Study and look into his history. it is recorded. and some of what is reported is true.
You cannot un-show the speeches and interviews or Q+A's.
When asked about the BIBLE, Obama said. " Someone gave me one of those recently, yes I read it. I think "Christians" should read it"
Voters questioned his religion and its bearing on his president because of the comments of his muslim religious leader.
There was question about how can you 'swear him in'.
With a Koran ? or with a BIBLE ?
Lately, I hear his religious affilliation is Christian and he was born in Hawaii.
If you look at his actions as your president, you can decide where his loyalties lie.
That is how you see if your vote was well spent, in your opinion.
Since it should be YOUR opinion that decides your next vote.
Reading more about it can help.
Seek many sources, but ask yourself, will that affect his decisions in the job he would be chosen to execute?
And, ask why is skull and bones always part of the elect in our country anymore ?
It is YOUR own vote. if you vote.
Then is your vote heeded ?
Does popularity influence the electorate ? And how much?
Does the media stifle the populace?
Where are the answers to these questions?
Look at what Expertgal and Abstract Obscurity's entries had to give for quotes and sources of the presidents upbringing and personal statements.
Those are real clues.
Are they affecting his decisions for the job of president?
As a voter, that is your own choice.
And something you season your political palate with.