Why do conservatives thinks that Obama is a Muslim?
2015-09-22 12:09:23 UTC
Why do conservatives thinks that Obama is a Muslim?
228 answers:
2015-09-24 05:42:10 UTC
Not all conservatives think the president is a Muslim, but many do. I think it is because some conservatives really don't like the president so they some how come up with the idea that he is Muslim. Many conservatives that think he's a Muslim also don't have a favorable view on Islam in general. It in many cases is because they're highly religious Christians and direct their anti-terrorist views to include all of Islam. I do not understand why some conservatives don't like Islam or think our President is a Muslim. Politically I think he's doing a very bad job but that is politically. As a person I think he's a great man and I have a lot of respect for him. I do not think he is a Muslim. The idea he's Muslim is also being used against him (if he was Muslim he'd still be a good man, which ties into some conservatives' negative view of Islam). The idea that he's Muslim is ridicules. Please remember that not all conservatives have a bad view of Islam and not all conservatives think our president is a Muslim.
2015-09-24 19:05:20 UTC
It's not all conservatives, as others have said.

The ones who do believe it base their opinions off of edited Youtube videos and quotes from books and articles taken out of context, and in some places straight up fabricated. The most misquoted paragraph that has been circulating around the internet is in his book the Audacity of Hope on page 261.

Also there is bigotry and ignorance. Obama is an unusual man who had a very eclectic upbringing. He was exposed to Islam through his family and where he went to school, but that doesn't mean that he is necessarily a Muslim. From what I understand a Muslim can only openly declare his faith by reciting a specific statement in front of a witness and he or she must make pilgrimages. I don't believe there is any proof anywhere that Obama has done any of this. Furthermore his lifestyle doesn't seem to gel with a typical Muslim lifestyle. He smokes, drinks alcohol and as far as I know doesn't limit any foods in his diet.

Lastly there are his own words. He was interviewed by Rick Warren about his faith. He described in one of his books--I can't remember which one exactly, how he came to know Jesus. He is on record answering questions about why he is Christian. The public school he attended in Indonesia did have a mosque on site, but bear in mind Indonesia is a majority Muslim country with a predominantly Muslim culture. Praying in schools is quite common. Remember when prayers were allowed in US public schools? I personally went to Catholic school but I never was Catholic and I'm not one now. I can't understand the lack of common sense people who swear that he's a Muslim seem to display.

But even if he is a Muslim: so what? How does that define who he is as president of this country?

I just think many Americans are ignorant. The average American doesn't travel much or interact enough with people of other faiths or cultures to understand anything, this is what feeds their fears and ignorance.
2015-09-23 16:45:50 UTC
It only bothers me if he is and he takes in Muslim refugees while Christians are suffering from Genocidal conditions and if he turns his back on them. Has he turned his back on the Christians in the Middle East? Tell us what he's done for them?

His father and stepfather were definitely Muslim and he thinks the world of them, and his mother most likely converted as she was only with Muslim men. So was he raised as a Muslim or was he allowed to make up his own mind? It may sound like a broken record but he has no problem criticizing Christians while he honors Muslims and says that the bad ones are not Muslims at all while Islam has been an important part of America's history. Well his unflattering statements in reference to Christians also sounds like a broken record.

Does he need to protect the Islam that he experienced in Indonesia, an Islam that might have been much different than that practiced today? Well it may not really matter as his term is coming to an end and most people are anticipating a new Administration, but a lot can happen in a year while nobody's looking. He may pardon half the prisons of small time drug dealers he sympathizes with in that time.
2015-09-22 13:57:10 UTC
Conservatives think that? I m conservative and I don t know what he is. Neither do you.

Most democrats are secular progressive, and as such make the error of projecting the same condition onto Islam. Wrong. The Koran isn’t another book saying essentially the same thing as the Bible and you can accept it or not. It’s the “big pole in the tent”, the dominant aspect of their culture. It runs their lives.

The word “Islam” means submission: Children submit to parents, wives submit to husbands, and all submit to Allah. Islam is patriarchal, with the faith passing through a father. While a Muslim man may marry a non Islamic woman, the kids will be Muslim. It’s a father’s duty to train them so. The Koran An Nissah 4:115 states, “If anyone contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that becoming to men of Faith, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell,- what an evil refuge.”

So Obama’s Kenyan dad, Barack Obama senior, was a Muslim and his mother a secular progressive cultural Christian from Kansas. Her roommate said she’d have sex with anything nonwhite and communist, which is how she met obama’s biological dad. Then the Kenyan dumped her and she went to the next husband, Lolo Soetoro, the Indonesian Muslim, who further raised him as a Muslim. Obama once stated that he recalls the most beautiful sound was the muezzin summoning the faithful to prayer: “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.” Then that guy dumped his mom and she in turn dumped Obama on her parents in Kansas. The next thing we know about him is that he first attended Chicago Reverend Jerimiah Wright’s Trinity United church of militant black nationalism in 1988. He married Obama, baptized his kids, and Obama sat in the pews. As president these last seven years he has vaguely said he’s Christian, but I haven’t seen him go to church. And whatever he says, he has no credibility. Recall he won the Washington Post Liar of the Year Award.

What else do we know? He precipitously withdrew from Iraq thereby squandering that victory and giving the country to Al Qaeda in Iraq. He failed to develop a viable resistance in Syria as he stated he would thereby enabling the rise of ISIS there and their spillover into Iraq. He blew up Qadafi toppling the Libyan government turning Libya into an Al Qaeda safe haven. He hasn’t lifted a finger against the affiliates Boko Haram, Al Qaeda of the Maghreb and also Arabian Peninsula, Al Shabaab, and others. He’s releasing $150 billion to the Iranians so they can export terror and develop a nuclear weapon. The list goes on… so at the very least he’s sympathetic to Islam.

I think he’s a Godless secular typical democrat who is a narcissist. His religion is himself. But I do not know that, and by the way, neither do you.
2015-09-25 08:58:42 UTC
Obama's biological father was a Muslim when Barack was born. Under the tenets of Islam, that makes Barack Obama a Muslim, too. (It doesn't matter that the father later became an Anglican, and then an atheist.) And Islam does not recognize a right to convert to another religion. The penalty for apostasy is death.

Obama has said that he is a "Christian by choice," but he constantly criticizes Christianity and praises Islam. He says that Christians cannot get on "our high horse," because "terrible things" were done in the name of Christianity (more than 500 years ago). He refuses to condemn Muslim terrorism, and classifies a terrorist attack as "workplace violence" or "a spontaneous protest." He wants the US to take in Muslim refugees while turning away Christian refugees. And he has distanced the US from Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East.

