Why don't people report the good things Geogre Bush has done?
2008-09-19 11:50:45 UTC
No child left behind act, Amber alert. ..

President Bush has also had the courage in our anti-Christian culture to publically mention Jesus Christ and God on many occasions. He generally gets gigged for it too but he doesn’t back down…

Even though it did not pass, I give Bush kudos for seriously attempting to save Social Security.
He appointed some butt kicking judges to the Supreme Court along with a slew of good judges to the appeals courts.
He passed several important Free Trade agreements.
He vetoed embryonic stem cell research.
If no one has mentioned liberating Afghanistan, don’t forget that

The republicans handled the Terry Schivao case very well.
36 answers:
End The Fed!!!
2008-09-19 12:23:26 UTC
The No Child Left Behind Act ... LEAVES BEHIND all mentally disabled children; or those who have delayed development.

I'm personally glad he is a believer in Jesus, but don't think it has any place in our govt. (Separation of Church and State)

"Saving Social Security" can only work if you GET RID OF IT. This year I have paid over $3,000 into it and will never see a penny of that back in my life, but poor people who pop kids out right and left will indeed claim MY hard-earned money.

He appointed some Neocon judges....not what we need.

Oh....and "He made rebate checks for everyone" ???? Seriously? .... No, my friend. You don't get it do you? Bush borrowed $165,000,000,000 from CHINA to issue those "rebate" checks. Most of those who received it (lower-middle to lower class) spent those checks on CHINESE made goods. Now tell me.... HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HELP OUR ECONOMY????

It DOESN'T. It increases inflation, sends more money to China, and wastes more American Tax dollars.
Alive N Well
2008-09-19 12:16:26 UTC
Perhaps because there is nothing good to say.....

BTW, he certainly DID NOT create the "Amber Alert". The Amber Alert was designed by Pastor Charles William (a black man) your research.

He may have signed the law of "No child left behind" but what has he done for it since then, other than spend BILLIONS of dollars fighting a senseless war where our loved ones are being killed each and every day when so much of that money could be spent on so many more valuable things like education and helping those that have so little. Or how about providing a home for the thousands of homeless many of them veterans themselves???

There is so much more I could say but I would be typing for hours.

Enough said....
2008-09-19 11:57:06 UTC
1 Privatizing social security wopuld have cost the peopla tens of billions (in case you haven't heard, the stock market is down 3000 points since last October

#2 judges he appointed are NOT GOOD for the country, but, a good way to set back personal freedoms 100yrs

#3 Yes thanks George what would we do without YOUR trade agreement with CHINA !! I suppose we'd have OUR JOBS BACK

#4 Embryonic stem cell research could cure millions of people of many diseases THE RADICAL RELIGIOUS would rather these stem cell be tossed in the garbage

#5 Afganistan is SOOOO liberated, Al Queda and the Taliban have



unless you've forgotten the TWO attacks on the World Trade Center were 10 years apart!!

Several attempts at terrorists bombing have been twarted by LOCAL POLICE and other FOREIGN Governments


What YOU call the Democratic Do Nothing Congress PASSED THE ECONOMIC BILL----NOT BUSH
2008-09-19 12:22:58 UTC
NCLB? A good thing? Are you serious? Ask any teacher and they'll tell you how "wonderful" that program is. Afghanistan liberated? Are you serious? The Taliban never left, and they're slowly but surely regaining ground. Social Security? Are you serious? He tried to privatize it. Butt kicking judges? They only serve his regime's agenda. Embryonic stem cell research is a bad thing? Try telling that to Michael J. Fox or any other person who suffers from Parkinson's, is paralyzed or suffers from a whole host of other diseases and afflictions.

Btw, there are no sex scandals that we know of. The only reason we know about Clinton's mistake was because the Republican's were trying their damndest to bring him down with whitewater, etc. But here's the thing: When Clinton lied, no one died. Right?
Sassy One
2008-09-19 11:56:41 UTC
You gave Bush serious kudos for trying to save Social Security?

He wants to privatize it. That means it would have gone into the stock market. Brilliant.

If he hadn't vetoed embryonic stem cell research, Palin's baby might have the same chance as her other children.

Free trade agreements. None of which are to our advantage.

Liberating Afghanistan? Read the news lately?

Republicans destroyed Schivao's chances of dying with dignity.
2008-09-19 11:59:16 UTC
No Child left behind - Are you joking or are you serious? This was one of the biggest education failed programs in decades. Because of this program the quality of education has suffered greatly and America ranks BEHIND third world nations in math and science...we are in the 30's and 40's behind other countries when it comes to math and science

Amber alert - don't know much about it, i'll give him that

Religion - has no place in government

Social Security - failing.

Veoted stem cell research - and this is why we are falling behind other nations in science. You don't need baby cells to do to stem cell, you know.

Liberating Afghanistan - LOL? We are losing Afghanistan.

