He will go down in History as having protected us after a major attack that cost the U.S. Billions in life, property and lost jobs.
Since Bush has been in office:
We now have an Office of Homeland Security.
Airports are safer - New screening machines, dogs, armed security
Airliners are safer - Pilot doors, armed guards, better training
We have a color coded Alert system that was non-existent before Bush
Bush has lowered all our taxes
Federal funds are now given to each state for fighting terrorism
The military was in shambles from neglect due to the Clinton Admin. Now we have proper machines, artillery, helicopters & airplanes, training, supplies, etc. so we can defend our country.
New York rebounded from the biggest disaster ever with Bush's help.
Bush extended unemployment insurance and gave tax incentives so New Yorkers could get a job again.
Bush has set up villages in other countries that house and feed the poor to prevent the terrorists from enticing them into the jihad movement.
Bush has rid the Taliban and their drug operations in Afganistan.
Bush has given the Afganistan people freedom from oppression, (beheadings, genocide, etc).
Bush has started schools for children in Afganistan as well as the women, who previously were not allowed to be educated.
Massive tax cuts that led to the best home buying period in the nation's history. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
His policies have prevented another terrorist attack and dozens have be foiled (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
Bush has tripled the amount of money heading to Africa for AIDS relief. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
India is no longer making threatening comments to US Naval Attaches. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
He stopped the Democrat push in Congress for reinstating the draft. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
Exposed the left in this country as the vicious haters of anyone who doesn't agree with them. I point to the Hitler, fascist, Nazi, war mongerer, murderer, mass murderer, terrorist, anti-Christ ramblings. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
He stood up to Islamic terrorism when too many people in this world wanted to be like France. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)
Increased mililary pay
Prescription drug help for medicare users
ended a recession
low unemployment rate
growing economy
declining deficit
He has declared Iran's army, terrorists.
And as of recent, he has cemented relations with Canada and Mexico.
Removed the Taliban from power.
Removed Saddam from power.
Started Democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Gave thousands of Women the freedom to vote for the first time in history.
Protected the USA from further attacks since 9/11.
Prevented the Democrats from ruining health care.
Prevented several Democrat pork barrel projects.
Aid to Tsunami victims.
Aid to Katrina victims.
Aid to Africa.
Appointed the most minorities ever.
First Black woman as Secretary of State.
First Hispanic as Attorney General.
Signed into Law Jessica's Law
Gave aid to Ossetia
Took care of the Mortgage Crisis and helped homeowners.
Provided Federal Disaster Aid for Hurricane Ike and others
He was re-elected for a reason. Osama Bin Ladin is afraid of
Bush and in his speeh to America, warned the Red States not to vote for Bush.
If Osama hates Bush, Bush is to be respected.