That said, he is not a Muslim. Or a Christian. He poses as either one, whichever is politically expedient at a given time. But he is really incapable of sincerely practicing any religion. Because he is really a typical limousine liberal. He can't accept the idea that there might be anything in the universe bigger and more important than himself.
2015-09-24 04:56:02 UTC
If you replaced the far right religious fanatics that populate the tea party today, looked at their strident speech, their more than extreme conservative ideology and beliefs and how they practice their faith when it comes to religion and swapped it with fanatics in the ISIS and Al Quaeda. there is not a helluva lot of difference. Only difference is that Mullahs believe there are 40 virgins waiting in paradise if they become a suicide bomber and blow up a bus. they are willing to DIE for their faith and beliefs where far right Christians wont as they value their lives too much. Look at how the far right Christians have perverted and twisted Christianity to suit their own purposes, taken the Bible out of context and cherry pick whatever quotation they want. ISIS has done the same thing with the Koran, taken things out and cbbled together an ideology that doesnt represent the beliefs of most everyday Muslims. I would venture most people have not even read the Koran dont know whats in it and dont even know what Muslims actually believe in practice but tar everyone with the same terrorist AK47 toting suicide bomber. Personally I think many of these far right Tea Party Christians are far more dangerous to the country than most Muslims will ever be.

Note to Sophie.

Obama was born in Hawaii his father was a student in the states but went back to Kenya when he was very young. he briefly met his Kenyan father when he was about 10 or 11 but never lived together nor lived in Kenya. His mother remarried an Indonesian (which has about 100 million Muslims) and he went to an Indonesian school for his schooling. Im not sure they had secular international schools for non-Muslim kids and Im sure that his mother sure as heck couldnt afford international school tuition fees. Branding a kid who went to a Muslim school in his teens as a Muslim forever (when Obama has categorically stated he is Christian and attended a Christian church in Chicago as an adult) is a bit much. People will believe whatever they want to believe, mostly its borne out of ignorance and racism because hes half black and not a WASP like the rest of you.

PPS Recommitting to the US after living abroad is the first time I have ever heard this and I very much doubt its true. It plays into this whole jingoist ,theme where Americans have to constantly prove their loyalty to their own country in case they get contaminated with foreign ideas. You may also be interested to know that dozen if not hundreds of Americans give up their American passports every year as they live overseas, do not like the IRS prying into their personal lives or having to divulge their assets and income to the IRS even if they dont live there. Many banks will now not take Americans as customers in case they get investigated for money laundering or tax evasion. Many Americans simply dont think its worth the hassle having an American passport anymore.
2015-09-22 12:18:35 UTC
I never thought Obama was a Muslim personally, but I think those that do think he's a Muslim usually base it on the fact that his father was Muslim, and he prayed as a Muslim when he was a child in Kenya. I'm pretty sure that is undisputed and commonly known.

Although I don't think Obama follows Islam these days, I don't think you'd have to be insane to form that opinion.
2015-09-24 15:21:42 UTC
However, to look at the West in isolation is misleading. The most comprehensive listing of terrorist attacks is the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), managed by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. According to the GTD, the ten countries with the most terrorist attacks in 2013 were, in descending order, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia, and Egypt. In 2012, Turkey held the No. 10 spot instead of Egypt. In 2011, Turkey didn’t make the list, while Russia did. Otherwise, the list, except for some shuffling in the rankings, has had the same composition for the last three years — that is, 70 percent majority-Muslim countries. Moreover, even some of the minority-Muslim countries on the list are prone to Islamist terrorism. India has been no stranger to high-profile attacks; bombs tore through Mumbai in 2003 (44 killed), 2006 (209 killed), and 2008 (164 killed). And much of the terrorism in Russia stems from jihadist groups in the Chechen region: Islamists were responsible for, among much else, such horrors as the 2004 Beslan school massacre (385 dead, including 186 children) and the 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing. Granted, it can be difficult to separate political from religious motives. Islamists in Chechnya are animated both by religious fanaticism and by separatism; which came first? And in Iraq, as elsewhere, ethnic and religious differences mutually reinforce one another. But the fact remains that, as one can see at a glance from GTD’s WebGL Globe, which visualizes the global distribution of incidents of terrorism, attacks in the last few years tend to cluster in majority-Muslim countries — where the victims are, more often than not, “brown,” too.
2015-09-22 12:45:46 UTC
I have a tape where Obama was giving a speech. He was talking about Muslims,

and then he said, "I know because I am one". Well, there you have it. Of course,

no liberal will play that tape and they've removed it from U-Tube a long time ago.

I also have a picture of him on his knees with Muslims during their prayer time.

His birth certificate is a fake. Hawaiians say he was never born there. He came to

college in the US as a foreign student (Hawaii borns are not foreign, are they?)

He was never proud to be an American or proud of his White mother who did not

take off and leave h im like his Black father. He went to a church for 20 years

who's pastor we've heard say "God Damn America". How Americans voted for him

once, and then twice, is unbelievable. Of course some places counted more votes

for him than had registered to vote - maybe that explains some of it. It's called

2015-09-23 09:46:58 UTC
I don't know that it's only conservatives that think that so don't point fingers at one specific group.

the answer is because of heritage and laws.

Islam fell away from Judeasm many years ago, now in Judeasm it's the mother's heritage that a child would follow, but in Islam it's the father's heritage that a child would follow. Obama's real/biological father was a Muslim therefore Obama is a Muslim by heritage. He claims his step father was not a Muslim but a "step" doesn't count, Obama is blood of his father who was a Muslim. In addition these two groups have another heritage remark that says "once a jew always a jew" and so it is with Islam "once a muslim always a muslim". Which means if you're born into it you cannot change. It's like you cannot change your race. understand?

The other thing is the American law. While Obama might/could/was born in Hawaii, once he went to live with his father overseas he went to school for muslims, but when he returned to America he was of age. Being of age he would have had to re-commit to America (it's kind of like signing up for the draft, they want to know who belongs to where), and Obama never signed the document to re-commit to America. (and he never addresses that because he knows he didn't recommit).
Derek F
2015-09-23 09:23:58 UTC
However, to look at the West in isolation is misleading. The most comprehensive listing of terrorist attacks is the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), managed by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. According to the GTD, the ten countries with the most terrorist attacks in 2013 were, in descending order, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia, and Egypt. In 2012, Turkey held the No. 10 spot instead of Egypt. In 2011, Turkey didn’t make the list, while Russia did. Otherwise, the list, except for some shuffling in the rankings, has had the same composition for the last three years — that is, 70 percent majority-Muslim countries. Moreover, even some of the minority-Muslim countries on the list are prone to Islamist terrorism. India has been no stranger to high-profile attacks; bombs tore through Mumbai in 2003 (44 killed), 2006 (209 killed), and 2008 (164 killed). And much of the terrorism in Russia stems from jihadist groups in the Chechen region: Islamists were responsible for, among much else, such horrors as the 2004 Beslan school massacre (385 dead, including 186 children) and the 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing. Granted, it can be difficult to separate political from religious motives. Islamists in Chechnya are animated both by religious fanaticism and by separatism; which came first? And in Iraq, as elsewhere, ethnic and religious differences mutually reinforce one another. But the fact remains that, as one can see at a glance from GTD’s WebGL Globe, which visualizes the global distribution of incidents of terrorism, attacks in the last few years tend to cluster in majority-Muslim countries — where the victims are, more often than not, “brown,” too.

