06:15 UTC
Whats your point?

Would you feel differently if buildings in Montreal were toppled?

What kind of nation is the US? The greatest nation in the world.

In case you hadnt noticed, nobody here cares what a decrepit Canadian thinks. Worry about your own socialist country...
2016-10-17 14:24:15 UTC
Politicians working the conflict Sen. McConnell stated Republicans voted against placing a "renounce" date -- "simply by fact uncomplicated sense tells us that politicians in Washington do no longer tell commanders on the battlefield whilst the combat is won. and that they extremely do no longer tell the enemy that they intend to run up the white flag 12 months from today." "placing a date for withdrawal is like sending a memo to our enemies that tells them to relax, refit, and re-plan until the day we bypass away," McConnell stated in the time of debate on the invoice. He additionally stated the implications of having U.S. troops "walk away" would be devastating: "a Sunni minority uncovered to the whims of the Shia majority, ethnic cleansing, and interior sight instability." u . s . a . of america did certainly replace course -- some months in the past, McConnell argued. "We found out the only way we would win this combat could be to safeguard the city of Baghdad, the seat of the Iraqi government and abode to a minimum of one / 4 of its inhabitants. And we carried out a technique to do it." yet Democrats strongly oppose President Bush's "troop surge" technique - without giving it time to artwork, some Republicans have complained. The Senate vote sends a message to terrorists that they are winning and that congressional leaders "lack the will and are available to a determination to win the conflict on terrorism," stated Melanie Morgan of pass u . s . a . of america forward. She stated her team is launching a countrywide advertising marketing campaign which will single out people who "look for to undermine help for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan." the abode final week exceeded a conflict investment invoice that instruments a date for the U.S. to start up retreating its troops from Iraq (no conflict investment as of Sept. a million, 2008, the invoice says). Democrats assume a convention committee to start up reconciling adjustments interior the abode and Senate costs later this spring
Writer of Truth
2006-09-21 19:04:57 UTC
Listen, I'm no fan of Bush, but there's no proof he said it. I can stand up and say Bush said he wants a monkey to have his baby, but that doesn't mean it's true. As far as I'm concerned, the issue isn't with Bush saying it, the issue is if he actually tries to do it.
2006-09-21 19:07:26 UTC
60 minutes has absolutely no creditibility, that's why!!!!!!!

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the greatest NATION on the face of this planet and DON'T FORGET IT!!!!!!!
2006-09-21 19:05:08 UTC
Iraq for oil

Afghanistan for heroin and the pipe line...BTW heroin production has increased 100% since we liberated the poppy fields
I Sexy Little Alien
2006-09-21 19:27:49 UTC
Im an alien.
2006-09-21 19:04:29 UTC
bravo sierra

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