When the Nagorno-Karabagh will be recognized as an independent country?
2006-03-10 11:29:23 UTC
When the Nagorno-Karabagh will be recognized as an independent country?
Two answers:
2006-03-10 12:31:15 UTC
I have to admit that I knew nothing about Nagorno-Karabagh until motivated to read about it from your question.

The only insight that I could offer is that because of the tension in the mid-east and a general antipathy against muslims in the west, I would think that this is the moment to garner Western attention to Nagorno Karabagh's plight. Even Turkey which is trying to gain entrance to the EU would probably not like to rock the boat.

If N-K is going to gain independence, there probably is not a time more propitious than the present.
2006-03-10 11:35:51 UTC
just God knows

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