Read more at:
2015-09-24 11:19:08 UTC
Not sure conservatives think that, I think most believe that Obama sympathizes with Muslims which he definitely does. Obama was a Muslim as a child when he lived in Indonesia but now considers himself a Christian after spending 20 years in a church with Reverend Wright who consistently preached anti-white and anti-American sermons. I'm not sure what Obama's religion is now because it hasn't come up but I think he considers himself a Christian or Atheist.
2015-09-24 13:00:30 UTC
It's because he is.

He's making a deal with Iran. He's accepting Muslim refugees into the U.S., when we have the homeless and vets to take care of.

If a Muslim kills someone due to religion, it's workplace violence and the Muslim is considered a lone wolf. If a white person kills someone, we have a white problem.

According to Islamic law, he is technically a Muslim because his father and stepfather are Muslim.

He went to Muslim school as a child.

His family came from Kenya.
2015-09-23 09:58:56 UTC
Well for one, he seems to have his head stuck up The Iranian Mullahs a$$holes. The Most beautiful sound he has ever heard is the Muslim morning call to prayer. He traded 5 Top Al Quida/Taliban Commandos for one American traitor. His love relation with Louis Farrakhan. His Indonesian Exchange student status as Barry Soetoro at Colombia University. His unwillingness to call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. His World apology tour where he bows before Muslim Imams and apologizes for the Great Satan. His unwillingness to shut down our Southern boarder. All the discrepancies on his Hawaiian Birth Certificate that lists the name of the hospital by the different name than it had at the time of his birth. His relatives from Kenya who say that he Was born there. I don't see how anybody familiar with any of this could come to any other conclusion.
Doug M
2015-09-24 17:16:54 UTC
Why don't you get someone to check your English? My first impression is you don't speak English or have no education because you are are a child and can't vote anyway. We (the people who voted) don't believe Obama won, How many dead voted for him? How many voted multiple times? It is quite obvious we have a community organizer who NEVER had a real job! He can only get free housing for 2 terms, let's see what happens when it is time for the clown to step down! Why ask this question when there is overwhelming proof, in his book he says he will support the Muslims. Muslim or LIAR or both case closed!
2015-09-23 05:12:41 UTC
There's no reason to overthink this. The righties embrace anything they think they can manipulate to make Obama look bad. They hate him.

He's the first Afro American president and racism has gotten worse since he was elected. That's not a coincidence.

The word "Muslim" strikes a negative nerve in the typical American psyche as memories of Islamic terrorists remain fresh despite the passage of time.

Thus, the righties think if they can draw the false association of Obama and Islamic terrorism, they can sway the feeble minded gullible people to their side.

Righties love to play on people's fear as they tend to be negative. Every day they are in this forum complaining about blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gays, the impoverished, a woman's right to choose etc. This is who these people are. They live on a sea of negativity and complaining floats their vote. They love to hear how bad it is despite how America is arguably the greatest country in world history.

Many of them are convinced all Muslims are terrorists despite the facts. They don't like to be confused by facts as they have already made up their mind ...

"All Terrorists are Muslims ... Except the 94% that Aren't"
2015-09-22 12:23:26 UTC
Thinking he is 100% Muslim, be it Shia or Sunni, is not the same as being a Muslim sympathizer, which is more likely the case. Just like Commie sympathizers were still called Commie's, even if they weren't actual Communists. And it's not just Conservatives who think he might still support Islam, it's a lot of people globally. Being that his Secret Service Code Name that he chose actually means "Christian turned Muslim", it doesn't help his case.
2015-09-22 12:15:59 UTC
They don't actually think he is a Muslim. But when you hate someone enough, you'll drum up any lie you can, and stick with it. That's why they conservatives keep saying "Obama hates America", "Obama is trying to destroy the country". Those statements are absolutely absurd, but conservatives insist on holding onto those lies because of their blind irrational hatred toward Obama.
2015-09-23 08:36:02 UTC
I'm a conservative Republican and there was no time that I ever assumed he was a Muslim, never had any reason to think he wasn't born a US citizen, never had any reason to think he was part of some global communist plot.

Not all people who are conservative are stupid or crazy, not all liberals are any smarter or better educated than any other random person on the street.
2015-09-22 12:13:32 UTC
I honestly don't know. It's funny watching GOP politicians squirm when trying to address questions about this.

Trump and Cruz have both been questioned about the conservative belief that Obama is a Muslim. They both got angry at the journalist and fell back on their canned response - "It's not my job to correct everyone's beliefs."

Really? Trump and Cruz spend a lot of time trying to "correct" liberal beliefs, but conservatives are off limits? How convenient.
Special EPhex
2015-09-23 15:30:27 UTC
I think it is because they feel the President, although he claims to be a Christian, tends to show more favor and preferential treatment to Muslims over Christians. The president has been shown to support exemptions and other partial favor to the Islamic faith, while seemingly conflicting or holding a position of opposition to many tenants in Christianity.

When addressing the Islamic community or topic relating to the faith, the President appears to have a pleasant and appeasing tone, while in the context of Christianity, many feel he is prone to pointing out objections and come of as "preachy." This upsets the "religious right" because the president is supposed to equally represent all Americans, and they don't feel that President Obama relates to them much, if at all.

It is not the biggest concern for me. However, I don't totally rule out the suspicion the right may have on the president's faith, based off of what I've observed. I wouldn't have any doubts of the president's faith, based on my observations, if it weren't for the Islamic concept of "taqiyya", which grants Muslims permission to lie if it favors the position of Islam.

I cannot fully buy into the idea, because it is very difficult to prove. Nonetheless, that doesn't mean it is out of the realm of possibility either. So the point is moot, and therefore, a low priority concern, in my honest opinion..
2015-09-23 19:14:24 UTC
Conservatives don't actually think Obama is Muslim, but they will take every opportunity they can to throw as much mud as possible at him, knowing that some of it will stick, particularly with those of the redneck, southern Baptist ilk who profess to be Christians but in reality preach a doctrine of hate against all those who refuse to blindly follow their narrow, bigoted philosophies.

