"How long would liberalism survive if there were no "rich" people to tax?"
The soviet union lasted for 70 years before it collapsed and they didnt have any rich people to tax. The liberals made Detroit collapse alot sooner.
Catherine writes: "You could throw all the money in the world at the rich, (and the GOP certainly has tried!)"
False. We dont try or believe in throwing money at the rich. We believe that everybody, especially productive people who create jobs, ought to be allowed to keep more of what they earn. To keep THEIR own money.
"and it still won't create jobs if the DEMAND for products and services is not there. When you strangle the middle class under a massive tax burden, when you cut vital services that are in place to help the poor and middle class, they are left with no money to SPEND, no money to go out and buy the products and services that the "big corporations" provide"
The poor and middle class are left with no money to spend because they are being taxed to pay for these so called "vital" (yeah, right) services.