2017-04-28 00:35:12 UTC
I always hear that people blame democrats for being racist because it was the southerners who were democrats in the past.
but times have changed, and so many southerners are the conservative republicans and the northerners are typically more liberal and democrat. Almost everyone i know here in SC is conservative republican.
The VALUES of the people in the local area are the same values, but the it's just the political parties that switched.
This means it's just silly that people can judge today's democrats based on democrats in the slavery times, because the meaning of democrat and republican was different to people back then. Back then, it was typically the dems that were racist, because being dem was a different meaning to people, but now for some reason it's the dems who are known for being open minded and understanding of everyone and not focusing soo much on religion.
I'm not really political person but I don't get this on why southerners are now rep and northerners are now dem? and why change the parties around if you still have the same values, and then blame people, when the meaning is changed in people's mind?