Bush during his two terms as president did far more harm to the country, particularly in terms of its international image, than Obama has ever done. If the conservatives win the presidency at the next election I would suggest changing the title of the song God Bless America to God Help America.
2015-09-27 19:28:59 UTC
I don't think obama is a Muslim. However, for a Christian man he seems to care little for his fellow Christian brothers and sisters who are being murdered around the world and are being driven out of lands they have lived in for 2000 years due to Islamic extremism. Obama seems to have done little to address the issue of Christian persecution throughout the Islamic world or address the persecution of Christian minorities who are being charged with apostasy and blasphemy against Islam throughout the Middle East and in Africa. Why will Obama allow Muslims into the US who face persecution but will not allow Christians into the US who also face persecution?

Obama may be a Christian, but I think he puts the religion/ideology of liberalism above all else. Like most leftist these days, they seem to be having a love affair with Islam.
2015-09-24 07:27:39 UTC
I don't know, maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Even as a conservative, if we didn't have this war on terror going I wouldn't be upset about him being a muslim.

But let's say for the sake of argument he is a Muslim. He's no friend to Muslims in general. His administration has probably killed just as many arabs and Muslims as Bush.

Some Conservatives and Christians, especially of the Zionist NeoCon ilk, have a very oversimplified view of the world. I say this as different breed of conservative leaning american.

This new generation of Zionist NeoCons has basically been bred to stop thinking for themselves when it comes to Israel, America, and Islam. Sure they can think for themselves other times and even make valid arguments against the left...but their desire to genocidally wipe out all of Islam to help out Israel-a country founded by card carrying communist athiests without a drop of Hebrew blood in them-many of whom slaughtered Christians in the Russian Holodomor, that's attacked America multiple times, funds ISIS, has special interest groups like the ADL and ACLU basically try to outlaw guns and Christianity while promoting the gay agenda and everything cons say they hate in Hollywood, and has probably one of the highest populations of gays and athiests AND mistreats Christians both in it's city AND in Palestine-yeah, they kind of are on a suicidal mission for Israel. I'm not saying Jesus was a commie or anything (ya know, like ISrael and Zionism was until the 80s) but these NeoCons (many of their members formerly from the far left, some blatant trotskyites, and who have gay orgies and mock sacrifice rituals to Moloch at Bohemian Grove) are so caught up on their own hatred and self righteousness that they will never see anything beyond exterminating Islam. Not that Radicalized Islam deserves much better, but hey most of the radical muslims are ones we trained and funded.

I could ***** out liberals too, as many many times I do, but right now I feel disappointed and betrayed by my fellow conservatives. A police state is not small government. Putting Israel first is not patriotic. Putting Pharisees and Bolshevik Jews first is not Christian. Jeez, guys, wake up.
2015-09-25 06:15:41 UTC
Looking in from the outside, conservatives in America seem so extreme their common sense is clouded by conspiracy theories that support their position. Obama must love it, all it does it make it appear as though they are unable to construct any real criticism against him. It's a shame, a position as powerful as president needs real opposition, but that platform is over run by those on the crazy right that shout the loudest, which inadvertently illegitimises sensible criticism of the president people have.
2015-09-22 22:38:35 UTC
Study and look into his history. it is recorded. and some of what is reported is true.

You cannot un-show the speeches and interviews or Q+A's.

When asked about the BIBLE, Obama said. " Someone gave me one of those recently, yes I read it. I think "Christians" should read it"

Voters questioned his religion and its bearing on his president because of the comments of his muslim religious leader.

There was question about how can you 'swear him in'.

With a Koran ? or with a BIBLE ?

Lately, I hear his religious affilliation is Christian and he was born in Hawaii.

If you look at his actions as your president, you can decide where his loyalties lie.

That is how you see if your vote was well spent, in your opinion.

Since it should be YOUR opinion that decides your next vote.

Reading more about it can help.

Seek many sources, but ask yourself, will that affect his decisions in the job he would be chosen to execute?

And, ask why is skull and bones always part of the elect in our country anymore ?

It is YOUR own vote. if you vote.

Then is your vote heeded ?

Does popularity influence the electorate ? And how much?

Does the media stifle the populace?

Where are the answers to these questions?

Look at what Expertgal and Abstract Obscurity's entries had to give for quotes and sources of the presidents upbringing and personal statements.

Those are real clues.

Are they affecting his decisions for the job of president?

As a voter, that is your own choice.

And something you season your political palate with.
2015-09-23 07:40:11 UTC
Conservatives dislike him, very intensely

and conservatives generally dislike Muslims.

Some conservatives incorrectly conflate the word Muslim with terrorist.

By doing so, without actually saying it, they paint the picture that President Obama is a terrorist.
2015-09-23 09:17:07 UTC
Not all Conservatives do but some do think he is a Muslim.
2015-09-23 05:39:07 UTC
Under the covenants of Sharia Law. A son born to a Muslim is a Muslim.

The only way the son can divorce himself from this religion is by

publicly denouncing the Religion. Obama has never done this.

Or will he ever do this.
2015-09-24 16:01:13 UTC
He is just leans toward the muslim not jewish agenda. He has the middle name and he has a muslim father. I do think he covered up his birth. He most of all is not a leader and he does not think or act like any other American President. I frankly shutter at his foreign policies that for me lack strong leader ship, and he has reduced our military to the point of weakness. The man is a hot mess. This jive talk about there being more employment is a farce galore. His cocky stance sickens me, and he is more Muslim than American.
2015-09-23 03:14:35 UTC
Doubt Obama is a Muslim, but so what if he is? USA is founded upon secular thinking, none of the Founding Fathers were Christians, they were instead deists, who believed that the people had the right to worship any God or none that they choose.

The United States is not a Christian nation.

Those who have problems with people's religious beliefs are 'bigots'.
The First Dragon
2015-09-23 20:17:34 UTC
They don't. Anyway most don't. He was baptized and says he is a Christian, though he does not seem to go to church. So officially, he is a Christian.

Some old-fashioned Muslims might even call him apostate for becoming Christian, even though he never practiced Islam. This is only because Islam is an hereditary religion, passed through the male line, and in this sense he was "born" Muslim even though his father did not practice Islam.
2015-09-24 21:45:24 UTC
Is this a question of fact or opinion? If Obama berlongs to Muslim community and has not converted to another religion, he is Muslim. Also, if belonged to some non muslim community, but converted to Islam, he is Muslim. There is not other situation that may lead to his religion as Islam.
2015-09-25 09:28:10 UTC
It's not just conservatives. Obama in his book and in iterviews explained how he was RAISED as a muslim.