9/11 - Was the only terrorist attack on U.S soil, it was ONE TIME. so of course we haven't had any before or after.
2008-09-19 11:54:06 UTC
The Republicans handled the Shivo case horribly. They passed special legislation to override the desire of a husband in a medical case. And then they claim the want a smaller, less intrusive government...

And Bush has been an abject failure.

Erin (below): have you forgotten that Bush had a Republican controlled Congress for the majority of his miserable failure of a try at the presidency?
pastor of muppets
2008-09-19 12:06:01 UTC
No child Left Behind = Failure.

He said that "god" told to him invade Iraq.

His Justices are ultra conservatives who nearly got rid of the writ of Habeas Corpus, a principle foundation of our country and government.

Afghanistan, after 7 years, is in bad shape. the Taliban is enjoying a resurgence thanks to the Iraq war.

The Terry Schiavo case was a circus. Once again the Republicans, champions of personal freedom, attempted to intervene in in a familial issue that government had no right to take part in.

I will concede that, to his credit, there have not been any terrorist attacks on US Soil.

He gave us rebate checks that are loans on next years tax returns.

ooh...$600, I'mma buy me oneadem fancy foot massagers!. Please $600 buck isn't going to make up for the damage he's done to this country.
2008-09-19 11:57:03 UTC
No child left behind has failed. Good idea, bad execution. Too many children are being held to sub par standards so that the school can try to scrape by on what funding they can qualify for.

You may support him for interjecting his religion, but there is seperation of church and state. Not that the president shouldn't be religious, but he should not subject the entire country to his religious ideals.

If Bush is so wonderful, please, explain to me the current state of this nation, how we ignore our internal struggles with education and healthcare by squandering money on an occupation we call a war.

No, I can't possibly imagine why people aren't jumping on these "good" things the man has done...
2008-09-19 11:54:56 UTC
name three.

You cant be serious with that list of yours.

Who says this is an "anti Christian culture". If you ask me, the christians are all OVER this culture.

If I had voted for Mr Bush (either Senior or Junior, which I did not) it would not have been to serve as National Spiritual Advisor. I do not need his prayers or his Jesus in my judicial system, or my law books. I want him to act as CEO of a major corporation rather than interpreter of god's will. I still do not forgive him for taking my country into Iraq because "God told [him] to."
2008-09-19 12:03:55 UTC
You must not forget the two good deeds GWB has done. He denied "Mr Internet Inventor" a chance to tax more and also put down "Purple Heart Kerry", the famous Viet Nam hero. The troops didn't need to tolerate the shame of "Ol Purple Heart".
2008-09-19 12:02:22 UTC
You forgot to mention that Bush tried to carry out a more aggressive program to putthe poor and minorities in their own homes.

He poured billions into the housing ownership programs.

The Democrats were applauding Bush for his efforts to put poor and minorities in their own homes. If you search the Congressional Record, under Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, you find Democrats applauding the Administration for increasing American howeownership to over 68% of Americans owning their own homes. This was an all-time record. Black Democrats like Maxine Waters, and Sheila Jackson Lee were ecstatic about the minorities in their districts that the Bush Administration was helping.

However, when Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapsed, Bush was left standing alone. No more support from the Democrats. No more kind words about how he tried to help Black families in their districts.

No! Just politics as usual. Ridicule and blame!
2008-09-19 11:58:46 UTC
NCLB is not the answer for public schools and vetoing embryonic stem cell research will delay life saving cures.
2008-09-19 12:01:59 UTC
Can't you see, the democrats are trying to win an election here. Step away from the EASY Button before someone gets hurt. Hope and Change, right, should be Blame Bush '08.
2008-09-19 11:56:42 UTC
If you can't tell the difference between a real Christian and a shyster; here's a hint. Real Christians do not approve of torture.

But, over the last 8 years, I have to admit that there have been times when I wished that he was water-boarding me, rather than raping me without so much as a reach around.
2008-09-19 11:58:22 UTC
He also re-established housing for the homeless. He appointed a director to the department helping the homeless, the previous administration neglected for 8 years. More homeless people now have a residence than ever before. He also disposed of one of the most murderous dictators in history.
Fancy Pants
2008-09-19 11:56:19 UTC
He has done A Lot in Africa, in which Obama has given him a lot of credit! More credit than McCain will give Bush b/c he is too afraid he won't get the Big W if he does.

Sad can't even stand united w/ your own party!
2008-09-19 11:57:29 UTC
We just dont get the time to do that because everyday the walls come tumbeling down around us "today we are bailing out all the loan companies,i'll be glad to see him leaveing office befor we are all compleatly destroyed.

Someone said he ended a recession,i think we are still in one.
2016-11-29 13:01:41 UTC
he's aggravated the heck out of whining liberals, it truly is often a plus. however the terrific he's completed for the international is confront the difficulty of jihadism, that have been handed over for lots to long.
Bob A. Booey
2008-09-19 12:01:03 UTC
Thanks for the giggle!

a) some kids need to be left behind, not everyone is a mensa member

b) the dj at the strip club alerts me to amber when she is on stage

c) I'm not anti-christian, just anti-religion

d) social security is endangered

e) good luck with Harriet!

f) free trade? how about free speech?

g) christopher reeves thanks you

h) you are right, those afghanies look happy to me

i) yes. she is out of her misery
2008-09-19 11:55:25 UTC
One real bottom line answer? He broke every promise he gave when running the first time for election. Yes, some things...however it never is for the average American person.