If he renounces islam then there is a penalty, death. Is he still above ground and breathing?
2015-09-25 11:23:45 UTC
Even a majority of Democrats can't or won't say for sure he's a Christian. I'd rather he be a Muslim that obeyed the law and respected the Constituion and genuinely disavowed Sharia law, than a lawless "Christian" with a chip on his shoulder against America.
Just Some Guy's Tatum Report
2015-09-22 20:46:04 UTC
He is not gay, but LGBT proclaims him to be the first gay president, likely in spirit, just as Clinton was proclaimed as the first Black president. Since the Narcissist in chief promotes Islam & patronizes Islamist uprising (arab spring), Chastise non Muslim Abrahamic, He could be a muslim in spirit, but then again a smooth talking swindler can claim to be anything hiding his true intention. Anybody can attend different churches other than their own faith either in search of spiritual meaning or to appear to be something he or she isn't.

One thing is for certain, as a child he & his friends in Indonesia went to Friday prayers in a local mosque & learned about Islam for two hours each week in 3rd & 4th grade at both school he attended in Indonesia as he was registered as a Muslim in school. (Paul Watson: LA Times) Whether the narcissist in chief is no longer a practicing Muslim, One can only be a skeptic as one cannot truly be certain simply from action taken by the narcissist in chief favoring Muslims over others, then again his support of LGBT marriages can be viewed as a contradiction with Islam, but could also be a weapon to weaken the American Society. Another thing, He wouldn't dare invite an LGBT celebrity to greet & shake hands with a Muslim cleric, President, or Premier the way he had invited LGBT & people critical of the pope greet the pope.
2015-09-23 10:05:46 UTC
Here are some of Obama's own words from his books.

From Dreams From My Father:

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."

And FINALLY .............. and most scary:

From Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

I don't care whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, a Conservative or a Liberal, be aware of the attitude and character of this sitting President.
2015-09-22 12:14:23 UTC
Why to you care? If there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim why are people upset if Obama is called one.? And if Christians are so bad why do you insist on saying that Obama is one?
2015-09-22 16:35:19 UTC
My sister-in-law was born Buddhist and for a long time said that if you were born Buddhist it was for life. Now she has been in the US for years she is a Presbyterian. I'm sure if Obama's father was Muslim he was encouraged to be Muslim but he can change his mind like my S-I-L.
2015-09-24 17:52:41 UTC
Not all think he is a Muslim. However, some things to consider:

He did spend some of his childhood in a Muslim-majority nation known to us Americans as Indonesia.

He does criticize Christianity more so than Islam. his criticisms of Christianity make you wonder if he really believes in it or not.

He did spend time in a church that claimed to be Christian but really wasn't.
2015-09-23 20:21:34 UTC
I think he's an atheist. But I can understand that because he had some Muslim upbringing and as president he has been quite sympathetic to Muslims, that someone might jump to the conclusion (i.e. not considering all the facts) that he himself is a Muslim.
2015-09-25 20:55:33 UTC
The conservatives who do hate anyone who is Muslim and hate Obama so they wrongly assume that he must be Muslim. Some people like to be wrong and assume stupid things.
2015-09-22 12:19:16 UTC
Why do liberals think he's not? We know as a child his father raised him as muslim and that he attended muslim school. We know once attended a very radical church led by his good friend and pastor that hates America. We know that he stop going there because it looked bad for him politically. He stopped attending church when he became President and is not currently a member of any organized church.
2015-09-22 16:32:11 UTC
Why not?

He often speaks, and very well, of the virtues of Islam, with glowing respect.

He hardly ever speaks any good of Christianity. He freely criticizes it, unfairly.

He extols the benefits of Islam, and how it helped built the very fabric of the nation, despite that being completely false.

He hosts many Muslim holidays and celebrations, vs only hosting an easter egg roll & "holiday trees".

True, he is not seen praying multiple times daily, he shaves, he has attended "Christian" churches.

Yet Islam provides for freely lying to advance Islam; and like it or not, Obama has and continues to lie to the nation.
2015-09-24 23:16:31 UTC
Ben Carson 2016
2015-09-22 12:34:43 UTC
He was raised a Muslim, attended a Madrassa, his father and step-father were Muslims, Rev. Jeremiah Wright stated he made it comfortable for Obama to "become" a Christian, Obama said "my Muslim faith" before Stephanopoulos bailed him out, he loves Muslims, his Administration is awash in Muslims, he doesn't attend any Christian Church...Tell me again how Obama's a "Christian."
2015-09-22 20:37:31 UTC
I would sooner vouch for him being an atheist, although I wouldn't say it's outside the realm of possibility that he's Muslim. It's not some kind of incontrovertible fact that Obama is Christian - unless his word is the unquestionable truth.
2015-09-25 21:51:30 UTC
So what if president Obama is Muslim? That doesn't mean he's a terrorist. I'm muslim myself. & Muslim people are human beings too! but these days society has ****** everything up!
2015-09-22 12:27:41 UTC
they complain about his Christian pastor then call him a Muslim. 66% percent of Trump supporters hold this incorrect belief.

61% think Obama was not born in the United States to only 21% who accept that he was.

they don't like facts or science.

they do it so they have a reason to hate him.
2015-09-23 20:39:59 UTC
To answer your question, it's because conservatives don't have anything better to pin to him. The whole "he wasn't born in this country!" didn't stick with the general public, so this is the fallback plan. Obama has a law degree and was a Junior Senator before becoming President, his political history is quite limited. So based on his voting record, there's not a lot you can pin on him, at least when compared to the dinosaurs in the GOP and senior Democrats. DO I like Obama? No. Is he better than anyone in the GOP? Yes. And it is THAT reason the GOP is trying to pin Obama as a Muslim, terrorist, threat to the country.
Tad Dubious
2015-09-24 05:29:09 UTC
Dkingz, it is called "Smoke and Mirrors." Right now, the loyal opposition feels it looks its best when it attacks the current head of state. Doing that, and attaching a religion in which certain alleged extremist members have clearly forgot their religious teachings in their efforts of evil, makes this loyal opposition feel as if they are pleasing the masses - who they hope will vote them into office. Divert them to the President allegedly being a Muslim and the sheep forget about the economy, our boys and girls at war in far away lands, pollution, poverty, etc. Classic politics.
2015-09-23 21:58:38 UTC
Because his name is Barack Hussein Obama should be your first clue.

No birth certificate.


Father was a Muslim.

Muslim sympathizer.

MANY Muslims work for him.
2015-09-24 08:40:38 UTC
Most do not think he is Muslim...we think he is confuse and partial to Muslims. What we do KNOW is that his father and step father were Muslim. His father was even a polygamous. He has many half brothers and sisters who ARE Islamic.There are photos of him wearing Islamic dress and insignia.

I personally do not think he is Muslim (noe do most of us), but I do think he is religion confused and hates his white side. He went to a church for years (REV. Wright's) which was very anti white and anti American (you can listed to those sermons on line). Wright is a former Muslim.
James W
2015-09-22 15:28:08 UTC
In an interview with Stephanopoulus he stated "my muslim faith" and George S corrected him by saying "Christian faith". Another reason, is that he attended a muslim school in Indonesia, Christians are outlawed from attending such schools. Another reason is while in Egypt, he recited the muslim call to prayer perfectly. Another reason is that in his book "Dreams of my Father" he stated "if the political winds shift against them, I will stand with my Muslim brothers."

He is arming ISIS, and trying to disarm America. He is bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into the USA, but not the Christians.

How much more evidence does the world need?
2015-09-23 05:13:19 UTC
No matter what he calls himself and what religion he claims, his early life experiences until at least age 20 were stepped in Islamic concepts and values - and expecting this background to have NO influence on his world view is inane. Given his claim that if he HAD to choose between Christianity and Islam he would choose Islam ( a statement made in his "Apology Speech" to Egypt ) I think his religious affiliation is ambiguous but his underlying world-view is not ambiguous at all.
2015-09-22 16:49:32 UTC
Obama doesn't really seem like he cares about Christianity, and doesn't seem like he has any view points about Christianity either. He always seems to have more support to Muslims.
2015-09-24 09:47:36 UTC
Possibly because in several public interviews, he has accidentally SAID he was Muslim, then was corrected by the interviewer or himself. Kind of a strange thing to "accidentally"say. You can probably still find some examples on YouTube.
2015-09-24 10:44:19 UTC
Dkingz.......what's a Muslim?
2015-09-22 20:06:02 UTC
You mean Hussein? Perhaps it's because he invites his Muslim buddies over to celebrate Ramadan with him in the White House. Or maybe it's because he admitted as such in the book that he wrote.
2015-09-26 07:49:51 UTC
Because Me being a democrat, even I think he's a muslim
2015-09-23 15:23:37 UTC
To get Muslim vote
2015-09-25 13:49:36 UTC
Because they don't like the idea that he's president, since he's black.

This "Obama is Muslim" thing is only an attack on Obama. Just like the birther issue is just an attack on Obama.
Blaine J
2015-09-23 06:16:43 UTC
why has obama filled his cabinet with muslims? Why is his top adviser a muslim from Iran.....why shouldn't a person think obama is a muslim?.....he is definitely a muslim
2015-09-25 09:49:34 UTC
He is a Muslim. He was born in Nigeria. They're all Muslims there.
2015-09-23 21:40:57 UTC
Oh My God. This is obvious and a no brainer for any person paying attention with half a brain. He is a Muslim with a MAJOR chip on his shoulder as well as being a narcissist.
2015-09-23 22:32:24 UTC
2015-09-23 16:05:31 UTC
His parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins are. His mentor was. His self admitted friends and associates in college were. Let's just go out on a limb and make a silly assumption. He's not.

See how dumb that sounds?
2015-09-22 12:14:19 UTC
Muslim or not 0bama is the worst joke that's ever been played on the American People and his efforts to destroy the country either deliberate or unintentional are becoming quite obvious.
2015-09-22 22:14:21 UTC
If he is muslim, why wouldnt he just say so himself? He can't run for re-election so what does he really got to lose at this point? The fact that he's not admitting this makes me believe he isnt one.
2015-09-25 18:33:33 UTC
He was raised as a Muslim I don't believe he has changed
2015-09-23 22:52:44 UTC
It doesnt take a conservative to know hes a muslim.
2015-09-22 19:36:25 UTC
WHY do you generalize? How many Conservatives do you know that think he is? If Obama is, so what.
2015-09-22 12:10:19 UTC
It's an easy excuse to get him out of office
2015-09-26 19:40:13 UTC
I'm a conservative, Obama is an atheist and you are an idiot
2015-09-22 22:49:48 UTC
Not all conservatives think this merely misinformed people. He has stated openly that he is a Christian. I honestly don't give a **** about his religious beliefs.
2015-09-25 17:37:16 UTC
Because he is an Islamist and a Kenyan and he's non American foreigner. He is only elected twice because he is black and the people didnt want Hillary Clinton for President.
2015-09-25 22:18:59 UTC
We KNOW he's a Kenyan born reptilian/anti-Christ who worships Allah/is a MUSLIM who leads a war on Christianity in a Christian nation.
2015-09-22 12:21:45 UTC
Friends of his from Hawaii said they never knew him as anything but a practicing Muslim.
2015-09-23 20:57:49 UTC
Ohh because he eats bacon supports gay rights and pro choice occasionally drinks beer attends a Methodist church obvious Muslim right
2015-09-25 12:09:47 UTC
Because there is OVERWHELMING evidence that BARRY SOETORO is a Kenyan marxist muslim.

That so called "birth certificate' that you LIEbrals believe was made on a computer.