It is truly Big Business and his meetings are Big Business people.

It didn't trickle down to me and anybody I know.
2008-09-19 11:55:19 UTC
Do you even think he knows about any of those supposed bills? The man is clueless he just wants to get out of the white house and go play golf.
2008-09-19 12:00:23 UTC
You think "No Child" (unfunded) makes up for $4 gas?
2008-09-19 11:54:08 UTC
No one cares about him anymore. He was a dud. He was like the KCar from years ago...just a lemon. Lets move on.
2008-09-19 11:55:13 UTC
Because the negatives so outweigh the positives.
2008-09-19 11:56:19 UTC
wow you are the first person i have ever heard say that... people say bush is such a bad president but bush has done some really good things.... yes he might have done things that we done appove of or we dont like but name one president that hasnt
2008-09-19 11:56:03 UTC
your definition of good things differ from what others see as good or bad things.
2008-09-19 11:55:24 UTC
God chose Bush to be president and told him to invade Iraq. You can't get much better endorsement than that one, the other stuff is just irrelevant.
2008-09-19 11:59:07 UTC
You religious freaks are truly nutty.
2008-09-19 11:54:47 UTC
democrats are trying to blame everything on bush so people wont see that they are stupid to vote for a dem in the election. everyone wants to blame bush for decisions made, when it is the democratically controlled congress that is running the country into the ground. people from california need to stay out of national politics, the rest of the country doesnt survive solely off credit cards and unicorns
2008-09-19 11:54:09 UTC
You had me going until that last line, nice one!
2008-09-19 11:57:17 UTC
Because it's easier to moan and ***** than make the best of something.
2008-09-19 11:54:21 UTC
neocon shells fall close to my ship!!!
2008-09-19 11:53:28 UTC
Yes, but what GOOD things has he done?
2008-09-19 11:56:13 UTC
He will go down in History as having protected us after a major attack that cost the U.S. Billions in life, property and lost jobs.

Since Bush has been in office:

We now have an Office of Homeland Security.

Airports are safer - New screening machines, dogs, armed security

Airliners are safer - Pilot doors, armed guards, better training

We have a color coded Alert system that was non-existent before Bush

Bush has lowered all our taxes

Federal funds are now given to each state for fighting terrorism

The military was in shambles from neglect due to the Clinton Admin. Now we have proper machines, artillery, helicopters & airplanes, training, supplies, etc. so we can defend our country.

New York rebounded from the biggest disaster ever with Bush's help.

Bush extended unemployment insurance and gave tax incentives so New Yorkers could get a job again.

Bush has set up villages in other countries that house and feed the poor to prevent the terrorists from enticing them into the jihad movement.

Bush has rid the Taliban and their drug operations in Afganistan.

Bush has given the Afganistan people freedom from oppression, (beheadings, genocide, etc).

Bush has started schools for children in Afganistan as well as the women, who previously were not allowed to be educated.

Massive tax cuts that led to the best home buying period in the nation's history. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

His policies have prevented another terrorist attack and dozens have be foiled (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

Bush has tripled the amount of money heading to Africa for AIDS relief. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

India is no longer making threatening comments to US Naval Attaches. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

He stopped the Democrat push in Congress for reinstating the draft. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

Exposed the left in this country as the vicious haters of anyone who doesn't agree with them. I point to the Hitler, fascist, Nazi, war mongerer, murderer, mass murderer, terrorist, anti-Christ ramblings. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

He stood up to Islamic terrorism when too many people in this world wanted to be like France. (yes I know, Dems don't like to talk about that.)

Increased mililary pay

Prescription drug help for medicare users

ended a recession

low unemployment rate

growing economy

declining deficit

He has declared Iran's army, terrorists.

And as of recent, he has cemented relations with Canada and Mexico.

Removed the Taliban from power.

Removed Saddam from power.

Started Democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Gave thousands of Women the freedom to vote for the first time in history.

Protected the USA from further attacks since 9/11.

Prevented the Democrats from ruining health care.

Prevented several Democrat pork barrel projects.

Aid to Tsunami victims.

Aid to Katrina victims.

Aid to Africa.

Appointed the most minorities ever.

First Black woman as Secretary of State.

First Hispanic as Attorney General.

Signed into Law Jessica's Law

Gave aid to Ossetia

Took care of the Mortgage Crisis and helped homeowners.

Provided Federal Disaster Aid for Hurricane Ike and others

He was re-elected for a reason. Osama Bin Ladin is afraid of

Bush and in his speeh to America, warned the Red States not to vote for Bush.

If Osama hates Bush, Bush is to be respected.
2008-09-19 11:53:12 UTC
cos he rocks

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