2015-09-22 20:01:39 UTC
Its very much a case of liberals telling everyone what conservatives belive, not what conservatives really believe. That being said, "Barack" is not your average Lutheran name.
2015-09-24 18:36:01 UTC
He is not a Muslim nor pratices the Islamic faith,If so his wife would wear a burqa.No women could drive cars.Everyone would be covered up.No gays No drugs.He is not a Muslim period!!!!
2015-09-22 12:10:59 UTC
Maybe not a Muslim but he sympathizes with Muslims. His father was a Muslim
Mother Hubbard
2015-09-22 12:20:50 UTC
"Obama is a Muslim" is really just a conservative substitute for thinking
2015-09-22 18:26:57 UTC
He used to be a muslim, but it doesn't matter. The first amendment guarantees that anyone can be president regardless of his religion.
2015-09-23 19:46:58 UTC
Educated conservatives (the rich & powerful) use this lie to frighten the uneducated ones, who then vote for them or their lackeys, making the rich richer. Ignorance and stupidity are the greatest weapons of the right-wing and the powerful rich in their war against the poor and against true democracy.
2015-09-22 12:15:21 UTC
Hes an atheist that lied about being a Christian to fool people into voting for him. The guy is a con man
2015-09-23 20:58:01 UTC
Who gives a ****? Muslim Jew Christian Butt-Pirate Flying Spaghett Monster Jedi Appalachian Mud Squid. Regardless of anything, at the end of the day we all die.
2015-09-24 10:34:55 UTC
Because he's father and step father both were muslim and so he grew up with the religion through them.
2015-09-24 15:21:13 UTC
Since when do people think he's muslim?
2015-09-22 21:12:02 UTC
His middle name is Hussein !He seems to rule in Muslims favor over our people at times.
2015-09-23 09:31:57 UTC
He probably isn't but give me a shred of evidence he's a Christian? Also, that sorry excuse for a hate church he went to in Chicago doesn't count.
2015-09-22 14:55:31 UTC
I read both his books. In his own words he states that he is a muslim. Why do you believe he isn't?
2015-09-24 12:52:28 UTC
2015-09-22 12:12:37 UTC
He loves the muslim call to prayer, his words not mine. His father was a muslim. He went to a muslim school. He said "I WILL STAND WITH MUSLIMS."
2015-09-26 09:38:01 UTC
Because his biological father was a Muslim.
2015-09-22 19:10:01 UTC
Oabama's grandparents are Muslims :)
2015-09-22 21:36:00 UTC
A Muslim wouldn't make a effort to attend church on Easter, which is what the Obama's do. Idk, why conservatives are so blind with racism that they make themselves believe in something false.
2015-09-22 18:13:35 UTC
because of his one speech at a Christian College, he ORDERED that all crosses be covered up....a cross is an offense to Christians, letting (5) five of the worse Islamic terrorists for a deserter whom is not getting strings pulled to let him off military disciplinary actions---lose his benefits, given a dishonorable discharge, and spending his last 19 years in the poky/jail
Doc Phil
2015-09-24 11:11:18 UTC
his father was a muslim, he has a muslim name. he did however go to a christian church even though it was a black radical christian church. obama is in the tail end of his presidency, he is not up for reelection why are people still harping on this crap
2015-09-26 08:33:41 UTC
Only the Ignorant ones who never botherd to research Obama.
2015-09-23 05:47:57 UTC
Because he said he is NOT a Muslim. He lies every bit as much as the Clintons and the Bushes.
2015-09-23 02:22:56 UTC
They dislike him because he is a democrat and they refuse to accept the legitimacy of a democrat as president.

Secondly, they have a problem with his skin color. It is not pulling the race card, it is merely fact that many people are still racist.
sally sue
2015-09-25 06:19:34 UTC
Because HE HIMSELF said he was a Muslim...why is this even an issue being discussed?
2015-09-24 14:28:29 UTC
cuz they got too much free time on their hands and use america's burning islamophobia as a way to make ppl dislike obama lol
friendly advice from maine
2015-09-22 19:59:53 UTC
Perhaps because when he was young...he was..and he seems very inclined to allow muslims to come to the white with the muslim brotherhood and seems to be very disinclined to side with christians.
Tom S
2015-09-26 09:11:04 UTC
In short, conservatives are very ignorant.
2015-09-24 03:05:40 UTC
Have you ever listened to the Rev. Wright? It would be very hard for me to spend 20 years listing to his sermons and think of myself as a Christian!
2015-09-22 16:40:26 UTC
Because he often sides with the enemy. I dont think he is a muslim, but he definitely hates this country.
2015-09-25 07:16:19 UTC
His faith (or lack of) at this point doesn't really matter. All that matters is stopping his anti-American agenda because he is most definitely a Marxist, and most likely a racist.
2015-09-22 12:53:46 UTC
His dad was and his middle name is, but i dont think he's muslim. Even if he was i wouldnt effect my opinion on him
2015-09-24 10:05:10 UTC
I'm a moderate conservative and I don't believe he's a Muss'.
2015-09-24 13:22:59 UTC
Didn't help that he allowed them to build a mosque at ground zero.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-09-24 10:22:33 UTC
Dear Northern "LIB."; Not ALL "Cons" think he is a Muslim, and we don't CARE; What we DO care about is the really bad job he is doing as our President !
2015-09-23 16:34:25 UTC
They think that? Well I think it's because they re retards and looking for controversy or some sh!t
2015-09-23 09:46:44 UTC
Partly because Hillary is one of the people who started that in her 2008 campaign and mostly because he has demonized the Bible while praising the Quran saying that we should follow it and base our laws around it
Wes T
2015-09-25 20:19:00 UTC
He Respects Islam and the Quran. Read the Quran, then you will understand "why and what" Islam is, and how dangerous it is to America to have a President that would defend Islam.
2015-09-22 12:10:59 UTC
Its another way to demonize him to those in the party that hate Muslims.
2015-09-23 17:10:09 UTC
Because conservatism and stupidty correlate. Of course correlation isn't causation, but...
2015-09-22 12:20:05 UTC
Who really cares what people called conservatives think, if they think. They will lose the election for president, they are not tolerate of anyone but themselves, they are not patriotic nor believe in God they believe in a blonde Jesus and they are pathetic.
2015-09-23 18:59:07 UTC
"John McCain isn't talking about my Muslim faith" is a quote from Obama when George Stephanopolis, who was the interviewer, corrected him and said "Christian!" Look it up!
2015-09-22 15:52:47 UTC
Some conserva-guru said it and the others have been repeating it mindlessly. That's the origin of most of the crap cons think.
2015-09-22 19:04:28 UTC
That's what Fox noise and the neocons told them to believe.
2015-09-24 08:43:30 UTC
I thought he was a White Sox fan
2015-09-23 08:10:24 UTC
Maybe they picked up some bad habits from lefties who are know for throwing stones ( any stones)
2015-09-25 13:24:53 UTC
maybe because he was raised partially in a muslim country and his middle name
2015-09-22 12:16:14 UTC
Thinking doesn't enter into it.
Midnight Assasin
2015-09-24 02:34:53 UTC
That's an easy answer. Because he admitted he was.
2015-09-22 21:22:20 UTC
Obama has big ears
2015-09-24 16:10:02 UTC
FOX News.
2015-09-22 12:20:54 UTC
Because HE said so! Have you bothered to read his books? Have you ever heard what he has publically said on the matter? Or are you blind to facts?
2015-09-24 17:53:25 UTC
Because they use common sense unlike libtards
2015-09-24 05:04:42 UTC
Because of his Name.
2015-09-26 07:15:53 UTC
Probably because of his weird-*** name. Sounds Muslimy to me.
2015-09-23 12:50:05 UTC
Hahahah LOL mostly because his middle name is Husein
2015-09-23 09:40:34 UTC
His dad's name says it all, " Barack Hussein OBAMA."
2015-09-22 19:35:06 UTC
They don't but they like to watch you pop your cork.
2015-09-24 18:05:23 UTC
In pretty sure Obamas dad was one...
2015-09-22 23:01:50 UTC
BHO said that he is a Muslim.
2015-09-23 02:28:41 UTC
just ignorant people assuming every coloured person on the face of the earth is muslim
2015-09-25 12:12:07 UTC
Like, explanations matter, for dedicated haters.
2015-09-23 08:06:28 UTC
Lets just agree that all politicians are crazy
2015-09-22 16:49:49 UTC
He supports them
2015-09-26 02:46:41 UTC
Typical Republican proper gander,that know one believes any way,right.
2015-09-26 06:36:55 UTC
Cos their idiots
2015-09-22 13:40:24 UTC
It eases their delusions about their own ineptitude and helps their machinations
2015-09-23 22:30:01 UTC
Can someone who knows about dogs help me with my question plz
2015-09-23 09:21:17 UTC
Well..... if it looks like a duck..walks like a duck....trades for ducks.....

....invites ducks to the White House......makes duck praising remarks.....

it might be a Muslim duck...........
2015-09-23 06:49:20 UTC
Though 0bama has never admitted to that assumption he has neither denied it.
2015-09-22 16:52:19 UTC
Because every Republican blames him for causing the problems our nation has
2015-09-23 12:29:38 UTC
They know it's not true, they'll just say any stupid thing to attack their political enemies.
2015-09-24 11:35:23 UTC
Who knows? He isn't though... hes protestant from what I heard!
2015-09-22 12:43:17 UTC
They like to pretend their hate has justification.
2015-09-24 12:45:13 UTC
What different do it make. we all have our believe.You ,me, him. No one is living up to what is right anymore.

The world had sole herself to the pits.
2015-09-24 19:01:40 UTC
You are right he is more of a Satanist. Do what though wilt. lol And he does what he will.
Coop 366
2015-09-23 20:31:21 UTC
Two reasons; first because he is black and second because he is not like us.
2015-09-22 17:55:33 UTC
2015-09-23 05:52:20 UTC
He admitted it in an interview, and said "My muslim faith". When the interviewer queried that, he changed it IMMEDIATELY to "My Christian faith".
2015-09-24 13:12:02 UTC
his name has hussain in it.. hussain is arabic name hence he's muslim
2015-09-22 12:16:44 UTC
None do, only those in the minds of moronic liberals!
2015-09-22 15:26:11 UTC
YB Logical
2015-09-22 12:17:34 UTC
Usually, it is not necessary for an interviewee to have to be corrected about their own faith by the interviewer.
2015-09-22 19:13:06 UTC
Quote from Bama, "i am a muzzie". 2014.
2015-09-24 22:28:49 UTC
They'll do anything to get their guy in !!!
2015-09-24 17:23:09 UTC
He is one.
2015-09-25 15:55:04 UTC
2015-09-22 12:43:59 UTC
Not only that. He pretty much admitted it himself
2015-09-24 04:07:03 UTC
conservatives believe that of all blacks.
2015-09-25 02:12:24 UTC
As he said Allah akbar
2015-09-24 04:08:24 UTC
911 then a black president
2015-09-26 15:02:26 UTC
Because he said he was
2015-09-22 21:21:59 UTC
Well who ever said that bull **** needs to go to hell.
2015-09-25 09:24:14 UTC
He's in *** that's for sure
2015-09-25 22:56:39 UTC
Because he is
2015-09-26 00:42:12 UTC
We have freedom of religion.
2015-09-23 18:33:17 UTC
Stunted intellect and harsh, racist, bitterness.
2015-09-23 16:56:09 UTC
wrong question... question should be"do conservatives think at all?"
2015-09-24 16:21:07 UTC
his middle name is Hussein
2015-09-24 04:32:23 UTC
2015-09-24 23:28:19 UTC
try HIS OWN WORDS..."I will stand with my muslim brothers."
2015-09-23 00:23:15 UTC
2015-09-25 04:21:04 UTC
Not all, it is mostly the media exaggerating things.
2015-09-23 08:30:54 UTC
Because all political people are stupid
2015-09-25 03:02:28 UTC
He said he was.And really it is no stretch.
2015-09-23 05:33:12 UTC
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-09-24 09:05:01 UTC
The media tells them so.
2015-09-24 10:35:44 UTC
2015-09-24 08:02:48 UTC
Why, he isn't? O:
2015-09-23 12:25:00 UTC
2015-09-23 20:25:57 UTC
ok he just wants whites to be bred away/out
2015-09-22 18:15:15 UTC
Because they are ignorant.
2015-09-25 20:45:53 UTC
I could care less what religion he is, but I do think he is an idiot..........
2015-09-22 12:09:51 UTC
no, I think he's an atheist.
2015-09-22 12:14:39 UTC
Jesus was a Jew. Get over it.
2015-09-23 08:51:22 UTC
probably because of his real name
2015-09-22 21:43:19 UTC
Hatred, ignorance and propaganda
2015-09-23 19:25:47 UTC
2015-09-25 09:26:13 UTC
because of is name, and this is ignorant.
2015-09-23 13:05:25 UTC
He's black. Don't be racist fuckwits.
2015-09-24 15:57:24 UTC
because his father is
2015-09-22 23:28:44 UTC
Why does it matter?
2015-09-24 12:50:06 UTC
I dont
2015-09-24 18:27:45 UTC
Because the do not think.
2015-09-23 12:02:36 UTC
because he is one
2015-09-23 18:09:53 UTC
They are uneducated.
2015-09-22 20:50:43 UTC
didn't he admit it ?
2015-09-23 05:15:10 UTC
because of hijab.
2015-09-22 12:09:59 UTC
Asinine Question but thanks for the 2 point's!
2015-09-24 18:37:21 UTC
because he is
2015-09-23 21:52:02 UTC
they feel threatened
2015-09-24 05:17:17 UTC
Because they're dumb.
2015-09-25 09:51:11 UTC
mad rasss bbcc pussy clot
2015-09-23 18:43:51 UTC
Because he is....
2015-09-23 15:27:01 UTC


Pick one
2015-09-25 11:02:33 UTC
2015-09-24 00:40:33 UTC
Because he is.

2015-09-22 23:45:13 UTC
he is
2015-09-24 18:12:07 UTC
2015-09-24 02:09:53 UTC
He is.
2015-09-24 11:18:08 UTC
2015-09-25 07:29:27 UTC
i do not know that
2015-09-23 17:00:35 UTC
this is why
2015-09-24 10:11:31 UTC
2015-09-24 03:52:22 UTC
2015-09-23 16:02:53 UTC
Cuz he is a *****.
2015-09-23 06:16:27 UTC
Dog, please. He is but an apostate.
2015-09-22 16:51:44 UTC
he acts like one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-09-23 17:46:50 UTC
Cause his name is Hussain, duh.🙏

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.